Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

The problem is with cooling down the furniture, and draining water out of water pipes. I am cautious of floors warping too. Better not to do it right now.
Outdoor garage. Standalone. Not connected to the house.
Concrete floor because it was originally a garage meant to park cars before conversion to a workshop.
Plus its Chicago, where winter temperatures regularly drop below zero Celsius even before wind chill.

Not really an issue now, but Im establishing that given some basic precautions, it should be safe to work in the outdoor garage.
If nothing else, jewelry and gems are likely to have different pools of buyers, thus expanding our chances of quickly getting cas
No, its the same pool of buyers.
Jewels are acquired by jewelers and used to make jewelry to sell to consumers.
And noone makes brass jewelry with precious stones.
Depends on a liquid. Some have pretty low freezing temperatures. Its not just water, after all, it is in the name; Hell of Boiling Oil.
Good point.
The issue is that we need to get at least 10k cash in three days or less. Cultured pearls require real oysters, and I am not sure if they fall under craft at all, or can be affected by TTC. Artificial pearl imitations that could be made using TTC are much less expensive and we'd essentially need to make them in bulk to hope to get enough money.
This depends on the QM.
But Tool Constructs is a Wicked City charm, and draws on Mikaboshi's themes, which are hightech and cyberpunk in nature, as enumerated in 1000 Hells. The technology to do this, whether technoorganic or just bullshit nanotech, is in theme.

An individual 7.5mm pearl will weigh around 3 carats/0.6g. - shecypearljewelry Resources and Information. is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
Double that to 15mm, which is high end size but not highest end size, and your 15mm pearl will weigh around 1.2 4.8 grams each.
1200 pearls of that size will weigh around 1.2 6 kg.

The price of a standard-grade Tahitian pearl(Tahitian pearls are more valuable than freshwater and Akoyan pearls, but less valuable than South Sea pearls) is between 200 and 600 dollars each(high quality can go as high as 36k for one).

How Much Are Pearls Worth? Guide to Different Pearls' Value

How much are pearls worth, and how is the value of pearls determined? Learn more about the cost, quality and value of pearls.

50% off the low end estimate would still translate to $120,000 for 1200 pearls weighing 1.2kg 6kg.
Probably a lot more, because people get much higher prices for bigger pearls than smaller pearls; 2400x 7.5mm pearls is worth much less than 1200x 15mm pearls, even though they are the same weight.

Weights edited because I remembered weight scales with volume.
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OK, looks like gems it is, without the stunt, though I will have Molly use things like Excelencies since there is no real reason not to use them crafting when she has the essence
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 30, 2022 at 9:52 AM, finished with 144 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Hacking, try to rob someone who deserves it
    --[X]The Pathfinders might as well kick them well they are down.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Have Black Rider imitate some malfunctions, like a misfired airbag to lower valuation of the car. Ideally during the auction.
    --[X] Make him stop the engine from running and put up a number of false computer readings of various malfunctions and signs of wear and tear.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    --[X] Get Cyberdevils to check markets and research papers to see what kind, including both material and cut, of synthetic gems is the most profitable to make right now, and what known technique, even if normally completely impractible and hard to scale, produces said gems the fastest
    --[X] Make an electronically controlled lock for the workshop, slaved to your phone. Have Clippy promise not to let you out until you make 10 carat worth of artificial gems. Have them renew the promise after each batch of gems until you get enough gems.
    --[X] Contact Lydia to ask if her father or lawyer can help you with selling perfectly legal, if hard to explain synthetic gems
    ---[X] Stunt: You turn away from the arcane machinery arrayed around you, in which artificial gems form from the glow of nearly empty space, grow in various bubbling vats, are cut into perfect shape with nanometer scale precisions, and fiddle with your phone, careful not to let your wet hair tough the dynamic: "Lydia, hi! How are you? Everything ok after you got home? Sorry to bother you so soon after our last adventure, but does your dad, or maybe his lawyer, know how to find buyers for unusual items, like artificial gems? Also, would you want to go to a police auction with me? I wanted to buy out a demonically possessed car. Don't worry, it's one of my loyal demons."
    --[X] Use 1/4th of the gems made to make jewelry - rings, earpieces, studs, necklaces, etc. Use brass for the metal
    ---[X] Stunt: the hum escaping your lips as you fashion brass and gems into pieces of art transcending boundaries of mortal craftsmanship is not a real melody you know. It is something from the depths of your mind, brought forth by how right it feels to fashion brass. In your mind, Usum agrees, offering advice on details of aesthetics.
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Hacking, try to rob someone who deserves it. Or a least have your Cyber Devils check the feasibility
    --[X]The Pathfinders might as well kick them well they are down.
    -[x]Red court. You do have a devil in one of your phones right now.
    -[x]Formroi don't like them and they seem to make lots of shell companies
    -[x]local organizated crime not so much to rob, but to find ways to launder the money.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Have Black Rider imitate some malfunctions, like a misfired airbag to lower valuation of the car. Ideally during the auction.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    --[X] Get Cyberdevils to check markets and research papers to see what kind, including both material and cut, of synthetic gems is the most profitable to make right now, and what known technique, even if normally completely impractible and hard to scale, produces said gems the fastest
    --[X] Make an electronically controlled lock for the workshop, slaved to your phone. Have Clippy promise not to let you out until you make 10 carat worth of artificial gems. Have them renew the promise after each batch of gems until you get enough gems.
    --[X] Contact Lydia to ask if her father or lawyer can help you with selling perfectly legal, if hard to explain synthetic gems
Ah shit. That's 4 dice lost.

