emember her vengeance on Taft or whatever his name was. Also Alexandria. Also the time she punched Emma in the shopping mall. She can be vindictive under the right circumstances.

Ah but that was impulsive not premeditated. Taylor qualifies as an Assassin but not as an Avenger. When Taylor has time to think she never picks vengeance, murder? Yes, but not vengeance. Coil had to go because he could not be trusted, not because what he did to Dinah.

Tagg and Alex were actively antagonizing her, that's not being vengeful, that's taking care of a threat.

Remember they literally were faking killing Taylor friends. It was self defense and defense of others.

And just punching Emma is nothing compared to what the bitch deserved and it was reactive, not planned.
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Geez. So many people who wanted to see the whole event and I kinda have to crush that by admitting that the rest of it is only hinted at and observed from the outside.

Hm. Although I suppose I could be tempted...
Sounds good for me!

I bet Queenie's having fun with the Singularities.

[x] Give in to temptation.
Remember they literally were faking killing Taylor friends. It was self defense and defense of others.

And just punching Emma is nothing compared to what the bitch deserved and it was reactive, not planned.

If you're going to defend her I'd also throw in that they were charging her with literally everything they could including her atking Lung and the ABB members on her first night out (though of course they never actually admitted she was the one to take down Lung) and things she hadn't done such as destruction of property during the bank robbery plus generally trying to strongarm her into giving up on her terms including I believe by throwing the birdcage as a possibility at her.

Punching Emma also has the defence that it was after Bakuda's ambush of them and Taylor had a concussion which apparently lowered her inhabitations and made her more impulsive. It was also then Emma's dad who called the school discipline meeting about it which Taylor chose to use to defend herself and respond with the trio's behaviour though that has always confused me because my school (Primary because nothing of the sort happened in high to my knowledge) pretty much always took the stance of unless it involved the school bus if it didn't happen on school grounds during school time it's not our problem even when it's someone who just left school and is on the pavement outside the fence gets beat up on their way home and given it's Winslow.
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It was also then Emma's dad who called the school discipline meeting about it which Taylor chose to use to defend herself and respond with the trio's behaviour though that has always confused me because my school (Primary because nothing of the sort happened in high to my knowledge) pretty much always took the stance of unless it involved the school bus if it didn't happen on school grounds during school time it's not our problem even when it's someone who just left school and is on the pavement outside the fence gets beat up on their way home and given it's Winslow.

Yeah, that always struck me as kind of odd.
like, sure a meeting like that was probably a long time coming...but it being called over an event that happened off school grounds? maybe that'd fly in Japan, but in America once you're off school property it's no longer the staff's concern. that and the fact that it should have been called by Danny, not Alan. Alan Barnes calling the school rather than the police over that particular fiasco just seems strange.

And weighing in on the whole Avenger!Taylor bit...yeah, that just doesn't make sense. Much like Jeanne Alter, the only way I could see Taylor qualifying for that Class would be in an alternative universe where she went full Eighth Plague and actually wiped out Winslow and a chunk of Brockton Bay. Otherwise...nah. Her goal was always about moving forward. She would deal with someone from her path IF they showed up in front of her and started making problems...but that's it. Hell, most of her mainstay allies and people she trusted when things when down in the end were former enemies. If she held enough of a grudge to qualify for an Avenger she would not have done that.

kinda disappointed, because I was kind of looking forward to Taylor meeting Dantes...but in retrospect I suppose it probably wasn't to be. Still would have been cool to see Taylor interact with him and answer his moral questions and oppose the challenges.
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And weighing in on the whole Avenger!Taylor bit...yeah, that just doesn't make sense.

Point of order, the Avenger qualification is not based on deeds done by the candidate, but by deeds done against the Candidate.

So Taylor's Cape Reputation plus the whole "Khepri", "Golden Morning" and "Unpersoned after the dust settled down by the new government" (see Ward) would qualify aplenty.

After all, the Grey Man/Salieri's situation is a clear example how an overinflated rumour could shunt a Servant in the Avenger Class without the main cause (in Salieri's case, him having poisoned Mozart) being true.

And also, it needs to be a wrong that had been committed against the person, not a 'suspect that something afoul has been done' (the reason Kriemhilde does not qualify for the Avenger class, as the player base learn when she became available).

So no, Taylor's action does not qualify her for the Avenger class... but the rumours associated with her Cape personas and the treatment of her public image after Golden Morning? Those are qualifiers (after all, it is how Nobunaga and Ahriman/Angry Mango got their entries in the Avenger class).
Uh no, the Avenger Class is the Heroic Spirit in question going full Vengful Ghost so it very much matters what the individual themselves does and feels.

