In the heart of the Abyss, below the impervious darkness that acts as the final immutable barrier for the wasteland above, a new pocket-galaxy will be created. It will be an alternate plane of existence like nothing else yet created, an isolated fold in reality kept separate from all that exists and ever will exist within the Seen and Unseen, and it will become the home of the remaining Outer Gods.
Within this hidden realm, the Outer Gods rule supreme. They are the sole authority of existence, and reality itself bends to their whim. They may create and destroy as they see fit. The hidden realm shall be equally split between the Outer Gods, and the authority of each Outer God will be absolute and immutable within their own set territory. Their influence wanes at the border of this boundary, and between each of the Outer God's territory there will be a "no man's land", where each Outer God retains equal control over their reality. In this space, they may fight each other however they wish. Outer Gods will find themselves incapable of forcing themselves into another's territory, though limited tendrils of influence may be allowed inside if invited (with the caveat that their hosts retain the right to instantly eject them as they wish).
The Outer Gods will be unable to leave the confines of this hidden realm. Their existence will forevermore be held separate from the rest of creation. However, with concentration and effort they may extend their sight to the Abyss above, so that they know that something remains beyond the borders of their hidden realm.
However, nothing lasts forever. There will eventually come a time when the suns of the Seen burn out and the realms of the Unseen are left lifeless and cold, when the roots of the Divine Tree wither and die, when the Divine Fire of creation itself begins to flicker and fade. At the end of existence, when there is no longer life in any of the realms of the Maker's creation, the bindings that constrain the Outer Gods will slip loose, and they will be free to come and go as they wish.
And so, it is decreed: Upon the end of existence, the Outer Gods will be granted dominion over all of creation. They may do what they wish with whatever remains, and may raise their own works as they see fit.