[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (Grand act)
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones: Across the length and breadth of the world, great circles of curiously shaped stone monoliths rise up from the earth. Such is their shape that when wind passes through and around their forms, it forms the chords and whistles of serenely beautiful music. Further, the song that sounds out throughout the Seen also resonates within the Unseen, allowing for spoken words to echo from one to the other. (Lesser Act)
[X] Allow multiple Sun-Whales to pool their magic to manifest in cold Void or alien Unseen avatar of terrible power in their form, made of solar plasma and magic. (Grand Act)
[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (Grand Act)
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is a phenomenal power bestowed upon otherwise mortal beings, granting them the means to achieve otherwise impossible tasks. Among the benefits are the ability to utilize temporary, personal Cosmic Gateways to traverse the universe; neigh immortality where the wielder will not die until the wielder feels as though the wielder has achieved a full life and there is nothing left to do so that the wielder can die peacefully; and supernatural speed, strength, durability, and other such power.
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is designed so that it can only be wielded by otherwise mortal beings. So attuned is it that non-mortals are incapable of doing so, attempts by non-mortals to wield the Might of the OutSlayer would result in the non-mortal being torn apart and rendered non-existent by such incompatibility. This ensures that the power cannot be stolen and misused by beings of greater power in a manner not intended.
-[X] Once the wielder of the Might of the OutSlayer has passed on, the Might of the OutSlayer would return to 'the Maker's, where it can lie safely in wait until it is decided that the power is needed once more, at which point it can be reattuned for a new threat and bestowed upon a new chosen mortal.
-[X] The First Rendition of the Might of the OutSlayer is oriented towards destroying the 'outer gods'. Through this, The First Rendition of the power enables Nehu Far-Strider the power to kill the 'outer gods' as if they were but mere mortals, and likewise limits the power of the 'outer gods' against Nehu so that are no more powerful against her than if they themselves were but mere mortals.
-[X] The First Rendition of the Might of the OutSlayer is oriented towards destroying the 'outer gods'. Through this, The First Rendition of the power enables Nehu Far-Strider the power to kill the 'outer gods' as if they were but mere mortals, and likewise limits the power of the 'outer gods' against Nehu so that are no more powerful against her than if they themselves were but mere mortals. It also enables the wielder to traverse and endure the otherwise hostile regions the 'outer gods' normally inhabit.
[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (cosmic act)
So I count...one response to the 'outer gods' getting the votes it needs to pass (barely accomplished thanks to fitting the epoch bonus theme), maybe two depending on what the 'Twilight Arc' is supposed to be because I don't remember the details of that thing.
And then a lot of votes that didn't actually go through, so the change in voting rules definitely had an impact this time around.
So I count...one response to the 'outer gods' getting the votes it needs to pass (barely accomplished thanks to fitting the epoch bonus theme), maybe two depending on what the 'Twilight Arc' is supposed to be because I don't remember the details of that thing.
And then a lot of votes that didn't actually go through, so the change in voting rules definitely had an impact this time around.
From what I've seen looking back at it, it is relatively clear what it's made of, and a few of its properties are defined, but exact capabilities are kind of vague beyond it being a fairly powerful, but not world-shattering weapon.
Okay, so naming the oceans, world and continents are going to be Grand Acts, right? We should eventually name them.
Either way, I have something of my own to suggest. It's a weapon idea and I don't know whether or not its gonna be Demi or Lesser, but I'll let the QM decide upon reading the description. Is that alright, @Photomajig?
[ ] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act) A weapon that is shaped by solar and lunar magic, it is one of a kind.
Upon the time the sun shines in the sky, it turns golden and its magic dances across it.
Under the moon of the night, it turns pale and white to the point of unmatched beauty, with soft wisps of magic flowing across it like the tide.
However, in the time when the sun sets and the time between the two celestial beings of power, it shines at its brightest, as Solar and Lunar magic dance in unison to slay all that dare stand against it.
Wielded only those of pure of heart, the weapon takes for both the sun and the moon are pure in their existence.
The last light of day shall always change to the form most compatible with its wielder's sense.
Monsters who fear the night,
Monsters who flee the light,
Beware the twilight.
So what do you guys think? Sounds good? Interesting enough at least?
I always thought that Twilight Arc had something to do with eclipses, as in a conceptual weapon or maybe a unique type of magic that results from the union of solar and lunar magic.
[ ] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act) A weapon that is shaped by solar and lunar magic, it is one of a kind.
Upon the time the sun shines in the sky, it turns golden and its magic dances across it.
Under the moon of the night, it turns pale and white to the point of unmatched beauty, with soft wisps of magic flowing across it like the tide.
However, in the time when the sun sets and the time between the two celestial beings of power, it shines at its brightest, as Solar and Lunar magic dance in unison to slay all that dare stand against it.
Wielded only those of pure of heart, the weapon takes for both the sun and the moon are pure in their existence.
The last light of day shall always change to the form most compatible with its wielder's sense.
Monsters who fear the night,
Monsters who flee the light,
Beware the twilight.
From the original post, it seems that the weapon is mostly a channel for Solar and Lunar magic, excels the best at transitions between both, and while being held by the pure of heart?
