Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Would it be fine if I removed the Silver Lake and the Mountain of Magic since those are the biggest things there? Which would leave the Great Crystal Reef, the Glass Labyrinth, the Abyssal Trench, and the Garden of Giants. If that's still too much… I'll need to think of something new.

It's a bit borderline since those have magical effects of their own, but I'll say yes, that works.
Young God Name: The Forgotten God
of this into the backstory of the god @Ghost in a wall made, but I don't want to since I think it would be best if the Forgotten God had as little explicit lore surrounding it as possible, since they have fallen and been claimed by the Abyss (and therefore, you know, become forgotten). I want to leave the actual details surrounding them to anyone that wants to pick up the setting later.

I cetainly don't mind if that was the case and you involved yourself with that backstory. More God's of the Abyss are always welcome too!

I also enjoy the ah, shift in tone- the Abyss is this terrifying place that eats Legends and Myths... but the god's there are actually decent people. Kinda similar to Hades and such, and allows for interesting "BANISHED TO THE ABYSS" type stories to occur.

I'm curious as to how people view the Abyss in the first place.
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It's a bit borderline since those have magical effects of their own, but I'll say yes, that works.

Nice! Although now that I've had time to think about it (and sleep) it might be better to have Erdkaii place Their divine flame in the Gate of Trials since it's my second act? Difficult decisions. Does anyone have any thoughts about that? Aekidir's backstory would have to change but not by much.
Name: Qudrim8054
Highest Act: Cosmic (Create the Forger and the World Forge)
Demise: Divine Suicide. Having been satisfied with seeing many of its creations coming into a making, The Maker takes a small and unimportant spirit from the Unseen and takes it to the World Forge, where it splits itself into two halves, killing its consciousness. The first half slightly empowers the World Forge and the Forger inside it to make greater Artifacts of Power for the new gods, while the other half empowered the fertility spirit in the hopes that it would become the head of its own godly pantheon.

Young Goddess Name: Ülmánaga The Star Maiden
Young Goddess Spheres: Stars, Beauty, Love.
Young Goddess Description: Ülmánaga is depicted usually in white colors in all appearances in myths regarding her on both planets, same as the night starts that appear at night. Each race that worships her depicts her in different ways, but her symbol is a white crescent moon with three stars: two on each side of the moon and one inside it.
Her usual appearance in myths differ from species to species that do worships her, but a rather reoccurring theme is that she appears as a deer, making deer a sacred animal in her religion. Each race the worships her depicts her image of a female of their species with several characteristics of a deer, such as her ears and feet, while also having a pure, glowing, white skin and wears a gown made of both stardust and the fire of the sun itself.
Since she is known as a goddess of love and beauty, most of those who worship her usually prey to find the love of their life, which they do while inside a magical circle with Ülmánaga's symbol inside it that had been drawn on the floor, hoping that the ritual will make their wish come true.
Other known rituals are performed by Sky Ants who desire for guidance from the stars as they travel at night, or any kind of adventurer who desires for help from the starts to see the path they walk.

Final Act: Empower the Forger and the World Forge
As new gods will be born across the cosmos, they will all need items of power that will cement their presence, enhance their power and fuse a part of their essence into it. And with even more future gods being born to make pantheons, the World Forge shall need to keep up. With half of a Maker's essence infused into them, both The Forger and the World Forge shall be enhanced to not only be able to keep with with all the new gods, but create even more powerful artifacts to empower these gods.

Hey, @Photomajig, is this alright? Is it too much?
Name: CausalityCircle, the Cycle of Cause and Effect
Highest Act: Grand (Sky Sea, I'd honestly forgotten that was me)\

