Going Full Hollow (Bleach)

And this vote is called.

35 [] Fight Nel instead
12 [] Fight Pesche and Dondochakka at the same time
4 [] Fight Pesche and Dondochakka

38 [] Use your mask
13 [] Don't use your mask
Why fight Neliel? I mean, in charecter we know that she's powerful enough to stomp us and I don't think that the Mask it's gonna help us
This is what Pesche looks like pre-mutilation. Well, immediately afterwards before he starts running around like a deranged babysitter.

- Only colored white
- clothing is fitted but otherwise normal
- no armor

This is what he looks like afterward.

- Uses white, purple, and light purple as colors
- Only wearing a loincloth, gloves, and armor
- Hard breastplate

Here's how I described him.

Both have masks that cover nearly their entire heads and are of average height, but where one's tall and wears tight white clothing the other is fat and wears a baggy white hoody that obscures the rest of his head. The thin one has a vaguely beetle-like mask with horns and the other's looks like the wrong side of a tiki-shop, complete with gaudy paint in primary colors.

I fail to see how the tight white clothing Pesche is wearing indicates that he's a half-naked purple ghost monster.
I already looked this stuff up and I still don't think your description was detailed enough that instantly I knew you were referring to his pre-mutilation state.
Why fight Neliel? I mean, in charecter we know that she's powerful enough to stomp us and I don't think that the Mask it's gonna help us
We also know that fighting strong opponents will help our spiritual power grow. On the other hand, it might introduce some political complications.
My perspective was that fighting Neliel was the only way we could risk using the hollow mask to fight at full power. I believe that fighting at full power with Pesche and Dondochakka would not present enough of a challenge and would involve to much of a risk of us accidently killing them
We also know that fighting strong opponents will help our spiritual power grow. On the other hand, it might introduce some political complications.

I'm more concerned that it'll be pretty obvious we're not using a Resurreccion. We don't declare a phrase, we swipe our hand and suddenly we've got a full mask on us. We also don't shift in any other way.

That seems pretty clearly not a standard Resurreccion, unless TPK is ridiculously nice (again) and has Whitey declare some kind of release like catch phrase. And it's still pushing it.
"You go ahead, Tatsuki. I don't think that being stronger than those two is the kind of benchmark I'm aiming for."

The fat one, Dondochakka, starts to object before the woman raises her hand and silences him. "Can you explain yourself?"

"If I don't reach for the moon I'll never grab it, uh, Tres."

The green-haired hollow smiles in good humor. "I'm sorry. It's been a while since I've had to introduce myself . . . my name is Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck and I am the third Espada, which means that I am the third most powerful arrancar in Aizen's army, and third under him."

Third most powerful . . . You like the sound of that. "I guess that means we should watch out for the first and second then?"

"Yes. The Segunda Espada demands respect, however the Primera is an easygoing man."

"I'll keep that in mind."

By unspoken agreement Pesche and Dondochakka back away from the arena, and after slugging you in the side for luck Tatsuki follows to stand by them. That's good. She should be able to trust a few people with her back around here, and Nelliel's crew seem like they're not the kind to stick a knife in during a vulnerable moment. Not that you plan on going anywhere without her, but what do you know about plans? It's probably best not to make any and just go with the flow.

You pull Zangetsu off your back and let the wrapping fall to the ground, dangling off the ring at the base of the hilt. "So how's this work?" You ask. "First blood, incapacitation, submission?"

She runs the palm of her right hand across the hilt of her blade, almost caressing it before stepping forward without drawing. "It will be over when you are defeated."

"Don't sound so confident." You retort.

It's an empty statement and Nelliel knows it, though. Her smile takes on a wistful lilt before she says, "I have only been defeated by one. I freely acknowledge another's superiority over me, and a third I follow for the strength of his ideals. I do not enjoy battle. I deplore killing. It is a base activity, a thing that beasts do and that civilized people treat as a last resort."

The only hint that anything is wrong is the kiss of air moving against your face, and then the arrancar disappears and reappears beside you. She turns her hand and her blade shimmers into existence not even a foot in front of them, a long thin length of gleaming steel. No longer perpendicular to your vision, you trace it back to her outstretched hand and the ornate green guard it meets there. "Whitey, you are none of those three."

