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@Cornuthaum : For the *woopwoopwoop* phase, could they prepare some stolen looted Trukks or similar getaway vehicles? Maybe mine or trap the fallback route to delay pursuers? Or is this low level enough stuff that you assume it'd be handled without mentioning?
@Cornuthaum : For the *woopwoopwoop* phase, could they prepare some stolen looted Trukks or similar getaway vehicles? Maybe mine or trap the fallback route to delay pursuers? Or is this low level enough stuff that you assume it'd be handled without mentioning?
Are you thinking having a dramatic trukk race against the orks, Mad Max Macharius style?
The tentative title for the next update is now Mad Mach: Orky Road.

"It's hard to tell who's crazier: me, or everyone else."

"Captain, please don't mumble to yourself. It reflects poorly on us."

"Oh, what a day. What a lovely day."

"Sarcasm also reflects poorly on us, Captain."
I like Cornuthaum's plan, but I had an idea for another plan that I thought that I'd float out there. I call it "Fishing with explosives."

Infiltrate the teams via Thunderhawk.

Send a servo skull to Nommbitz and Tanksmasha. Have it talk some shit and tell them to meet at a certain location so that they can fight it out like a proper Ork. Have them think its each other who sent the message.

Captain Macharius infiltrates his team (top 10 sneakiest bastards available) to the meeting place before hand and plant bombs everywhere. Rig the place to blow like crazy.

Have Adrian Felas and the rest of his team (top 10 marksmen) set up from a vantage position while Macharius' team keep hidden near the meeting place and the remaining scouts remain on standby with the Thunderhawk.

When the Orcs get into position let them fight before taking the shoot on the sole surviving Orc and blowing the place up. Have Macharius' team go in to make sure they're both dead. If one looks like to be escaping have them run down with the Thunderhawk and their Marines.

Pick up Felas' team and evacuate.

The idea is more to manoeuvre the Orcs into a position that we prep before, lure them into that position along with those they bring along with them, have them kill each other and then go overkill on the entire thing. If problems occur and not everything goes to script then it can just be blown up or a shoot can be taken. The Thunderhawk and its Marines can ensure that none leave the fight and the Orcs can simply believe that one side betrayed the other or that the other Orc intervened and killed both.
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Send a servo skull to Nommbitz and Tanksmasha. Have it talk some shit and tell them to meet at a certain location so that they can fight it out like a proper Ork. Have them think its each other who sent the message.
The servo skull, roughly 5 minutes after been released:
1.) Captured by a random ork and used as a pauldron or helmet
2.) Shot down by a random ork because it's a flying gubbin and DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA
3.) Shot down by a random ork because it might be the tool of an enemy
4.) Stolen by a random ork becasue it's a gubbin and it exists.
5.) Destroyed by furious warfare.

The servo skull, roughly 5 minutes after been released:
1.) Captured by a random ork and used as a pauldron or helmet
2.) Shot down by a random ork because it's a flying gubbin and DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA
3.) Shot down by a random ork because it might be the tool of an enemy
4.) Stolen by a random ork becasue it's a gubbin and it exists.
5.) Destroyed by furious warfare.

Macharius Is a sneaky bugger. I have faith that he'd find a way to get them to their targets. They're only 50km from each other. All things considered that's nothing.
Why do something like a servo skull when you can just rig up a megaphone and shout for a bit? Seems orkier anyway, and I imagine "the other ork is calling you out" is likely a common way to resolve disputes among Warbosses.
:( Fine no servo skull. But I do think that using some method of calling them out to fight each other would work. These are Orcs. They aren't backing down from a fight, especially if it's challenged publicly.
:( Fine no servo skull. But I do think that using some method of calling them out to fight each other would work. These are Orcs. They aren't backing down from a fight, especially if it's challenged publicly.
Yep, they are Orks. Which means if you challenge the warboss to a fight, they are all coming.
Turn 32 (221-225.M42): Orky Empires Pt. 3 (Alternatively, Mad Mach: Orky Road)
Five scout sergeants, their charges and Captain Macharius huddle in the strategium of the Sangreal. The traditions of the Crimson Crusaders teach that each Space Marine should be a total weapon, more than just another sword arm or bolter sight.They must learn to read the battlefield, command if necessary.