Demise: The time to pass the torch is now. Time Spirals on, and so the (Maker) Causality spirals with it. While their Will remains, they say goodbye to their creations.
To the Ribbon Foxes, the Voxkoli they give their joy at their creation. The inherent knowledge that they are loved. That they will be loved forever.
To this fishing boat Horizon, their surprise and gratitude. That Horizon is not merely a home and sanctuary but a true friend to their child.
The glittering waves of the wandering Sky Sea feel it's Maker's touch, one last time. Their wonder at the life that lives within it, the admiration at it's beauty.
To the muses five a thank you, for humoring their bet, for reaching out to Vadhu.
To Vadhu an apology. They were not involved in his creation, nor did they participate in his betrayal. But the sanctuary their daughter crafted, and they preserved, was also a prison. Tho they hoped to ease that. They hope Vadhu is happy now, they think he is. To Create is to Destroy an Empty state. To write, one destroys the blankness of the page. To Sing one destroys the silence. They compliment Vadhu on his Creations, his chosen destruction, and wish him the best.
To every bit of existence CausalityCircle lent their will to the creation of. It feels like some grand force, some distant relative is lovingly saying goodbye.
Lastly CausalityCircle meets with their firstborns, their Twin born daughters of the Seen and Unseen. They are all in the same place for the first time since their creation, and they are loved. The nameless fishing spider, so much smaller than her sister, wiggles about happily regaling her family with stories of her adventures. The many friends she's made throughout her lives. The fish she's eaten, and the places she's seen. The time she and Horizon sailed the Sky Sea till the deck was encrusted with gold. She scolds Causality for cursing her friend, even tho he killed her. It was not intended.
Pitiless Vanti patient, and watching, intercedes then. "Unzo had been denied his dearest wish by the blessings of the Makers. It could be said that this is punishment enough. But he was friend to you. To Bless him for your murder would be anathema. But for him to live and be reborn like you. To make great works in the manner that he wished. To be able to repent for his sins against you. I would not not call that a curse."

Last Act:
CausalityCircle is passing the torch, and crafting a hidden realm. Both of their daughters will help in it's creation. Although only one will ascend to Godhood. Vanti and her sister, the nameless fishing spider, craft a web so sublime it can entrap Time, if only for a moment. A skill built from endless lives and countless masterpieces, establishes the outer boundary of a realm where time is slowed and aging stopped. The realm is a heaven that will never run out, where all the things needed to create are provided. But for each person only one of their creations can be removed, and once the Realm is left you can never return to it. Those who linger too long will become either muses or servitors of Vanti.

Naturally Causality ensures that does not apply to Vanti and her sister. To those two they entrust the ability to build passages to the realm. Fragile and temporary gates of spider web in the case of the fishing spider, and easily incorporated into any of her works in the case of Vanti.

Young God Name: Vanti
Young God Spheres: Skillful Creation, Purposeful Destruction, Cycles
Young God Description: Vanti is know to be a spider. But what a spider is, that is unclear to many. In creation there are only two. Vanti of the Rainbow Dream who was born in the unseen and towers over the horizon, beautiful and terrifying, and her twin in the real The nameless fishing spider (who will one day be named) who plies the waves happily with the boat Horizon. It is known that spiders have eight limbs, and eight eyes. So the number eight is assumed to be holy, and much significance is given to it.

In art Vanti is usually represented as a female of the artists species, but one with eight arms and eight eyes (or arm and eye equivalents depending on the species)

@Photomajig does this work?
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Name: Zalkon
Highest Act: [X] Create Mask of Madness artifact (Demi-Act), [X] Create the Dirge artifact (Demi-Act), [X] Create an Artifact Ring of the Devourer (Demi-Act)
Demise:: The creator of cursed artifacts, looking at the monster he created, decides that the time has come. He catches the soul of a maddened sura that was the bearer of his artifacts, pouring an infinitesimal part of himself into this maddened creature, raising him to divinity. And then with a satisfied smirk, it turns into a demiplan, which will become the Divine Realm of its man-made god.

