OOC: Second update of the day. This is getting easier, no rolls though, just the background for why Uriel is going to be opening the door when Molly and Michael get home and hey he also broke the news to Charity, that has to be worth some brownie points.
Harry isn't there? Man, we should tell him as soon as possible, the conniptions he would get....
Never played exalted. Can someone explain what a devil tiger is? What makes them? What they do and whatnot?
To add a little to what has already been explained in more plain words, Primordials are big, as in, *their bodies are named world-bodies because that's literally what they are, a world, with their own rules and physics* and *their souls are their own beings (named third circles), and they have somewhere close to ten, with their own souls (once again around ten per third circles, the second circles),
who also are their own beings, who also have souls,
who also are their own beings, and there are millions of them, named the first circle demons, those also have souls, though non sapient ones* (Usum being a first circle demon, was one of the souls of a soul of a soul). There is also a special third circle demon, named the fetish soul, who is the center of a Primordial's identity, if you kill the other third circles, the primordial will change a little, but still be itself, if you destroy the fetish, you can get things like *Adrian, the river of torments*, becoming *Adorjan, the silent wind*, with the two being completely different beings (and Adorjan absolutely loving having left all the bagage behind, that's her whole schtick, leaving earthly attachment behind, also, murder, lots and lots of murder while laughing, particularly of anyone that gets too loud, with the threshold being *higher than a whisper*).
The kingdom we just visited is an exalted version of the development of our own world body, and we can get some steps to develop our own third circles via the clone charm Yog sometimes talks about (and other ways, probably), though we sorta already have a fetish in Usum (from the lowest pole to the highest, quite the promotion, wouldn't you say?

) .
To touch up on Devil Tigers specifically, from what I remember there are two paths for an Infernal Exalted- the first is the path of Imitation, of immersing oneself so deeply in the path and myths of a single Yozi that you can begin to embody there mythos and eventually take their form and power in truth as your own
Didn't matter, players were all over THotDT anyway
I mean, it is not difficult to see why no exalted worth their exaltation would ever take the path the Yozi intended: It is so obviously a trap it's a testament to how out of phase with humans Yozis are.
No one is going to go *yeah, I'm totally going to stop being myself for more power*, nevermind an exalted, and that's exactly what the Imitation path was.