I was hoping we'll work out a less extreme, compromise version of Yog's stunt in time. Should have written one myself.
Jewels are acquired by jewelers and used to make jewelry to sell to consumers.
And jewelry is also bought by people who are interested in jewelry.
Outdoor garage. Standalone. Not connected to the house.
Concrete floor because it was originally a garage meant to park cars before conversion to a workshop.
The workshop in on the second floor of the house, though, not in a separate building. I checked. If it was in a separate building, yes, we should have used TTC to initiate WHWH.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 30, 2022 at 9:52 AM, finished with 144 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Hacking, try to rob someone who deserves it
    --[X]The Pathfinders might as well kick them well they are down.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Have Black Rider imitate some malfunctions, like a misfired airbag to lower valuation of the car. Ideally during the auction.
    --[X] Make him stop the engine from running and put up a number of false computer readings of various malfunctions and signs of wear and tear.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    --[X] Get Cyberdevils to check markets and research papers to see what kind, including both material and cut, of synthetic gems is the most profitable to make right now, and what known technique, even if normally completely impractible and hard to scale, produces said gems the fastest
    --[X] Make an electronically controlled lock for the workshop, slaved to your phone. Have Clippy promise not to let you out until you make 10 carat worth of artificial gems. Have them renew the promise after each batch of gems until you get enough gems.
    --[X] Contact Lydia to ask if her father or lawyer can help you with selling perfectly legal, if hard to explain synthetic gems
    ---[X] Stunt: You turn away from the arcane machinery arrayed around you, in which artificial gems form from the glow of nearly empty space, grow in various bubbling vats, are cut into perfect shape with nanometer scale precisions, and fiddle with your phone, careful not to let your wet hair tough the dynamic: "Lydia, hi! How are you? Everything ok after you got home? Sorry to bother you so soon after our last adventure, but does your dad, or maybe his lawyer, know how to find buyers for unusual items, like artificial gems? Also, would you want to go to a police auction with me? I wanted to buy out a demonically possessed car. Don't worry, it's one of my loyal demons."
    --[X] Use 1/4th of the gems made to make jewelry - rings, earpieces, studs, necklaces, etc. Use brass for the metal
    ---[X] Stunt: the hum escaping your lips as you fashion brass and gems into pieces of art transcending boundaries of mortal craftsmanship is not a real melody you know. It is something from the depths of your mind, brought forth by how right it feels to fashion brass. In your mind, Usum agrees, offering advice on details of aesthetics.
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Hacking, try to rob someone who deserves it. Or a least have your Cyber Devils check the feasibility
    --[X]The Pathfinders might as well kick them well they are down.
    -[x]Red court. You do have a devil in one of your phones right now.
    -[x]Formroi don't like them and they seem to make lots of shell companies
    -[x]local organizated crime not so much to rob, but to find ways to launder the money.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    [X] Legally, you need some way to get a few thousand dollars fast
    -[X] Have Black Rider imitate some malfunctions, like a misfired airbag to lower valuation of the car. Ideally during the auction.
    -[X] Make some gems, you are sure you can find a buyer
    --[X] Get Cyberdevils to check markets and research papers to see what kind, including both material and cut, of synthetic gems is the most profitable to make right now, and what known technique, even if normally completely impractible and hard to scale, produces said gems the fastest
    --[X] Make an electronically controlled lock for the workshop, slaved to your phone. Have Clippy promise not to let you out until you make 10 carat worth of artificial gems. Have them renew the promise after each batch of gems until you get enough gems.
    --[X] Contact Lydia to ask if her father or lawyer can help you with selling perfectly legal, if hard to explain synthetic gems
Arc 4 Post 3: A Girl's Best Friend
A Girl's Best Friend

27st of July 2006 A.D.