Young God Name: Azrull
Young God Spheres: War, Pain, Madness
The Young God Description: Azrull is described by his worshipers as a huge, red-skinned sura giant whose gaze burns with green fire and his muscular, fanned body is covered in chaotically changing writing that, upon looking at them, plunges the beholder into madness. Sitting on the Bone Throne in the very center of his terrible Divine Realm called the fields of eternal slaughter, the evil god looks at his domain. The fields themselves are a patchwork of battlefields where his followers fought during their lifetime. After death, they will find themselves on one of these fields and continue to fight with the souls of the enemies they killed without realizing their death, dying and reborn, again and again, until nothing remains of their personality but a bloodthirsty monster. With each murder, such a creature, like his God, becomes stronger and more intelligent, changing outwardly and, what is more important, inwardly. At some point, it will feel an irresistible call within itself that will drown out even the thirst for battle. This call will command him to present himself immediately before the Bone Throne. The creature will then begin to make its way across the battlefield towards one of the myriad rivers of blood that bind this place together. There it will board one of the ever-cruising boats, whose Boatman will take it to the Brass Citadel. There, appearing before the throne and its Lord, the creature in the forges where they will be forged into something new. The creature that came out of the forge, having washed in the river of blood, will return to the slaughter fields, and will begin to gather from others like him into the Horde, seeking to conquer the Fields and prove his strength to the Lord. Such Hordes will clash in eternal war, honing each other's strength like iron, in anticipation of the day when their God will lead his innumerable host to conquer the Universe.

The symbol of God is a curved, serrated sword. The sacred animal is the wolf. Azrull's followers range from warriors seeking victory in battle to decadent urban nobles who have discovered the amusement of inflicting pain on others. He can be called upon by both a raider who wants God's help in his bloody craft, and a defender who wants to kill the attackers on his home. Both the dumb-headed robber and the pundit, who was fascinated by his Madness, call out to him, plunging into him headlong. And simple soldiers and wise strategists alike rely on him. After all, Azrull does not care who worships him as long as the blood flows on his altars.

Azrull is a cruel god and the rituals of his cult reflect this. Torture, ritual killings, cannibalism and large-scale orgies are by no means an exhaustive list of things that these rituals include. Priests of Azrull wear masks resembling distorted faces and never part with their priestly sword, which was sanctified by the blood of their first victim. Every full moon, in the so-called hour of Azrull when he Ascended, the priests gather their flock and coordinate with other priests to perform their holy duty. The faithful put on their masks, tucked away for this holy day, consecrate weapons and consecrate new priests. Later, the parishioners, guided by the priests, gather in a huge Horde that will bring death and destruction to those who stand in their way all night long. If the massacre satisfies Azrull, he can send one of three holy artifacts: the Mask of Madness, the Ring of the Devourer, or the deadly Dirge to the deadliest warrior of this Horde. The rest, too, will not be deprived of receiving the efforts of their strength, the gift of holy rage, or even be able to return the years they have lived in order to continue to serve their Lord. In exceptional cases, Azrull can open the gates to the slaughterfields, allowing their inhabitants to help the cultists in battle.
Eh, I mean the Me'vel are inspired from other creations and such in fiction, so I'm not too grumpy about it. Besides, we do need Evil Gods for Good ones to be Good in the first place. There is a very strong leaning towards Khorne, so it might be worth looking into things and changing them more, but it's not a bad thing either. Any Madness/Blood god will seem like Khorne due to the popularity of Warhammer by nature.

Instead of a throne born from Bone, why not make it from Blood-Iron? Every living being has Iron in their blood. At .004kg of iron in the average man, and assuming complete iron extraction from each corpse, forging a sword from blood-iron would be right up your line of domains. Besides that, it would take roughly 16,188 people to die to make the average longsword, but Magics would probably let you accelerate the process with far less people needing to die in order to create such weapons.

Hell, you could even make it a ritual now that I think of it- Kill 1 person every day of the year, and use the last few days to forge the blade c: The math is silly complex, and I don't reallly want to do it, but it's a neat idea I think.
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He's pretty weak for a Khorn expy, only having a demi act worth of power behind him. It will be interesting to see if he gathers more power as a war god in any subsequent quests

