I advised sticking to the stations of canon, firstly because it's not Grand Order without those things occurring, it's just a different story that uses some of the setting, and secondly and most importantly because James hasn't handled the various changes they've made thus far very well and sticking to them would ease various problems in writing such an expansive story.

You know people call it fanfiction for a reason right? This isn't meant to be Fate Grand Order the video game, this is the fanfiction crossover called Hereafter. This is a fanfiction written using elements of the grand order setting and the setting of worm. I'd just like to reiterate that the moment Gudao, Gudako, and Taylor Hebert where shown to be masters it should've been a clear sign that yes, this is going to be very different than the game.

For as much as things were supposed to happen in the game a lot of stuff just isn't written that well. Also just because it's needed in the game doesn't mean it's needed here. It's really not yours or anybody's place to tell James what they have to do. While commentary, criticism, and general reader feedback is great for an author this isn't our, the readers, story to write. This is James D. Fawkes story at the end of the day. What he has to write is for him and only him to decide in the end.
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i'm not gonna involve myself in whatever this is, one way or the other, i'mma just say i like this fic so far, keep up the good work james, i like seeing taylor go through the various issues of FGO and fixing them in her own unique way.
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Yes, let's leave the current topic of rudeness. Instead, Let me start a stat sheet for the first famous person I can think of... Babe Ruth will do.

Archer Babe Ruth

Str D
End D
Agl B
Luk A

Noble Phantasm
Fifth Inning
Apply Sure Hit, Atk Up (Increases with overcharge), and deal heavy damage to a single target (Lv 5)

Clairvoyance A
Batter's instincts EX (NP Battery/Star Bomb)
Nine Iron EX (crit damage up skill)
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I believe point Winborne is making, is that if you write Worm story you need to have a plan to deal with Zion, because he will eventually turn omnicidal.
And if your story is alt-power about making glass figurines, it means eventual fail state.
For FGO to bypass fail state you need Servant army or something that replaces it, and we don't see clues to latter.
And at this point in FGO there wasn't really any suggestion of a solution to that either, or even that it was a situation that would need addressing. Constantly arguing that this one solution is the only allowed resolution and needs to happen and needs to be being established now is seriously silly. Like, it's entirely possible to start introducing methods and mechanics for dealing with the Temple of Time stuff sometime in the next zillion words of singularities. Maybe after the cast has some idea of what's coming down the pipe and can be looking for such things.

In the Worm analogy, it's taking every altered power or cast story and telling them pretty regular-like that it's doomed because Khepri is the only possible solution to Scion and they're not doing Khepri.
yeah uh, the worm analogy is slightly off, cause worm isn't about defeating scion, it's about Taylor's journey, which just happens to include beating scion, if a fic chooses to see a different journey taylor could've taken then that's not really counter to worm. granted it still puts good odds of when scion cracks the world's doomed, but that was always the case. khepri also wasn't the solution in worm, figuring out ya gotta bully scion with eden was, make him loose the will to defend himself. and other worlds where taylor goes down a different path can accomplish that in theory.

but the analogy does work to get the point across, that fgo needs certain parameters met to not end in failure, especially as fgo is about beating goetia and subsequently saving the world. but to say they aren't met is a bit hasty, especially this early in the story.
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If that's the goal and only end state that matters, beating Goetia and saving the world only really requires that Solomon gets to do his thing. Getting to that point in canon took the path of "let's befriend and summon literally everyone we ever met to participate in a climactic final battle as a distraction," yes but doing things differently is kind of the point of fanfiction. Much like any Worm fic that doesn't go Khepri can still make a path to Scion's defeat, so too can a fic make an alternate path to Goetia's. Saying that the way it did happen is the only way it can happen is boring and pointless, on the stance that fanfiction is literally about exploring other ways things could have happened and who wants to write a story about the long path to failure?
Silly question, I have read enough to know some people do actually like that. They're also a minority, and both previous work and context statements really strongly lead me to believe James isn't one of them.
When the twins see Sca for the first time:

Rika, turning to Aife: "Is everyone in your family stupidly hot? It's totally not fair!"
@James D. Fawkes You wanted info on Constantine XI's skills and NP; well, here's some, though not all.

Cessation Privilege works like Imperial Privilege, though more limited in scope. As he is the last emperor, he can't call upon as many abilities as his predecessors could, and they cost quite a bit more mana to utilize. However, he can bequeath these granted abilities onto others should he fall in battle, similar to Chiron's Wisdom of Divine Gift.