"We should insert via Drop Pod," Felas says. Sergeants Kelenon and Haldyr nod in agreement, their crossed arms plated in ceramite and armaplas. The skies over Squigrot were a constant battle, and debris rained down onto the surface incessantly. It would be excellent cover for such an insertion.

Sergeant Melchior shakes his head, burly arms crossed and one hand stroking his short blonde beard. "No. No Drop Pods. I would sooner shoot myself than give these savages any more war material, least of all our war material."

Felas looks at the man that towers over him by a head. The difference between Terran and Karandan stock is well-pronounced, indeed. "With the death of Nommbitz and Tanksmasha, it won't matter."

"Won't it?" His voice rumbles like the roaring wind of Karanda's high plateaus, his tone as grim as the hell he was named for, Melchior slams one fist on the table before them. The hololithic display before them distorts, flashing grey and then back to green. "The death of their Warboss disunites them, but these greenskins will still war. It doesn't matter who or what dies by the steel of our drop pods, only that it is used by orks."

Kelenon claps his hands, like thunder in the strategium. "Consider the wider picture, brother. Your discontent is understandable but entirely irrational."

"Is it irrational to deny these monsters everything?"

While tensions rise between, Sergeant Joakim says nothing. His forehead pulled taut like the membrane of a drum, Joakim studies the surface readings intently. Landing site after landing site is considered, compared against their insertion profiles, and dismissed.


The Tenth Captain speaks, and all discourse is silenced in an instant. A servo-skull detaches from his terminal to fly above the great hololithic projector and commences the Rite of Data Exchange. Three tech-priests, attendant to the hololith, bless the proceedings with the Eight Sacred Oils of Progress, lighting the candles of Insight, Understanding and Mechanical Analysis, and ring the Gong of Gnosis.

So sanctified, the hololithic table batles the room in pale green light: A fragment of a ruined ork ship, half the size of the Sangreal's ramming prow. Lex-analytics scroll across the screen at blinding speed, projecting its decaying orbit into the planet's atmosphere over the next sixteen hours, where it will circle the planet twice before landing explosively into one of Squigrot's tainted oceans, all while shedding mass and debris along the way.

All eyes turn to Macharius, his face a rictus of determination as the red outline of a Thunderhawk shimmers into view, its trajectory behind the falling space debris.

"The Ork is a simple creature, with simple desires," the Captain says thusly. "They adore great explosions, gouts of fire and destruction on a planetary scale. They will be inattentive as the ship completes its descent, celebrating this sign from their heathen gods, and we will use the metal debris as cover for inserting by Thunderhawk."

"Audacious," says Sergeant Kelenon.

"Risky," says Sergeant Melchior.

Felas says nothing at first, brow creased in thought. He turns to his Captain. "What of the Thunderhawk?"

Macharius' grin is ghoulish, with perfect white teeth. "We are scouts of the Adeptus Astartes. If our fieldcraft is unequal to the task of camouflaging our exit strategy, we deserve to die. But not before our quarry does." The Captain places his hands on the sides of his terminal, looking to every man, every neophyte, every brother in the strategium with him. "The Warbosses must die. How?"

Suggestions are offered, considered, and discarded or filed for consideration. Over the next three hours, every Crimson Crusader proposes at least one step of the plan to execute Nommbitz and Tanksmasha. All of them know the importance of their plan. Both die, or neither dies. If one falls, the other must die as well. Even if it means their deaths.

Finally, an accord is made. "Brother Joakin and Brother Melchior will go with me," the Captain says. The Sergeants nod, saluting with fists on plastrons. Their two squads are of Karandan highland stock, uniform black hair of the Xizang Plateau. "We take the shorter path. We will be as the Rockodile approaching Tanksmasha: Disguising ourselves by day, going unseen by night. We will strike like the Rockodile, too." Explosive force, a killing blow… a spiteful death if the ambush fails.

