Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

More useful than getting some extra shadow limbs. Also very useful to be able to hear our friends pray for help.
While I'm not completely opposed to Prayer Eating, we have to be listening to do that. I'd back Black Mirror Incarnation or a perfect defense over additional shadow limbs.

Edit: To clarify this needs us to empty our mind and relax in a distraction free environment

The Exalt must relax as completely as she is
able, in a place relatively free of distractions, and make a
Stamina + Occult roll against difficulty 6. Success allows
her to hear prayers uttered within a number of miles equal
to her (Essence rating x 5). These prayers must be issued
with sincerity, and they must be directed to the Exalt.

Edit2: Prayers from our hell always count as in range.
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The clone charm seems best to get. We now have access to top level trainers in al knowledge skills. Have the Molly clones train, handle basic interaction with the hell.
The clone charm seems best to get. We now have access to top level trainers in al knowledge skills. Have the Molly clones train, handle basic interaction with the hell.
The clone charm is 20 XP. If we get that much after already spending 20 on getting the kingdom I will be a pleasantly surprised. But I am certainly not counting on it.

Also if we do have 20 XP I would rather get VEE to skill up our friends and give them a safe word to quickly retreat into our kingdom. Also it is a powerful social charm. Even Broken Seeker likely has something he desperately wants.
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The clone charm is 20 XP. If we get that much after already spending 20 on getting the kingdom I will be a pleasantly surprised. But I am certainly not counting on it.
Can someone remind me how much XP we had banked from our previous purchasing session? I know that offset the Hell buy cost a little bit, but I can't remember by how much.
Can someone remind me how much XP we had banked from our previous purchasing session? I know that offset the Hell buy cost a little bit, but I can't remember by how much.
We had 6 xp saved. Then again this has been a 68 post arc. If we have managed just 1 XP per 10 posts* that really adds up. We actually might have 20+ XP.

*Less XP gain per post then any other arc.
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More useful than getting some extra shadow limbs. Also very useful to be able to hear our friends pray for help.

Also allows us to provide an extra service to our kingdom.
We dont have a Shaping defense, anti-poison charm or a perfect defense. No clone charm. No combat healing. No NeverNever travel. No disguise. None of the capstone combat charms, or the Sorcery discount charm or a lot of ancient sorcery spells.
We dont have any Path Sorcery besides Alchemy, nor have we many Shih Arts besides Steelskin.

We have a LOT of things on just Molly's list alone.
Prayer Eating doesnt even rate.
While I'm not completely opposed to Prayer Eating, we have to be listening to do that. I'd back Black Mirror Incarnation or a perfect defense over additional shadow limbs.

Edit: To clarify this needs us to empty our mind and relax in a distraction free environment

Edit2: Prayers from our hell always count as in range.
Also this. If you're not actively listening, you dont hear anything.
As an XP sink, its not a very good one.
So we'll be lucky to have more 10 XP to spend at the end of the arc.
This has been a very long arc.

  • Mom appreciates our potions making
  • Baby's first step of transhumanism by installing hidden wireless headphones.
  • Mostly dealt with Rosie's family situation. Socials with her and introducing her to Isabela.
  • Dealing with Dr Jackson and investigation
  • Disposing of a body with Murphy.
  • Interrogating a ghost
  • Making a deal with Lara Raith telling her of our results well hiding our sources.
  • Had a personal revelation about drugs.
  • Got the Ordo to hang out with the Jade Dogs for a few days also protecting them.
  • Dealt with a Sniper with style also the witness
  • Went to a birthday party thrown in our honor
  • Dealt with Vittorio seeing into his soul and telling Lara about it.
  • Lydia gained a vassal
  • Looked into the white king's soul and saw a dead man walking
  • Killed Madrigal
  • Permakilled he who walked unbowed.
  • What Lydia was doing during the fight. She took down at least 1 warrior vampire.
  • Gained Red Star Productions
  • gained Augustus FitzClarance as a vassel
  • The Mom report
  • Won a race
  • Visited Stanta's workshop and made a deal to get the services of some elfs.
  • Crafted tanks that impressed
  • Learned about soulfire
  • Spotted the spy Hank interrogated him mid fight and killed him.
  • Cut though Siren territory
  • Flirted with Broken seeker to save our friends even arranged a date.
  • Kingdom stuff
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We really need a Shaping defense and a perfect defense ASAP. Our importance has been skyrocketing so our defenses need to keep up to match.