"Clippy look up what a CLS Class Mercedes is worth I want to see what I'm working with here..." It's a Thursday so there is no one in the house in the morning other than dad and Hank so you can just talk to your electronic assistant without creeping out anyone. After all dad had just seen you be much creepier.

As she dutifully rattles off the numbers you give an impressed whistle. Luxury cars are expensive, who'd of thunk it? You can think of a few ways to make this particular car less expensive, but you are still going to need money, what you would have once thought of an an absurd amount of money. Once. After all you did not used to be able to walk on water either.

After breakfast and checking in with dad whose playing ball with Hank in the front yard, your little brother's fascination with throwing a brightly colored ball not having developed into a liking for any particular game just yet, you make your way into the workshop. As you hose yourself down in the corner the whispers of the sea fill your mind and then they grow and magnify, like fractal flowers in the dark.

The apparatus you conjure from the light of your anima is also vaguely ball shaped, a one and a half meter diameter banded sphere of dark metal, not-quite-steel that cracks the concrete floor where it comes to rest. Screens of black glass precisely as tall as you are, not one milometer more or less and barely a few inches thick unfold around it from the shadows of your mind. At your touch the anvil bearing opens with a soft sigh of infusing air to reveal a follow perfectly sized for the small block of graphite whose carbon will be ennobled by your work.

Poisonous green symbols dance across the screens, like electronic raindrops against the dark glass, demanding each their due in careful considerations as unearthly metals at the heart of the anvil burn and crystalize the element that is the foundation of all life. Distantly you are aware that the sheer force of the hydraulic presses unsecured like this would have OSHA screening bloody murder, that the energy consumption to make these things would be worth a significant portion of the final price... if you were drawing from any earthly supply. With a thought you conjure another and another.

The usual issues of the process need not concern you. There is no way to have metal inclusions because the metal of the press is only as real as you will it to be, a manifestation of essence, air cannot pass seals meant to muffle the screams of the forsaken, but there are still other parameters you have to keep your eyes on over as minutes tick into hours, temperature, pressure, friction of the metallic lattice against other parts of the anvils. Immaterial eyes burn as they fly from one anvil to the other, the only light in the room once more bared from the face of the sun.

Facet and cut, polish and grind, once, twice, thrice, look back to the ones that are already cooking, a cut here, a strike there... ooh that looks like a cool cut.... "Good eye Clippy," you say to your assistant, propped up on the table behind you. For the life of you, you could not say where the hours had gone.

Thankfully you find that you can take the half finished stones out, let them to one side and go to lunch, though Daniel does give you a funny look and mom a suspicious one when you show up to the table with wet hair

"What are you making?" Leech asks over her mashed potatoes, curious as ever.

"Just some prep work for another project," you answer, not technically a lie, but you do not want to get into 'I want to recover a demon-Mercedes from the CPD' with mom in the room. Not that there is anything dodgy about making synthetic diamonds... selling them maybe, but that is just details.

You are not sure if Leech caught you glancing at mom as she is tossing the salad or if she just assumes you are naturally up to something but her lips twitch into a sly little smile as she replies. "Gotcha."

After lunch, having begged off talking about your adventures with Matthew and pawned him off on Daniel who had gotten most of the details from Lydia you get back to work. Hands twitching, neck cramping eye straining work, and not just the eyes in your head, but there is something soothing to the soul in it, beyond the complaints of mind and body music to the soul and by the soul's grace you forge them, five diamonds classically cut, each 6.6 Carats, soft blue and clear as the sky at midwinter.

Gained 5 Self-Made Diamonds

Lost 3 Essence -> Now at 9/12

From what you can tell a trained geologist would still be able to tell these are lab diamonds, even if they could not possibility guess what kind of lab, but they are really good lab-grown diamonds. The question now is where are you going to sell them.