"Brother Adrian, you will take your own Squad together with Squads Kelenon and Haldyr." The Sergeants nod, saluting with fists on plastrons. "Scale the cliffs. Creep on the heathen, Nommbitz."

It is Haldyr who speaks first, sleek and aerodynamic like the get of Lionel. For an Astartes, at least. "Weapons, Captain?"

Macharius' smile is grim as he lists a breakdown of the 26 Battle-Brothers on this mission. Each team will carry three of the great Turbo Maximus Bolters in the hands of the Captain and the five Sergeants. Amongst the brother-scouts following them, the two finest shots will be entrusted with a Stalker-Pattern Bolter loaded with one vengeance plasma-bolt each.

The simplicity of their execution is noted, something which Sergeants Joakim and Kelenon take issue with. When their complaints are finished, Macharius' eyes burn with fervor. "Kill them. We have not the time for fancy stratagems. We go in, in the manner of the Space Marines, and we will shoot them. If we cannot put down a target with three rounds of a Turbo Maximus boltgun, and a Vengeance bolt besides… Brothers, I ask you, are we fit to call ourselves Astartes?"

A chorus in the negative. The grim nature of the duty ahead of them is fully understood, and clearly written on their faces. Xavian Macharius nods.

"Be at the Thunderhawk in thirty minutes. Anyone not there by then will be abandoned. Besides that, your time is your own. Dismissed."


Orbital Insertion: Rolled 84
Clean Insertion

Twelve hours later, their Thunderhawk lands with no fanfare, and is quickly disguised with camo-netting. The teams go their separate ways, Macharius' to Tanksmasha, and Felas' to Nommbitz. Here on a hostile world, their first mission for some amongst them, it is fortunate that this, at least, goes smoothly. As far as the Orks are concerned, the only 'spacy marines' are on the other side of Camledor, fighting unnaturally dextrous elves.

Macharius' Infiltration: Rolled 86 vs 40, 4 Degrees of Success
Infiltration Successful, Killzone Prepared

Felas' Infiltration: 87 vs 40, 4 Degrees of Success
Infiltration Successful, Killzone Prepared

Both teams arrive at the known sites of their target within the week, and completely undetected. The greenskins are none the wiser, and it is only to their benefit. With the time they have, they study the movements of the warbosses, gather intelligence, and interrogate the occasional grot slave before executing him and hiding the body. The snivelling creatures are disliked by all, and even an ork wouldn't care if the weak and cowardly things went missing all of a sudden.

Communication is sparse between the two teams. The Captain emphasized radio silence before deployment, all the way until they went their separate ways at the landing site. The greenskins are ignorant to their presence, and all the better for it. The Emperor Protects, but He Protects those who protect themselves.

Finally, the time came. Overlapping fields of fire were established, obstructions were absent. They were ready.


Hidden under a sand dune, barely visible but for the barrel of the Turbo Maximus wrapped in sandy rags, Captain Macharius saw his quarry.

Tanksmasha is a giant of an Ork, as all Warbosses are. Thick rolls of fat piled on bulging muscle, like a rag doll any random hive-child would make from scrap linen and refuse. Its entire body was plated in riveted metal, and his feet were comically oversized boots that crackled with power with every step. His namesake, apparently, his 'Power Feet'.

Childish. Foolish. Absolutely foolish.

Macharius made his shot.

Tanksmasha's Execution: Rolled 6, 10, 25 vs 30, 3, 2, 1 Degrees of Failure!
Failure! Tanksmasha Lives!
Macharius' Team is Exposed!

And the telltale flash of a Refractor Field burst into blinding light. His eyes adapted quickly. Macharius scowled, for his bolt missed its mark.

Tanksmasha, missing a shoulder, was still alive.

There was no sense keeping up this pretense. The Turbo Maximus was as thunderous as it was powerful. His vox lit up. "Open fire. Kill it now."

Two other boltguns roared like thunder. One shot collided with his other arm and tore it off from the elbow and below. The other missed and instantly killed one of his Mega Armored Nobz. But the Warboss still lived.