We would hardly be proper chaos maker gods if we actually kept track of what we were doing all the time. We're basically obligated to perform at least some irrational and pointless activities, and others with unintended consequences.
I mean, we've only managed to do one thing so far that we're actually fighting over! Let's split up into camps over some pointless issue and drop random artifacts on both sides of it for no real reason whatsoever! Ninjas vs. Pirates, maybe?
We would hardly be proper chaos maker gods if we actually kept track of what we were doing all the time. We're basically obligated to perform at least some irrational and pointless activities, and others with unintended consequences.
I mean, we've only managed to do one thing so far that we're actually fighting over! Let's split up into camps over some pointless issue and drop random artifacts on both sides of it for no real reason whatsoever! Ninjas vs. Pirates, maybe?
From the original post, it seems that the weapon is mostly a channel for Solar and Lunar magic, excels the best at transitions between both, and while being held by the pure of heart?
Right you are. Originally it was a blade, but with some persuasion I changed it into a weapon that changes into whatever weapon fits its user best.
It acts as a conduit for both solar and lunar magic (solar at day, lunar at night) and channels both types of magic during the time of day known as twilight, putting it at its most powerful. Also it can only be wielded by those who are truly pure of heart, which is always a vague term.
The voting rules change really cut down on the number of Acts, huh. It's best for the long run so there's only so much stuff to keep track of per Epoch. Still, I'll see if I roll back the vote threshold increases at some point.
Passed Acts
[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Arts of Shaping (Grand Act)
[X] Empower Nehu Far-Strider with the Might of the OutSlayer (Grand Act)
[X] Create Vixith the volcanic turtle. (Lesser Act)
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)
[x] Create The Merchant of Hope (Lesser Act)
[X] Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon. (Lesser Act)
[X] Empower a wise White Ant with mastery of the World-Sea's magic (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Vanti of the Rainbow Dream (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Pebble-Chan (Demi-Act)
[X] creates a mineral that absorbs energy passively and that gets better the more it absorbs (Demi-Act) *If the intention was to create a widespread broadly occurring mineral, this would have taken a Lesser Act; as a localized it's fine as a Demi [X] Awaken The 'Lonesome Tree' as Crataegus, Guardian of the 'Isolated Island' (Demi-Act)
Update coming when I have a chance. Got some deadlines and things.
Birthed as an Umbral, Hiro-Kai, was forced from his communal group when his emotions got the best of him. Sent to live in the above-ground, he suffered like any other of his aberrant kind. In an attempt to find relief, he beseeched help from any being who could save him from the ever-burning Sun. And being of unknowable strength and eldritch knowledge answered. Its name for the mortal lips was Hazilothul, for its true name was horrifying beyond all belief. It took a form with a body of a snake, two heads of predator birds, and a tongue of grass (evershifting by the wind).
It promised freedom from the ever-burning Sun and the ability for the Umbral's greater ascension. So, Hiro-Kai, in a moment of agony, accepted this being's promises and brought doom upon the world. For this being was not as compassionate as it seemed, an Outer God that it was, and its desires were ever-reaching and violent.
Reborn again, Hiro-Kai was no more, and Chu-Wog rose in his place. Reborn in a body of strength, and with an unnatural charismatic presence, he made his way back down to his people. Proclaiming that the surface dwellers and the Sun were the enemies of the Umbrals, Chu-Wog seeks to unite all his peoples against those that controlled the above-ground. Promising food and better living conditions were all that he spouted through his presence. Currently, he dwells in the deep, gathering strength, and when all are united, Chu-Wog and the Umbrals shall go to war with the help of their sponsor and deceiver, Hazilothul.
Is there a reason you didn't vote for this in the end, @Rolen von Keng? As far as I can see you didn't vote for anything else either. It's a nice idea and I would like to include it.
yeah that's fine.
Being a mineral that absorbs energy passively and improves the more asbrobe it intends to be something unique and a reward for future players since by the end of the epochs / someone finds it it will have been a long time and it will be quite powerful ( it will surely end up serving as a small power-up for some character)
So, I know that the voting is closed but I wanted to leave my idea for the next time (to see if someone likes it, what could I change or add)
[] the force of evolution pushes everything that exists to adapt biologically to its environment or difficulties
This is in a more simplified way that "abilities" such as "cold resistance" or "resistance to cuts" are obtained, etc. but all this without them having a system that shows them that they obtain this ability and that it improves (they do not if I explain myself correctly), but I think it would be interesting to give all beings the ability to slowly adapt to their life circumstances (if someone who has not eaten for a long time would slowly adapt to be able to spend more time without eating, then all these adaptations Only a reduced fraction would be passed on to the offspring, that means that if someone adapted to survive 50 days without eating, their offspring from birth will be adapted to survive 25 days without eating, then this can be improved and so on)
on the subject of history this I think would be quite supported by the law of narrative (making the main characters adapt faster to survive or things like that)
this would also carry over to skills, someone who shoots a lot is very likely to adapt to see better, further, react faster, etc.
This could also translate to magic, someone someone uses magic from the sun will be better and better biologically / spiritually / whatever is related to that magic, and his descendants will be more compatible with that specific magic
Furthermore, in the long run, this could help to create new species or subspecies without our intervention.