Everything from spirit killers, to Sapphire Ritual of Exorcism, to our kingdom all paint a massive target on our back.
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Drat you are right the shaping defense is really needed. A magic effect like that is the most likely thing to currently take us out. I guess VEE will have to wait a bit longer.

But defenses are just so narratively boring they don't allow us to do anything new just make things not happen.
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This isn't really relevant or anything but this thought has been living rent free in my head ever since learning Molly's full name.
One of her names is Amanda which Mandy is a nickname for. Mandy is also the name of a character from "The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy". She's a blonde little girl, but probably the most demonic character in the show and is friends with a Death God. Together she the God of Death and her powerless brother go on wacky adventures saving people from supernatural threats and doing Death God things.

Let that sink in.
[X] Nope, no Sanctuary in unsecured locations and as the past day has unfortunately shown Izzy and Alec are very much unsecured

Rebel option. :p
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it

Having machine spirits that can call the moment they are in danger is part of being more protected- I am sure that's not all we are going to do either now that someone has tired to get to her through them.
[X] Let Izzy and Alec keep the alien tech personal assistants, they can help out Iris, they are in deep already they might as well get some cool tecn and friends out of it
You know, the 5 dot prayer eating charm is normally not a thing that Molly would ever consider using, but considering it's supposed to be a permanent soul bond, does anyone think it's possible to combo that with some other custom charm so that anyone under that effect is also under the turning of the wheel we refer they are? It might still not make it worth it in Molly's eyes, but it would make it much more viable if we had a path to make some of our most devoted followers immortal even on earth or in farie.
Another thing to consider for the buy is our perfect attack. Defenses are probably a higher priority long term, but our line of sight death glare would be very helpful in the immediate future.

Wait for Ortega to be crossing somewhere with little cover and then hit her from way the hell away every round till she pops like like a peep in a microwave.
Another thing to consider for the buy is our perfect attack. Defenses are probably a higher priority long term, but our line of sight death glare would be very helpful in the immediate future.

Wait for Ortega to be crossing somewhere with little cover and then hit her from way the hell away every round till she pops like like a peep in a microwave.
Perfect attacks always have the problem of having to compete with just very good attacks. If we can see them with a death glare then we can see them for MHM to throw them around. Of course the death glare is better, but we already have MHM and it costs less essence to use.
Praying eating 1 only costs 2 XP for us it seems disingenuous to compare it to 5 dot charms.
1) I didnt compare Prayer Eating 1 to a 5 dot, I compared the entire Prayer Eating discipline to a 5 dot.
Besides, 2XP is the cost of
  • 1st dot of a Path Sorcery or Psychic Numina for Molly or Lydia after the full training discount
  • 1st dot of a Shih Art
  • 2nd dot of any number of Abilities; Awareness 2, Tech 2, Science 2, Politics 2 etc.

Its a low cost, but its not nil.
Especially since it has, as far as I can tell, no real payoff for us; our Hell is a technological one, and there's both phones and email there. People can use them to talk to us; Prayers dont leave messages if you arent listening at the time.

2) Most people were talking Prayer Eating 3, which is about 12XP.
Thats roughly the same cost as Sorcery Path 3 after training discounts. Id rather have, say, Divination 3 or Enchantment 3 than Prayer Eating 3.

Perfect attacks always have the problem of having to compete with just very good attacks. If we can see them with a death glare then we can see them for MHM to throw them around.
MHM is Bashing.
Sandstrike Blast is Lethal, and has both single target and AoE modes.
Sinner Boiling Stare is Agg.

Bashing isnt preferred against a Rampire with a bloodpool to channel for regen.
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MHM is Bashing.
Sandstrike Blast is Lethal.
Sinner Boiling Stare is Agg.
MHM is only Bashing if you lack creativity. There is almost always an opportunity to hit the target with
  • A live electric line
  • Shards of glass from a broken window
  • Insert hazard here
Or to fling the target into a hazard instead. After all other people don't get scene long immunity to environmental hazards. For them damage is damage.
Especially since it has, as far as I can tell, no real payoff for us; our Hell is a technological one, and there's both phones and email there. People can use them to talk to us; Prayers dont leave messages if you arent listening at the time.