The max level of this Act also depends on the highest-level Act you have authored, minus one level. If you've authored a Cosmic Act at any point, you can propose a final Grand Act; a Grand, you can propose a Lesser Act, Lesser then Demi-Act, Demi then unfortunately nothing. These don't need any additional votes and the max 15 Act limit is removed.
it turns into a demiplan, which will become the Divine Realm of its man-made god.
Name: Scrivener (Known as the Architect, the Muse of the Cosmos, and the Great Scrivener)
Highest Act: [X] Expand this world to something more than a planet orbiting a star (Cosmic Act)
Demise: Scrivener died in battle against numerous other gods attempting to stop Scrivener (and conversely the concept of the Architect that they had created) from descending to Aebria themselves and smiting all that stood in the Draghai Empire's way. Scrivener's corpse was obliterated entirely- but their influence, the ideas, the memes they passed on- survived in the form of the Architect persona that they had assumed so often.

Young God Name: The Architect (the Architect of the Cosmos, or the Great Creator due to Scrivener's creation of practically all of material reality outside of Aebria and its sun).
Young God Spheres: The Cosmos, inevitability, the concept of predestined fate (the Architect does build everything after all)
Young God Description: The Architect is the meme that Scrivener developed originally to serve as a disguise to manipulate the world to his liking. With the death of Scrivener, and fueled by the willpower of so many worshippers the Architect eventually became sentient, gaining knowledge at a rapid rate and eventually gaining enough power to become a head God, part of the new pantheon (even if He denies that the other Gods exist) that rules over this universe today. The Architect is the God of Fate and Destiny, declaring that all actions committed by mortals are preordained and predetermined in his grand plan for achieving Heaven on Aebria. He is also the worshipped monotheistic God of the Druyul species.

The Architect's symbol is that of the Shrivatsa, the endless knot. Rituals of worship usually consist of public sermons, along with extensive numerology studies in order to calculate a person's own destiny through Gematron calculations from the winds of fate.


Do any of you remember the Winged Lizard of Potential? It's out there, somewhere, eating and consuming and slowly turning into something more, something greater. But in order for it to reach it's true potential it must be in an enviroment where it can eat and consume and grow without mortal interferance.

So after being transported to a planet somewhere, the Lizard grows, changing in shape, body and size. It grows and grows and grows... and the Devourer of Worlds is born.
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Eh better that I'm forgotten, I'm certainly not going to go and get myself killed.
My only regret is that I wasn't confident enough to try and help the Outer Gods made into the Mantles. It truly was an unjust death for such scorned beings.
I decided to go with upgrading the Gate of Trials instead of creating the four wondrous trials. I honestly just feel like it fits more. Does that work @Photomajig ? It should but I'd like to make sure.
I feel like I'm favoring the Monument Makers a bit much in my final acts. Maybe I should put gifts for the Elemental Salamanders, Gnolls, and Cloud Basilisks.
Sure. I'll have to think what kind of battle could do that kind of damage, hmm.
If I may make a suggestion:
Scrivener died in battle against numerous other gods attempting to stop Scrivener (and conversely the concept of the Architect that they had created) from descending to Aebria themselves and smiting all that stood in the Draghai Empire's way.
(I was planning to provide an alternate option with my own demise, but Unstorpable more or less ninjaed the concept. Alas.)

Anyway, probably get a concept up tomorrow, I have a few other ideas.
Hey, @Photomajig, is this alright? Is it too much?

Sounds fine!

@Photomajig does this work?

Sure, sounds good.

Name: Zalkon
Highest Act: [X] Create Mask of Madness artifact (Demi-Act), [X] Create the Dirge artifact (Demi-Act), [X] Create an Artifact Ring of the Devourer (Demi-Act)
Demise:: The creator of cursed artifacts, looking at the monster he created, decides that the time has come. He catches the soul of a maddened sura that was the bearer of his artifacts, pouring an infinitesimal part of himself into this maddened creature, raising him to divinity. And then with a satisfied smirk, it turns into a demiplan, which will become the Divine Realm of its man-made god.

