Not Quite Hamlet
18th of November 2006 A.D.
What would happen to the spirits if they...? It is still weird to have answers just show up in your head, not as though someone had told you, but as though you had always known and just asked as silly question.
Of course the machine spirits Iris included would just fall back into your anima, just as though you can summoned them yourself. Wool-headed, that is what it makes you feel like, an expression you had heard a few times from grandma Carpenter before she passed. What would she think of the tangle you landed yourself in? You shake your head. "You should be careful with that stuff unless you want to get picked up by the nice man in the black suit. Do you want to risk that?"
"What was it that kidnapped us again?" Izzy asks. "Old Indian demon? I think Uncle Sam is less of a concern all things considered."
"A Naagloshii, a shape-shifting demon known to the Navajo people as, betrayers of the Holy Ones. they are teachers in things that really should stay untaught and I guess gods to the poor sods who fall in with them, though really calling them that is giving them too much credit." They already know most of it
"Well yeah, First Commandment," your friend says, but she sounds a little dubious. "You would tell us if we were living in Hercules the Live Action Adaptation right?" It is pretty clear she would prefer if you dismissed the possibility as glibly as she brought it up, it's just a pity you can't.
They are in too deep now, Broken Seeker had made sure of that no matter that you say so you go with honesty: "Well it depends on what you mean by God. Saint Augustine probably wouldn't be very impressed by them, but I have met Odin and Daniel's dating the daughter of Arwan King of the Underworld."
Izzy gives a strained laugh, hollow. "Ha ha, very funny Molls, good Marvel reference... But like really this isn't.. Oh God you are not kidding." She slumps in her chair, looking not so much scarred as dejected, like she does not know what to do with herself in this scary new world.
Here and now, breathing the air of a place that was born of power older than the world, than this
iteration of the world you are starting to suspect. It is easy to miss just how little the two of them know, compared to Harry or your father, what they can deal with and what they can't.
Am I losing perspective, am I just losing them? The faint sound of the chair shifting as you squirm is like nails on a chalkboard.
"God works in mysterious ways?" Alec offers, sounding not resigned with it, but close to it. "Like the man said to the skull there are more things in Heaven and Earth etc... etc..."
"Do you even know the rest of that line, or where it came from?" zzy suddenly snapping to, as though the sound of Alec bullshitting his way though something English-Lit related triggered some deep-seated instinct in her.
"No... I don't have to, you filled in the rest," your other friend fills in shamelessly.
"Urgh! You are the worst, worse than miss 'I am friends with the daughter of an ancient Celtic deity and I am only now mentioning it'."
"Hey I said that she was dating Daniel, not that we are friends, we are friends, but you are getting ahead of the story here. Do do wanna hear the whole thing?"
That is how Harry finds the three of you surrounded by bags talking about the happenings of the last few months in more detail than you had so far, Iris on the table next to you, rippling with highlights of green and silver interest. "Are we ready do go?" He sounds almost regretful
You arch an eyebrow. "Found something interesting?" Naught point one on the flirt scale, you can go with that far even with Izzy, Alec and your dad watching.
"Entirely too much, the implications of this place... they are going to keep me up at night for a long time to come." Weary sigh is not what you were going for but you guess it will have to do, at least until you got rid of the vampire who put a price on his life and the skinwalker who wanted to eat him. Maybe you could do a tour then...
Inward thoughts turn, a thousand and one spinning, round round the pillar of your soul, not a circle, not a sphere, a spiral twisting, like the dragons embrace, like a strand of DNA, like a ladder leading up and out to:
Passage Location (Must be linked to your themes in some way)
[] The Freezer in the Chicago Synthetics building (Place that has been brought below freezing by artificial means)
[] The Skull and Crossbones Club (Place where her favorite song is playing)
[] Write in
OOC: I was going to make this the XP update, but then I remembered we had not covered this part of the charm, the first time you used it was an bit of an extraordinary situation but per the rules Molly should only be able to open a way to and from the Kingdom in places that match her themes