The payoff is being able to get messages without having to go in. Although prayer-eating 2 for 4 more XP is really great for picking which talent we want. Prayer-eating 2 is basically NWS but it tells us everything about a person and doesn't cost any essanse to use. Yes it only works on the faithful, but we have a lot of those now.

And then of course prayer eating 3 then costs and additional 6 xp costing a total of 12 XP.

However I do feel like spending a bunch of time listening to prayers with 1 and 2 should count as training reducing the cost.
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MHM is only Bashing if you lack creativity. There is almost always an opportunity to hit the target with
  • A live electric line
  • Shards of glass from a broken window
  • Insert hazard here
Or to fling the target into a hazard instead. After all other people don't get scene long immunity to environmental hazards. For them damage is damage.
1)You cannot build a strategy around the hope that your enemy will afford you time and opportunity to get creative.
Or that you get the luxury of fighting on your preferred battlefield.

2)These are supernaturals. They dont necessarily play by the same rules.

What counts as lethal or agg for a vanilla mortal may not count for a mortal infernalist or a Red Court sorcerer who sacrificed a buncha mortals in a bargain with old gods or outsiders or Yama Kings or Lucy's outfit Down Under for immunity to environmental damage, for example.

We have seen Lord Raith outright nope magic attack by mortals, for example.
He made some sort of deal.
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1)You cannot build a strategy around the hope that your enemy will afford you time and opportunity to get creative.
Or that you get the luxury of fighting on your preferred battlefield.

2)These are supernaturals. They dont necessarily play by the same rules.

What counts as lethal or agg for a vanilla mortal may not count for a mortal infernalist or a Red Court sorcerer who sacrificed a buncha mortals in a bargain with old gods or outsiders or Yama Kings or Lucy's outfit Down Under for immunity to environmental damage, for example.

We have seen Lord Raith outright nope magic attack by mortals, for example.
He made some sort of deal.
Oh no something we try might not work because [blank] we must spend a bunch of XP to buy some better attack that can only be stopped by [blank]. That sort of thinking just leaves us spending all our XP to stay the same place on the escalation treadmill.

Lord Raith is a particularly poor example because maybe his deal would stop Sinner Boiling Stare by being some sort of perfect defense, but mundane bullets worked so MHM to push mundane damage at him would maybe be a better option.

On another topic does anyone remember how right before this arc started DragonParadox said he was planning on doing shorter arcs in the future?
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The payoff is being able to get messages without having to go in. Although prayer-eating 2 for 4 more XP is really great for picking which talent we want. Prayer-eating 2 is basically NWS but it tells us everything about a person and doesn't cost any essanse to use. Yes it only works on the faithful, but we have a lot of those now.

And then of course prayer eating 3 then costs and additional 6 xp costing a total of 12 XP.
However I do feel like spending a bunch of time listening to prayers with 1 and 2 should count as training reducing the cost.
Build a magic phone. Thats what crafting is for.
And it actually allows you to receive messages immediately, and for people to leave you a message.

For prayer, you have to be listening right when the person is praying.
If you are not, you miss it.
Thats essentially religious ritual stuff. Not any sort of reliable communications system.

Oh no something we try might not work because [blank] we must spend a bunch of XP to buy some better attack that can only be stopped by [blank]. That sort of thinking just leaves us spending all our XP to stay the same place on the escalation treadmill.

Lord Raith is a particularly poor example because maybe his deal would stop Sinner Boiling Stare by being some sort of perfect defense, but mundane bullets worked so MHM to push mundane damage at him would likely be a better option.
My dude, we are in a setting with old gods and outsiders and eldritch abominations.
Where there are people who can straight up ignore damage that isnt specifically dealt by particular means. How do you think bashing will help you against Ethniu and her mordite alloy armor, some of the Denarians, or a shoggoth, or a loup garou? Even wizards like Ebenezar wear robes in combat that can soak lethal damage.

I mean, there's a reason why literally the first thing we picked for our sword was Transcendent Anathema.

I brought up Papa Raith as an example of the sorta shenanigans we will have to worry about.
We know that he's protected against mortal magic, even very high tier mortal magic; a Senior Council wizard couldnt touch him, or get around whatever his deal is despite multiple attempts.

We dont know what, if any other protections he has.
I doubt that Ebenezar didnt consider indirect attack in his three decades of assassination attempts, and the fact that he's still walking around suggests that it was considered as well.
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