Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Why? I am all for information wanting to be free, but why? We already resolved not to give him the plans for attack on Ortega. Let's not re litigate that vote. Do the attack run, then give them the list of traitors disguising it as information we tortured out of her spirit after we ate it. Don't rush.
What are you referring to here? You voted to sign our people up to go to war against the Red Court without even talking to them first. You don't think thats rushing?
No, it isn't. We are, and were always going to be enemies of Red Court. This is just acknowledging that.

Giving our the Crown of Eyes to Merlin is rushing.
But we aren't? At least that isn't the impression I am getting from the vote.
Where did you get this from???
Sorry, this is a language issue + using a phone to post issue. What I meant was "disclosing the existence of the crown to Merlin is, at best, ill-advised and certainly premature". And this vote discloses the existence of the crown. For no reason. We already voted not to tell him about our hunt. This gives us a perfect cover - kill Ortega, use MiM on her, and then say that we tortured her secrets out of her soul. Not all of them, but the identities of the leaks to White Council. Both Red Court's and what Red Court's intelligence suggested were agents for other powers.
Goldfishes vote doesn't include telling him anything about what we are divinating which is fair considering that Merlin didn't really tell us anything either.
I can't really understand why people are so eager to open gates of Molly's world to strangers from the White Council. Brass Courts are self-sufficient now, so we don't need external help from WC, before the chance to root out Peabody and other (sleeper) agents among wizards. And if you presume that someone influenced by the Black Council won't try to be in the diplomatic mission or won't try something dangerous in Molly's soul, you are too optimistic.

So, although I don't like it, I am forced to vote for the second plan.

[X] I showed you mine, now you show me yours
-[X] "I allowed your divination, so in the spirit of cooperation and establishing further ties, would you consent to a divination of my own?"
--[X] Assuming he agrees, warn the gathered wizards to expect our anima banner to manifest. "Please excuse the light show. This is somewhat eye-catching, no pun intended." If using the Crown isn't enough to cause the anima to appear, force it to do so as part of the show.
---[X] Using one the Merlin's rings as a focus, ask our Crown to sort the previously established list of White Council traitors by how often they are in his presence. Also take the opportunity to use the Naked Wicked Souls Charm on him.
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[X] Offer an alliance against the Red Court
[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now.

Us starting to form ties and a relationship with the White Council is good, and either of those is fine. I'm definitely not in favor of doing the open divination here though. I'd rather us keep our information sources and methods more of a mystery for now.
Asking for a sorting of our list of traitors based on proximity to the Merlin is a weak question. If we had thought of it we could have asked for our original list to be ordered based on proximity, or some other factor.

Instead I would suggest that after this meeting, we use a focus (perhaps our recording of this meeting or a business card or something) to ask for a list of internal plots against the white council ordered by their scope.
Peabody's plot should be high on the list, and should be relatively easy to followup on. Just use Dresden to get access to some of said paperwork.

A list of both plots and traitors should make Ebenezer's job much easier, and less likely to get tripped up during.
[X] Apologize but state that until you are sure that any information divulged to the white council would stay with the white council, you cannot in good conscience agree to any such agreement at this time.
-[X] Hint that you could help ferret out such trouble makers if desired, then gauge Arthur's reaction.
-[X] If he is agreeable, say that you can have the information soon.

This is an effort to help the white council with out making things too troublesome for us or them.
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I am not against allow a wizard research team into our kingdom, but it seems clear to me that we should ask for some kind of consideration in return.
There seems to be ongoing debate as to the wisdom of letting wizards into your kingdom so I am going to leave this up, one thing you might want to consider is if you do not want to let them in you can offer them something else. I am saying this so that in case the vote does win we can move through the conversation at a good clip. I have some experience with how negotiations can drag due to the way the quest format works and you guys offering a counter proposal in this vote (again if that is what the majority wants to do) would make this flow easier.
I can't really understand why people are so eager to open gates of Molly's world to strangers from the White Council. Brass Courts are self-sufficient now, so we don't need external help from WC, before the chance to root out Peabody and other (sleeper) agents among wizards. And if you presume that someone influenced by the Black Council won't try to be in the diplomatic mission or won't try something dangerous in Molly's soul, you are too optimistic.
This is my issue as well. Even without meta knowledge, we know the White Council is compromised. I can't understand why so many people are voting to invite the WC into the FCF.

And so many of y'all are voting to just do that without even asking for anything in return, like we should be grateful for the Merlin offering to send people there for some reason.
[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now
-[X]Sure in return I want a vessel capable of containing a powerful spiritual entity and your and Dresden's help with the ritual.

I want to exocise Lash into a container yesterday.
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[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now
-[X]Sure in return I want a vessel capable of containing a powerful spiritual entity and your and Dresden's help with a ritual.

I want to exocise Lash yesterday.

An exchange already implies that you are getting something in return, the diplomatic skill of the White Council in first contact situations with large Nevernever Domains. If you want something material it would probably be best to trade it for something like rare reagents.
I don't see any advantage to letting the WC into the FCF, but I see lots of potential disadvantages, starting with the WC being lousy with moles, traitors, and compromised wizards.
[X] Apologize but state that until you are sure that any information divulged to the white council would stay with the white council, you cannot in good conscience agree to any such agreement at this time.
-[X] Hint that you could help ferret out such trouble makers if desired, then gauge Arthur's reaction.
-[X] If he is agreeable, say that you can have the information soon.
[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now

Diplomatic relations are important, and we have to start somewhere.

It's also worth noting that this is a significant gesture of trust to us, and if/when news of it spreads that will matter. It's not like the white council would send three wizards alone into Kakuri to do business or something; it's says a good deal in what they expect from us to people on their end of the street.

We also gain the efforts of first contact specialists who can help us avoid messy complications from culture clashes more readily than going it alone would.

We also have a good deal of control simply because it's happening in our hell. It's not like we're promising to let them wander and experiment wherever they like. We can work with our people to set reasonable limits and monitoring standards. We're getting professional diplomats who work for an entity that has gone through new realms emerging multiple times before, so I think it's reasonable for them to respect those limits at minimum for the duration of their stay.

At minimum it'd be deeply unwise to step into someone else's territory and then break the rules when no one actually knows any Ways out of the place.

We're talking about basic diplomatic stuff here, things that we have to accept risk on as a cost of doing business. We can work the black council angle in the meantime, but becoming intransigent about this level of detail now is going to be disruptive to our efforts here for little gain.

Edit: errors
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