Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

This is probably an old topic by now but Taylor's nature in the setting brings up some interesting questions with the Lost Belts. Could they bring people from those worlds back with them or is there a special allowance just for Taylor?
Taylor's situation is at worst comparable to Musashi's. She's still a real person, so even if Bet is pruned she'll be safe.

The LB residents on the other hand, iirc they are more simulations than "real" people, and that's why they can't leave the LB.
Taylor's situation is at worst comparable to Musashi's. She's still a real person, so even if Bet is pruned she'll be safe.

The LB residents on the other hand, iirc they are more simulations than "real" people, and that's why they can't leave the LB.
To put the nail on the topic.

LB Servants are canonically described in-universe as fanfiction by the Throne. Under normal circumstances, it is outright IMPOSSIBLE to summon a Lostbelt Servant. No if, ands, or buts. The sole exception are the Lostbelt Kings who, due to their threat to humanity by perpetuating their lostbelt, are begrudgingly remembered. Though even in their case, you will still likely summon the Proper human history counterpart with the LB's body and memory tacked on. Such as the case for Ivan. This also extends to anyone leaving the Lostbelt. Even if Chaldea brought someone from a lostbelt into the shadow boarder, the second they broke through the barrier, they'd be Thanos snapped from existence. Musashi came from a LostWORLD that was only recently pruned. And even then the worlds she went to were rejecting her one by one until she was stuck on FGO's world with no where else to go before she got DATA LOST.

Lostbelt 6 is the sole exception with everything because Morgan is a cheating cheater and turned the fanfic that is her Britain into canon by tricking the world into putting a copyright strike on it. Or in more serious terms, she turned it into a singularity. As a result, anyone born within could theoretically leave. Caster Artoria is technically the sole survivor of the lostbelt as her soul fled to Avalon after the fight against Cerunous. Though, she is now in a perpetual sleep as a bodiless existence. She was nice enough to make Artoria Avalon though so that's good. The only reason we can summon Melusine, Sith, and Barghest is because Morgan cheated again.

For Taylor, she comes from a world that has not been pruned. Likely due to the shard network still existing and keeping multiple earths together. Odds are, if the network collapsed as it could have in Ward, the world would have been pruned and Taylor would end up like Musashi. Someone who would eventually be rejected by the world.
Shakespear didn't incorporate any illustrations into his transcription of Worm did he?

Rika: Oh, wait, nooooo, with him. OH NO WAIT MY EYES!
Ritsuka: *Dying*
Mash: What is... :0
Shakespeare: *Being Strangled*

I thought this was going to lead up to a joke about the animosity between France and England, but it didn't

I thought this was going to be a joke about Ritsuka getting close to someone that wasn't Mash. Girl really needs to get more defensive about her territory with all of these blonde thots running around trying to seduce her Senpai.

Also with all this business about lost belts I feel like it was established very early in this fanfic that Earth-Bet is a separate existence from the Nasuverse and that Contessa is a cheating cheater who cheats. So, I don't think anyone has to worry about Taylor being Thanos snapped even if the shard network collapsed.

I could be wrong about this though. I definitely feel like a statement was made at some point in the distant past clarifying this.
LB Servants are canonically described in-universe as fanfiction by the Throne. Under normal circumstances, it is outright IMPOSSIBLE to summon a Lostbelt Servant. No if, ands, or buts. The sole exception are the Lostbelt Kings who, due to their threat to humanity by perpetuating their lostbelt, are begrudgingly remembered. Though even in their case, you will still likely summon the Proper human history counterpart with the LB's body and memory tacked on. Such as the case for Ivan. This also extends to anyone leaving the Lostbelt. Even if Chaldea brought someone from a lostbelt into the shadow boarder, the second they broke through the barrier, they'd be Thanos snapped from existence. Musashi came from a LostWORLD that was only recently pruned. And even then the worlds she went to were rejecting her one by one until she was stuck on FGO's world with no where else to go before she got DATA LOST.
Yup. There's one method I can think of that might, just might, allow for Lostbelt natives to be evacuated from their home Lostbelts and allowed to keep existing in Proper History; have them be granted new bodies by Tiamat with her Sea of Life. Any being dunked in the Sea of Life becomes one of her children, and as she's the mother of all life in Proper History, her children are considered part of Proper History. Obviously, this requires summoning Tiamat before the Lostbelts, or as the first Servant summoned in the first Lostbelt.
To put the nail on the topic.

LB Servants are canonically described in-universe as fanfiction by the Throne. Under normal circumstances, it is outright IMPOSSIBLE to summon a Lostbelt Servant. No if, ands, or buts. The sole exception are the Lostbelt Kings who, due to their threat to humanity by perpetuating their lostbelt, are begrudgingly remembered. Though even in their case, you will still likely summon the Proper human history counterpart with the LB's body and memory tacked on. Such as the case for Ivan. This also extends to anyone leaving the Lostbelt. Even if Chaldea brought someone from a lostbelt into the shadow boarder, the second they broke through the barrier, they'd be Thanos snapped from existence. Musashi came from a LostWORLD that was only recently pruned. And even then the worlds she went to were rejecting her one by one until she was stuck on FGO's world with no where else to go before she got DATA LOST.