[] Gard feels like the sort of person who would buy diamonds no questions asked

[] Lydia told you she has a lawyer who is used to the spooky side of stuff, maybe strange diamonds are covered

[] Harry, wizards probably get paid in strange things all the time

[] Write in

OOC: I went with diamonds because they are a good opener, you can make other stones, but this is the most straightforward and with the simplest input. This was made by Molly, her excellency and a hose for the -1 DC.
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[x] Gard feels like the sort of person who would buy diamonds no questions asked

Harry doesn't really feel like the right guy to sell your valuables to. He's more of a monster hunter/magical detective/white knight hero type. Either this or Lydia, I'm not picky.
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[X] Lydia told you she has a lawyer who is used to the spooky side of stuff, maybe strange diamonds are covered

Lawyer probably takes longer but Gard brings in Marcone which could alienate some allies.
This was made by Molly, her excellency and a hose for the -1 DC.
Sorry if it's been brought up/discussed in depth, but what percent of Molly's skin would have to be in contact with water to get that bonus all the time?

I'm thinking a thin flexible waterproof fabric wraps that go over her arms/legs/upper body with watertight seals at the ends, with enough room for a one or two molecule water layers - related to this, it would be subdivided into compartments/'pockets', so one being damaged in a fight would just let out a bit of water and not all of it.

[X] Gard feels like the sort of person who would buy diamonds no questions asked
Even if she does express a polite curiosity; answers like "I want that car" are hardly something we need to keep secret. It's a pretty cool car.
(Also, am now interested in sprucing it up. It's a pity that cars are so much more useful than motorbikes - 'cuz a bike would be way cooler.
Sorry if it's been brought up/discussed in depth, but what percent of Molly's skin would have to be in contact with water to get that bonus all the time?

I'm thinking a thin flexible waterproof fabric wraps that go over her arms/legs/upper body with watertight seals at the ends, with enough room for a one or two molecule water layers - related to this, it would be subdivided into compartments/'pockets', so one being damaged in a fight would just let out a bit of water and not all of it.

For the charm to activate I would say 66% surface area sounds reasonable.
[X] Gard feels like the sort of person who would buy diamonds no questions asked

Can't think of a stunt because I don't know what sort of roll to expect.
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For the charm to activate I would say 66% surface area sounds reasonable.
We could likely pull that off with a wetsuit sealed with flexseal. The suit would hold water but not let the water flow through it, meaning we squeeze into it and pour a gallon or so of water down the neck.

It would squish weirdly, but when has strangeness and discomfort ever stopped a RPG protagonist from wearing the stupid looking but secretly overpowered gear?
We could likely pull that off with a wetsuit sealed with flexseal. The suit would hold water but not let the water flow through it, meaning we squeeze into it and pour a gallon or so of water down the neck.

It would squish weirdly, but when has strangeness and discomfort ever stopped a RPG protagonist from wearing the stupid looking but secretly overpowered gear?

Water cannot make Molly feel uncomfortable anymore, at least not physically, though she might feel a bit awkward bringing that with her to a formal dinner or something.
We could likely pull that off with a wetsuit sealed with flexseal. The suit would hold water but not let the water flow through it, meaning we squeeze into it and pour a gallon or so of water down the neck.

It would squish weirdly, but when has strangeness and discomfort ever stopped a RPG protagonist from wearing the stupid looking but secretly overpowered gear?
Doesn't need to be that fancy. Just wearing a sweater that we soak in water should do the trick. Normally I would worry about that making someone freeze to death, but that should not be a problem.

In Chicago weather it should last a few hours and finding some more water isn't that hard.
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Hm. I would be content with either of rhis.

[X] Lydia told you she has a lawyer who is used to the spooky side of stuff, maybe strange diamonds are covered

[X] Harry, wizards probably get paid in strange things all the time
[X] Lydia told you she has a lawyer who is used to the spooky side of stuff, maybe strange diamonds are covered

We definitely should try again later, with all the buffs.
[jk] Have Clippy search the Dark Web for aspiring mad scientists. Surely there is at least one in need of large, perfect diamonds for a Doomsday Laser? Hollywood said so!
Ok, those are all good ideas. How do the auctioneers get access to car keys? I assume the car has sophisticated security system that needs to be broken / overridden.

Anyway, adding the suggestions to the monster of the plan.

They're the police, they just get a registered dealer to make a new key.
[X] Lydia told you she has a lawyer who is used to the spooky side of stuff, maybe strange diamonds are covered
[jk] Have Clippy search the Dark Web for aspiring mad scientists. Surely there is at least one in need of large, perfect diamonds for a Doomsday Laser? Hollywood said so!
Actually, not a bad idea. I mean, technology is a form of magic in Dresdenverse, from what I understand. Not to the point of consensual reality being a thing, or technocracy lurking in the shadows, but at least somewhat affecting reality. Mad scientists might well be a thing, in the form of (minor) talents who bent their talent towards science. Finding one and establishing a contact is a good idea. We could use a mad scientist circle mate.