"He'll be fine," I told her. "He's just learning exactly what a hangover feels like and why you aren't supposed to drink to excess."

"Everyone kept handing me a mug," he muttered, as though that excused it.
Shoud've expected Ritsuka's too much of a pushover to avoid drinking lol

"Well," said Emiya. "Not every day you meet a genuine godslayer."

Arash's gaze flickered briefly over my direction, and a cold stab of fear made me wonder just how much he knew.
When you remember the Dream Cycle is a thing XP
I have no idea what Taylor sitting in on one of her Mother's English lit classes was supposed to reveal about her. Can anyone explain it to me?
Technically nothing alone, but attending her (Dead-when-she-was-a-child) Mother's English lit class when looked through Chaldea experienced lenses make someone think either at time-travel or similarly dimensional travel.
It is not a big hint, but considering everything might be recorded or in some way leaked after humanity returns it is better to not drop any hints
"We sailors have a solution to that," Drake announced as she strode into the tent. "Wanna try it?"

"Hair of the dog?" I guessed wryly.

"Well, that's a fine enough thing, too!" Drake laughed, and Ritsuka cringed, curling into a ball as though to escape it. "But we aren't dumb, you know! You can't sail if you don't know how to take care of the little things, can you?"
"Sure," said Drake, "but it's still my ship, ain't it? Means I'm still the one in charge!"

"Then don't think of us as being in your chain of command," I said. "Think of us as important patrons you're escorting. We might tell you where we need to go, but you're the one in charge of getting everyone there. Does that work for you?"

Drake waved it off. "Works fine by me! So, important patrons, are you lot ready to set sail?"
I really love how Taylor seems to be in the same wavelength as the pirates and Drake in particullar. I mean, her father was a dockworker and she grew up around docks and sailors so she probably understands that world pretty well... And then she became a criminal warlord. Honestly, she's got every requirement to be an honorary pirate met already. And of course, while Drake faced Poseidon, Taylor braved Leviathan, so...

"It was pissing me off, simple as that!" Drake waved the whole thing off so casually. "Went around calling itself Poseidon. No self-respecting sailor could've accepted that, let alone a buccaneer like me, so I tore it a new asshole, kicked it back where it came from, and sank the whole place while I was at it. Even took this here thing you're calling the Holy Grail from it."

Marie choked. "You beat up a Divine Spirit? No, h-hang on a second, if it still had a corpus, that was a fully-fledged god!"
"You said something about strange guys," said Arash. "What kind of strange guys are you talking about?"

"Invincible fuckers. Take everything we can throw at them without blinking. But, if I just put this here thing back inside me…" Drake pressed the Grail to her chest, and as we watched, it dissipated back into her flesh. "All of a sudden, I can hurt them. It ain't fun, though. Makes my chest feel tight, I can't stand it."

"Servants!" Bradamante exclaimed. "She's encountered other Servants before, Master! That means there are others here!"

It confirmed, at least, that there were other Servants here, just like in the other Singularities. Strays? But where were they, then?

"Servants?" asked Drake.

"Spirits of the exalted dead, returned to life," I told her simply. "You mentioned King Arthur? Heroes like that. The only way to hurt a Servant is with magic or another Servant."

Maybe they were trying to take the Grail from Drake so the era could correct itself, or maybe they just wanted the Grail themselves.

"Huh." Drake retrieved the Grail from inside her body again, examining it in a new light. "So I guess those guys were Servants, and this thing's power is why I can hurt them now. Makes sense." She looked back over at us. "What do you fellas want it for?"

"The Grail is the reason behind the formation of Singularities," Mash said faintly, like she still hadn't quite gotten over the bombshell of Drake killing Poseidon. I didn't blame her. "If the Grail is retrieved and removed, the Singularity will be corrected."
Gotta love how actual human!Drake was able to 'beat up' actual god!Poseidon, but wasn't even able to hurt regular Servants without the Grail

Drake really is the Queen of Offscreen lol

Did black also appear in this singularity? I kind of forgot most that appear in the Okeanos, Jason I remembered in a plushy form wonder what Taylor would think of after seeing him.
Black beard showed up before the Argonauts. And it is Orion that is the plushy, since Artemis shoved herself into his Saint Graph.
Jason also appears in this Singularity, though he was apparently somehow summoned without a class.

18 is the legal drinking age in the Philippines.
The speaker, Romani is supposed to be Israeli, Taylor is native to the USA, Chaldea is an International Organization with european origins and they're in Okeanus, an anomalous geography that doesn't belong to any country or region on Earth. At best, you could say they're in international waters, or, since the island they're on is currently under an English Privateer, ypu could stretch things to say that they're technically in the Brittish Empire.