His Noble Phantasm is Theodosios Constantinos - By These Threefold Walls, I Swear. He calls upon the mighty threefold walls of Constantinople, promising to defend up to 7000 people... though the more people shelter within, the more likely that the walls will fall; the walls are at their strongest when shielding Constantine and his Master's party alone, and Constantine believes that 1000 people is the most that he can grant a stable defense. As the last emperor, he can exert his influence over friend and foe alike, though only including Europeans who lived within ~200 years of his own life, depending on the strength of their faith and not applying to those of a different faith (his fellow Roman leaders are likely exempt from this limitation; Romulus=Quirinus certainly would be).

(Yes, this means Jeanne makes the walls much stronger by her mere presence, and can synergize her NP with Constantine's to provide even greater protection.)
So, completely unrelated, but I was looking up the Oracle of Delphi and turns out they were active during the time of Nero. The oracle at the time actually got burned alive by him at one point.

Just saying. It's an option.
The funniest Roman Emperor to show up in Septem, hell or even in this story, wouldn't even be a real one, because a million keks would arise if Chaldea were to call upon Caster Demetrios III Sideros from An Age of Miracles. He and Taylor would get along disturbingly well. They're both scary motherfuckers who just want to be left alone and happened to be dragged into the business of saving the lives of too many people who hate their guts. Especially since D3's Noble Phantasm would probably be a Reality Marble containing every book that has existed and will ever exist...Tay would demand he keep it up ALL the time, damn the strain on Chaldea's reactors LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Yes, let's leave the current topic of rudeness. Instead, Let me start a stat sheet for the first famous person I can think of... Babe Ruth will do.

Archer Babe Ruth

Str D
End D
Agl B
Luk A

Noble Phantasm
Fifth Inning
Apply Sure Hit, Atk Up (Increases with overcharge), and deal heavy damage to a single target (Lv 5)

Clairvoyance A
Batter's instincts EX (NP Battery/Star Bomb)
Nine Iron EX (crit damage up skill)

Will Aife called Scathach a " Old Hag " because her sister is immortal ? I can see Scathach being easily trigger for that nickname.


I don't think Scathach or Artoria would allow Ruth to take a single step off of the platform before immediately ganking him. His NP would be a shitty Buster one anyways. Also that Clairvoyance rank is too damn high, he's a damn athlete who smoked and drank too much, not a spellcaster or phantasmal being of any sort.
With an exaggerated, put-upon sigh, I dropped my cheek into one hand and lifted my sandwich up with the other.

"It's really not that big of a deal, I don't know why you're all making it one," I said, letting some of my real irritation leak through. "I went through a traumatic event back when I was fifteen and discovered an affinity for controlling familiars. Bugs are just the easiest and most convenient."
"I just had a spinal nerve from an alien god grafted into my brain. It's not really that big of a deal, I don't know why you're all making it one. Everyone was doing it, it was all the rage."
"No one told you?" I affected mild surprise, because of course it hadn't come up before. Who was around to pay us, right now? The UN and Mage's Association were both gone with the rest of the world. "Being a Master is one of the highest paying jobs in Chaldea, right behind the heads of the various departments. Right now, the only one richer than us is Romani."
"Starting salary for a Master candidate fresh out of training is eighty-thousand," I told her. "Most of Team A was pulling in at least twice that."
These numbers...really don't make sense to me. Jobs that require doctorates in ~STEM fields with demand >> supply for employees tend to have starting salaries at 100k+.
And requiring magic ability or knowledge and hiring above the entry-level will also seriously push down supply, and push up salary. Senior/10+ years w/promotions is usually a minimum of x2.
And there's also the opportunity cost for a magus--the amount of money a magus can get doing something else up pushes up all magus salaries for all jobs, and even a magus who can't do anything but hypnotism could make millions per year stealing, even if just from criminals. Basic alchemy--the level that is public knowledge--could probably also pull in millions, even if just purifying metals or something.