Dantes roaring rampage of revenge
Jalter burning down France

most Heroic Spirits have had terrible things happen to them, but they don't qualify for the Avenger Class.
You did a great job setting this up, and I at least would be happy to read the whole event from Ritsuka's point of view, and just hear about the Chaldea side post return.

[x] Accept the inevitable
I think that "under the right circumstances" is the key factor here.

A true Avenger isn't just vindictive "under the right circumstances". A true Avenger is always vindictive. (And goes round shaving their head and calling themselves "Vindici" and ... sorry, was remembering a rather entertaining movie version of The Revenger's Tragedy starring Christopher Eccleston.)

That's like saying Francis Drake doesn't qualify as a rider because she was on land sometimes. The class container represents a specific aspect, not the whole thing.

And again, with tag, I was talking specifically about the time when she ambushed him at his home for revealing her identity and tortured him with bugs.

But all that's beside the point. Whether she is qualifies as avenger or not was never my main concern. I care more about the idea that Taylor is somehow the antithesis of an avenger and thus unable to be the master of one, which is stupid.
And that's why Ristuka was chosen, Taylor would have slammed herself into whatever constitutes Solitary at Chaldea the second she felt this shit going on.
And that's not even considering that the Outer Entity she's hosting would probably not take the loss of her recently reformed connection to Taylor well. After all, Magecraft is bound to the laws of Gaia, and QA, by Nasu-verse rules and extrapolation of Worm-verse powers, is not bound to the same set of physical laws.

Also, to throw my two cents in on the Avenger Taylor debate, I would like to point out that while most Avengers are vengeful, to the best of my knowledge, Avengers are described as Heroic Spirits 'defined by hatred.' As pointed out by another person, Nobunaga qualifies for the Avenger class in addition to her usual Archer classification because Nobunaga famously used tactics that went far beyond what any other Daimyo of the Era was willing to contemplate.

I'd say that-depending on how her reputation on Earth Bet evolves following Gold Morning-Taylor has a better chance than most of qualifying for the Avenger Class. That being said, I also think that it would likely be a weaker manifestation of her Heroic Spirit, despite the fact that it'd have to be based off of her final moments as Khepri, due to the fact that the usual tactics of the Avenger class fly in the face of how she's learned to fight since the beginning of her legend.

Moving on to what started the class qualifications talk; I think that Dantes would have great respect for Taylor, but that he'd likely choose one of the twins to be his main Master, as they are both more innocent and require more mental protection.
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I'd say that-depending on how her reputation on Earth Bet evolves following Gold Morning-Taylor has a better chance than most of qualifying for the Avenger Class. That being said, I also think that it would likely be a weaker manifestation of her Heroic Spirit, despite the fact that it'd have to be based off of her final moments as Khepri, due to the fact that the usual tactics of the Avenger class fly in the face of how she's learned to fight since the beginning of her legend.

She doesn't really have one for two key reasons (though I would also say more than just bet matters since you have things like the multiple earth's she stole nukes from via portals and travelled through fighting scion). First Earth Bet got totalled during gm because aside from all the direct damage including Scion opening it with wiping out all of the UK in 1 blast as a last tribute to Kevin Norton who was already dead by then, gm caused things like Nilbog's goblins and the machine army to bust out of their containment zones, a ton of stuff including tinker tech got abandoned and violently failed and people knew about the portals to Gimel so they tried to reach them.

What's left is basically just the people unable or unwilling to get to a portal, forced to stay by warlords who don't want to give up their power and the Wardens (basically reformed protectorate) who are supposedly dealing with the previously mentioned problems but left the machine army unchecked and the only time we actually saw them on bet it involved them standing around in Africa not actually doing anything about the warlords until GU came in and stomped them.

Second while writing Ward I am about 95 % sure Wildbow was determined to spite the fandom and despite his claims he never reads any worm fanfics he pretty thoroughly went about trashing the most common fanon and a lot of well liked people especially Amy. He simply hit suspiciously many for someone who doesn't read fics to the point that out of the characters who actually had stuff in Worm the only one your likely to finish Ward with a higher opinion of is Vicky. However, she doesn't really count because she's basically an entirely different character but claims she's always been like that despite said claims including things like she's always had a warrior monk philosophy and approach to fighting where she's about keeping a cool head and calm, collected and careful applications of precise amounts of force to avoid collateral damage.

Due to this approach Taylor is pretty much completely ignored and forgotten about with mentioning her basically being taboo with the most being a few indirect references or mentions in private conversation between people like Vicky and Lisa. To be fair it isn't just Taylor since all capes who were involved in the scion fight both willingly and unwillingly came to some sort of agreement to just not talk about the whole thing at all which means very few of those people know the one controlling them was Taylor specifically due to the heavy portal use and her being in costume. However, when they finally did talk about scion they still left Taylor out of it probably due to not wanting to admit to the whole having to be mastered into fighting.