Young God Name: Azrull
Young God Spheres: War, Pain, Madness
The Young God Description: Azrull is described by his worshipers as a huge, red-skinned sura giant whose gaze burns with green fire and his muscular, fanned body is covered in chaotically changing writing that, upon looking at them, plunges the beholder into madness. Sitting on the Bone Throne in the very center of his terrible Divine Realm called the fields of eternal slaughter, the evil god looks at his domain. The fields themselves are a patchwork of battlefields where his followers fought during their lifetime. After death, they will find themselves on one of these fields and continue to fight with the souls of the enemies they killed without realizing their death, dying and reborn, again and again, until nothing remains of their personality but a bloodthirsty monster. With each murder, such a creature, like his God, becomes stronger and more intelligent, changing outwardly and, what is more important, inwardly. At some point, it will feel an irresistible call within itself that will drown out even the thirst for battle. This call will command him to present himself immediately before the Bone Throne. The creature will then begin to make its way across the battlefield towards one of the myriad rivers of blood that bind this place together. There it will board one of the ever-cruising boats, whose Boatman will take it to the Brass Citadel. There, appearing before the throne and its Lord, the creature in the forges where they will be forged into something new. The creature that came out of the forge, having washed in the river of blood, will return to the slaughter fields, and will begin to gather from others like him into the Horde, seeking to conquer the Fields and prove his strength to the Lord. Such Hordes will clash in eternal war, honing each other's strength like iron, in anticipation of the day when their God will lead his innumerable host to conquer the Universe.

The symbol of God is a curved, serrated sword. The sacred animal is the wolf. Azrull's followers range from warriors seeking victory in battle to decadent urban nobles who have discovered the amusement of inflicting pain on others. He can be called upon by both a raider who wants God's help in his bloody craft, and a defender who wants to kill the attackers on his home. Both the dumb-headed robber and the pundit, who was fascinated by his Madness, call out to him, plunging into him headlong. And simple soldiers and wise strategists alike rely on him. After all, Azrull does not care who worships him as long as the blood flows on his altars.

Azrull is a cruel god and the rituals of his cult reflect this. Torture, ritual killings, cannibalism and large-scale orgies are by no means an exhaustive list of things that these rituals include. Priests of Azrull wear masks resembling distorted faces and never part with their priestly sword, which was sanctified by the blood of their first victim. Every full moon, in the so-called hour of Azrull when he Ascended, the priests gather their flock and coordinate with other priests to perform their holy duty. The faithful put on their masks, tucked away for this holy day, consecrate weapons and consecrate new priests. Later, the parishioners, guided by the priests, gather in a huge Horde that will bring death and destruction to those who stand in their way all night long. If the massacre satisfies Azrull, he can send one of three holy artifacts: the Mask of Madness, the Ring of the Devourer, or the deadly Dirge to the deadliest warrior of this Horde. The rest, too, will not be deprived of receiving the efforts of their strength, the gift of holy rage, or even be able to return the years they have lived in order to continue to serve their Lord. In exceptional cases, Azrull can open the gates to the slaughterfields, allowing their inhabitants to help the cultists in battle.

Your Young God only has Demi-Acts behind them, so they'll be far less powerful than this description presumes. A minor god is going to have a handful of followers to start with. We can treat it as aspirational - this is what Azrull seeks to become and will strive to grow its power in the ages to come. Or you can downgrade him significantly. I think the former is fine and makes him an interesting divine character - weak but extremely ambitious.

Young God Spheres: The Cosmos, the stars, black holes, inevitability, the concept of predestined fate (the Architect does build everything after all)

Three Spheres max was the idea, though in this case you can just merge Stars and Black Holes under the Cosmos.

I decided to go with upgrading the Gate of Trials instead of creating the four wondrous trials. I honestly just feel like it fits more. Does that work @Photomajig ? It should but I'd like to make sure.

Sounds fine, yes.

The Sigil of Folios facilitate the creation of folios. Inspiration from witnessing it does not make one able to make effective copies of it, but able to create folios.

A folio recounts the deeds of a divinity under some name or identity and stores the faith power directed to them by devout followers. The faith power stored within the folio can only be used to power any divine acts and miracles under that folio.

