Most likely because they want to take advantage of the situation. However, we should go and ask. We know that we can intimidate the reds. We should ask them why they haven't attacked yet, if they are here to stop the summoning.
Nowhere near as well as we can, however.
According to documents they have no one hired as security. It's very possible that their medical personnel doubles as security. Or they'll throw enthralled mortals at us - and we have very little in the way of non-lethal takedowns.
And no, we don't know that they have no one in the police department. We can infer it, a bit, but we don't precisely know it.
And while we are BSing our way out of the jail (and, by the way, isn't Lydia still a minor? Can we get her out? We are not related to her legally, and she's not emancipated yet, I think), they do their whole ritual.
This, honestly, should be plan A, and we should be moving from there. A bomb threat, or having their on-site servers combust / break.
@DragonParadox who is responsible for maintaining their internal information infrastructure? Their medical equipment, patient databases, their site, their cameras?
Neither plan currently addresses hostages at all. They don't need additional hidden supernatural forces to take mortal elderly people hostage.
By the same reasoning the receptionist, who is likely also a cultist, as, unlike in a normal organization, handling reception and contact with outside world would be one of the crucial positions for a hidden cult, also has supernatural stats. And the medical personnel are our combat peers. And we'd be walking into a trap.
1)Hard disagree.
They are taking advantage of our presence now, yes. But they had no prior warning we would show up, yet instead of shutting the entire operation down as soon as they arrived in the city, they have been running scared.
They have 3x hit teams in the city. 18x Reds.
Tearing the director a set of new orifices should be easy on its face, and they just suffered a couple of military reversals so they could use this force elsewhere, incentivizing quick resolution.
Yet they havent done it, and there is zero indication of their being allies.
There are very few reasons they could have stayed their hand.
2)WE know that. THEY dont. Yet they didnt even try.
Which suggests unpleasant things about their assessment of the local Pathfinder cell.
3)We checked their staff when we broke into their computers. The vast majority seem to be nothing out of the ordinary. Your average American wage slave in an assisted living facility is predominantly female, heavily black and hispanic, with LPN/CNA and RN certifications for the medical staff, and no certifications for the custodial and culinary staff.
A bunch of imported cultists from a predominantly Finnish cult would have a very different profile.
Its not impossible they have one or two cultists on each shift, but thats a negligible amount of force. And unlikely.
WoG is that they have no obvious physical security; if they had the available manpower they would have just put a bunch of cultists on the roll as guards. They didnt, so they dont.
4)There are no enthralled mortals to throw.
The elderly residents are their seedcorn for their ritual, and as such are not expendable. They are none too fit in the first place. And its a nursing home/assisted living facility, not a night club; the staff who work here are not young fit partygoers.
Not to mention that its one thing to enchant people not to see stuff.
But attempting that scale of mind/body control of unwitting civilians would have both required significant preptime, and made it ever more likely for them to have been detected by the White Council or other interested parties.
Just like Molly using black magic on two people was detected by the Gatekeeper in Proven Guilty while he wasnt even in the country, and was used as a beacon for fetches from Arctis Tor.
we do know that they have no police leverage.
That entire affair with the speedboat festival/tournament demonstrated that they lacked any influence with the Cleveland PD/Cuyahoga County PD. Because if they did, they would have used it to help prevent disruptions to their ritual.
There is no big brain strategy in play here. No margin in keeping it back. If they had it, they would have used it.
6)We wouldnt get as far as being in jail.
Because it would be trespass. At worst, a misdemeanor. And, unlike major Chicago hospitals, the local Pathfinder cell has demonstrably no influence with the local police force.
7)Its a nursing home/assisted living facility.
I visited a couple during the 2010 timeframe. Computers are necessary for staff payroll, and useful for stuff like scheduling.
But they arent essential equipment. A computer breakdown is not going to shut down a nursing home; they'll just buy new ones.
8)Mine does address hostage issues. We got a facility map.
We put HMP in the police network to bypass any alert bottlenecks or to shut them down if necessary. Our primary move sends us towards the likely location of any hostiles, putting us between them and the civies.
And critically, it doesnt lock our party in the director's office while giving him time to send out an alert via technological or magic means.
9)Again, we got a look at the staffing list when we broke into their computers before even getting to Cleveland.
If this place was staffed with cultists the staffing profile would look very different.
I mean, they dont have guards, when the easiest way to put cultists on staff is as physical security.
Thats pretty clearly indicative of major limitations in how many people they have who can pass as normal humans at close quarters.
...One person is responsible for everything? Ok... This raises rather a ton of questions from the perspective of someone who is tngentially aware of what it takes to run a technological facility in the 21st century:
1) What kind of medical equipment do they have? Specifically, medical equipment connected to the network. Diagnostic (like EEG, ultrasonic diagnostics, etc) and treatment equipment (like auto-masseurs, tanning booths, etc).
2) What is the actual amount of computer-connected equipment that they use? Hardware-wise. I.e. do they have a separate server room with a 19'' rack that houses the servers, or is everything run from a tabletop computer in the secretary's office?
3) Do they use any proprietary software besides Windows / Office? Or are they exclusively open source / freeware based?
4) Does the secretary have appropriate qualifications? Certificates for maintaining stuff. Would they be voiding the warranty on the equipment if the secretary does any repairs themselves?
1)Its a nursing home/assisted living facility, not a hospital.
There will be no diagnostic equipment on site, and certainly no auto masseurs or tanning booths.
Thats what hospitals and external facilities are for.
2)Bunch of desktops, maybe an onsite server.
This place is owned by a holding company. Any heavyduty stuff is probably offsite.
This is a nursing home, not a data company.