I don't know what level of act it would be, but I think great or cosmic.
Terrible huntress, star-browed
Radiant guardian, void-bright
Look not upon us
With your burning eye
-Inscription found on prehistoric Myridna tomb
Visible rivers and mountain ranges represent major ones, not all that exist.
I could not think of any neat way of representing the Arch, but the stones on each end are its beginning and end.
Grand Acts
The Arken Lands:
The northern hemisphere is rocked by the birth of a massive new continent. The Arken Lands rise from the seafloor in a great heave of displaced water and sliding rock. Towering tidal waves are generated, in time crashing down the shores of the other landmasses with great force. The rising earth also destroys homelands of Deep Algal colonies. Fortunately, the Sea-Spirit shelters their favored children and robs away much of the strength of the tsunami waves before they can cause devastation, tired as they are of the destruction. The Spirit is reduced, however, by the theft of so much territory - the new landmasses divide up new seas between them, splintering the Spirit in the process.
The Arken Lands are twin continents connected by a massive stony arch stretching from one end to the other and casting permanent shadow over the landmass. Seeds are taken from many parts of the world and cast across their breadth. In the south of the western continent sprout mighty jungles and wetlands, an explosion of fecund, diverse growth. North of it rise stern dark woods that take well to the cold and snow of the high latitudes. They are divided by temperate grasslands and scattered trees left stunted in the constant shade of the passing Arch. The eastern island becomes a place of high grass and endless plains, ranging from frigid tundra in the north to sweltering savanna in the south. Grand Act: Create the Arken Lands.
Animal life begins to colonize the waiting continent, migrating there naturally or conveyed there by eager Cultivars. Birds become the dominant family of life, while fish fill the streams, lakes and coasts in their multitudes. Of the sentient races, nimble Baólians from the First Island soon arrive and settle along the southern coasts, the great continent's first thinking inhabitants.
Askr and Embla, the First Humans:
A curious change occurs high in the canopy of the World Tree. At the touch of the Makers, a grand sheltered chamber grows within, a vast walled garden hidden from the sight of the spirits and dangers far below. In this bountiful nursery, two new creatures awaken - Askr and Embla, the first of the humans. They are born of the World Tree's bark and ichor. This intimate connection leaves them tied to it in a way no other race is. A love of all things that grow is in their blood; as is a curious, rebellious spirit, born as they are to confinement. From the Unseen around them is seeded boundless imagination and creativity.
For years and years, Askr and Embla learn of life. They marvel at the garden around them, speak, argue, wonder, love, feed on the ichor and fruits of their cradle, and in time, they begin to test the boundaries of their shelter and prison. They come to form a family, also. The wood of around them comes alive as new children of Mankind, born in the garden in all their diversity. Grand Act: Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree.
For now, all humanity knows is the Tree and one another. The blood of divinity and the intoxicating freedom of the Unseen gives them great strength and will. The walls of the garden hold strong, but they will not last forever.
The Arts of Shaping:
The Makers pluck a weave of the Law of Constant Evolution and pull it taut into the world. The Arts of Shaping are created. This magic allows its wielders to harness the very powers of Evolution to manipulate life as they see fit. It is a powerful, versatile art capable of drawing from other types of magic as well, but it is fundamentally one of balance - pushed too far, the Arts will bite back at their users. Careless use may lead to great horrors and disasters, as lifeforms are mutated out of control or plants drink entire regions dry with their new relentless thirst. Grand Act: Create the Arts of Shaping.
As always, it will take time for mortals to recognize and learn these magics. A natural spark in some leads to the first subtle experiments in the Arts among the Deep Algals. In time every species will surely come to know of them.
The Rise of the OutSlayer:
Nehu Far-Strider is busy arguing with a friend on the proper way to construct a canoe that might sail the Voidsea (as she calls the terrible, lifeless emptiness beyond the Cosmic Paths) when mid-sentence the world disappears from around her. Instead, she receives a visitation by the Makers. To stand before the primordial powers of Creation manifested would drive a lesser mind mad, but Nehu has been through than most. Still, it is an ordeal. Nehu hears of a battle of inconceivable scale and terrible consequences. She is shown visions of ravenous dark gods and tasked with their defeat.
It is safe to say that Nehu is shaken by what she learns, but one does not refuse divinity. On the peak of Mt. Sollaar, she bows before the heavens and opens herself to power. The Might of the OutSlayer is granted to her, infusing her with the power to destroy Outer Gods.
This blessing makes Nehu a god in her own right, with the power to traverse the universe at will, immortality and a supernaturally powerful form. Aimed as it is at the Outer Gods, it renders them on the level of mere mortals against her. In short, it is far more power than any mortal should ever come to wield. With the command of the Makers hot in her mind, she cuts a Path into the far outer Void, to seek the Custodians and lead them into one final battle... Grand Act: Empower Nehu Far-Strider with the Might of the OutSlayer.
Lesser Acts
Vixith the Volcanic Turtle:
In the seas near the Hot Lands, the Makers sprinkle steaming volcanic ash and and charred bones into the waters. Vixith the Volcanic Turtle is created. A living creature the size of a large island, Vixith carries a mighty volcano on its back as an enormous shell. Wherever the turtle roams, it spews fertile volcanic ash in its wake - and every 500 000 years, erupts with destructive fury, consuming itself in molten magma only to be born again and resume its wandering. Lesser Act: Create Vixith the volcanic turtle.