A folio is a spiritual construct attached to one's soul, spirit, or something similar. It is composed of the motif and domain. The motif encompasses all the symbols and imagery which connect the deity to their acts. The motif acts as a relay, allowing a deity to remotely enact miracles and receive faith power from anywhere in the universe. A deity's motifs also influence their appearance; as the motifs are effectively parts of one's being, their existence will be reflected on one's form.

The domain defines what stuff a deity has power over. Miracles that fall under the domain expend significantly less faith power than those that fall far outside it. A rule of thumb is that specific and narrow domains are more potent than wider general domains (e.g. candles vs light), requiring less faith power per miracle but at the cost of flexibility, having most outside their domain impractically expensive.

Faith power is produced from the belief, awe, devotion, and sacrifice of followers. It is what fuels miracles.

Anyone may create folios, for themselves or for their gods. Folios may be exchanged or given away. Folios may be used by anyone, may they be god, mortal, or beast, and anyone holding and exercising a folio is effectively divine, subject to all phenomena and effects that affect gods and the divine.

The creation of folios shall be secret for the moment, but glimpses of their creation can be ocassionally witnessed in the passing of dreams. Most of the time, they occur in the background where they may be easily missed, but a sufficiently lucid dreamer may experience them with clarity. They may show intricate spell circles, exotic ingredients and instruments, beautiful dances and costumes, or elaborate altars and rituals, any of which done in the presence of the Sigil of the Folios; there may be many unique ways that could be shown, but all of them will always return the same result, the creation of a folio. The methods, instruments, materials, and location used will have influence over the motif and domain of the created folio.
@Photomajig, is this good?

I... think? I don't totally get how powerful it's supposed to be. It allows anyone with a folio to gain power from faith? Gods already have Domains, that's what the Spheres of your Young Gods essentially are. The name of the Act suggests you want to define divinity as something tied to these folios, which would require a Cosmic for sure.
I... think? I don't totally get how powerful it's supposed to be. It allows anyone with a folio to gain power from faith? Gods already have Domains, that's what the Spheres of your Young Gods essentially are. The name of the Act suggests you want to define divinity as something tied to these folios, which would require a Cosmic for sure.
Hmmm... I was thinking something simple. I think the Act title is misleading. It's kinda me inserting some kind of godquest mechanics to divinity (and hive alternative routes to it too).

Essentially, the act does:
1. Create a sigil called the Sigil of Folios that allows those Inspired by it to create folios.
2. A folio is like one's subscription card. As long as you have it, for all intents and purposes, you are divine. You lose it, you aren't anymore. You also aren't limited to only having one.
3. Faithpower is sort of a fuel for miracles.
4. The motif encompasses the symbols associated with the folio. Through it, you could receive faithpower from followers and channel faithpower for miracles.
5. The domain is the folio's engine. It defines what kinds of miracles you could and could not do with it.
6. Faithpower received from a motif of a folio could only be used for miracles of the domain of the folio.
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Hmmm... I was thinking something simple. I think the Act title is misleading. It's kinda me inserting some kind of godquest mechanics to divinity (and hive alternative routes to it too).

Essentially, the act does:
1. Create a sigil called the Sigil of Folios that allows those Inspired by it to create folios.
2. A folio is like one's subscription card. As long as you have it, for all intents and purposes, you are divine. You lose it, you aren't anymore. You also aren't limited to only having one.
3. Faithpower is sort of a fuel for miracles.
4. The motif encompasses the symbols associated with the folio. Through it, you could receive faithpower and channel faithpower for miracles.
5. The domain is the folio's engine. It defines what kinds of miracles you could and could not do.

Alright, that sounds fine!
Huh, it has being some time since I seen this, abit sad I could not continue to participate due to lacking time but still it was enjoyable reading it. Good luck with your health.

Beyond that I am not sure if I should do an action as while I created the Arising Star, the memory pool and the hot lands flora as an action, I did not do much else in terms of action.
Name: Pempelune
Highest Act: Law of Unseen Influence (Grand Act)
Other Acts: Order of the Darkened Flame, Thirteen Bands of the Southern Sura, Yearning of the Sky.
Demise: In a continuing bid to rebel against any established order, this Maker start to plot against the strongest order of all: the Makers themselves. They destroy themselves trying to bring down as many of their fellows as they can, and is ultimately brought down by their own contradictions.

