Harry Potter and the Skittering Spouse

"If it seems Draco will fail" is more interesting. What matters here is what counts as failure and what information Snape has. If Snape believes the Draco won't succeed, the Vow is active.

Consider if Draco is dead, he can't kill Dumbledore. Draco has failed, but the Vow's text requires that Snape believe Draco is going to fail, not that he believes Draco has failed. Things get more complicated here if Draco is alive but Snape believes he won't kill Dumbledore. If Snape sees a plot fail and thinks "this brat will never succeed" he would, by the text of the Vow, be obligated to kill Dumbledore. If Snape sees Draco dragged off to Azkaban then it comes down to whether that counts as Draco having failed or being likely to fail at his task.

So there is ambiguity in a strict reading of the Vow. But that doesn't necessarily determine Snape's actions, as he is likely to act on the Vow as he understands it rather than test it.
There's also the exact wording interpretation. If Draco has already failed, does that release Snape because it's written as if he only needs to step in if failure is imminent?
I don't think they've had a chance yet? Taylor seems to be spending most of her time away from the general student body, and if she wants to avoid people she can. It's also still just the first week.
It's already common knowledge to the girls of the non-Slytherin houses so it's been long enough for them to have started.
People constantly quote how rulebound Hermione is, but forget that in the first book, she set fire to a professor's robes. A professor who was a recognized authority. If she was the hide-bound authority minion people think she is, then she would have automatically assumed that Snape had a good reason for doing it, because he was a teacher.
As long as it stays academic, she will cling to the standards like a cat being forcibly dunked in the tub. Once it becomes life and death she leaps over the line.
I prefer the interpretation that she so religiously follows the rules as written because whenever she doesn't have them (or just doesn't use them) as a guide for her behavior she tends to escalate harder than Taylor and with a lot less warning for everyone in the splash zone

She's not good with empathy and she struggles to really connect with the people around her, she doesn't understand them, not really. In general the Trio are very poorly socialized, but Hermione is worse than Harry in that regard.

She's driven to succeed at academics because that is the one area where she undeniably excels, but when it comes to dealing with actual people she tends to fumble hard.
This is half the premise of her characterization in Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You, the other half being an absolute neutral mad scientist with no morals but what she can imitate. Taylor would likely get on well with this version.
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This chapter is awesome. Love watching the entire train not just derailing but being hurled from the tracks in an act of common sense the likes of which this world has never seen before.

The split from Hermione does suck but Fencer's position of working from the point of divergence makes sense and we will see where they go from here.

Edit: regarding her canon personality changes, Hermione had the crucial flaw of being cooler than the protagonist, so JKR installed a mind wipe button on the back of her head and made sure to press it at least once per novel.

Book one Hermione had no problem setting a teacher on fire, and one of the first spells she learns as a first year is a third year lock picking spell.

Like, there's no explanation for that- that makes sense- other than her being personally invested in larceny.

But then it's all about the teachers and the rules and the teachers and the rules and okay maayyyyybe a bit of unlawful imprisonment and blackmail, and hey was there a click sound from the back of her head? And then the teachers and the ruullllesssss…
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a room that has a slower flow of time for absurd training

Taylor: "You can destroy Britain but you can never destroy what I am, friend."
Voldemort: "What…What are you?"
Taylor: "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth" (Taylor powers up and stops using her indoor voice) "Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"
It's on the to do list
I'm pretty sure by this point Taylor won't be personally insulted by anything stupid schoolkids can say. But she learned that life (and especially school) operates on prison rules, so yeah...
Like, there's no explanation for that- that makes sense- other than her being personally invested in larceny.
1. "This is the LockPickingLawyer, and what I have for you today..."
2. Have you seen female clothing? No pockets. If you gonna carry your wand anyway, you may as well eliminate need for key ring. Hermione never has a bag on her too.
Like, there's no explanation for that- that makes sense- other than her being personally invested in larceny.
Hermione: "Dad can never find his keys...."

That or she wanted to get into the library after it closes.
It's possible she was bullied in a way involving a lock too I suppose. Her locked somewhere, or her stuff locked away.
I have a sudden urge to consider a bizarre power swap; Taylor gets magic, Hermione gets a Worm power based on her first year in Hogwarts, triggering just before Harry and Ron show up in the Troll scene.

Hermione with QA, or... Shaper. All those magical creatures, a sub species of humanity with some sort of bio energy use?

Oh yeah, shaper would be all over that.

