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I've been convinced by the others, switching my vote.

[X] Glory or Death

So long as it's not 'or purpose' I'm good. Don't want to abandon the Crusaders now of all times.
[X] Glory or Death

I do want to see the story of the Crimson Crusaders continued...though I don't object to playing in the post-apocalyptic version either.
[X] Beyond Glory, To Defy Death

Grimdark train all aboard.

(and also because I trust Sword to handle this concept far better than GW itself seems to be doing it good lord...)
We're supposed to punch the Grimdark in the face. Which is why I voted to continue the story.
[X] Glory or Death

I, well... I guess like others I simply want to see more of the Crimson Crusader's story.

For a bit I did wonder what it would've been like if, say, we'd started the quest with something like a "Ultramarine Chapter Master" + "Luna Wolves" founding chapter... But, I don't quite feel right in either starting over or in jumping ahead.

Starting over or jumping ahead has the pro and con of a clean slate; it'd mean we'd have new characters to try and start to get attached to. Who knows if they'll be as big a hit as what we're familiar with?

Plus there's the fact that we've been through some awesome events with the Crimson Crusaders; would a new Chapter be an "in media res" situation where the people had been equally badass and impressive? But if so, that might feel a bit tell-not-show because we wouldn't have been through those events as players... And, on the other hand, if we simply started over from the beginning of the 27th Founding, guiding a new chapter... well, we wouldn't have as much history and background.

And as for the other two choices... I guess I'm not as drawn to them as to the "The continuing story of the Crimson Crusaders" or to the "A New Chapter" options.

And on another note... I think I'm more interested in a prophetic "bring back the Angel" story-line from the continuing storyline, rather than from jumping ahead to a 44K setting.
On one hand, the original has the characters I'm attached to but runs the risk of burning out Swordo again, on the other hand, going for the later option is probably going to be depressing, on the third mutant hand, the renegade option will lead into being CSM very easily and even if they stay neutral will probably involve a lot of Soul Drinkers-esque stuff, decisions decisions....
If we go grimdark or rogue, I fear we may never again read of Aurellion throwing his brothers off the mountain or cries of "RHINOS!" At the top of ones lungs.
[X] Glory or Death:

I'm just far to attached to the characters to not vote for another chance with them.
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