That said, it's interesting to know that Taylor's still 20 here. Which is incidently Japan's drinking age, meaning Rika and Ritsuka are younger than that (though the lack of emphasis on them being minors by Japanese standards might mean they're under 18 (which is probably the most 'normal' drinking age accross the world), so 17?

Technically nothing alone, but attending her (Dead-when-she-was-a-child) Mother's English lit class when looked through Chaldea experienced lenses make someone think either at time-travel or similarly dimensional travel.
It is not a big hint, but considering everything might be recorded or in some way leaked after humanity returns it is better to not drop any hints
Pretty sure it just means 'I was smart enough to attend college classes when I was a kid' from Taylor's POV. Of course, as far as Chaldea knows, her mother might've been her Middle School lit professor or something...
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"That's not the point!" Romani leaned into the screen. "Rika and Ritsuka are both underage! Taylor, too, by American law!"

"America?" Drake said blithely. "Who's that?"

Francis Drake, who has been to both main American continents, has claimed American territory, drinks anachronistic American rum, and has almost certainly seen or owns a map with the word "America" on it: I have never heard of this person and thus see no reason why the lass shouldn't drink.

@James D. Fawkes potential plot hole. What happened to the poison resistance? Unless you're cutting it from the story, it's going to come up later, and conflict with this part. I'm pretty sure it was foreshadowed in this scene originally with the mc's alcohol tolerance.
A boyfriend," Rika replied nonchalantly.

Ritsuka choked on his next gulp of water, pushing the tankard away so he could pound on his chest as he coughed.

"Senpai!" Mash cried.

"Or maybe an endless supply of strawberries," Rika went on blithely.
*Narrowed eye glare* I know for a fact I read this exact thing in a fic a few weeks…. DBZ! Yes it was a dragon ball fic! Really good one too though a bit short on chapters unfortunately. Huh been way to long since I read canon if I didn't pick up on that being true to the source material. Nice references as always.
@James D. Fawkes I may not comment on this story often, but I want you to know that it's always a joy to see it update. The characterization (at least from my perspective, not being familiar with Fate) is consistent and excellent, the writing quality is the same, and the balance of plot progression and character interaction is very satisfying. And all that on a regular and quick update schedule. You have a great deal to be proud of here.

@James D. Fawkes potential plot hole. What happened to the poison resistance? Unless you're cutting it from the story, it's going to come up later, and conflict with this part. I'm pretty sure it was foreshadowed in this scene originally with the mc's alcohol tolerance.
Oddly enough it's canonical that MC can get drunk. So who knows, maybe the poison resistance has a minimum threshold that it works on, and alcohol is beneath that. Or it's just a canonical plot hole that James is rolling with.
Drake's crew: *singing some old-ass sea shanty*

Taylor: *joins in and starts singing Drunken Sailor*

Ritsuka internally: oh shit is senpai threatening to toss me into brig if I keep drinking? And what's that about Drake-kaichou having a daughter?
I really love how Taylor seems to be in the same wavelength as the pirates and Drake in particullar. I mean, her father was a dockworker and she grew up around docks and sailors so she probably understands that world pretty well... And then she became a criminal warlord. Honestly, she's got every requirement to be an honorary pirate met already. And of course, while Drake faced Poseidon, Taylor braved Leviathan, so...

Now I want to see Taylor, Emiya and Drake in a constant triangle of one-upping each other's war stories and everyone else just wondering who the fuck these two are and how are they keeping up with Drake?

Better yet, Drake keeps boasting, Emiya keeps slyly one-upping her with cryptic comments, and Taylor is just going about her business but Arash is giving her *the look* and each time his one eyebrow is slowly climbing further into his hairline.

Everyone notices. No one comments.

Except the pirates. They're curious.
Why not when she was older. Ergo mother dead.
When I was six I went to my father's job and played in the flight simulator. I never did so again but he is still alive and well. Taylor not attending another of her mother's classes isn't really a reveal. Especially since what little they know about her past involves her fighting a dragon which implies less time for leisure activities.
I have no idea what Taylor sitting in on one of her Mother's English lit classes was supposed to reveal about her. Can anyone explain it to me?
Pretty sure this is just because the Twins see Taylor as smarter and more capable than them (Not incorrect.) The idea of her sitting in on her mother's classes to them implies that she grew up in a way that was to encourage intelligence. They're reaching here, but it's mostly due to their own existing perceptions of Taylor.
Black beard showed up before the Argonauts. And it is Orion that is the plushy, since Artemis shoved herself into his Saint Graph.
You're right, I must have confused him with the mini Jason in a event singularity.

Well, thanks for the info, I know about the nationality of the known characters and the post's message.

I would make an argument about the reason for my post, but I prefer not to since I don't want trouble.
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