(This is why I'd lean towards a Galleon being at minimum £500, and maybe £5000--the amount of money a magic user could pull in secretly in the muggle world should be the basis of comparison. Have one man and a muggle/house-elf/homunculus do the work of an entire dozen+ person dentist's office with top quality and zero costs--that's 1+ million too.)
Also that Clairvoyance rank is too damn high, he's a damn athlete who smoked and drank too much, not a spellcaster or phantasmal being of any sort.
It seemed an appropriate rank to give to one who "saw the future" and was immediately romanticised and inflated beyond all reason, even as a normal man. Think of it less as the actual Babe Ruth, and more like how Edison (Or the FGO Gudaguda event Maxwell) is the powered up version of a Heroic spirit that doesn't actually exist yet.
EDIT: Who knows, by the power of Events, he might be a Ghost that seeks the spirit of Halloween... or something like that...
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These numbers...really don't make sense to me. Jobs that require doctorates in ~STEM fields with demand >> supply for employees tend to have starting salaries at 100k+.
And requiring magic ability or knowledge and hiring above the entry-level will also seriously push down supply, and push up salary. Senior/10+ years w/promotions is usually a minimum of x2.
And there's also the opportunity cost for a magus--the amount of money a magus can get doing something else up pushes up all magus salaries for all jobs, and even a magus who can't do anything but hypnotism could make millions per year stealing, even if just from criminals. Basic alchemy--the level that is public knowledge--could probably also pull in millions, even if just purifying metals or something.
You're thinking of it in terms of "all Masters are magi," but Ritsuka and Rika aren't the only "normies" brought in to fill out Chaldea's roster of Masters. $80K is the baseline, which Ritsuka, Rika, and anyone else who was pulled off the streets, tossed into the simulator, and pushed through orientation makes after they've finished the basic training for the job. As Taylor says, most of Team A was making at least twice that, although knowing Kirschtaria as we do after LB5, he probably negotiated his salary down to match the lowest paid member of Team A. Considering their personalities, Kadoc probably took $180K and thought it was a good deal, then had a bit of a bout of insecurity after he realized he could have asked for higher; Ophelia quietly accepted $270K; Hinako looked at $200K or so and went, "Sure," because she doesn't give a damn; Pepe gladly took $230K with a demure comment about how he "really didn't need that much"; Beryl took $300K with a grin; and Daybit was probably offered $400K and accepted it without a fight one way or the other.

I'm just throwing those numbers out there kinda randomly, because I haven't thought about it in any major depth. This is all, of course, before hazard pay, which Taylor and the twins are racking up by virtue of their time in the Singularities, which is measured according to how long they spend in there from their perspectives, not how long it is from Chaldea's end.

In the end, Rika does have the right of it. If she ever gets paid at the end of all this, she's going to be a millionaire before she's twenty.
These numbers...really don't make sense to me. Jobs that require doctorates in ~STEM fields with demand >> supply for employees tend to have starting salaries at 100k+.
Considering that Rika and Ritsuka are very not at the college graduate level as magicians.
Shouldn't this salary be compared with highschool or highschool dropout levels of starter income?
Does Taylor gets salary? Or she in debt for all the saving done to her after arrival here?
If Olga thought she could get away with it, she would have set Taylor up with the largest salary of the bunch, or even just combined all of them together and started paying her that.

But there's no way she could have gotten away with it without having to explain everything, and since that's dangerous to Taylor's health, she probably settled somewhere around Beryl's pay and listed Taylor as a specialist with only basic magecraft training. As for all of the stuff they had to do to get Taylor back on her feet, Olga footed that bill personally. Straight out of her own coffers.
Does Taylor gets salary? Or she in debt for all the saving done to her after arrival here?
Marie deliberately picked Taylor for Chaldea so she could cover her surgeries and the prosthetic with the organization's budget. It would be pretty terrible model for employee retention if the Masters had to pay and be in debt for their own healthcare.
Nvm, disregard all that.
If Olga thought she could get away with it, she would have set Taylor up with the largest salary of the bunch, or even just combined all of them together and started paying her that.

But there's no way she could have gotten away with it without having to explain everything, and since that's dangerous to Taylor's health, she probably settled somewhere around Beryl's pay and listed Taylor as a specialist with only basic magecraft training. As for all of the stuff they had to do to get Taylor back on her feet, Olga footed that bill personally. Straight out of her own coffers.
Ah, now we know why Taylor wants Olga back so badly, no one in HR will authorise her salary. :V:V:V
Marie deliberately picked Taylor for Chaldea so she could cover her surgeries and the prosthetic with the organization's budget. It would be pretty terrible model for employee retention if the Masters had to pay and be in debt for their own healthcare.
Nvm, disregard all that.
It's not like you're wrong, because that's definitely something to take into consideration. But Olga Marie made Taylor's recovery her personal project, and Taylor's candidacy her personal investment, so for everything to work out the way she wanted, she had to be the one to foot the bill.