Hermione, with Panacea's power.
Taylor with magic.

Nothing could go wrong with this scenario.
The grey lady, Dumbledore, and Voldemort (bloody baron might) are probably the only people that know about the diadem at this point.

And only Riddle knows for sure he turned it into a Horcrux. Albus is, of course, guessing he did.

That said, Taylor doesn't know... and she doesn't know what she doesn't know since Albus says nada.

But she does know the room of junk is an existential threat tonthe students; Draco found a secret way in for a kill team; who knows whatbelse might be in there?

And she also knows it'd take thousands of person-hours to nicely clean it out... or even more of spider-hours.

Which she has.

Can you imagine Riddle's expression if he ends up in there seeking the diadem and finds nothing but spiders and Acromantula.
Taylor: "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth" (Taylor powers up and stops using her indoor voice) "Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"
As much as that speech is a cool speech, it's a really silly and poorly translated speech for goku to be making when he fights freeza.
And she also knows it'd take thousands of person-hours to nicely clean it out... or even more of spider-hours.
Which she has.
Can you imagine Riddle's expression if he ends up in there seeking the diadem and finds nothing but spiders and Acromantula.
Stage 1: Clean up Room.
Stage 2: Transmute spiders into junk and fill the room again.
Treason would require the national government to officially declare war on a non-state actor. So that's a solid maybe. As for terrorism, this is pre-9/11, insurrection and mass-murder would be more likely charges during this era.

Britain had a bit of terrorism from non-state actors before 9/11. I think a lot of hand waving would need to happen to have the Ministry follow a muggle legal framework .
Stage 1: Clean up Room.
Stage 2: Transmute spiders into junk and fill the room again.

Step 1 - suspend vanishing cabinet way up in a tall tree in forbidden forest
Step 2 - surround landing zone with welcoming committee
Step 3 - see if Room of Requirement can provide a potions recipie for liquid claymore mines. If so, they go in landing zone also
I wonder if they can find a way to weaponize undiluted bubotuber pus. That substance is really caustic on human skin judging by the chemical burns it left on Hermione's hands. If they can find a way to cover enemy troops on it, it would really impede their casting.

Maybe look for a way to send adult screaming mandrakes thru the cabinet to kill anyone on the other side.
Another possible way to fuck up your enemies—mess with anti-Apparition wards so that people can try to Apparate away, but splinch themselves in the process. Set up these wonky wards somewhere you expect the Death Eaters to attack and then let them cripple themselves in the aftermath.
You can fully just set up a bomb, say 'Voldemort', then blow up the Death Eaters that show up. Once they set that system up anyway.

Mines, Bear Traps, Spike Pits, etc.

Step 1 - suspend vanishing cabinet way up in a tall tree in forbidden forest
Step 2 - surround landing zone with welcoming committee
Step 3 - see if Room of Requirement can provide a potions recipie for liquid claymore mines. If so, they go in landing zone also
I wonder if they can find a way to weaponize undiluted bubotuber pus. That substance is really caustic on human skin judging by the chemical burns it left on Hermione's hands. If they can find a way to cover enemy troops on it, it would really impede their casting.

Maybe look for a way to send adult screaming mandrakes thru the cabinet to kill anyone on the other side.

So just lay the trap in one of the N.E.W.T. level greenhouses, then? Like how many Death Eaters took Herbology after their O.W.L.s? If you dropped their vanguard into a thicket of Devil's Snare or Venomous Tentacula, how many of them would know how to deal with them?
Just have Taylor pick Neville's brain, those greenhouses will turn into nightmare fuel.
Step 1 - suspend vanishing cabinet way up in a tall tree in forbidden forest
Step 2 - surround landing zone with welcoming committee
I'm under impression that vanishing cabinet is true portal and while active, you can see what on the other side.
I think you can just station people (under whatever invisibility you have on hand, Eaters not going to cast detecting charm if they think THEY are the ambush) in corridors that lead from Room, and when Eaters stop coming out (you can track them with Marauder Map), transmute air to CO (prep yourself with bubblehead). Pure CO knocks and kills faster than you can understand what's going on. Simple, invisible, fast.
Re: Vanishing cabinets.
To activate the transport function you have to close the door. That is why Harry could hide in the one on Borgin & Burkes after his floo mishap on 2nd year without being transported out.

Peeves damaged the one on Hogwarts previous to the Twins throwing a Slytherin inside. Apparently due to the damage, the student was trapped in the between space and had to apparate out.