Hmm, if it's similar to the omake that 3ndless wrote for his own fic, then this is a Taylorswap. Which means that Hearafter!Taylor was switched with Past!Taylor, who is now in Chaldea.

... Rika is going to freak out isn't she?
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With Earth Bet being an alternate world its very big differences will classify it as a Lostbelt, not a Singularity

Would be pretty excited to see an arc of this one

Either a Singularity, Remnant, or Lostbelt

Or she'll really return home

With Chaldea of course
It's not a Lostbelt. Just a really branched off timeline with a pair of alien god virus space whales screwing with the local apes. It's not a Lostbelt because no matter how much Worm and Ward can be summed up as "and then things got even worse" they never get truly hopeless. Like Parahumans-verse (really all Wildbow universes) can get appallingly bleak and the one great virtue of its people is that even when they have lost the last trace of a hope of a chance they will still get back up and stab their doom in the eye with a broken piece of glass. For spite if nothing else.
Now would collective Humanity prefer that its universes be more prosperous? Yes, but its only real concern is if Humanity is going to survive and continue living ("people die if they are killed." Memes aside I'm referring to the philosophical difference between mere survival and actually living life). A struggling dystopia is worth more than a perfect, stagnant utopia.
It's not a Lostbelt. Just a really branched off timeline with a pair of alien god virus space whales screwing with the local apes. It's not a Lostbelt because no matter how much Worm and Ward can be summed up as "and then things got even worse" they never get truly hopeless. Like Parahumans-verse (really all Wildbow universes) can get appallingly bleak and the one great virtue of its people is that even when they have lost the last trace of a hope of a chance they will still get back up and stab their doom in the eye with a broken piece of glass. For spite if nothing else.
I would also argue that for the entities to actually accomplish anything they would need to be able to shut the pruning off in any timeline a parahuman is in anyway.
With Earth Bet being an alternate world its very big differences will classify it as a Lostbelt, not a Singularity

Would be pretty excited to see an arc of this one

Either a Singularity, Remnant, or Lostbelt

Or she'll really return home

With Chaldea of course
lostbelts aren't just alternate timelines being fucked up, it's specifically universes that stagnate somehow, where there's no progress possible in the future cause why would you need to make something better if you live in a medieval utopia or how could you if everything is so fucked up no one can do anything but survive, not truly live, or if the gods stuck around to suppress humanity for their worship or an apocalypse went way worse than it should've and now there's like 10k people in total with no resources for more etc. and then that timeline has to be 'deleted', the reason it's a lostbelt is that the branch timeline that got snipped from the tree of time somehow stuck around and now threatens the other universes. if it was an alt timeline that got fucked up it'd just be a singularity or pseudo singularity. i believe the shimousa pseudo singularity is the closest example as that's an actual alternate universe where it takes place.
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I would also argue that for the entities to actually accomplish anything they would need to be able to shut the pruning off in any timeline a parahuman is in anyway.
Considering that Cycles are supposed to last for about 300 years; presumably Earth-based years for ease of reference both OOC and IC (for the Space-Whales tracking local orbit), with timeclocks per century you'd pretty much have to be correct. That and given that they also have the capability to restructure the local universe...I'd be surprised if things were operating as normal in the slice dominated by the Shards. But all in all the entities would need something to deal with the localized Orders of the 'Universes' they visit regardless.

Although I could easily imagine a Lostbelt-like scenario where simulations take place within the Shard-Network, but that does go against a core conceit of them. That intrinsically to them simulations and massive future predictions are massive hogs of their energy reserve; at least when compared to letting things naturally proceed. Meaning the Cycle as a whole could not just be a simulation projected outwards, and thus akin in nature to the Trees of Fantasy. But there's virtually a nonexistence chance for there not being a Shard out there that achieves a similar result; projecting what they have calculated into reality.

I'd personally say that the Wormverse; if we place it on the Type-Moon Branches of Time; would lie somewhere in the same vein of Fate/Requiem, and would still innately have the potential to become it's own major Sub-Branch; diverging massively by the time the Shards start to proliferate throughout them. Granted the Cycle broke down entirely within three decades with the ending of Zion; with Ziz and countless other Shards picking back up the pieces to either restart the current Cycle, or formulate an atypical symbiosis somehow and by extension abandoning the current Cycle configuration.
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The only ones who truly resembled the people they would have become were Alec, who never changed much at all, and Lisa.

I know you are writing Taylor's perspective, but she IMVHO is being too hard on him. Specially because he risked everything he feared to help her when he learned about Shadow Stalker/Sophia's situation, and literally died to save Imp's live.

Alex is the one that changed more of all the Undersiders.

But I suppose you could also assume that he always was a decent person, camouflaging himself as a "sir doesn't give a damn"...

If is that case, I retract my objection...
I know you are writing Taylor's perspective, but she IMVHO is being too hard on him. Specially because he risked everything he feared to help her when he learned about Shadow Stalker/Sophia's situation, and literally died to save Imp's live.

Alex is the one that changed more of all the Undersiders.

But I suppose you could also assume that he always was a decent person, camouflaging himself as a "sir doesn't give a damn"...

