Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I mean to quote the ExVSWod doc on the matter "Prayer-Eating Kind of Sucks?"
Like, there is a 'wish granting charm' in the prayer eating area, but it is far weaker then VEE and works more like a luck/fate blased blessing helping a worshipper with a goal. Its not terrible, narratively it can make our followers alot more consistently successful in their goals, but it Wont be granting dots or merits or removing flaws like VEE can
It also is cheaper, longer range and can be done far more often.
It also is cheaper, longer range and can be done far more often.
And lacks downsides. And scales with successes, which, when coupled with all our dice modifiers, results in something quite strong (4 degrees of legendary success should damn well grant you strong results). And it can be stacked onto the same person multiple times with no issues.
[X] Pick up your friends and Harry and get back home, the Exarchate is going to need several days at least to absorb what you have just told them, but Broken Seeker and Arianna Ortega will not wait
-[X]Pick up some blank smartphones and a laptop or two for use
-[X]Be sure that Dresden takes a blank tablet and something like a billet of metal with him

Oh I know, the month will not be over, the arc will, allowing you guys to finally spend your XP. Almost 70 updates in one arc is getting silly.
Constructive Convergence of Principles, here we come.

"Five billion people... five fricking billion," you mutter under your breath as you lather on the translucent Silver Riptide foundation thick enough to where one can hear the ocean. Apparently it had not been so low that dad couldn't hear.
Wasn't it fifty billion? I remember thinking about how the population of this place outnumbered Earth around six to one.
@DragonParadox : Granting prayers with Pray eating normally has a fairly short range, but since our kingdom is inside of our soul can we cover the whole thing?
We're playing at a disadvantage in regards to looking like demons already, let's not screw ourselves by doing things that might get us legitimate negative attention.

Way less risky and more broadly useful to enhance people with general boosts they then use to gain influence than to wish it up.

That or buy it via granting wishes to external actors that already have the influence/allies we want.
Well, yes, that was my point, that the one person trying to make it into an army maker was chasing windmills.

Earth-destroyer is overhyping the charm by trying to make it do something it doesn't and cannot do.

I mean, it always was useless for what you were trying to do with it, it was explained repeatedly.
I misunderstood you. I thought you were calling it useless in general and not for this specific task.
I mean to quote the ExVSWod doc on the matter "Prayer-Eating Kind of Sucks?"
Like, there is a 'wish granting charm' in the prayer eating area, but it is far weaker then VEE and works more like a luck/fate blased blessing helping a worshipper with a goal. Its not terrible, narratively it can make our followers alot more consistently successful in their goals, but it Wont be granting dots or merits or removing flaws like VEE can.
GM said is a lot of people collectively praying for something can do a lot actually, like fix Chicago if we got a large percentage of the population praying to Molly to fix it. Pray eating is also the only way to store motes, getting a reliable way to active our full combat charms and have. Full 15 essence spare. Opens up a lot of options for offensive attacks for Molly. Certainty makes hitting enemy bases much much easier.
Honesty this makes me want to take Prayer hearing and Fulfill Prayer, just so we can spend any extra essence we have before bed each day granting prayers inside our soul. Its good for a god-queen to be on top of things like this.
Also useful for just getting reports from our kingdom without having to enter it.
Not sure that quite works, it's only for hearing heartfelt prayer, it's kinda hard to mix that with proper status updates withiught some real mental dancing.

In my family prayers are often reports telling god about our troubles and what we plan to do about them. I figured that was common.

This is the stolen/gifted power of divinity twice over, it is good at doing classic god things like figuring out how your worshipers are doing while answering prayers is something it can do quite well
GM said is a lot of people collectively praying for something can do a lot actually, like fix Chicago if we got a large percentage of the population praying to Molly to fix it. Pray eating is also the only way to store motes, getting a reliable way to active our full combat charms and have. Full 15 essence spare. Opens up a lot of options for offensive attacks for Molly. Certainty makes hitting enemy bases much much easier.
If we have prayer granting, then just for a bit more, we'll have prayer eating, at which point, throughput becomes the bottleneck, not essence availability.
This is the stolen/gifted power of divinity twice over, it is good at doing classic god things like figuring out how your worshipers are doing while answering prayers is something it can do quite well
I mean, prayer hearing wont give up the whole shtick, but prayer appraisal defiantly can at least. From what I see it would cost 12xp for the first 3 dots? 20 xp for the fourth dot/prayer eating itself, and I dont think Molly would ever want or need the fifth dot cuz it kinda tramples all over free will.
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I am remembering when we used our crown to ask about human evolution. I bet if someone from our kingdom somehow got the crown of eyes and asked the same question they would have gotten the same answer.
I am remembering when we used our crown to ask about human evolution. I bet if someone from our kingdom somehow got the crown of eyes and asked the same question they would have gotten the same answer.
That's not certain. We were given hints that our humans might be proper exalted-era humans preserved in atemporal sanctuary of our exaltation.
I don't suppose there is a super-secret knights only phone line to talk to an angel?"

"Sadly no, but there is an open channel if you are minded to use it." You envy the certainty in that smile.
I look forward to us getting our own version of that open channel right after this conversation. Maybe right well Molly is in the middle of praying.
If we have prayer granting, then just for a bit more, we'll have prayer eating, at which point, throughput becomes the bottleneck, not essence availability.
Essense available will always be an issue. Prayer eating only generates Charisma + Performance motes against difficulty 7. With a proper setup DC is 3 but we still only generate essence point equal to the number of success. And Molly only has 3 dice at the moment. Spending 9xp to have a dice pool of 10 with excellency would matter
Just for fun I tried to build the world of DF as a Hell form the white god's perspective.

Size: Vast 3 points
Geography: Mundane 0 points
Climate: Earthly Climate 0 points
Population: Balanced Ecosystem (Cost: None), Earthly Fauna (Cost: None), Earthly Flora (Cost: None), Human Populace (Cost: None), Resident Devils (Cost: 1 point)
Social Structures :Modern (Cost: None)
Technology: Modern (Cost: 1 point)
Loyalty: Very hard to calculate but whatever level it is also includes resistance movements.

So yes buying up the DF setting as a whole seems possible. Especially if the White God bought up Cult separately.
Well those secrets are likely to be very well guarded, but you guys could certainly look. If they figure out that is what you are after you may end up pissing off several Yama Kings with your presumption, or in other words being an obvious rival.
Have we already used up our question on the great Akuma corpse we have?