Vixith's wanderings take it near the homes of sentient species, who come to consider the great turtle as a harbinger of good fortune. They know nothing of its more destructive side for now, of course. Fish also take to following Vixith, feeding on the aquatic plants that grow on its underside.
The World-Song Stones:
A divine song echoes across the breadth of the World. In its wake, mysterious stone circles rise from the earth as the World-Song Stones are created. These stone monoliths whistle in otherworldly, beautiful melodies when the wind passes through them, drawing listeners from miles around. The Song also echoes in the Unseen. Words spoken at one side will carry over to the other. Soon the Stones are alive with the awkward first attempts of communication between spirits and mortals. With the connections made between Seen and Unseen, the Veil also grows thinner, perhaps allowing for easier travel between the two realms as well within the perimeters of the Stones. Lesser Act: Shape the World-Song Stones.
The Twilight Arc:
The Makers capture a ray of bright sunlight and a reflection of shimmering moonlight, weaving them into the blade of a great weapon. The Twilight Arc is forged, a divine weapon harnessing the powers of solar and lunar magics. This artifact shifts shapes to suit its wielder, fitting in the hands or appendages of any mortal species. In the night, it glows softly as it is empowered by the Moon; in the day, it gains a fearsome fire from the blessing of the Sun. In the twilight hours, both magics manifest to grant its wielder truly legendary power. Lesser Act: Create the Twilight Arc, the Weapon of the Last Light.
The Weapon of the Last Light is loosed to the winds of chance and Narrative Satisfaction. It manifests on the World by plunging into shallow water underneath the midpoint of the great Arch connecting the Arken Lands, visible for miles around and there to be seized by a daring and suitable soul.
The Merchant of Hope:
A new being appears in the World. The Merchant of Hope is created as a wanderer who grants great gifts to those in need in exchange for good deeds performed. This good-natured entity appears differently depending on its audience, but it generally a trader of pleasant and somehow familiar appearance. The Merchant sells only to those in need and asks only that the buyer does good deeds in value equal to what was bought. Heroes may purchase the tools they need to vanquish great monsters; the despairing find what they need to grasp hope; those tempted by evil may be offered a reminder of their true goodness. Lesser Act: Create the Merchant of Hope.
The first manifestation of the Merchant of Hope is to an outcast Umbral in the deep Clouded Lands. Moments away from leaping into a deathly ravine with no escape, the wretched exile is startled to hear a curious fellow Umbral clear their throat beside them. The stranger's bag reveals a startling variety of goods, but the Umbral's eye is caught by a beautiful instrument that the peddler claims will draw other outcasts to its music, so that they might, perhaps, find themselves a new, kinder family here below.
The stranger's words prove truthful. Later, when angry voices in the new community suggest a brutal attack on the tribes that banished them, the buyer convinces the others of peace and forgiveness - and so the price comes to be paid.
The Moon-Watchers:
The surface of the Moon shudders and reveals a statue in the likeness of the Watcher's Watcher. The first Moon-Watcher is created. This lunar creature finds itself capable of thought and of control over the Unseen. Like spirits, it sustains itself on pure dream and imagination, but it still possesses a corporeal stony form. The Moon-Watcher is capable of creating more of itself by fashioning things in the shape of the Watcher's Watcher and wastes no time in doing so. Soon a growing community of Moon-Watchers exists on the lunar surface, existing in happy if destructive play and adventure to the consternation of some more conservative spirits. Lesser Act: Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon.
When the Watcher's Watcher notices this tomfoolery, it is both baffled and pleased. The Watcher's Watcher spends an age observing its 'children' instead of fulfilling its primary task of watching the Watcher; but then again, that is nothing new.
Imsamrta, the Sea-Ant:
A White Ant soldier on the isolated island awakens to a vision of stormy seas and oceanic fury as they are empowered with mastery of the World-Sea's magic. The Ant gains power over the oceans and a measure of its vast might in her own form. Lesser Act: Empower a wise White Ant with mastery of the World-Sea's magic.
The Spirit of the World-Sea is outraged to find a portion of its power leeched from it and given to some creature of the dry earth, but it is powerless before the will of the Makers. Unable to exact its vengeance on the soldier itself, it declares the White Ants as a species hated in its sight. They quickly learn to avoid the shore, lest unexpected waves drag them away to their deaths. The soldier alone has the power to calm the waves and go safely into the water.
Though always blessed with greater intellect and wisdom than most, she has not had need to think much on her own self and existence before now, having existed comfortably as a mere part of the greater colony. She gives herself a name - Imsamrta - and begins straying from her duties. It does not take long for this to be noticed. Her new power makes her an aberrant and a threat in the eyes of her Queen. The ruthless Queen summons Imsamrta to her on false pretenses, only to order her captured so that she might use her own lunar magics to draw the Sea-Spirit's power to herself.