Vengeance of the Forge: Rolled 60 vs 30, 3 Degrees of Success

A single bolt, glowing blue, lashed out at the Warboss. In an impressive show of reflexes, Tanksmasha caught the bolt in his mouth. He laughed, spittle flying everywhere, like it was the funniest thing he ever did.

The bolt detonated, and Tanksmasha was no more.

Macharius' hand went to his commbead, even as orks started converging on his position. Turbo Maximus slung on his back, Infernus Pistol in one hand, Macharius moved to their Rendezvous Point. "Confirm kill. Is Tanksmasha dead?"

Joakim voxed in the affirmative. There was a thunderous bang, and Melchior voxed in the affirmative.

That was that. The Lord of Biggfeet was dead. Now, they make their escape.

Macharius links up with Joakim's squad, and prays that Felas successfully slays Nommbitz.


Something was awry. The orks around them had gone wild, something about 'beakies' and 'Tanksmasha got smashed har har har'. It appeared that Captain Macharius has taken his shot, and was only half successful.

Nommbitz itself was laughing like it was the funniest thing in the galaxy, and was leaving for a transport to confirm the kill.

Felas cleared his mind, and took the shot.

Nommbitz' Execution: Rolled 18, 89 vs 40, 2 Degrees of Failure, 4 Degrees of Success
Nommbitz is Dead!

One shot goes wide and rebounds off of Nommbitz' backplate into a hapless Mek's braincase. The orks around them whoop and shout in alarm. Felas sighs, for either Kelenon or Haldyr had missed their shot.

No matter. Felas' squeezed the trigger, and Nommbitz fell to the side, missing his head and most of his upper torso.

Felas went for the vox while his Scouts went to position and opened fire. Their cover is blown completely. There were too many orks to fight, and more were on the way. Now is the time for escape. "Kill confirmed, the Warboss is dead. Head to Rendezous."


In all his years as a Space Marine, Captain Xavian Macharius of the Tenth Company has seen many things. He has a maverick for a Chapter Master and the saint of boltguns for a mentor. He learned the art of fieldcraft from one of the finest in the galaxy. He fought a shadow war against the orks on Parthax. He defended Karanda from a Waaagh while the Chapter returned from Sortiarius. He has been there since the founding of the Chapter, for all that he was not there on Stonehaven or Sortiarius.

But here he is, in the back of an ork Wartrukk with assault ramps on every side but the back, driving madly towards the Thunderhawk for extraction, while being pursued by dozens, even hundreds of ork vehicles of all shapes, sizes, and degrees of held-togetherness. And here he is, firing back at them with a Turbo Maximus with the rest of his strike team, trying to hold them off long enough to get to the Thunderhawk.

Three scouts were already dead, and--

"GLORY OR DEATH!" Scout Ryss, mouth bloody red and holding a Melta Bomb in his left fist, leaps off the Trukk and onto another Trukk even larger than theirs is. He dies in a fiery explosion, denying the larger Trukk and a number of the Bikes around it.

"GLORY!" The Crimson Crusaders around him shout.

--Four scouts were already dead, and it seemed like the world itself was spitting out orks to pursue them. And now, Scout Ryss had just used their only Melta Bomb to buy them a moment's breath in a fiery sacrifice Sanguinius would be proud of.

Macharius' Escape: Rolled 39 vs 70, 4 Degrees of Failure
4 Scouts Slain, Orks in Heavy Pursuit

"There!" Joakim shouts, pointing at a valley pass between two sheer cliff faces. "The Thunderhawk, through there! We shall cut our pursuers in half!"

Macharius shakes his head and points. "That's bait. Continue on our path."

If nothing else, Macharius thinks, Felas has probably succeeded as well.


Four scouts dead. Orks in pursuit. Their trukk has more ramps than guns. Never in his life has Felas ever thought he would do something like this.

Felas' Escape: Rolled 38 vs 70, 4 Degrees of Failure
4 Scouts Slain, Orks in Heavy Pursuit

"If nothing else, the Captain has succeeded in killing Tanksmasha." Felas nods, in between shots. There are an unsettlingly large number of orks chasing them, and the Sergeant does not want to know if they rip and tear as well as their Warboss apparently did. "Our work is done here."

