So I have been considering this caste
Create the Questing Beast:
From the flesh of the slain Outer Gods a maker spins a new thing into being. A creature of myriad forms save for its hide of purest white and black bones and horn and giving of a light that beguiles all who see it.
The questing beast is a living tale as much as a creature. Guided by the Law of Narrative Satisfaction it appears before figures of note in such a way as to entice them to hunt them. The form the Beast takes during this hunt is settled and should the hunter prove successful the beast's corpse will always provide a grandiose solution to the issue that plagued them. A hunter desperately seeking prey to feed their starving village might fight a drink and bite of the beast's flesh sates them for years and gives perfect health besides, an outcast warrior prince hoping to reclaim his lost kingdom might fight that the blood that drenches them grants them invulnerable skin and a fragment of the beguiling charisma of the Beast.
Yet woe betides the hunter who underestimates the beast for no matter their strength and the resources they can bring to bear the beast will always prove the greater and as clever as any animal can be beside. The fight will always be one of challenges where the victor can never be assured. After all what good is a tale that does not have any tension?
When the hunt ends, either in the Hunter or Beast's death or the Hunter simply giving up the Beast is reborn in the Unseen realm a short time after to repeat the hunt with a new hunter and in a new form.
The tale of the Questing Beast is always one that rather open but strict in what is required for it to appear. The hunter does not need to be a hero. The hunt can serve as the beginning of hero or villain both or even the Deus ex machina of either of their climaxes, yet always it's hunt is always one that is pivotal, changing the course of the tale of the one that hunts it and often enough the hunters are people of import that are the center of grand tales of their own.
This was inspired by all the various legends of magical creatures in mythology that had special attributes that, when slain, provided major boons to their killer, from the Salmon of Knowledge or fafnir.
What level act is this, I consider it a lesser act, but I want to make sure.