In desperation, Imsamrta calls upon the Sea. A mighty tidal wave surges from the shore and strikes the island, flooding the Queen's chamber and carrying both of them away with it. When the waters clear, the Sea-Ant is gone. Imsamrta finds herself washing unharmed to shore on the coast of the Clouded Lands, alongside a great deal of unhatched eggs and terrified lost drones. She resolves to found a new colony in this foreign land. The Queen, for her part, swears vengeance upon the lowly soldier that dared to defy her...
Vanti of the Rainbow Dream:
A grand spirit of the Unseen forms, guided by the hand of the Makers. Vanti of the Rainbow Dream is created. This great spider towers over the horizon in many-colored splendor. She spins dreams and grand visions for all to see during the day, only to destroy them without mercy come nightfall. Such is her prominence and power that the spirits begin to use her to track the passage of their days in the realm of imagination. Where there before was only a vague conception of passing time, now days are counted from Vanti's works - a spirit may conceive of the time being six works from Vanti's emerald-castle-of-the-clouds, or thirty-nine works from her whirlpool-of-laughter-and-grief, or seven hundred works from Vanti's-chasm-of-a-thousand-regrets. Each work is a masterpiece without equal, inspiring and horrifying the spirits in equal respect.
In the Seen, a nameless fishing spider comes to life also, a reflection of the Great Vanti. She goes unperceived by most, small and insignificant as she is. Lesser Act: Create Vanti of the Rainbow Dream.
One of the living pebbles is touched by a Maker, elevating it to a higher purpose. This particular Hollow does not yet stand out in any particular way, but one cannot go unchanged with a divine blessing upon them. Demi-Act: Create Pebble-Chan.
The Holystone:
In the foothills of the Hot Lands, a vein of new, divine ore comes to being. Its peculiar color is at first the only thing that marks out this mineral. When a passing bird pecks at it with its beak, however, it finds the mineral essentially unbreakable. Indeed, every strike of its peak seems to only make the ore harder and its edges sharper. The mineral absorbs energy, growing stronger and more useful as time goes on. Demi-Act: Create a mineral that absorbs energy passively and that gets better the more it absorbs.
Months pass without anything further of note, but the mineral continues to absorb energy - from the force of the wind upon it, from ambient warmth, from volcanic gasses and the impacts of raindrops upon it. It is, at last, then discovered by a Myridna. Recognizing it for something truly unusual, the Myridna gathers others of her tribe and has them dig the mineral, which they name Holystone, out of the cliffside. They carry it to their burrow and present it to their chief, who orders tools to be made out of the material. Soon the Holystone Myridna, as the tribe becomes known, are hacking away at the world around them with tools that only seem to grow more potent as they go along.
Crataegus, the Awakened Tree:
On the isolated island, the Great Tree blinks awake to awareness. It is given sentience and purpose as Crataegus, the Guardian of the Island - and just in time. The efforts of the Dryad Kaileah to keep the White Ants from destroying the roots of the Tree have brought them to the brink of bloody conflict. Crataegus is saddened to see the Sister-Queens of the White Ants marshaling their soldiers against who he knows to be his daughter and sentinel. With a thundering voice and rain of leaves, Crataegus orders the Ants to stop. Frightened of the new player in their tiny kingdom, the Queens agree to negotiations, and soon find themselves promising to only take as much as can be sustained from the Tree's gifts. In this way, a fragile peace comes over the island once more. Demi-Act: Awaken the Lonesome Tree as Crataegus, Guardian of the Isolated Island.
The Void
The nothing between worlds and stars.
-Being: The Watcher. An immortal entity perceiving all of Creation. -Being: The Historian. An immortal entity recording all of History. -Being: The Watcher's Watcher. An immortal entity trying its best. -Being: Custodians. Powerful divine servants tasked with maintaining and continuing the works of the Makers. -Being: Abraxas. Divine messengers and servants composed of fifteen greater and four hundred and forty lesser beings. -Being: Cultivars. Divine caretakers and seeders of life tasked with spreading lifeforms across Creation.
-Being: Sun-Whales. Enormous leviathans dwelling in the Sun's chromosphere, empowered by solar magics.
-Being: The Outer Gods. Godlike, corrupting horrors of the outer Void. Much weakened and in hiding. -Being: The Void Huntress. The ascended form of Nehu Far-Strider, empowered by the Might of the OutSlayer and hunting the Outer Gods at the ends of Creation.
-Phenomenon: Cosmic Paths. Divine paths of light connecting worlds for travelers. -Phenomenon: Stars and Star-Trails. Stars marking lives lived by beings of the universe. Characteristics of great beings of the past may be gained in some way from them. -Phenomenon: The Arising Star and the Triumphant Comet. Cosmic phenomena marking the beginnings and ends of great stories.
The Moon
A rocky moon orbiting the World and existing simultaneously in the Seen and the Unseen. A source of powerful lunar magic.
-Being: Spirits. Native entities of the Unseen. -Being: Moon-Watchers. Beings of spirit and stone in the likeness of the Watcher's Watcher.
The Unnamed World
The first world and hub of all Creation. -Being: The Merchant of Hope. A wandering being offering gifts to those in need to be paid through good deeds. -Artifact: The Twilight Arc. A legendary weapon channeling both lunar and solar magics.
