Cosmic Acts
Blessing of Growth & the Great Baby Boom:
As the Makers take, they shall also give.
A cosmic blessing of growth affects Creation, empowered further by
a boom in fertility of all living beings. Cosmic Act: The Blessing of Growth & Grand Act: The Great Baby Boom!
The change is not instant. At first, it is only a few scattered things. Harvests come in greater than ever before, bringing wealth in excess to the agrarian peoples of the world. Natural plants flourish as well, feeding larger animal populations which in turn feed predators sentient or unsentient. Their populations boom as well, then; the cycle spins on, gaining strength with every iteration.
Children are born increasingly as twins, triplets or more; animals spawn more offspring than they can sometimes manage. New parents are run ragged by the explosion in children. Some animals die trying to provide for far too many; mortal societies are more robust, and communal childrearing becomes more popular among many races.
The blessing of growth manifests in other ways as well in thinking creatures: skills are learned at a greatly enhanced rate, settlements expand and personal changes happen unusually swiftly. The new generations are reputed brighter and more intense than their parents, eager to go out and claim the world for their own.
Inevitably, there are troubles. The world cannot bear endless growth. There is only so much space and arable land. Many marginal lands face overcompetition for nutrients and resources. Rapidly reproducing species overwhelm ecosystems where their predators are too few and slow-breeding. Algal blooms choke ocean waters, depleting certain unfortunate regions of oxygen and killing countless oceanic creatures around them. Additional grazing pressure manages to keep them contained for the most part, but at times the explosive growth of grazing animals in the sea or on land eat up the plant life faster than their predators can cull them.
The Cultivars take steps to shelter ecosystems where they are endangered by the Blessing; excess populations are whisked to distant worlds with the potential to support them, spreading denizens of the First and Second Worlds around the cosmos. They cannot go against their Makers' blessings, however, and so they may only treat the symptoms and are pressed hard to limit the consequences.
In the end, it is not a disaster, but a number of ecological catastrophes, mortal conflicts and societal shocks mark the age. In the aftermath, many races become more conscious of the fragility of the natural world around them. Myths are made of shepherd-like caretakers and custodians who keep nature in balance, teaching mortals to do the same.
Population pressures drive migrations to even the isolated ocean rocks and through Paths to other worlds – few places in the world remain lifeless any longer. Mortal populations recover from the losses of the Plague and the cataclysms of the past, their peoples now exceptionally young and many. Urbanization and the adoption of agriculture advance. The increasing need to manage and administer food supplies in a centralized fashion spurs on state development and the birth of the bureaucrat.
The Grand Elemental Mandala:
On the exact opposite point to the Ziggurat of Ascension on Aebrirea, in the eastern Arken Lands,
the Makers fashion a grand elemental mandala in the earth. The divine construction is vast enough to form a strangely shaped valley of its own. This mandala describes the Elements and emits potent magic of a dominant Element: for the Age it comes to be in, Life. Each new Age, the Mandala turns, generating a different kind of elemental power. A studious mortal may derive an understanding of True Elemental Magic from the Mandala's patterns; a slow but powerful type of elemental magic.
With divine effort, the Mandala may be changed by outside forces – perhaps changing the nature of the Age with it.
Cosmic Act: Create the Grand Elemental Mandala.
Grand Acts
City Seeds:
The Makers see the growth of towns and cities around the world, and desire to advance it further.
The City-Seeds are created, rare and powerful magical items aiding a city's founder in expanding and administrating their settlement. They are spawned from established cities, particularly cities of some Legend and fame, or grown by gods and other powerful entities.
Whoever plants a City-Seed becomes the Citymaster, the holder of the Seed's power, to be passed on to their successor or successors when they pass or retire. The Citymaster is empowered with knowledge of the City's affairs and may direct its innate magic towards the improvement of the city and its citizens. When two Seeded Cities clash, they may merge if one Citymaster submits to the other.
Grand Act: City Seeds.
Monuments of the Abyss and Shades:
The Abyss shifts
as titanic monuments appear in its depths. The strange towering edifices are warped reflections of events in history – past, present or future. They stand resolute over the Sands, each composed of strange and unique materials with unusual qualities. Carved onto them are divine glyphs that speak of history and cosmic truths; those who read these messages are rewarded with twisted mirror-image versions of historical artifacts.
Strange plants also grow within the Abyss. They sustain themselves on the Lost and take on qualities of nearby Monuments.
Greatest among the Monuments is the First – a black obelisk in the heart of the realm, where the words of a Maker are revealed to those who delve so far.
Grand Act: Abyss Monuments.