Lostbelt 6 is the sole exception with everything because Morgan is a cheating cheater and turned the fanfic that is her Britain into canon by tricking the world into putting a copyright strike on it. Or in more serious terms, she turned it into a singularity. As a result, anyone born within could theoretically leave. Caster Artoria is technically the sole survivor of the lostbelt as her soul fled to Avalon after the fight against Cerunous. Though, she is now in a perpetual sleep as a bodiless existence. She was nice enough to make Artoria Avalon though so that's good. The only reason we can summon Melusine, Sith, and Barghest is because Morgan cheated again.

For Taylor, she comes from a world that has not been pruned. Likely due to the shard network still existing and keeping multiple earths together. Odds are, if the network collapsed as it could have in Ward, the world would have been pruned and Taylor would end up like Musashi. Someone who would eventually be rejected by the world.
Oh well. It was a nice thought while it lasted. I wonder if Taylor could become "naturalized" enough to her current world that she could survive being pruned.
That'd probably be amusing to see such an ancient Dragon's reaction to being in such a tiny body.
To be honest if by some miracle a "true PHH Albion" Melu is ever summoned, she'll probably be stuck in the Red Hot Deviation Spiritron Dress, as the remnants of Albion canonically take this form (called the "Crimson Dragon" in its fight) to test the gang's metal before they can get into Fairyland in LB6.
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Oh well. It was a nice thought while it lasted. I wonder if Taylor could become "naturalized" enough to her current world that she could survive being pruned.
I can't say. Part of the problem Musashi had was that she was a Servant. While her traveling worlds was something she did while alive, she was still confined to her general era of time. After she died, she was going to every world imaginable. I imagine that if Earth Bet were pruned while Taylor was in Chaldea, she'd only be concerned AFTER she died.
They do know, but why on earth would a single serial killer, however infamous, be capable of or desire to uproot the entirety of human history?
As opposed to all the other Servants they've had to deal with being opposed to them, who likewise had no capability or desire to do so in their original incarnations and/or myths?

Personally, I'd be a bit worried about someone infamous from the location and era I'm being sent to, which is already a situation that'd give them an additional edge. Whether they should have the capability or desire is irrelevant when they might be on the opposing side and there's a Grail in play.

Especially when two thirds of the Masters are in the half of the population they targeted as a serial killer, one who was never caught.
To be honest if by some miracle a "true PHH Albion" Melu is ever summoned, she'll probably be stuck in the Red Hot Deviation Spiritron Dress, as the remnants of Albion canonically take this form (called the "Crimson Dragon" in its fight) to test the gang's metal before they can get into Fairyland in LB6.
And after clicking on that link I really have to ask what's with Fate and its obsession with stripperifically dressed european 10-year-old girls? PrIllya Kuro, Melusine, Draco, Jackie... goddamnit EMIYA, get knitting! We need some decent clothes, size smol, stat!
I'm honestly hoping Taylor bonds with Jackie.
Jackie (to Rika): "Are you my Mommy?"
Rika: "Uh... I'm not old enough, mentally, emotionally, and financially prepared enough, or experienced enough to be a mother."
Taylor's brain: (Orphan detected. Engaging Adoption Protocols.)
Jackie: *draws knives*
Taylor's brain: (Murder Orphan detected. Engaging Bonesaw Protocols.)
Rika: "But I've always wanted to be a Big Sis! My brother always rubs it in that he was born first! What do you say, Imouto?"
Jackie: "I want Mommy!"
Taylor (looming over Jackie from behind): "Deal. First order of business, young lady, put those away before you hurt somebody. Second order-" *Snatchs Jackie up from behind, Jackie goes limp like a kitten* "-Finding you a bath and some clothes. You're filthy and wearing actual rags."
Jackie: "Love feels weird."
Taylor: "It's because it's Tough. You're feral, I have to fix that first before I can get to the rest of it."
Rika: "I was about to be ganked by a legendary murder loli with mommy issues. What even is my life these days?"
Ritsuka: "At least we figured out why Aife is Taylor's Servant. Super Action Moms."
Rika: "I will never unsee that now."
EMIYA: *Walking by with a tailoring tape and knitting needles* "Wait up Taylor! I need measurements first!"
Rika: "Never unsee. He really is a house husband."
Another thing is that Jack is famous about the being unknown who did it, like there are numerous theories, conspiracy and the like.

Like even Fate acknowledge that with Berserker Jack and legend is not that modern
Another thing is that Jack is famous about the being unknown who did it, like there are numerous theories, conspiracy and the like.
Setting aside the canon FGO London, if I were looking to overturn history with a Servant-like system, the very anonymity of Jack the Ripper would be a very good anchor point. Throw a Grail in there and have it summon some what-ifs to fill the "gap".