Sea: Unnamed
Saltwater sea, blessed with nutrients and life. Microbial, simple multicellular life, coral, fish, leviathans, K'orlannsch. Sentient algae. -Being: The Spirit of the World-Sea. The awakened genius loci of the World-Sea, possessed of great magical power.
-Being: Vixith the Volcanic Turtle. An island-sized turtle with a volcano on its back. Every 500,000 years, erupts in volcanic fury and is reborn. -Place: The City of the First Children. A great coral city by the central island. Settled by the sentient algae of the Bãsn-Shaal-Khlomet. -Place: World-Song Stones. Stone circles emanating beautiful otherworldly song. Also allow for communication between the Seen and Unseen.
Central island: Unnamed
Barren rock. Microbial and simple multicellular life, plants, trees, birds, fish, K'orlannsch. Ixnix, Hollows, Baólians.
-Being: Ik'Shar. An old and friendly, furry creature inhabiting the island.
-Being: Nix'Shar. An old and friendlier furry creature inhabiting the island.
-Being: Nahesa, First of the Sea-Serpents. An amphibious serpent inhabiting the island. -Place: The Memory Pool. A mysterious pool of black liquid. Allows one to view their memories in vivid detail. -Place: The Comfortable Cave. A sentient and telepathic cave where the temperature is always comfortable. -Place: World-Song Stones. Stone circles emanating beautiful otherworldly song. Also allow for communication between the Seen and Unseen.
Isolated island: Unnamed
A rocky island dominated by a massive tree. Microbial and simple multicellular life, plants, lichen and fungi, birds, fish. White Ants.
-Being: Crataegus, the Guardian Tree. A great divine tree covering most of the Island, growing rich fruit of many colors. Awakened as a guardian of the Island.
-Being: Kaileah the Dryad. A guardian and child of the Lonesome Tree with powers over nature.
The Hot Lands
A volcanically active continent in the southwest of the world. Microbial and simple multicellular life, plants, trees, lichen and fungi, volcanic flora, fish, birds, K'orlannsch. Myridna, Hollows, Baólians. -Place: World-Song Stones. Stone circles emanating beautiful otherworldly song. Also allow for communication between the Seen and Unseen. -Place: Ironmount. A small settlement and royal seat of the highland Myridna, made up of dwellings carved into the mountainside. -Artifact: Holystone. A curious divine mineral absorbing energy from its surroundings.
The Clouded Lands
A landmass of extremes in the southeast of the world, made of high peaks and deep ravines side by side. Microbial and simple multicellular life, plants, trees, lichen and fungi, fish, birds, K'orlannsch. Skrayt, Umbrals, Hollows, Baólians. -Place: World-Song Stones. Stone circles emanating beautiful otherworldly song. Also allow for communication between the Seen and Unseen.
The Skylands
A collection of floating islands of varying size high above the surface world. Microbial and simple multicellular life, lichen and fungi, birds. Hollows. -Place: World-Song Stones. Stone circles emanating beautiful otherworldly song. Also allow for communication between the Seen and Unseen.
The Arken Lands
A great twin continent in the north of the world. Varied terrain. Microbial and simple multicellular life, lichen and fungi, plants, trees, birds, fish, K'orlannsch. Baólians. -Place: World-Song Stones. Stone circles emanating beautiful otherworldly song. Also allow for communication between the Seen and Unseen.
The Northern World-Pillar
A divine pillar in the north pole of the World. Time spent atop it passes faster than in the world below.
The Southern World-Pillar
A divine pillar in the south pole of the World. Time spent atop it passes slower than in the world below.
The Unseen
A realm of dreams, imagination and spirits.
-Being: Spirits. Native entities of the Unseen.
-Being: The Outer Gods. Godlike, corrupting horrors of the deep Unseen. Much weakened and in hiding. -Being: Vanti of the Rainbow Dream. A great spirit ever crafting and destroying her masterworks.
The World-Tree
A spiritual reflection of Creation. Its roots prevent easy passage between the Seen and the Unseen. Humans.
-Being: Askr & Embla. The first Humans, living demigods and progenitors of all Makind.
The Shifting City
A city of dream-stuff shifting and changing with the imagination of its inhabitants. -Being: Spirits. Native entities of the Unseen.
Laws of Reality
Law: Narrative Satisfaction. All laws of reality may be broken and bent for the purpose of narratively satisfying outcomes or for the pure of heart and will. Law: Constant Evolution. All of Creation strives to change and evolve. Mutations in living beings are common, forces of change are more potent, and intelligent creatures tend to oppose stagnation. Law: Unseen Reawakening. All living beings reflect spiritual counterparts into the Unseen. When they die in the Seen, they awaken in these forms to new lives in the Unseen as new spirits.
Well, that took a while. Whew. Developments in a separate post.
A moratorium on Acts is now in effect. You may begin Voting for the next Epoch in 12 hours. The following Epoch shall be the Age of Creatures. Acts to create or empower non-sentient life shall receive a free +1 Vote.
