- Location
- Beyond the Unknowable Veil
Or really fresh food.That said, if you combine cooking and gardening you get potions.
Or really fresh food.That said, if you combine cooking and gardening you get potions.
I've never seen anything canonical to even suggest they have more than 10-15.
The problem is that number doesn't account for population density. dense metropolitan areas have way more police officers "per capita" than rural areas, but they have way more people total, in a way that skews the numbers low.Well, US states seem to vary between roughly 3 and 6 police officers per 1000 people. Wizarding Britain seems to have probably between 12,000 and 3,000 people, so between 9 and 72 police officers. And that number include bureaucrats, and probably specialists, though not DEA, FBI, NSA, etc.
There were 'at least 30' Death Eaters at Voldemort's resurrection, though Harry is not exactly in the ideal place to get an accurate count what with the darkness and everything. In addition to that, 10 Death Eaters get broken out of Azkaban, which is all of them that were in Azkaban at the time.Guys, the fuck is even going on right now? I don't have population numbers honestly I don't know if anyone does. Only numbers I care about are combatants. Voldy had what 20-30 inner circle lieutenants some of whom where more political and less combat Mrs. Malfoy springs to mind. Prolly no more than ten grunts per lieutenant? Prolly closer to five honestly maybe as few as three. Ministry has… how many aurors who utterly fail to accomplish anything? Of course after voldy takes over and people go belly up there are all the regular mooks with no conscience that pick up work as snatchers and whatever else but they aren't relevant yet. And the Order is like 30-50 people? most of whom are too old or undertrained for any kind of combat op. Harry's defense group prolly numbers… what? 70-100 kids (seriously how many I can't freaking remember and don't have access to book 5 right now) maybe half of that being old/skilled enough that they won't just instantly die if they break cover? No idea how many are mentally prepared to fight for their lives.
I took it to mean 20 to 1 by Voldemort's forces, not specifically limited to just his Death Eaters. IIRC he recruited giants, werewolves, dementors, vampires etc. 20 to 1 would be pretty plausible, in that case.There were 'at least 30' Death Eaters at Voldemort's resurrection, though Harry is not exactly in the ideal place to get an accurate count what with the darkness and everything. In addition to that, 10 Death Eaters get broken out of Azkaban, which is all of them that were in Azkaban at the time.
So barring additional recruitment, Voldemort is working with around 40 - 45 Death Eaters in the Second Wizarding War according to canon.
It's also worth noting that in the First Wizarding War, Remus claims the Order was outnumbered '20 to 1' which, if true and not hyperbole, would suggest that Voldemort had around 400 Death Eaters the first time around, given the Order numbered 20 people at that time.
I suspect that this is hyperbole though, as according to Rowling the total Wizarding population in the UK is around 3000, so 400 Death Eaters would have been an overwhelmingly large chunk of the population, as well as implying a near 90% attrition rate between wars. Furthermore; Rowling is terrible with numbers, which becomes obvious when you know that her 'around 3000' claim includes one third being Hogwarts students, and we sure as shit do not see Hogwarts having 1000 students. So I would take Remus's 'outnumbered 20 to 1' claim with a grain of salt.
Yeah, there's forty named students in Harry's year, and assuming that's fairly typical, around 280 total in Hogwarts. Which makes much more sense with the other numbers for Hogwarts things we're given in the text (one teacher per subject, one sports team of seven players per house).
No see, we already know what the wizards do when their schedule is too busy, obviously all the Hogwarts teaching staff have Time Turners.And yes, anything above Harry's year's number as the average makes the teachers' schedules even more ridiculous. Though Fencer can at least handwave that, because without focus on the teachers' days, it wouldn't be noticed.
Hers was the first, but only because of time travel.But Hermione's time turner was the first to enter hogwarts, because she needed it to take all the subjects, despite Percy doing so (at a higher level) without one.
New Blood, by artemisgirl on FFN.
White Squirrel on that same site also has an alternate Hermione fic series, The Arithmancer, where her ultimate goal is to kill all the Dementors, although she doesn't get there until the third fic. (In the climax of the second fic, Hermione kills Bellatrix with a spell she created called the Deplorable Word after the one in the Narnia books)
Contrary to your apparent belief, there is a lot of canon and wog about this, I have neither the time nor inclination to search for it all for you. Maybe you should start with book 6 where the difficulty of things increase drastically with something as minor as not saying the spell out loud, or the African school that exclusively teaches wandless magic.
Also, if the game is any accurate representation, Hogsmeade has maybe a hundred people tops.
You really need to get better at critical thinking and applying it to things.Not saying an incantation is not the same as not using a premade spell...
And while wandless magic is occasionally shown and referenced there isn't much in the way of details that I recall.
You really need to get better at critical thinking and applying it to things.
Literally everyone struggled with non-verbal spellcasting, even as adults most people preferred to just say the spell instead of bothering with it.
Now think about how hard it must be to cast the spell without a wand.
Now think about how hard it must be to not cast a spell at all, but to just do it.
You're right, not saying an incantation is not the same as not using a premade spell, it's infinitely easier
and the reason wandless magic is barely mentioned or talked about is because a grand total of three people explicitly use it in any capacity throughout the books, and they're the three best spellcasters in the books.
The thing that annoys me about this is that if you had bothered to think about this, like at all, you should have figured it out, easily. I don't like doing your thinking for you. And it's really starting to seem like you just didn't read the books, please do so, or at least fucking google something first.
Idea: Listed numbers of 3k pop with 1k students are official numbers for Ministry. Like, according to last census, Britain has 3k wizards and witches. Don't ask when it was taken. Simultaneously, Hogwarts has budget calculated according to needs of 1000 students. When it was set? Well...I don't have population numbers honestly I don't know if anyone does.
Bullshit that Rowling came up with years after the books were done and should be shoved in the same hole as "wizards shit themselves and then vanish it"?Then how do you explain the African school of magic that teaches only wandless magic? And is important and is only school of magic in Africa?
JK's inconsistent world building?Then how do you explain the African school of magic that teaches only wandless magic? And is important and is only school of magic in Africa?
My personal head cannon is that there is somewhere between 10k and 30k wizards spread out across Britain, with Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley being the only two major population centers that are entirely magical. Then you have scattered wizarding households spread out in towns and villages across the nation that go out of their way to avoid interacting with their muggle neighbors. The Weasley's, Lovegood's, and Diggory's live on village outskirts where they can be a bit more open, while people like Bathilda Bagshot and the Dumbledore's live right in the heart of mixed wizard/muggle villages like Godric's Hollow. There are also wizarding properties concealed within major cities (see Grimauld Place), and again wizards go out of their way to avoid interacting with the neighbors. Then there are a few wizarding manors out in the countryside where a simple muggle repelling ward can keep a wide area free from muggle incursion.So, if Britain only has 3k people...
How did they get to host the world cup?
Easter Island has never hosted an international world anything; they simply don't have the resources.
3k people is less than half the people that worked the last FIFA World Cup.
The Quidditch match had, according to Canon, 100k people at it. Britain would have had to absorb 33+ times the entire population of the nation, feeding them, making souvenirs, all those things we read about.
A three thousand person population is impossible, just by Canon events.
A three thousand person population is impossible, just by Canon events.
Then how do you explain the African school of magic that teaches only wandless magic? And is important and is only school of magic in Africa?