@Photomajig your programmed tally is mostly fine, you just need to put the start point at the latest threadmark (epoch 11).
Two Dichotomies:
The form of the Mandala is three concentric circles within a triangle, the circles all touched by a single cross. The three sides of the triangle represent the three outer elements of Space, Time and Void, untouchable by mortal spellwork but fundamental for any work within them. The three circles describe, from inner to outer, the conceptual elements, the physical elements and the forces, the points at which the circles are intersected by the cross each being a single element. Starting at the top and going clockwise, first arm contains the elements of Life, Fire and Wood, the second contains the elements of Dark, Earth and Wind, the third arm contains the elements of Death, Ice and Water, the fourth contains Light, Lightning and Metal. This Mandala is one of direct opposition, elements from opposing arms will oppose one another in magic, while those from the same arm will synergize in some way.
Two States:
The form of the Mandala is a complicated pair of spirals asymptotically approaching a central point. The point is time, which sets the beat of all else but cannot be touched. The spirals intersect and overlap at many points and cycle between the elements that make them up along their length. One spiral is the arc of the Made, comprising Space, Death, Light, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood, the other is the arc of the Unmade comprising Void, Life, Dark, Lightning, Fire, Ice, and Wind. This Mandal is a twisting dance, elements from one arc will work better with those from the other, and the most complex workings can only be made by weaving twirling magics from one arc to the other and back again.
The Triumvirate:
The form of the Mandala is a river splitting into three distributaries, each of which then splits into four more. The three distributaries are Time, Space and Void, the three purer magics from which others are derived. Time splits further to Life, Death, Lightning and Wind, Space splits to Water, Metal, Wood and Earth, and Void splits to Dark, Light, Fire and Ice. This Mandala concerns itself with wholes being made of many parts, there are no special interactions between branches, but learning within the children of one of Time, Space or Void will be easier and if all four children are mastered one may start on their parent.
So, Mandala's passing, but no discussion started up during the voting period on the actual organization of the elemental system. I figure since we're currently just waiting on an update, now might be a good time for anyone with an opinion to voice it. I posted three options with the vote which I thought worked alright. I think my own favorite of these three was "Two Dichotomies", but I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else has any thoughts on them, or would like to suggest any alternatives. The form of the Mandala wasn't actually specified in the description, so it may influence what Photomajig decides to go with.
So, while we're waiting for the next update, does anyone have ideas for acts?
Dragon king/queen?So, while we're waiting for the next update, does anyone have ideas for acts?
Plague Circle. Kabal of all the plague gods that were created during black death. Our own Nurgle! Nurgles?So, while we're waiting for the next update, does anyone have ideas for acts?
@Photomajig Would creating a seedling from the Tree of Evolution be acceptable as a demi-act or is the Tree too magical/"miraculous" for that?