The Holystone tribe of the Myridna come to thrive with their new tools made of the divine ore. They are the first tribe of the highland Myridna who succeed in digging deeper into stone, where they discover interesting new ores - magnetite and hematite, malachite and native copper, cassiterite and many others, including veins of silver and gold. Experiments with these strange rocks make way for the first attempts at working and shaping metal. They even dig out dwellings within the mountainside at a place in the shadow of the great peak of Mount Sollaar, which they come to call Hanehuramo, or 'Ironmount'. The prestige of the Holystone Myridna grow quickly, but pleas to share their new riches or their tools with other tribes fall on deaf ears. Eventually, jealous rivals fall upon the Holystone Myridna in a raid - only to discover that the holystone tools make for deadly weapons as well when its warriors muster out in defense. The wars that follow are brief and relatively bloodless affairs, as the Holystone Myridna subjugate their peers in the mountains one by one and force them to acknowledge their supremacy.
When the last of the rival tribes surrenders, the highland Myridna convene at Ironmount and kneel before Samo, the grizzled old chieftain of the Holystone Myridna. He sits upon a seat of worked stone and places upon his brow a crown of holystone, and his subjects call out in honor of their new King. Samo, the Mountain King, is declared sovereign of the Myridna - a title that suggests that he and his heirs may in time seek to place the lowland and coastal Myridna under their dominion as well.
Ironmount is far from a city, but its population is large by the standards of the highland Myridna. Hunting and gathering for such large numbers proves difficult, and as the slopes of the nearby mountains are stripped bare and birds flee for safer nesting grounds, the Myridna come to wonder what could be done to ensure enough food for everyone throughout the year. For now, fortunately, the land is bountiful enough and the highlanders scattered enough to provide for all even through the winters.
The Queen's Gambit:
The first year of Imsamrta the Sea-Ant's life in her new homeland in the Clouded Lands is eventful. She lays the foundations of a new colony with the rest of her wretched exiles in a coastal valley, transforming from soldier to soldier-queen. Soon she discovers they are not alone on the continent. A Skrayt hunter called Khriite comes upon her, and recognizing her sentience, strikes up a conversation through gesturing and mimicry. The two come to understand each other and form an unlikely friendship. Imsamrta uses her powers to strand fish and stun seabirds for Khriite to gather up for his tribe's cooking fires. The Skrayt learn to hold the Sea-Ant in great esteem and teach her their language. When a desperate outcast Umbral is captured by the tribe and sentenced to death, it is Imsamrta who helps mediate and convince the others to show mercy. The Umbral, Tsu-Min, is given a new place to live within Imsamrta's hive alongside any other outcasts who might rise from the depths. And when a volcanic eruption threatens all of their homes, it is Imsamrta who summons up the waters of the World-Sea to cool the flowing magma and save hundreds.
Such a peaceful life cannot last forever. In her homeland, the Three Sister-Queens of the White Ants scheme and plot. Frustrated by the enforcement of peace on them by the Guardian Tree and fearful of other 'rebellions' among their drones, the Queens decide that an example must be made of the Sea-Ant. They draw upon their lunar magics to scry upon her location and learn of the new colony in the Clouded Lands. The Sea is in the way and hostile to their passage, of course... but with the Three Queens united, their powers are mighty. On a cloudless night, some years after Imsamrta's exile, the Queens fix the Moon's reflection on the ocean and use their magic to turn it into a path for them to walk upon.
A swarm of soldier drones marches over the stilled sea to the Clouded Lands. They are led by Imsamrta's old Queen, and in her fury she is frightening to behold. Cold moonlight swirls in deadly tendrils above her head and the night grows unbearably bright before her. Imsamrta is away when the Queen reaches the shore of the Clouded Lands. It is only when a fleeing Tsu-Min brings word of an army besieging her young colony that Imsamrta realizes the danger they are all in. She sets out at once, desperate to save her colony and the Ants there who will surely be slain by her vengeful old mistress.
The besieging army is great indeed, and the Queen directs the power of the Three Sisters at the time of the full moon, when lunar magic is at its strongest. Alone, Imsamrta hurries out to face the invading army. The odds are stacked terribly against her. Certain of her victory, the gleeful Queen orders her army to swarm and destroy her. Imsamrta draws upon the powers of the Sea and floods the battlefield, but still they come. She meets every blast of moonlight with a whip of water, every searing light with a wall of brine, but her foes are too many. Her strength drains, and defeat looms, and then the sun rises.
The Queen feels her lunar magics fail, but what of it? Her victory is still assured.
She looks to the skies, and hears the war-cries of the Skrayt resound over the valley. Like a vast cloud, the Skrayt tribes descend in defense of their friend and teacher; and with them the gates of the colony swing open, and out come not only soldier Ants but blind Umbrals sworn to their patroness, howling their love and fury. The Queen's force is struck hard and overwhelmed. They cannot stand in the face of these strange new creatures; the control of the Queen over her hive fails, and her Ants rout as a disorganized mass. They flee in a panic towards the bridge of moonlight that leads back to the safety of the homeland - but as the first rays of sunlight touch the lunar path, it dissolves. The invading force plunges straight into the Sea and into their doom instead. The Spirit of the World-Sea is not kind to the Ants. Not one survives to return to the Isolated Island. The Queen dies with them.
The two surviving Sister-Queens on the Island make the prudent choice not to continue hostilities. In the time that follows, the Sea-Ant's colony grows and thrives side-by-side by the Skrayt and the Umbrals of the coast.