Haldyr squints his eyes, forehead creased. "Is that the Captain?"

On the horizon, they spot a single ork Trukk piloted by Space Marines, also pursued by an unsettlingly large number of orks.

"...Emperor guard us in this hour, because I think the Warp is having a laugh."


"Aegis Fate, this is Captain Macharius. Aegis Fate, respond."

"Acknowledged, Captain, this is the Aegis Fate. We are ready to take off. Awaiting your arrival."

Bullets ricochet off the rickety plates and over the 10th Captain's head as he tries to get the men under his command off this planet with their lives intact. The horde chasing them has only grown larger. Of course it has, because the mob chasing Felas has joined with it. "Drop the ramp, Aegis Fate. Sergeant Felas and I will be arriving via Ork Trukks, and we cannot slow down.

"Acknowledged, Captain. We will be ready to receive you. Ave Sanguinius."

An outsider must see a scene from a televid's comedy from orbit, this absurd chase sequence of ridiculous proportions. Sergeant Melchior swears beside him when a burst tears his arm apart and forces him to drop his weapon. Scout Jordis volunteers his shoulder for his Sergeant's Turbo Maximus. He does this duty, even after a lucky shot punches through his temple and kills him instantly.

Madness. Complete madness. Another thing that he will experience as a Space Marine, it seems. No doubt any old Space Marine has similar stories to tell. But how many Space Marines get caught up in a chase sequence with an entire ork horde?

The Aegis Fate appears soon enough over the hill, its battle cannon firing every fifteen seconds at the horde behind them. He feels his stomach lurch as the trukk bounces up the ramp, and another when Felas' trukk crashes into his own.

And a third, when another trukk arrives.

"Glory!" Sergeant Kelanon shouts from Felas' trukk. Three Turbo Maximii fire simultaneously and shatter the third trukk into pieces. The orks within are scattered or die instantly, and start to flee for their lives. One, consumed by bloodlust, charges at them.

Macharius darts before him in the space between heartbeats, cuts his throat open, and kicks the ork down the ramp and out the gunship.

Most of the ork makes it out. His head is crushed by the ramp. It bursts like a balloon.

Before anyone can say anything smart, everyone present falls to the ground as the Aegis Fate takes to orbit at full throttle, with enough force that an unaugmented crew would have died from the crushing gravities exerted on their bodies.

Escape!: Rolled 70 vs 70, Bare Success
Damaged Thunderhawk, 1 Scout Slain, 1 Scout Sergeant Wounded

Macharius remains calm, as do all the Sergeants. The Scouts try to compose themselves, but the thumping of their hearts is clearly audible to their ears. The thumping of heartbeats, and the growling of turbofan engines.

They've done it. Their mission is complete.


Aboard the Sangreal, while it breaks for the edge of the system, Macharius turns to address his strike teams.

"You all have done well in slaying the Warbosses Nommbitz and Tanksmasha," he says proudly. "Every last one of you has served with distinction and honor, living or dead, and for that I know you have proven yourselves. Each of you shall become a full Battle-Brother and join a Company. No longer will you be Scout Marines. This moment forward, you are Space Marines.

"As for the rest of you," he growls, turning his attention to the Scout Sergeants, "All of you have done horribly. How many Turbo Maximii boltguns did we bring to bear on Tanksmasha, Joakim? Melchior?"

"Three," Melchior responds.

"And what, brothers, finally slew Tanksmasha?"

"The Vengeance Bolt," Joakim says.

"And why is that?"

"The Ork's power field," Melchior says matter-of-factly.

"The Ork's bodyguard," Joakim says truthfully.

Macharius nods. "Good answers. Truthful answers. But rubbish nonetheless. Lord Rios could have made that shot from the Thunderhawk itself, the moment we made planetfall."

"...With respect, Captain, we are not Lord Rios."

"Indeed we are not," Macharius admits. "Which is why the moment we return to Karanda, I am assigning remedial bolter practice to all of us, Sergeants and Captain. And we shall maintain remedial bolter practice until we are. The Rios Standard will be achieved in our lifetimes."