(If I had to guess one major option to overthrow history by way of London, the London Singularity isn't long after the execution of Behram Jemadar. Considering that the Thuggees were quite plausibly a fabrication or exaggeration by the British colonial regime, he'd have had plenty of motive, so putting him in place of Jack would be a hell of a start.)
I think actual Weaver is better at clothing-making than a swordsmith.
Domestic EMIYA would hardly be stopped by that, his sweaters, mittens, scarves, and hats are all made with obsessive compulsive care love. Also silk isn't terribly warm.
EMIYA and Romani are the only men allowed in on the Moms of Chaldea club meetings. Artoria isn't because she's not Mordred's mother.
Domestic EMIYA would hardly be stopped by that, his sweaters, mittens, scarves, and hats are all made with obsessive compulsive care love. Also silk isn't terribly warm.
EMIYA and Romani are the only men allowed in on the Moms of Chaldea club meetings. Artoria isn't because she's not Mordred's mother.

There's a reason Shirou/EMIYA is usually the 'wife' in that pairing.
There's a reason Shirou/EMIYA is usually the 'wife' in that pairing.
I don't remember who but somebody on these forums has a profile pic of Shirou, Artoria, and presumably their kid all settled down for a nap, and it hurts because they don't get that in any form of canon. Let us Avalon Shippers be happy!
Lucky kid though.
"My dad's a superhero, and my mom's a classical one."
"That's nice, but what are their actual jobs?"
"International independant security contractor and knight of the UK."
"No really. My mom met the Queen of England and everything. Officially she's an agent of the royal family. My dad fights terrorists and rescues people from burning factories, oil fields, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, he was the guy that went in and shut down that reactor a couple of years back before it blew the roof off."
Can I just say, first, how amazing it is to see Marie in action when it comes to her charges?
And second, how Taylor's finally being properly proactive and planning things like the first two singularities?

Thirdly, Rika has had some knocks the last few singularities with best buddy and emiya, while Ritsuka has recently had his own advanture and is growing closer to Jalter. An open mind which is probably gonna serve him well with some of the later servants. It's just great to see those two finally come into their own. I am really curious where Rika 's gonna go next, since the two seem to be growing in different directions. Ritsuka is more mellow and open minded, and seems to be growing some fast thinking tactical skills, where as Rika seems, I think, to be more proactive about connecting with people and seeing the bigger picture.

Also, I am really, really looking forward to how Taylor is going to react to Jack. She is going to push so many buttons, simultaniously, and yet she is problably the most and yet the least equiped to deal with her.

Wasn't Tamamo somewhere in the singularity? It would be hilarious if Taylor was chatting aimiably with her because she has no idea who she is, while the twins with actual knowledge in Japanese mythology were freaking out...
Wasn't Tamamo somewhere in the singularity? It would be hilarious if Taylor was chatting aimiably with her because she has no idea who she is, while the twins with actual knowledge in Japanese mythology were freaking out...
She appears at the end for no real in-story reason to be honest so I wouldn't be surprised if James just flat out excludes her. Alternatively he at least does a better job of tying her into the singularity than canon did.
She appears at the end for no real in-story reason to be honest so I wouldn't be surprised if James just flat out excludes her. Alternatively he at least does a better job of tying her into the singularity than canon did.
Yeah... London is the lowest point in part 1. Septem was weak, but it was early on and a lot of the Servants were fun. But London dragged on. I think it was the last of the singularities that followed the "battle at every node" philosophy. Since after that, story only nodes started appearing. Or it could be America where that ended. Might need to check the script on Atlas to be sure.
Yeah... London is the lowest point in part 1. Septem was weak, but it was early on and a lot of the Servants were fun. But London dragged on. I think it was the last of the singularities that followed the "battle at every node" philosophy. Since after that, story only nodes started appearing. Or it could be America where that ended. Might need to check the script on Atlas to be sure.

London had Anderson roasting the big bad, and that was beautiful. But everything else was very meh.
Yeah... London is the lowest point in part 1. Septem was weak, but it was early on and a lot of the Servants were fun. But London dragged on. I think it was the last of the singularities that followed the "battle at every node" philosophy. Since after that, story only nodes started appearing. Or it could be America where that ended. Might need to check the script on Atlas to be sure.
Alright I just went through the entirety of Camelot on the wiki, because I am an awful perfectionist, and it's only in Babylonia we start to get No Battle arrows
But if I remember correctly, Camelot and maybe America were already getting better at how much story there is around the battles in every arrow, so it wasn't nearly as tedious as the early Singularities
Alright I just went through the entirety of Camelot on the wiki, because I am an awful perfectionist, and it's only in Babylonia we start to get No Battle arrows
But if I remember correctly, Camelot and maybe America were already getting better at how much story there is around the battles in every arrow, so it wasn't nearly as tedious as the early Singularities
America is where things started to get better but Camelot is commonly considered to be the first actually good singularity.