Isn't Taylor Twenty or Twenty-One in this story? How old do you have to be to drink in the USA?

So, the history of drinking age in the US is a bit strange. And probably the same with smoking age, since I just discovered it got changed.

Basically, the 50 states in the US is actually 50 different countries. It is just that they have combined into a federation. So, each state has their own laws and for a lot of them, 18 is the age of majority/adulthood. This is the part most people don't really get, even though they might know this information.

Now, if I remember right, a lot of people started dieing from drunk driving. So a bill was passed so that, if the states wanted to receive federal money for roads (I think?), they had to change the drinking age to 21. Which is why, even though being 18 is enough to be an adult, you're still restricted from drinking until 21.

Considering that smoking age was 18 while I was growing up, I just discovered it got changed to 21. Not sure of the backstory on this one, if it is tied to any type of federal funding or it is using something else. Neat thing to learn because I didn't even know this happened.
Yeah, it's 50 different countries, and that's just counting the States. D.C., the territories, and the Native American Reservations are also their own countries basically.
Serenity: "Yes, you are correct. Even the barest exposure to the least amount of my blood, sweat, hair, or anything really is completely deadly. I had forgotten what it was like to be able to touch someone without poisoning them. It was so lonely living like that, but now I guess I can thank you, Mash," *glomps Mash* "because now I have at least a few people I can hold close without fear of killing them."

...well now I can't wait to get to Camelot, especially because Taylor has been so terrified of summoning/contracting an Assassin, and then she meets this sweet, touch-starved little cuddlebug

I mean, fair odds she'll contract an Assassin and confront those feelings at some point in the next three Singularities, but the point still stands

somewhat related, this actually gives me the chance to ramble about something i realized awhile back
apologies if this renders weird; copying directly from notes:

So I don't know if anyone has brought this up (I feel like we have) but I'm just gonna go for it

Taylor is terrified of summoning an Assassin Servant, but also likes having options and capability rather than just raw stats. She'd prefer to have the stats too, but she can live without because she'd rather have options.

And it is for this reason I think Mata Hari would actually be a great Servant for her.

Her stats? Crap. Literally EVERYTHING is E ranked. Except her Luck…and that's not much higher. She is AWFUL in a straight-up fight, and she'll admit as much

…but here's the thing: this is Grand Order, where finding out the problem with history is the main subject, and for that? Information is Taylor's greatest weapon, and she knows this. And in terms of that? Mata Hari is amazing

Her stats may be awful, but there is not a single Skill that's under a B, and almost all of them are based around dealing with people in a social environment without them being any the wiser.

Mata Hari could literally walk into the enemy camp. The other servants would be able to see she's a Servant…and it would not register. She could spend the night making the rounds, giving food and water to the guests, making pleasant conversation, and tucks everyone in as she walks out…straight into the arms of her Master without anyone being the wiser.

That…is terrifying.

And that isn't even accounting for half her skills, including one that's EX ranked

Or her noble phantasm, which would allow her to straight-up mind control people, and they wouldn't even notice it was happening if she was clever

Sooo, yeah. Don't know if it's going to happen, but yeah, when you take away fighting as the only thing that matters Mata could become one of Taylor's most potent and used Servants singularity to singularity so that they have a regular flow of information on what has to pretty consistently be the largest obstacles to their job

...That, and I feel like Mata would be good for Taylor on a personal level, a lot like Arash except more mothering instead of raw, approachable charm

Totally unqualified rant; proceed citizens

and to bring this all the way back 'round to the actual chapter...Mash (or one of the Servants) definitely heard Taylor use First Aid, right? i know it's not a huge deal, but Mash definitely hurt Taylor in that moment and had the right to be angry or at least express that that fucking hurt...but she doesn't snap at Mash, she doesn't even reprimand her. she keeps a straight face until Mash turns away to feel and heal that pain.
just another look at the person behind the curtain

...i was just going to leave it at that but now I'm curious as to just how much the Servants have seen about Taylor.
Aife has definitely seen Taylor being a mentor to Theo and potentially the other Chicago Wards, Arash is heavily hinted to have seen her fight with Scion...what else have they seen? and for that matter what does it take for the Dream Cycle to take effect?

