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In the grimdark future of the 42nd Millennium, there is War and a small glimmer of hope. A...
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In the grimdark future of the 42nd Millennium, there is War and a small glimmer of hope. A Primarch has returned, and the Space Wolves are strong once more. The Black Rage has been cured, and the Blood Angels have been freed of their Father's death curse. And against the odds, the failure of the Astronomican has been averted by the sacrifice of the Iron Hands. The Imperium stands still, many centuries into the Age of Ending, and it has much to thank for. And many believe that it is the 27th Founding that made it so.

The 13th Black Crusade is still a painful memory, and the War for Baal has been pronounced the 14th Black Crusade. Both have claimed the lives of thousands of marines, consumed entire Chapters in the furnace of war. The 27th Founding brought new life into the Adeptus Astartes, and despite a tumultuous beginning, they quickly proved their worth, leaping into action entire decades before a more traditional Master would consider them fit for duty - and not only surviving, against the odds, but thriving.

But the work of this so-called Miracle Founding is not yet complete. The Imperium is still beset on all sides by their countless enemies.

Survival isn't guaranteed. Success is not even visible. But they shall do their duty, and stand beside the Imperium.

The 27th Founding, and all their Brothers before them, shall stand against the Long Night.

And they shall have Glory or Death.


The Emperor works in mysterious ways. Some of those ways stand in His light, others are cloaked in unknowable darkness, but many of them walk the epehermal Grey Path that only the righteous may follow without sin or heresy. All of them follow His grand design for His Imperium that we all serve with our lives, working for the survival of the whole, even if to the detriment of the individual. Great as the species of Man is, to have conquered the stars twice amidst the countless foes arrayed against it, they are but mere mortal men. And mere men must make do with cooperation, each a vital but ultimately replaceable cog in the grand machine of the Imperium of Man. You, however, are no mere cog in the system. You are a mover, a changer, one with purpose and the means to advance it.

You are a Space Marine, one of the Emperor's Finest, and one that bears His touch through the holy Gene-Seed, the diluted might of the Primarchs themselves, the sons of the Master of Mankind. More than that, you are a Chapter Master, one who stands above all but a scant few of his brothers, his fellows in leadership. Your name resounds across Sectors as a stalwart defender of man, a curse by your many foes and a rallying cry by the countless many you have saved. You are a warrior without equal, a tactician without flaw. You stand as Peer to Inquisitors, Fabricator-Generals, even the High-Lords of Terra themselves. You are one of one thousand, in an empire of quintillions. And you will enact His will, for in these dark days of the 42nd Millennium, His Will is the only one that ensures mankind's survival.

The paths that you walk are many, not all of them immediately beneficial, and none of them easy. But you shall walk them regardless. For you are a Space Marine. And Not Even In Death Does Duty End.

[X] Glory or Death: The year is 200.M42, and the Crimson Crusaders are a Chapter in Recovery. Fresh from the fires of Krumpburny, they emerge triumphant beneath the thromping feet of a Legion of Titans. Aurelius Asterion leads them, and though he is called Deviant and Heretic by many a man, few can doubt his loyalty, his will, and his skills with a sword. Though the War for Baal has ended a decade ago, he is confused and troubled. He needs time to think, to brood, to reaffirm his own path. But his Chapter will go on, as it always has. And when he has finally put the Ghosts of Acheron to rest once more, he will return, and paint the foes of Man crimson with their own blood. Continue the Story - Chapter Master Quest
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Index: Chapter Organisation
Chapter Headquarters
Chapter Headquarters - Sanguinary Guard
Sanguinary Guard
Sanguinary Herald: Tarael [WS-10, BS-6, S-8, T-7, A-9, I-7, P-6, WP-8, F-5] [Legendary Weapon Skill: Blades of the Exemplar, T-2]

Total Sanguinary Guard: 10

Notable Sanguinary Guard:
- Tarael, Eternal Exemplar
- Titus Menthril
- Roark Sentonis

10 Glaives Encarmine

10 Angelus-Pattern Bolters

30 Suits of Sanguinary Artificer Armor
Chapter Headquarters - Chaplaincy
Master of Sanctity: Martellus Arterius [WS-9, BS-7, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-7, WP-9, F-9]
Reclusiarch: None

Total Chaplains: 13
Notable Chaplains: None
Attached to Companies: 9
Attached to Headquarters: 4

13 Crozii Arcanum

Light of Baccus, Force Staff: Unassigned
AP (Strength), Psi-Strength +2, +4 Willpower

Vitae Sanguis, Standard: Unassigned
+5 Willpower, Reroll WP Checks (Sons of Sanguinius)
+1 Willpower (Everyone Else)

Legacy of Zephyral, Terminator Armor: Unassigned
Armor: 80
Min. Armor: 40
Soak: 3-5 (DC 50/70)
Traits: +2 Strength, +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship, -1 Agility, Relic, Master-Crafted, Archeotech, Enduring, Reroll Heroic Survival Checks, +1 Fellowship with the Sons of Sanguinius

Shield of Seraphims, Cyclone Missile Launcher/Iron Halo: Unassigned
Armor: +10
Min. Armor: +10
Soak: 3 (Failure: DC 30)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive, 2 Attacks
Traits: +1 Fellowship

Last Word of Jonus, Plasma Gun: Unassigned
Stats: AP 4, Strength 5, Gets Hot, Half-Soak, Daemonbane

