Harry Potter and the Skittering Spouse

...that might make sense if she got a new body upon transferring universes i guess, but just going from one universe to another isn't going to change her DNA.
I think going down this rabbit hole is ultimately futile though, as we don't know the exact laws of physics in both worlds, and we are honestly hand waving them being as compatable as they are a bit.
The whole point about Skitter is that things happen, and she doesn't need to be anywhere near the line-of-fire.

The ideal of Skitter is that things happen over there. In practice, Taylor often finds herself far closer to the line of fire than she's comfortable with—hence the need for things like swarm clones and police batons—adding some extra versatility and range to her arsenal wouldn't hurt. Also, consider: A wand gives a teleporting Skitter and really, do you want the DEs to ever be able to sleep again?

Because 'a world that doesn't have magic to express' isn't how Potterverse magic works. You either have magic or you do not and the magic comes from you, not from 'the world', so whether 'the world' has magic or not is irrelevant.

Potterverse only has one world and it doesn't go that heavily into the mechanics of magic, so there's no actual canon answer to whether or not magic is world dependent. This fic, being a crossover with a non-magical setting, introduces another world and it's up to the author how they interact and how their rules get extrapolated. Any answer to the question "Could someone from Bet express magic if they go to the HP world" relies on making stuff up.

Also it would be super easy to check: The Muggle-Repelling Charm only works on people without magic, ie Muggles and Squibs.

To my knowledge, so far, she hasn't even been mildly inconvenienced by any such charms.
...that might make sense if she got a new body upon transferring universes i guess, but just going from one universe to another isn't going to change her DNA.
I think going down this rabbit hole is ultimately futile though, as we don't know the exact laws of physics in both worlds, and we are honestly hand waving them being as compatable as they are a bit.
It doesn't need to change her DNA; both universes have stock humans, using the same DNA strands and patterns. In Bet, however, the specific pattern that allows magic use in HP, doesn't do anything, because there's no magic there.

Just as Harry, going to the Bet universe shouldn't be able to do magic while he's there, because magic doesn't exist in Bet.

But, yes, this is purely theorycrafting; the decision as to how magic works between the universes in this story is up to our esteemed author.

I can see amusement in going both routes, actually. Skitter with magic, and Skitter without. Personally, Skitter without magic seems the more interesting route, but that's just my opinion.
and can even appear in people that have no previous magical history.
No it cannot, that's my point.

Muggleborns actually do have previous magical history; one of their ancestors was a squib who passed on an inactive version of the magic gene. They aren't aware of this magical history, but just because they don't know about it doesn't mean it isn't there.
It comes from this chat with Rowling:
I'd consider interviews much less firmly canon than something in the actual books, especially in the case of Rowling, who says a lot of stupid things in interviews. I also find the "It's all genetics and the only way muggle borne get magic is if they had magical ancestors" particularly unsatisfying, because it verges on the bloodpurist worldview.
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I'd consider interviews much less firmly canon than something in the actual books, especially in the case of Rowling, who says a lot of stupid things in interviews. I also find the "It's all genetics and the only way muggle borne get magic is if they had magical ancestors" particularly unsatisfying, because it verges on the bloodpurist worldview.

TBH if you think about it this sentence really doesn't mean much of anything... Because from the whole curse breaking ancient Egyptian sites implies that magic has been around for a very long time. This means that by virtue of basic statistics everyone has 'magical ancestors'. Because family trees tend to branch and the further back you go the fewer people there were that aren't your ancestors.
TBH if you think about it this sentence really doesn't mean much of anything... Because from the whole curse breaking ancient Egyptian sites implies that magic has been around for a very long time. This means that by virtue of basic statistics everyone has 'magical ancestors'. Because family trees tend to branch and the further back you go the fewer people there were that aren't your ancestors.
This, exactly. If there was one magical person in 3000BC that passed the gene on, by the time canon HP started, half the world would have magical ancestors. Given that in that time period, there were entire societies of magicals...

Outside of orphan and rare diseases with genetic components, anything that spreads genetically has rules. You can't have a genetic condition that jumps ten generations, but also hits every child in a Muggleborn family, like the Creeveys.

Unless, and this is theorycrafting here; there is another factor involved, one that people are unaware of, because it's strictly magical. Say XX percent of the world has the magical gene, but it only expresses as magical ability if X condition is fulfilled during the pregnancy, something that happens more often in magical areas, which is why magical parents usually have magical children, but it does happen in other places, explaining the Muggleborn. Squibs weren't exposed to it, despite having magical parents.
It's a tricky question... What is magic? "Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will."? (Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth, 1944.) No, I'm not telling you to trust Crowley, who's a very dodgy character, but that's one definition. Magic is the (conscious, human) mind bypassing Physics as she is known. (Or, some would say, not looking deep enough.)