The Abyss
is granted native inhabitants of its own, as Shades are created. These castoff beings of insubstantial shadow and sand form from narrative fragments. Failed and dead Legends spawn them. Each Shade corresponds to a Lie, a fundamental misunderstanding of the world above. Mortals who embody a Shade's Lie will draw them like moths to a flame, influenced by them even outside the Abyss. Shades seek to possess these individuals as hosts, granting power but draining any potential Legend to empower their Lie instead.
Shades are the corrupted reflections of Legends, fundamentally at odds with their power. They may become Myths and ascend to a dark kind of divinity, making their host an unwilling Avatar; though their hosts may be able to refute them as well, banishing them from their lives. Most of the time, they are simply pulled back into the Abyss after the death of their host.
Grand Act: Create Shades.
Four denizens of the Second World are chosen by the Makers to seek the First Monument. These unlikely companions – a Me'vel, a Gnoll, a Dragon and a Krokerikian – are forced to work together to survive as they seek the deepest place of the Abyss. The realm proves perilous indeed. A friendship, fragile as it may be, is forged. When they fall, they fall working side by side. In the end, the place claims all but one – the Dragon, who reaches the First Monument and is granted knowledge of the Plague. They return to the surface and begin to tell of the Stone Plague's secrets to anyone who will listen.
Lesser Acts
Pioneering Hollow:
An aged Hollow
is empowered to take on stone into their body and grant this power onto their children as a bloodline. The Hollow, imprisoned decades ago for leading a revolt against the Hollow King, is given a chance to flee his subterranean confinement and inspired to lead a group of other ex-slaves of many species northwards.
Lesser Act: Pioneering Hollow.
This ragged band eventually founds the 'freeport' of Rockhollow in the northern Clouded Lands in a sheltered cove, swearing to uphold values of freedom and independence in the chaotic continent.
Stone Cats:
Living stone gives birth to Stone Cats. These felines resemble ornate statues, but are living creatures drawn to passion and creativity. They both feed on acts of creation and inspire them, serving as muses to those mortals who win their affections. Kittens are carved into life by older Stone Cats or arise spontaneously from works of great wonder and joy.
Lesser Act: Stone Cats.
Two Pillars of Mourning:
The Makers seek to remember the dead and lost of the Plagues.
The crystal hearts of the dead Sehranen are fashioned into two pillars in Stromhiem. Those who touch their radiant surface may commune once more with the souls of those they lost. Warmth and calm are felt in their presence.
Lesser Act: Create the Two Pillars of Mourning.
The Pillars are soon discovered to go further than perhaps intended – even Sehranen who die later and from other causes may be contacted through the Pillars. The Pillars allow their spirit-souls in the Unseen to whisper into the Seen. They become sites of great importance and holiness to those left behind, venerated in their own right.
Paths to the Temple of Need:
The Temple of Need
is empowered by allowing mortals to access it with more ease, either in a mass near-death experience or through a specific ritual. It is the former path which is used far more often in the years to come.
Lesser Act: Paths to the Temple of Need.
The Entangled Wreathes:
A new kind of plant is created. The Entangled Wreathes flower with pods of twin seeds. When fully grown, they resemble massive wreathes that connect portals between themselves, no matter how far apart they are planted.
Lesser Act: The Entangled Wreathes.
The first to make intelligent use of the Wreathes is a human gardener in the service of the Myridna Mountain King. The Wreathes grow slowly, but they cultivate a handful of precious seeds in strategic locations around the Mountain Kingdom. In time they may grow large enough for people to pass through in significant numbers. Though easily destroyed by grazers, the elements or enemy action, they represent the beginning of a powerful system of instantanous travel. Their value is understood by others as well, including an ambitious Krokerikian chieftain of the Second World.
The Fig of Enlightenment and the Temple of the Six Paths:
The sacred fig of the Sura
is blessed to shine with enlightenment and wisdom. During the day, it offers the Golden Light of Comprehension; in the night, the Silver Glow of Inspiration. Once every decade, the Fig bears a fruit of enlightenment. Whoever eats it is given the collected learning of the Sura race and great intellect. Around the Fig is built the indestructible Temple of the Six Paths, a beautiful place where masters of their craft may come to bask in the Fig's light.
Lesser Act: Create the fig of enlightenment and the temple of the six paths.
The Temple becomes ever more important to the Sura. A settlement forms around it, which rapidly grows to become the spiritual and cultural capital of the fragmented Sura species. Great rituals to honor Kharneth are held there, joined by Sura from far and wide.