There is silent and quiet groaning. Sergeant Felas raises his hand. "Captain, I made my shot."

"Brotherhood binds us in all things, Adrian," Haldyr grins.

"Even in punishment," Joakim nods. "Especially in punishment."

Macharius gives the Sergeant a significant look and smiles. "Are we not your brothers, Adrian?"

Under his breath, Adrian Felas sighs. "Fyck."

Warboss Nommbitz is Dead
Warboss Tanksmasha is Dead
The Ork Empires of Krunchmoar and Biggfeet are in Chaos


Status of the Sangrea;: Rolled 56
Damaged, but Intact

A Strike Escort arrives at the Karanda System four months after the fact, responding to hails as the Sangreal. It is a battered engine that has taken many hits - but it lives.


"What say you, Cato?"

The 2nd Captain smirks and slaps his brother's waiting hand away. "Thank you for proving me wrong, Macharius. With the death of Nommbitz and Tanksmasha both, the risks of a Waaagh in the next half-century have fallen significantly. The Imperial Navy is up in arms over the projected rise in ork raids on trade lanes, but Watch Commander Balgruuf has succinctly told them to stuff it in their aleholes."

Quarto laughs. "Trust a Space Wolf to speak his mind. Well then, Lord Taldor, what of Macharius' request?"

Final Tally:
9 Fatalities (Scouts)
1 Casualty (Scout Sergeant)

17 Scouts have Graduated

"The dead will be honored and the living will graduate," Geralt says, as if marking options off a checklist. "If the Master of Recruits praises them so highly, who am I to refuse?"


Veteran's Company 60% Active (60% Strength)
- Veterans Currently Divided amongst the Companies

1st Company [Battle] 87% Active (100% Strength)
- 13 Battle-Brothers Deployed to Deathwatch (Returning in 9 Turns)
- 1 Sternguard Squad Attached
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- 6 Scouts have been Promoted and have Joined the 1st Company
- Currently on Reserve (Standing By)

2nd Company [Battle] 100% Active (100% Strength)

- 24 Space Marines, Including Vet. Sergeant Isidor and Chaplain Koris, have Recovered from their Wounds
- 1 Vanguard Squad (Lead by Sgt. Darmus) Attached
- 2 Scouts have been Promoted and have Joined the 2nd Company
- New Notable Found:Epistolary Sacris
- Currently on Patrol (Standing By)

3rd Company [Battle] 97% Active
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- 1 Sternguard Squad Attached
- Currently in Pursuit of the Sword of Hatred on the 3rd Fleet (Return: UNKNOWN)

4th Company [Battle] 93% Active
- 1 Terminator (Assault) Squad Attached
- 1 Vanguard Squad Attached
- 1 Sternguard Squad Attached
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- Currently Deployed to the Swordbreaker Crusade with the 5th Company on the 2nd Fleet (Return: 240-250.M42)

5th Company [Battle] 95% Active
- 1 Terminator (Standard) Squad Attached
- 1 Vanguard Squad Attached
- 1 Sternguard Squad Attached
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- Land Raider Phobos Alae Ardens Attached
- Currently Deployed to the Swordbreaker Crusade with the 4th Company on the 2nd Fleet (Return: 240-250.M42)

6th Company [Reserve - Tactical] 89% Active
- 1 Sternguard Squad Attached
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- Currently Deployed to Assist the Lamenters on the 4th Fleet (Return: 225.M42 [Start of Next Turn])

7th Company [Reserve - Tactical] 100% Active
- 1 Vanguard Squad Attached
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- Currently on Patrol (Standing By)

8th Company [Reserve - Assault] 100% Active
- 1 Vanguard Squad Attached
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- Currently on Patrol (Standing By)

9th Company [Reserve - Devastator] 26% Active (26% Strength)
- 1 Scout Squad Attached
- 9 Scouts have been Promoted and have Joined the 9th Company
- Currently Rebuilding

