Gotta catch 'em all!
[x] Tatsuki won't even notice you
-[x] Steal one of her shoes and hide it somewhere.
-[x] Steal one of her shoes and hide it somewhere.
I have a feeling we're going to be kicked/slapped.
Yes because it's totally not an normal reaction to attack, or at least subdue, a stranger that snuck in your house. How alike do we look to Ichigo anyways? Are we the completely bleached Hollow from Canon or do we have some color? I don't remember our looks ever being described. Of course, I could've just accidentally missed that.Only if we try to pull something since we're "invisible." Otherwise, it should be fairly obvious once she notices us.
We're the bleached Ichigo from canon with yellow and black eyes. As for your comment about us being a stranger, Ichigo and Tatsuki know each other, and we look like Ichigo.Yes because it's totally not an normal reaction to attack, or at least subdue, a stranger that snuck in your house. How alike do we look to Ichigo anyways? Are we the completely bleached Hollow from Canon or do we have some color? I don't remember our looks ever being described. Of course, I could've just accidentally missed that.