You grab your forehead and pull, ripping your hollow mask out of inside you where it metaphorically dwells, like your game face only more physical and slightly less of a metaphor.

Nelliel grabs your arm and twists your shoulder joint up to stop you from turning but you power through the tearing sensation and swing anyway! The blade skitters off of her and then explodes with energy as the getsuga you were gathering on it hits her like a truck, rocking her back-

- almost six whole inches.

The accelerated perception your mask gives you is just good enough for you to see a white-gloved fist in the instant before it smashes into the side of your head, and the ground falls out from under you.



The sensation of glass beneath you.



"I ate you." You grunt into the side of a horizontal skyscraper before levering yourself up unsteadily. "I literally ate you, so seeing your face again makes me really annoyed."

Your inner hollow grimaces in acute displeasure. "Yeah, well try being eaten."

"No thanks."

"Not a suggestion." He says with a shrug. "I'm just saying. I'm going to kill you and take control of our body. That's what inner hollows do."

You don't want to talk to this guy. He's like you, but even more smug and less self-controlled. You've only met him twice and you know that for a fact. "How did you even survive that anyway?"

Your duplicate, standing about a dozen feet away, rolls his eyes in the kind of display that you're far too dignified to make. "I'm a hollow, the part of you even more given over to base emotion and instinct than you are, a representation of your obsessions and suppressed nasty. I'm not going to go away just because you eat me- I'm a natural part of your inner world. If I'm not here it just reforms me."

"That's interesting." You consider that. "So that means that Ichigo's already got another of me in his soul?"


The two of you stand there for maybe a minute before he breaks the silence. "So . . . want more power?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"Not really. I'm your inner spirit, so I'm supposed to test you to see if you deserve more power. You're an inner spirit. You should know this already! Anyway I've got a, uh . . ." The version of you wrinkles his brow. "A power that makes you ugly. A power that makes Zangetsu smaller, and an energy blast that's worse than your Getsuga. I won't even test you for the one that makes you ugly."

Choose one. No write ins.
[] Refuse all temptation
[] The power that makes you ugly
[] The one that shrinks Zangetsu
[] The useless energy blast
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[X] The power that makes you ugly


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Oh good, we know he's alive. Because I don't think people would have voted to go in a check.

Whelp, we know he's not going anywhere. And now...decide whether we play his game.

Ugly: Turn into a lizard? No test either.

Shrinks Zangetsu: Bankai? That's....way too goddamn easy, but we would have to be tested, and I guess we'd probably fail cause it'd be a bankai test.

Energy blast: Cero? Or Bala? Not a Gran Ray Cero, can't imagine that's worse than Getsuga. And we gotta be tested for it.

And....probably nothing for resisting temptation, cause I don't see how we get anything from that?
[X] The one that shrinks Zangetsu

Well that went about as expected, here's hoping we do better next time!
Now one the one hand I like the ugly idea, since it more than likely would give us that one beastly hollow transformation that popped up occasionly.

However in the current situation it would only make Nel like us less. So I'm going for:

[X] The one that shrinks Zangetsu
Seriously though, I know this Quest has a No Bait tag, but getting bankai (assuming that is the reward) has got to have one serious catch.

It's probably the test we need to pass too.

I do like the antagonistic relationship between these two though.
Seriously though, I know this Quest has a No Bait tag, but getting bankai (assuming that is the reward) has got to have one serious catch.

It's probably the test we need to pass too.

I do like the antagonistic relationship between these two though.
Dude, every single update has a bait option. The tag is an utter lie!
Dude, every single update has a bait option. The tag is an utter lie!

Ehhh. Debatable, at least for some updates, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't win the debate with the GM so I'm not contesting the point.

....Though dance dance waifulution seems somewhat unfair, all things considered. This thread seems pretty tame about shipping.


[X] The power that makes you ugly

By dint of not being sure of what the energy blast is, not trusting the Zangetsu option, or the tests. Also not being willing to resist the temptation.

Also, ugly sounds like our best bet to pass things off as a Resurreccion. Which will probably help, considering what we've signed up for.
[X] The power that makes you ugly

I actually don't know what this is (I can guess, but I doubt that it's what we all think it is), but it's the basics, and we have time.


Hah. That was a joke. :V