Problem? Potter-verse magic doesn't obviously work that way. It uses a set of mnemonics (spells) and a 'magical' tool (a wand). But, the most skilled can bypass most of that. And, there's 'unconscious use of magic' (*cough* accidental *cough*), which seems to be sorta a defensive reflex, noted in magical children.

Note there is nothing about genetics there, more observation of what happens. There is nothing in that to say (almost) all humans aren't unconscious users of magic. Just that this is below the level that magicals pick-up.

Selection pressure, evolution, would seem likely to increase the survival chances for those who use magic. Maybe we should be asking what the down-side of conscious magic use is? :)
(Some might say... that magicals are... a little short on being rational... Consider Human genetic resistance to malaria. Too much magical ancestry is contra-survival/causes infertility? Of course, mundanes aren't arguably much better on the rationality front. :) )

Is QA stopping Taylor suffering the really bad sides of conscious magic use? Protecting her from the Potter-verse really messing her up?

Yes, this is a slightly different question from the one most people ask. :)
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Is QA stopping Taylor suffering the really bad sides of conscious magic use? Protecting her from the Potter-verse really messing her up?

Yes, this is a slightly different question from the one most people ask. :)
That depends; does QA like Best Host more than this fascinating new DATA they've stumbled on?

Because, having seen what the shards do to Case 53s, they can change DNA. So if QA wants the magic DATA, Taylor will be able to do magic, and will be protected from the 'sheeple' effect of magic. Best Host can't generate DATA if she's blindly following the crowd, after all.

If the DATA is more important, then Taylor might end up as a Phoenix since an immortal host will supply DATA forever.
That depends; does QA like Best Host more than this fascinating new DATA they've stumbled on?

Because, having seen what the shards do to Case 53s, they can change DNA. So if QA wants the magic DATA, Taylor will be able to do magic, and will be protected from the 'sheeple' effect of magic. Best Host can't generate DATA if she's blindly following the crowd, after all.

If the DATA is more important, then Taylor might end up as a Phoenix since an immortal host will supply DATA forever.
Would QA get more [DATA] by making sure Taylor can use magic via loadsa 'bugs'? Rather than (just) herself? I can see that being argued...

Also, maybe magic is causing miscarriage, at a very early stage, and foetus is leaving for the Lands of Faery, to grow up there... So, the magicals we see, are the sufficiently weak ones...
(You might even say the ones without 'Sufficient (magical) Velocity'. :) )
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Would QA get more [DATA] by making sure Taylor can use magic via loadsa 'bugs'? Rather than (just) herself? I can see that being argued...

Also, maybe magic is causing miscarriage, at a very early stage, and foetus is leaving for the Lands of Faery, to grow up there... So, the magicals we see, are the sufficiently weak ones...
(You might even say the ones without 'Sufficient (magical) Velocity'. :) )
What an amusing thought: every bug that falls under Taylor's power, gets upgraded to magic user.

Gnats firing stunners, flies using levitation, ants casting flippendo...

Skitter can't do magic herself, but she still has the biggest magical army ever.
Capacity for casting magic being genetic is such a lazy answer. Is it like blue eyes? Or is it like heterochromia? Is it like biological sex? Or is it like thumbs? Honestly, it's such a powerful survival trait that there should only be magical people. Unless there is some facet of not having magic that is a survival trait or there is some kind of genetic engineering fuckery in the backstory of the setting.

And Jo Rowling is (to use the British expression) pants at the hard sciences like math, chemistry, biology, calculus, physics, and so forth. Expecting her authorial fiat answers to line up with the foundational aspects of those sciences is a non-starter.
Magic is mutually exclusive with common sense would be my guess lol
Given the advantages of a magical person, like the beatings we see them take in Quidditch, it would have to be a huge penalty.

Per Canon, a magical on a broomstick can hit the ground at speed, twice in an hour or so, and still get up and continue to play.

They can be hit by iron bludgers, and shake it off.

Given that durability, magic and an extended life, the only reason magicals haven't bred muggles out of existence has to be a huge disadvantage. Perhaps a vastly lower birthrate, and the magical diseases have a higher fatality rate?

We do know that James Potter's parents were killed by disease, after all.
Per Canon, a magical on a broomstick can hit the ground at speed, twice in an hour or so, and still get up and continue to play.

They can be hit by iron bludgers, and shake it off.

Given that durability, magic and an extended life, the only reason magicals haven't bred muggles out of existence has to be a huge disadvantage. Perhaps a vastly lower birthrate, and the magical diseases have a higher fatality rate?