It is also worth mentioning because they are on Gimel they are also busy sorting basic things out to the point that a ton of people died during the first winter due to there not being enough food and they only just got the internet back but only in the megacity and a few places around it.

Practically speaking as Taylor Hebert she is far more well known for being the warlord who took a US city, changed sides after working with the heroes to put down the Ziz bomb Alexandria (the cover story Dragon put out while the prt were reeling which was big enough even Phir Se in India knew of her from it) and being the person whose body cam footage was released for the only publicly available footage of an endbringer fight which is also the one were Behemoth died.
Yeah, that always struck me as kind of odd.
like, sure a meeting like that was probably a long time coming...but it being called over an event that happened off school grounds? maybe that'd fly in Japan, but in America once you're off school property it's no longer the staff's concern. that and the fact that it should have been called by Danny, not Alan. Alan Barnes calling the school rather than the police over that particular fiasco just seems strange.
Once upon a time that might've been true, but these days schools get so far up in students' shit that they're legally required to classify it as colonoscopy, and if it's social media related Tele-med. You beat the shit out of your cousin's bully from the next district over and you'll still probably be suspended if they identify you.
Once upon a time that might've been true, but these days schools get so far up in students' shit that they're legally required to classify it as colonoscopy, and if it's social media related Tele-med. You beat the shit out of your cousin's bully from the next district over and you'll still probably be suspended if they identify you.
Schools also have active shooter drills these days as a result of the surge in school shootings over the last decade or so. Ignoring the politics of that since this isn't the place to talk about those, a lot as changed over the last 12 years, and provided a lot of stuff about Earth Bet's schooling remained relatively similar to how things were in 2011 IRL, cyberbullying, social media, and other things we take for granted today didn't exist in anywhere near the same form or as prevalently.

The short answer, though? Wildbow wanted to have that scene the way he did. For whatever reason, he decided that the "mediation" in the school would come about as a result of something that happened far outside the school's jurisdiction, likely because Taylor had a tendency to run away from the Trio in school and was off kilter outside of it for numerous reasons.
Ritsuka you idiot Master/stranger protocols exist for a reason god damnit!!
And that's why Ristuka was chosen, Taylor would have slammed herself into whatever constitutes Solitary at Chaldea the second she felt this shit going on.
that's not actually what the master/stranger protocols are, the whole 'lock up in solitary until effect fades' is entirely fanon, there's no basis for it, what they actually are, is in-field protocols to use when a stranger is noted to be present, like walking in pairs, calling in every X minutes, using codephrases and passwords and so on. the sheer variety of powers mean that you have no reason to assume a master/stranger power can even be detected via solitary or that it will fade in time, the likes of valefor's commands for instance, just straight up sit in the subconscious waiting for the moment to act out and never fade, you got no real way to account for that.

The short answer, though? Wildbow wanted to have that scene the way he did. For whatever reason, he decided that the "mediation" in the school would come about as a result of something that happened far outside the school's jurisdiction, likely because Taylor had a tendency to run away from the Trio in school and was off kilter outside of it for numerous reasons.
also, the punch was mostly just the inciting incident, the reason they were talking at school was cause shortly after the punch taylor accused emma of bullying her at school, which meant all that got brought up to the school, the journals, emails etc. so that whole thing was more about proving that taylor was getting bullied than the punch, it wasn't really mediation.
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Schools also have active shooter drills these days as a result of the surge in school shootings over the last decade or so. Ignoring the politics of that since this isn't the place to talk about those, a lot as changed over the last 12 years, and provided a lot of stuff about Earth Bet's schooling remained relatively similar to how things were in 2011 IRL, cyberbullying, social media, and other things we take for granted today didn't exist in anywhere near the same form or as prevalently.

The short answer, though? Wildbow wanted to have that scene the way he did. For whatever reason, he decided that the "mediation" in the school would come about as a result of something that happened far outside the school's jurisdiction, likely because Taylor had a tendency to run away from the Trio in school and was off kilter outside of it for numerous reasons.
They were like that when I was in HS from 2008 to 2012. Taylor's in 2011, and I can't imagine in a world where any aggrieved student can smuggle a gun equivalent into school in their brain that schools are any less intrusive with their codes of conduct and zero tolerance policies. Wildbow just posits that shitty institutions will have shitty enforcement, and given my experiences he isn't exactly wrong. Fairness and justice are premium services for those who can afford them, the rest of us unimportant people have to make do with bias and laziness.
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It's the Hell Prison from 'Count of Monte Cristo' but split into levels based on the seven deadly sins.

Each level has a different Servant embodying a sin, which since more than one canon Servant haven't been introduced yet in story will be… interesting.