from what i recall, Aife and Taylor were on a pretty similar wavelength, and she trained the twins pretty extensively. Arash and Taylor get along great for reasons people more coherent than me have explained...but has Bradamante seen anything from Taylor's dreams, given that she can work alongside Taylor but clearly gets along better with the twins? Has Siegfried seen Taylor's fights with Lung?
questions that will probably be answered later but i'm curious
Yeah, but its not really a new experience by any means. Jackie would probably warrant more comment for her attire than behavior, considering she's positively angelic when not killing things.
Honestly, I think Rika would be a better choice. Jack likes people more the less they resemble a typical Magus. Taylor is not even nearly amoral enough to be considered one, which is saying something, but it's like the difference between one out of a hundred and five out of a hundred. Five is small enough, but one is smaller.
Honestly, I think Rika would be a better choice. Jack likes people more the less they resemble a typical Magus. Taylor is not even nearly amoral enough to be considered one, which is saying something, but it's like the difference between one out of a hundred and five out of a hundred. Five is small enough, but one is smaller.
Taylor: "Business now, headpats and icecream when we aren't running for our lives!"
Jackie: "Yes, Big Sister."
Rika: "Explain to me again how you're Big Sister, I'm Auntie, and Onii-san is Mother?"
Ritsuka: "Her Master is always Mother to her- WHOA!"
Mash: *blocks swooping gargoyle*
Jackie: *Ganks gargoyle* "LEAVE MOMMY ALONE!!! Thanks, Papa!"
Mash: "Papa?"
Rika: "Bhahaha! I don't know what's funnier, that even Jackie ships them or that Mash wears the pants in their family!"
Rika: "Bhahaha! I don't know what's funnier, that even Jackie ships them or that Mash wears the pants in their family!"
Modern society will tell you that just because you're "papa" doesn't mean that you wear the pants!

...Honestly I don't think Mash will wear the pants on a lot of things in a relationship. I really can't name one thing she'll put her foot down on.
Modern society will tell you that just because you're "papa" doesn't mean that you wear the pants!

...Honestly I don't think Mash will wear the pants on a lot of things in a relationship. I really can't name one thing she'll put her foot down on.

King Arthur's emotional well-being?
Kinda a non-sequitur, I know.

Mash always felt to me like someone who's perfectly agreeable about almost everything in day-to-day life, but you shall rue the day when her eclectic circle of interests was roused and you were found wanting.

She feels strongly about enjoying life for the sake of it. Not a disagreeable position in general, but you'd be surprised.

Unrelated to this, I feel like I need to return to the contents of this chapter and say that the phrase "Loose pirate captains with huge bazoongas" scarred me for life. What have I done to you, Rika, why are you like this?
I wonder how will they react to the Shoot Da Baby incident.

Would EMIYA empathize with Taylor?

Okay I see this all the time and I'll be honest I always get annoyed by it

"oh, if i were in Taylor's place I would do the right thing and not shoot the baby!" congratulations, genius, now the baby is trapped in the torture time-loop for all eternity. well done.

Something that I think a lot of people in the fandom tend to lose track of is that at her core Taylor wanted- and still wants- to help people. it's why she jumped Lung to save a bunch of undefined 'kids', it's why she tangled with Mannequin, it's why she fought Leviathan even though she was pretty sure she wasn't going to survive. But it's also why she didn't up and start killing people in her civilian life, it's why she saved one of her old bullies- Charlotte- it's why she opened up her home to a bunch of orphaned kids.

People love to emphasize the terrifying, ruthless Warlord Skitter…but forget the fact that she only became that to keep hold of her hometown and keep those people fed and safe

Until the S9000 arc, we see Taylor kill a grand total of 3 people, all of whom were threatening to kill her or her loved ones as far as she knew. When we get to the S9k, same thing. Taylor does not kill people who do not need killing.

And she did not want to kill Aster.

She did, in the process of trying to save the world. She knew something was going to kickstart the end of the world, and the unstable Trigger Event of a third-generation parahuman under those circumstances? Yeah, that made sense

…but even that aside, even if she knew killing Aster wasn't going to end the world, what else could she have done? She didn't have the time, the resources, or the powers to fight Grey Boy or rescue Aster from his grasp, and even Grey Boy himself can't break a timeloop once it's started (and people have been trying for decades). Killing Aster might not have solved the big picture problem but it did spare one little girl an unending nightmare.

Worm is a story about trying to make the best out of a pick of bad options. Killing Aster? Yeah, that was fucked, but it's not like the alternative of 'leave the toddler in the time bubble forever' was any less fucked (and is arguably much more fucked in the long run)

Taylor feels awful about killing Aster, as well she should. If she didn't, she wouldn't be Taylor Hebert/Khepri…she'd have been another Slaughterhouse 9k goon. We can weigh the moral pros and cons of her actions all day long- and we have, for years- but in the time it would take for us to philosophize…the toddler would have gotten trapped in the time bubble. Taylor had a fraction of a second to think of all her terrible options and chose the one that would do as much good as she could manage with what she had: Spare a little girl an eternity of suffering... possibly also save the world

So would Emiya sympathize?