Young God Name: The Call, the Whisper
Young God Spheres: Exploration, Rebellion, Renewal.
Young God Description: Description is kept strictly aniconic - this God is known as the formless urge to change, to discover, and as such any fixed description is anathema. It is honored by hymns and chants improvised on the spot, and its followers organize in anarchic cells with no formal hierarchies or factions. Some are nomadic and wander the worlds in a bid to see all there is to see, while others, more sedentary, work to bring radical changes to the societies in which they are embedded. For this the cult of the Whisper is often mistrusted or outright banned, and is often hidden and secret.
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Your Young God only has Demi-Acts behind them, so they'll be far less powerful than this description presumes. A minor god is going to have a handful of followers to start with. We can treat it as aspirational - this is what Azrull seeks to become and will strive to grow its power in the ages to come. Or you can downgrade him significantly. I think the former is fine and makes him an interesting divine character - weak but extremely ambitious.

I'd rather leave things as they are. Azrull is not entirely sane as you can see, so that kind of ambition suits him. Moreover, I'm sure he can succeed he already has a certain ahem reputation in the North and it's only a matter of time before the locals get involved in his cult. I can even imagine how one of the local tribes, after the epochs when my sura, still being just a carrier of artifacts, terrorized the locals, they decided to appease this monster with bloody sacrifices and, for their luck, at that very moment I made him a god and bam, the backbone of the future cult is ready.

PS Do I understand correctly that I can do the last demi-act?
Name: Razzocnor, Maker of Caves
Highest Act: Carve out caverns in the deep (grand), Create deep life (grand), Create Voidbeasts (lesser)
Demise: Spontaneous Self Destruction. Seeing that the age of the Makers was ending, this Maker decided to go out with a bang, materializing in space and exploding into countless sparks that scattered across the cosmos. The greatest of these sparks fell deep into the caverns and became a new divinity, while many more flickered and fell all across the worlds.

Young God Name: Ember in the Deep
Young God Spheres: Underground, Randomness, Extremophile life
Young God Description: A Young God born of the largest fragment of the Maker of Caves. Made entirely of a fragment of the Flame of Chaos housed in flesh of the deeps, Ember is an erratic god, prone to flights of fancy and wild swings in goals and agenda. Some things, however, are constant; Ember takes their (self-appointed) duty of ensuring that the subterranean areas of the worlds are kept fresh and interesting seriously, forever making small alterations, new caves, or tucking away a strange creature or vein of minerals just around the corner where it hasn't been explored yet. And they are quite fond of the strange life that calls the caves home, as well as the Voidbeasts and other life that lives in places where most cannot. A somewhat dangerous deity to deal with, Ember in the Deep is not exactly malicious, but they care more about the strange and alien life of the deeps and the void than they do mortals, which can sometimes result in mortals getting eaten (Lava Eels have to eat, you know?).
However, for those who draw positive attention or offer things that Ember happens to be interested in that day, it may reward them with the riches of the deeps, good luck, safe passage in hostile terrain, or strange adaptations for those places where most cannot tread.

Final Act: A Shower of Sparks
With their demise, the capricious creator of the caves scattered many sparks of Divine Flame across creation, each imbued with a tiny fragment of their power. These tiny sparks fall across the worlds. Where each lands, something happens. What kind of things? Well, that was entirely up to chance, and the strength of the individual spark. New things created, old things changed, occasionally nothing at all. The only goal was that the universe be made just a little bit more full of strangeness and wonder.

@Photomajig , if you want to comment or anything, or think the act is too large-scale.
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Huh, it has being some time since I seen this, abit sad I could not continue to participate due to lacking time but still it was enjoyable reading it. Good luck with your health.

Beyond that I am not sure if I should do an action as while I created the Arising Star, the memory pool and the hot lands flora as an action, I did not do much else in terms of action.

I feel like you should do a final act. It is the end y'know?