If is that case, I retract my objection...
Alec was a pretty abnormal character arc in that he never really changed in his day to day life and nothing seems to have been a catalyst for change, but then he does things that are strikingly out of his presented character and Imp later helps us understand that everybody, including us readers, never really knew him like we thought we did.
Alec is NOT a good person, but he isn't mustache twirling evil either (though he would like his evil clones to have evil facial hair to denote their evil). He's an emotionally numbed hedonist bordering on, but not actually being, a sociopath. He likes his life and his things (including people), and he hates things that disrupt or damage them. He hates his father for obvious reasons, he can somewhat sympathize with Cherish but he'd still kill her, he takes revenge out on Sophia for Grue and Skitter (and Taylor), he does nothing to stop what Skitter does to Valefor (and I bring that up because it is a pretty fucked up escalation) IMO partly or even mostly because of what he tried to do with Imp, and then he flat out sacrifices himself so that Imp (the only person that seems to truly understand and accept him for what and who he unapologetically is) could live.
Taylor isn't wrong, Alec never changed much, people were just always a little or a lot wrong about him.
Or Wildbow f*cked up his characterization and/or character development...
Nah. It's pretty consistent.
Alec just never needed or wanted to change because he was satisfied with who he was. With his power doing what it does it's not like he ever really gets particularly distressed about anything.
...Oh my gosh its Cu's son

Your thinking of Scathach

Cu beat the shit out of Aife and then have his way with her.
By "beat the shit out of" did you mean got thrashed up and down the battlefield by her until as he lay defeated he tried a last ditch "hey, look a distraction!" that miraculously worked somehow.
Cu knew Aife was gonna beat the shit out of him. He tried anyway, and she smacked him around like... Well, they're Celts in pre-Roman Britain, so "red-headed stepchild" is probably the wrong idiom. The only thing Cu did right in that fight was to ask Scathach beforehand: "Hey, Teach, what does this lady love more than anything else in the world?" And Sca told him: "Her horses, chariot, and charioteer."

So when she had him disarmed, at her mercy, and beaten so badly that she snapped his sword off at the hilt with one, brutal blow, her guard was down. Knowing that she wasn't expecting him to do anything but die, he looked behind her and shouted, "Oh, shit, your chariot just drove off that fucking cliff!" and when she turned around, he put her in a submission hold, then carried her off to his army's camp.

I'm a bit confused about the "life for life" line, because it sounds like she spared him at some earlier point and is calling in that debt, but it's equally possible that she's just saying that if he spares her life, she'll owe him something of equal value. I don't know either way, because the older a myth is, the weirder people talk in it. That's what happens when you try to translate old, dead languages into modern English, especially when those sorts of things were written that way because they were recording an oral tradition, and oral traditions were kept consistent by using rhyming and alliteration and other mnemonic devices so that they were easier to remember.
Life for a life can mean killing someone X because they killed your X, like killing someone son because they killed your son, her offering to have a baby with him or a trade of favors.
Life for a life can mean killing someone X because they killed your X, like killing someone son because they killed your son, her offering to have a baby with him or a trade of favors.
That's not how it's used, though. After he puts her in a submission hold and drags her back to his army's camp, he throws her down and holds a sword to her throat. She says, "Life for life, O Cúchulainn!" And he says he has three demands. She promises to follow them, and that's when he does the, "Stop fighting with Teach, sleep with me tonight, and have my kid."

Like I said, it sounds really weird. It might be the alliteration thing, and it might just be a cultural thing that didn't cross over to modern day. Or it might be a relic of a traditional story that didn't get recorded for one reason or another, because to my understanding, Aife and Sca were also worshipped as tutelary goddesses way back when, so there's almost certainly some traditions about them that were lost when Christianity kicked in the door and said, "Convert, or else."

There's also a bit about Aife that I've mentioned before is missing because the text detailing it is either gone or illegible or some combination thereof. The Irish monks who were writing this stuff down didn't exactly have vacuum sealed bags to stick the books in once they were done.
Maybe "I spared your life (when I had you at swordpoint before you tricked me) you should spare mine"? Which he agrees to with the addition of his demands?

It's a broad read of her 'sparing' him, but I guess she must have held back from immediately killing him if he had time to yell his trick.
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As total counter-point to the above.. People talked a lot about how to classify Servant Khepri, but one idea missing - what it would look like if summoned like Orion/Artemis?
And now I'm picturing Orion's Noble Phantasm when Artemis buffs him, and how sometimes he'll get the buff but Artemis starts choking him because he was acting up and ticked her off again.

I'm picturing something like that for Taylor/Khepri and Queen Administrator. Where the cinematic for their NP is suitably dramatic…but every now and then, the cinematic changes so QA gleefully yells, "I'm helping!" and Taylor starts shouting, "Stop Helping! STOP!! HELPING!!!"

Thanks for that mental image.
And now I'm picturing Orion's Noble Phantasm when Artemis buffs him, and how sometimes he'll get the buff but Artemis starts choking him because he was acting up and ticked her off again.

I'm picturing something like that for Taylor/Khepri and Queen Administrator. Where the cinematic for their NP is suitably dramatic…but every now and then, the cinematic changes so QA gleefully yells, "I'm helping!" and Taylor starts shouting, "Stop Helping! STOP!! HELPING!!!"

Thanks for that mental image.
I think you mean HALPING!
Has WoG mentioned if Taylor is ever going to manifest as a hero or not eventually? Earth Bet and its related parts cant be completely cut off from the Throne of Heroes especially after Scion's death.

Either way I have enjoyed this fic a lot. Keep up the grand work.