We do know that James Potter's parents were killed by disease, after all.
I could see something nasty, like a magical's metabolism becomes dependent on magic. So, if they get a disease that saps their magic, maybe consumes it for the purpose of the disease, bye-bye?

First generation magicals might be (more-or-less) immune to magical diseases? I think I recall a fanfic (name forgotten) where (well established) magical families carefully inter-breed with 1st gen magicals, or have other tricks like child adoption rituals for acquired children to 'become' part of the family (or arranged affairs plus rituals).

Upstarts like the Malfoys? They just believe the true-blood propaganda, and don't know about what's practically done...

That's ignoring weird stuff, like beds that sap your magic to increase chance of conceiving...
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Given the advantages of a magical person, like the beatings we see them take in Quidditch, it would have to be a huge penalty.

Per Canon, a magical on a broomstick can hit the ground at speed, twice in an hour or so, and still get up and continue to play.

They can be hit by iron bludgers, and shake it off.

Given that durability, magic and an extended life, the only reason magicals haven't bred muggles out of existence has to be a huge disadvantage. Perhaps a vastly lower birthrate, and the magical diseases have a higher fatality rate?

We do know that James Potter's parents were killed by disease, after all.
I suspect that's the answer. Magical families (the Weasley's being a notable exception) tend to have few children. Given that they also have longer lifespans, that means that magicals in order to have children must marry young and have children young (relatively speaking) before it becomes physically impossible (one of the reasons James was a miracle baby). The low magical birth rate could thus be a mix of biological factors (longer lives means proportionally less fertile years) medical factors (magicals are exposed to more and more dangerous magical maladies), and cultural (wizards have been post-scarcity for so long that children have not been nessesary for survival for thousands of years). Couple that all together and you get a population where the only people having children are the people who get married absurdly early (by wizard standards), stay healthy, and are dedicated to having children for reasons other than economic or social reasons.

For most of human history people had lots of kids because more kids meant more hands to help hunt/farm and lots of kids died young. You can see today that many under-developed nations still operate that way. But as medicine advances and nations develop economically, the birthrate booms (as child mortality drops) and then within a generation or two the birthrate tends to fall below replacement levels as people prioritize things other than having children in a society where children are no longer an economic necessity, but in fact an economic drain on the family.

Wizards have probably been at the point of children being a net-drain rather than a net-gain for centuries, so it makes sense culturally for the birth rate to be pretty low too. Wizards would tend only to have kids when 'they are ready' rather than 'as soon as they can to get more farmhands.' Put all that together (biology, medical, cultural) and a below-replacement birthrate makes sense.

That would also explain Mr. Weasley's argument against pureblood ideology when he says 'if wizards hadn't interbred with muggles we would have died out.'
Don't forget easy access to birth control. Magical teenagers learn it early and use it often, and they keep doing so as they get older without really thinking about it.
Because, having seen what the shards do to Case 53s, they can change DNA. So if QA wants the magic DATA, Taylor will be able to do magic, and will be protected from the 'sheeple' effect of magic. Best Host can't generate DATA if she's blindly following the crowd, after all.

Shard's don't, and can't, really change the way they interact with their hosts like that. Remember, they're literally burning out functionality as part of their initial calibration process.

Upstarts like the Malfoys? They just believe the true-blood propaganda, and don't know about what's practically done...

I'm pretty sure the Malfoys aren't upstarts and lots of other, long established, families believe the exact same things.
Don't forget easy access to birth control. Magical teenagers learn it early and use it often, and they keep doing so as they get older without really thinking about it.
That is fanon, Rowling has never made any kind of comment regarding magical birth control afaik.

And yes, a lot of Rowling's numbers and claims make absolutely no logical sense, unfortunately things do not stop being canon just because they are stupid.
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It's that from Ward or something? Where does it say that?

It's from Worm. I know we see some of that in Interlude 26:

The shard opens the connection as the stress peaks, and the host doubles over in pain, bewildered, stunned. The shard then forms tendrils that contact each individual in the area. It retains traces of the entity's tampering, of the studies in psychology, awareness and memory, and is quick to adapt. It finds a manner in which it can operate, then alters itself, solidifying into a particular state. The remainder of the functions are discarded, the ones in the shard itself are rendered inert to conserve power, while the ones in the host fall away, are consumed by the shard. The host's neural network changes once more.

I think we see the same process, in more detail, in a different interlude, but it's been a while since I read worm and I don't remember which one.

That is fanon, Rowling has never made any kind of comment regarding magical birth control afaik.

And yes, a lot of Rowling's numbers and claims make absolutely no logical sense, unfortunately things do not stop being canon just because they are stupid.

That's the beauty of fanfics: You can pick and choose from canon and when the "canon" in question isn't actually part of the work, it can just stop being canon.