The Void Huntress:
Nehu Far-Strider, hot with divine power and certainty, cuts a Path through the cosmos and into the Void. Empowered as she is, the bite of vacuum cannot harm her. First she seeks out the Custodians, the servants of the Makers she has been commanded to lead. The caretakers of Creation are astonished to find a mortal creature among them, though they recognize the overwhelming heat of the Flame of Chaos in her and know her to be favored of the Makers. They speak, and though all other life would crumble at hearing the sound, Nehu withstands the torment and explains her holy mission.
Though wary of the brash Myridna, the Custodians find comfort in the fact that their Makers have come to their aid against the mistake of the Outer Gods after all. They bestow gifts upon their new ally and equip her with merciless arms for the coming battle. A new host gathers to wage this war to its conclusion. The force that rides out is made all the more fearsome by the laughing champion at its head, cutting the Paths open at her will, a fell black scythe of angelic iron held high above her head.
The Outer Gods do not expect a new assault so soon. They have only begun to venture out of their hiding places and regain their strength. They are unprepared for the shock to come. In the face of the Custodian ranks, they fail to even perceive Nehu - for what threat could a thing such as hers pose to powers such as they? Nehu falls upon them without mercy. Ingezthel, the Crawling Darkness, is the first to fall. The God falls in ignorance, never grasping what new might has slain them. The cosmic power of the Outer Gods shudders and collapses at her touch. Nehu's scythe cuts through the core of their being and ends them with as much effort as a farmer reaping grain. A profound shock falls upon the Custodians and the Outer Gods both - and in that moment, the Outer Gods come to understand just what Nehu is, and the depth of their betrayal by their Makers.
The Outer Gods flee. Nehu, with the Custodians at her back, pursues.
They scatter like vermin. Nehu hunts those of the Void and those of the Unseen alike, her powers propelling her through the barrier between Realms and burning through the roots of the World-Tree as they grow to prevent her passage. Such is the power of the hunters that the entire Unseen quiets at their coming, and it said that even the Great Builder Vanti stops her work at the sight of them. In the Void, worlds crack and stars burst as the Outer Gods are lashed out of their refuges.
The Gods are consumed by terror. They throw up obstacles in Nehu's path, but their greatest powers dissolve like water before the OutSlayer. What Nehu cannot withstand, the Custodians break for her. Seven Gods of the Void and seven Gods of the Unseen are pursued and run down in this manner, their might leaving them when faced with Nehu, rendering them mortal before her blows, rendering Nehu near-impervious to their attacks.
The rest of their kind worm their way under the skin of Creation, burrowing into hiding, concealing and transforming them until even the Custodians can no longer perceive them. The purity of their fear grants them the strength of the Law of Narrative Satisfaction. Frightened, pitiful wretches, they shear off their essence until they are too small for any but the Watcher to see. Nehu, frustrated with the trails growing cold, decides to return to the World to share the glorious news of her triumphs.
She descends among her old tribe, and they flee in terror from her. Drenched in the gore of the Outer Gods, garbed in alien form, eyes aflame with divine fire, flanked by an honor guard of monstrous angels, she is a terrible apparition, and her ravings of cosmic war madness to hear. For the Myridna, ever steadfast, to be abandoned by your kin and community is the worst thing imaginable. Nehu makes to follow, but her monstrous steps shatter the earth and her touch tears through walls of earth like air. The horrified Myridna run where they can.
In later times, the Myridna will sing of that day as a tragedy born of ignorance, and grieve for the daughter they failed. Nehu knows none of this. Broken by anguish, she cuts her way back into the Void, leaving even the Custodians behind in her grief. Nehu throws herself into the hunt, caring nothing for the myriad worlds she sees as she travels, forgetting what love she once held for discovery. What good are tales with no-one to tell them? Only the hunt matters now.
Yet she cannot find her quarry. The words of the Makers burn in her mind. She will hunt, until there are none of the monsters left to hunt. The Void Huntress patrols the edge of Creation, and the Outer Gods wait.
So, I know that the voting is closed but I wanted to leave my idea for the next time (to see if someone likes it, what could I change or add)
[] the force of evolution pushes everything that exists to adapt biologically to its environment or difficulties
This is in a more simplified way that "abilities" such as "cold resistance" or "resistance to cuts" are obtained, etc. but all this without them having a system that shows them that they obtain this ability and that it improves (they do not if I explain myself correctly), but I think it would be interesting to give all beings the ability to slowly adapt to their life circumstances (if someone who has not eaten for a long time would slowly adapt to be able to spend more time without eating, then all these adaptations Only a reduced fraction would be passed on to the offspring, that means that if someone adapted to survive 50 days without eating, their offspring from birth will be adapted to survive 25 days without eating, then this can be improved and so on)
on the subject of history this I think would be quite supported by the law of narrative (making the main characters adapt faster to survive or things like that)
this would also carry over to skills, someone who shoots a lot is very likely to adapt to see better, further, react faster, etc.
This could also translate to magic, someone someone uses magic from the sun will be better and better biologically / spiritually / whatever is related to that magic, and his descendants will be more compatible with that specific magic
Furthermore, in the long run, this could help to create new species or subspecies without our intervention.
I don't know what level of act it would be, but I think great or cosmic.