For someone as pragmatic as he's being made out to be? Yeah, probably

'You can't save everyone, but remember you have to try'. Yeah, well Taylor did try, and she didn't save them all, but she saved as many as she could, dammit

Not to say everyone's going to be happy with that revelation, but it's not like Taylor is any happier with the situation than they are, and if anyone has insight into her own internal thoughts and feelings (ie the Servants) I'm pretty sure even Bradamante would at the least acknowledge that she wasn't exactly flush for options

(I realize this gets meme'd a lot and if that was your intention I do apologize, but I've been sitting on this for awhile)
Rika's going for Nero anyway, she's got the rateup and everything.

So far, I'm eyeballing it as:
--1st Summon - DemiTaylor?
--2nd Summon - Arash, similar personalities, both having superhuman perceptivity(when swarmnet is online anyway), and surprisingly good at things outside of what's normally rated as their wheelhouse.
--3rd Summon - Jalter, we hadn't seen her a lot, but she has some similar narrative beats, uniting and saving her country, only to be killed off at the end.

--1st Summon - EMIYA.
--2nd Summon - Probably Nero, she has the catalyst and everything...wonder if after summoning she can learn to actually wield it.

--1st Summon - Does Mash count?
--2nd Summon - Shakespeare?
I agree with you, it's why I wondered if would EMIYA empathize with Taylor given he had gone through the same. Them magical zombie outbreaks can't contain themselves.

I didn't think my post came off chastising on Taylor's actions, but maybe that's just me. Your post also highlights why I dislike most of the cast of Worm, they would judge Taylor much the same while on their slightly elevated ponies. And they would definitely leave Aster in effective hell.
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Taylor feels awful about killing Aster,

My bullet took Cherish in the head. Another bullet struck Screamer.
I hesitated.
Then I shot Aster, who was held in a Hatchet Face's arms.
No. Too dangerous. Gray Boy was moving, trying to get to a better vantage point.

I looked up as Golem approached, Revel beside him.
"Aster's dead," I said.
He went very still.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"Did you-" He started, then he stopped, staring down at me.
"Nevermind. Sorry for asking," he said. "Whatever happened, it's for the best."
He didn't sound like he believed it. He didn't sound confident in the least.
It's for the best, I thought, as Golem joined Chevalier and Defiant in heading up the stairs.

Taylor does not have _any_ emotional reaction to executing Aster. Even when telling Golem she just follows etiquette, without any emotion to it.

I'm a monster, I thought. Not an anchor, but a recent memory, a realization that was still fresh in my memory. Something from just before I'd started losing memories.
Bullet ants.
Maggots in eyeballs. Necrotizing flesh. Strip- stripping flesh from bone.
Hand or knee?
The images were so clear in my mind's eye that I could almost see them around me. A hero in his civilian clothes, gasping for breath. I had the means to save him, and I was holding back.
I heard a voice, female, kind words, spoken haltingly, out of place in the midst of this. I had trouble placing the memory.
Then, more reassuring in a way, a return to the more violent thoughts. Me standing over a man, pulling a trigger and watching the aftermath, bits of skull, brain and blood painting the pavement beneath him.
The dance of bugs within a woman's lungs, minimizing the surface area available, limiting oxygen.
A very different, very abstract way of killing.
Again, the voice interrupted. Patient, almost like I was overhearing something being said. It made for a kind of… what was the word? A conflict between two ideas. Dis- Dissonance.
I tried to pick it apart, and in the doing, I realized what was happening.
With the loss of the portals, I'd lost one more anchor. Pride, confidence, that reminder of who I'd been when I'd been a warlord, when I'd been at my most powerful, recent circumstances excepted… I'd inadvertently connected thoughts and memories to that, and now that the physical manifestation was gone, those thoughts were disappearing with it. My identity was degrading.
She not even remembers it when counts "bad" things she's done.
If I was inclined to be generous towards canon Taylor, I'd say she represses the fuck out of the memory. At least, judging by the lack of any kind of description of her mental state, in 26-6 she seems to be offloading all her emotional response into the bugs. Maybe not even consciously, QA has been implied to… take over sometimes.

Don't remember where and too lazy to look for, but one moment stands out, where someone negotiates the truce with her, she basically agrees, and then her bugs attack him, her brain stutters for a second and she arrives to a conclusion she's the one who decided that.

edit: I think it was during the Behemoth fight?

That's a lot of generosity to extend to canon Taylor tho.
Taylor does not have _any_ emotional reaction to executing Aster. Even when telling Golem she just follows etiquette, without any emotion to it.
Honestly the full-blown apathy she has to it is already a sign of how worn-down she had become at that point. After all, Taylor's been working for years then just preparing to avert the apocalypse somehow.