Special Orders:
- x1 Mk-IV 'Corvus' Power Armor (Sergeant Adrian Felas)
- x1 Force Weapon (Epistolary Faldrin Sacris)
- x1 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Megabolter (Sergeant Adrian Felas)

The Veterans:
- x1 Land Raider Phobos

1st Company: x7 Combi-Weapons (35 out of 500 BP Request Filled)

7th Company: x5 Rhinos (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)

8th Company: x5 Rhinos (DS-2. Ar-2, PC-2)

9th Company:
- x10 Plasma Cannons
- x10 Lascannons
- x5 Heavy Flamers

10th Company:
- x6 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Megabolters
- x1 Inferno Pistol (For Special Occasions)

Available Missions:
The Iron Fang:
There exists an old Battle Barge in the Korvalis System, currently being fought for by Orks, Eldar, and petty Xeno races. Such an ancient relic cannot be left in the hands of alien scum. A Company should be sufficient, but were the Traitor Legions to learn of such a find, no doubt they would mass to claim it for their own.

The Foes Within and Without: There is evidence of a faction within the Inquisition that knowingly obscured traitor troop movements throughout Segmentum Ultima such that the Blood Angels would be caught off-guard during the War for Baal. But such an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence, which will take time to gather. The Blood Angels are already settling this matter, but perhaps the Crimson Crusaders can settle this matter as well?

The Carrion of Commoragh: The Dark Eldar are launching extensive raids all over the Sector, stealing entire towns for slavery and other depraved trades. They must be stopped. Though the level of institutional knowledge against the Dark Eldar within the Chapter is limited, perhaps the Warhawks have more experience with these Xenos.

The Kaptin: While Nommbitz and Tanksmasha are now slain, Arrglebasta is now the sole ork leader in the Subsector. While not as charismatic as either of the fallen Warbosses, ensuring that a Waaagh is unlikely to pass, Arrglebasta has gotten a stronger fleet and more crew as a result. Removing him from the equation will guarantee that a Waaagh will not pass, and may even allow for a Liberation Crusade into the Subsector.

Current Gene-Seed Count: 875 Units

Force Capacity: 1600BP/Turn

Company Requests said:
The Veteran's Company requests more Land Raiders
The Veteran's Company also requests for more Terminator Armor, at least 28 more suits for all the Veterans

The 1st Company has 465 BP remaining of their Request to equip all their Marines with Combi-Weapons

The 2nd Company has no outstanding requests at the moment

The 3rd Company is Unavailable

The 4th Company is Unavailable

The 5th Company is Unavailable

The 6th Company is Unavailable

The 7th Company requests 5 more Rhinos, expected to take 320 BP of Force Capacity

The 8th Company requests 5 more Rhinos, expected to take 320 BP of Force Capacity

The 9th Company requests 10 Rhinos, built to the new specifications (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2), expected to take 640 BP of Force Capacity

The 10th Company has no outstanding requests at this time
"GLORY OR DEATH!" Scout Ryss, mouth bloody red and holding a Melta Bomb in his left fist, leaps off the Trukk and onto another Trukk even larger than theirs is. He dies in a fiery explosion, denying the larger Trukk and a number of the Bikes around it.

I think this,

is what just happened here. I approve.

Also glad we got both the war bosses, too bad about the scouts but that's just how things go sometimes.
Emperor that was too close. Was the DC for extraction always going to suck that much, or was it because we made a bad plan to escape?
Emperor that was too close. Was the DC for extraction always going to suck that much, or was it because we made a bad plan to escape?
It was because of just how many orks were chasing the teams. It wouldn't have been that bad if Macharius had made his first shot. Or second. Or at all.

Nope, have to leave it to the scouts with the Vengeance.

Rios would be sad. :(
It was because of just how many orks were chasing the teams. It wouldn't have been that bad if Macharius had made his first shot. Or second. Or at all.

Nope, have to leave it to the scouts with the Vengeance.

Rios would be sad. :(
That DC of 30 from essentially perfect infiltrations, and then the rolls just had to stink it up. At least we made it out mostly intact with the mission accomplished.

So did the escape was to the tune of Yagety sax ?
Did you not see Fury Road?

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