Yearning of the Sky-Ants:
The hearts of the Sky-Ants are filled
with a yearning for freedom and exploration. These strange and wild ideals spread slowly among the Sky-Ants of Gale-Home. No changes are apparent until one day, when in the dead of night, a dozen female Sky-Ants break off segments of their flying home and sail off with stolen drones and grubs while their Queen is distracted. These deserters will in time grow their own hives of the skies, beginning a new path in their species' history.
Lesser Act: Bless many of the Sky Ants with the Yearning of the Sky
Good Luck Necklace:
A benevolent Maker
crafts the Good Luck Necklace, a divine artifact greatly enhancing the wearer's luck. To all who perceive it, it appears to be nothing more than an ordinary necklace, its divine nature hidden from mortal minds.
Lesser Act: Create the Good Luck Necklace.
Cloud Basilisks:
The high places of the world
are blessed with the coming of the Cloud Basilisks. These creatures of air and wind serve as convergences of magic and broken dreams. They are creatures of Seen magics with little understanding of the Unseen; nevertheless, they are born of the broken hopes and dreams of the Realms, their strength depending on the power of the dream crushed. Their lifespans vary in the same manner, with the weakest existing only for moments, the strongest for decades.
Cloud Basilisks seek to become whole and have the innate power to grant wishes. Granting a wish completes them and they dissipate, content at last. They may only grant wishes of a physical nature, and are limited by their own strength in what they may bestow.
Lesser Basilisks congregate in swarms, carrying clouds before them and giving birth to storms in their wake. Powerful Basilisks may carry great storms by themselves. Mass migrations of Basilisks fill the skies with loud whispers.
Lesser Act: Cloud Basilisks.
Sang-Pa's Blessing:
The Umbral godling Sang-Pa is blessed with faster and better regeneration. It is a mere spark within the divine fire in their veins, but the touch of a Maker helps Sang-Pa recover faster as they restore their broken form deep within the mountains of Avoroth.
Demi-Act: Grant enhanced regeneration to Sang-Pa.
The Spoon of Truth:
A fickle Maker's desire
turns a spoon into the Spoon of Truth. This wondrous divine artifact is exactly like every other spoon, save for its superior design, and the fact its owner is compelled to know it to be the Spoon of Truth.
Demi-Act: The Spoon of Truth.
Ring of the Devourer:
Another terrifying artifact comes to be
with the creation of the Ring of the Devourer. The ring allows its wearer to take on a portion of the power of those they kill and eat. Prolonged use gives birth to an insatiable hunger that only more killing and devouring can soothe.
Demi-Act: The Ring of the Devourer.
The Ring is given to the care of the Sura in possession of Dirge and the Mask of Madness. Quite blood-mad and inhuman already, their newest 'gift' only makes them more terrible to encounter.
Love's Possibility:
Nahesa the Serpent
is told of suitors waiting to mate with her. Intrigued by this divine match-making, she seeks out the Twin Serpents. How that union functions in practice is a divine mystery, but the result are a special litter of bonded portal-serpents who possess fragments of the Twin Serpents' powers and come to live with their divine parents.
Demi-Act: Love's possibility.
The Mission of the Abraxas:
A Maker instructs the Abraxas of a new purpose: the greatest of the Fifteen are to guard the Outer Gods, the next five are to judge new celestial beings, while the last five are to write and record the secrets of Creation. The lesser Abraxas assist them in these tasks.
Demi-Act: Give Abraxas a task.
Manifestum Fati:
The Architect continues its ineffable plans. One of the Abraxas conveys to Zainul-Jast a new directive – that of world domination and war. The Draghai armies are to be organized and prepared for an invasion of the Hot Lands, for a grand global war to come.
Demi-Act: Manifestum Fati.
Despite the collapses brought on by the Plague and this new age of growth, Zainul-Jast considers the strength of the Draghai too weak for such an ambitious campaign. Regardless, the God-Emperor puts his people to work. The Draghai militarize to an unprecedented level, embarking on several preparatory raids and campaigns that bring their outposts to the gates of Askrheimr and onto the shores of the Isle of Ouroboros. Key sites of metal ore, ship-worthy wood and strategic importance are identified by the mind of Zainul-Jast and claimed by the Empire. New disciplined Draghai legions prove capable indeed where resistance rears its head.
The Draghai plans do not go unseen. Divination and ordinary spying alike bring word to their neighbors of the growing war machine. As fear spreads, the Tyrant's Legion senses a new worthy master to serve. They arrive at the Ziggurat late in the age, ready to join their forces to those of Zainul-Jast. Preparations are made by those who feel threatened – the massive growth of young excess souls are given purpose as warriors. The rivals of the Draghai begin to look to each other for aid, speaking of alliances...