Tomb-Brother Ico, Dreadnought
Prior Position: Dreadnought, 4th Company
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-6, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 55
- Death Company: Access to Black Strength, Toughness and Agility; Limited Deployment Options, Desperation Only
- Assault Claw
- Assault Claw
Chapter Headquarters - Sanguinary
High Sanguinary Priest: Geralt Taldor [WS-9, BS-6, T-7, A-9, I-10, P-7, WP-9, F-7] [Legendary Intelligence: Architect of the Cure]

Total Sanguinary Priests: 16
Notable Sanguinary Priests: Tallarn Ravana [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-8, P-6, WP-7, F-6]

Attached to Companies: 9
Attached to Headquarters: 7

Total Gene-Seed: 762 Units

Book of the Ninth, Gene-Seed Archive: Geralt Taldor
Chapter Headquarters - Librarius
Head Librarian: Alacard Lex [WS-10, BS-6, T-7, A-7, I-10, P-8, WP-10, F-8] [Legendary Intelligence: Purveyor of the Warp, T-2] [Delta-Level, Telekinetic]

Epistolaries: 5
Codicers: 1
Lexicani: 6 (Incl. Ruhr [Biomancer, Delta-Level]
- 2 (Incl. Ruhr) Graduate at start of Turn 34 (Next Turn)
- 3 Graduate at start of Turn 35 (1 Turn)
- 1 Graduates at start of Turn 36 (2 Turns)

S1 Initiates: 7 (Incl. Varro [Daemonologist, Gamma-Level])
S2 Initiates: 0

Notable Librarians:
- Varro [Daemonologist, Gamma-Level, S1 Initiate]
- Ruhr [Biomancer, Delta-Level, Lexicani]
- Sacris [Pyromancer, Epsilon-Level, 2nd Company Epistolary]

13 Force Weapons

Chapter Headquarters - Armory
Master of the Forge: Osiron Orthos [WS-8, BS-8, T-8, A-6, I-10, P-7, WP-8, F-6] [Legendary Intelligence: Student of Alpharian, Tier-2]
Techmarines: 22 (Headquarters)

Notable Techmarines:
- Lysander Diomedes [Forge-Born]
- Matthias Taldris [Armor Artisan]

Alpha Designate, Centurion Battlesuit: Osiron Orthos
Persipacious Crown, Cogitator Array: Osiron Orthos
Harness of Anacletus, Servo-Harness: Osiron Orthos

1 Contemptor-Class Dreadnought Chassis
30 Centurion Warsuits

3 Multi-Meltas
5 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltguns
2 Power Swords
1 Inferno Pistol

Melee: 6 Power Swords, 2 Force Swords, 1 Power Fist
Ranged: 2 Plasma Pistols, 1 Inferno Pistol, 4 Flamers
Heavy: 1 Lascannon
Total Repair Cost: 26 BP

12 Rhinos, 3 Razorbacks, 4 Predators, 2 Vindicators
Total Repair Cost: 465 BP

Land Raiders: 3 Land Raider Phobos (Thermad's Prayer, Hystos' Pride, Thunder's March)
Total Repair Cost: 600 BP (15 Years)

Total Loot Repair Costs: 1331 BP
Chapter Headquarters - Chapter Fleet
1st Company Fleet/Chapter Fleet
Gloria Encarmine - Battle Barge
Armor: 100
Hull: 20
Speed: Medium
- Large Macrocannon Arrays (4)
- Bombardment Cannons (3)
- Prow Lance Batteries (2)
Strike Craft:
- 16 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 8 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 8 Storm Ravens
- 25 Storm Talons
Trait: Industrious -- +100 BP/Turn
- 3 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Standby

2nd Company Fleet
Death of Treachery - Battler Barge
Armor: 100
Hull: 20
Speed: Medium
- Large Macrocannon Arrays (4)
- Lance Turrets (2)
- Nova Cannon (1)
Strike Craft:
- 12 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 6 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 6 Storm Ravens
- 25 Storm Talons
Trait: Spooky Fate/Glories of the Past -- ???
- 3 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Standby

3rd Company Fleet
Furious Angel - Strike Cruiser]
Armor: 75
Hull: 12
Speed: Fast
- Macrocannon Arrays (2)
- Bombardment Cannons (2)
- Torpedo Tubes (2)
Strike Craft:
- 6 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 4 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 4 Storm Ravens
- 15 Storm Talons
Trait: Reinforced Ramming Prow -- +3 Ramming Damage
- 4 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Standby

4th Company Fleet
Soul of Fire - Vanguard Strike Cruiser
Armor: 60
Hull: 8
Speed: Fast
- Macrocannon Arrays (2)
- Torpedo Tubes (1)
Strike Craft;
- 4 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 2 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 2 Storm Ravens
- 10 Storm Talons
Trait: Advanced Warp Drive -- Reroll to Warp Travel Speed
- 3 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Reserve

5th Company Fleet
Carmine Dream - Strike Cruiser
Armor: 100
Hull: 16
Speed: Fast
- Macrocannon Arrays (2)
- Bombardment Cannons (2)
- Torpedo Tubes (2)
Strike Craft:
- 6 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 4 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 4 Storm Ravens
- 15 Storm Talons
Trait: Scarred But Unbowed - +25 Armor, +4 Hull
- 4 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Reserve

6th Company Fleet
Wings of Providence - Vanguard Strike Cruiser
Armor: 60
Hull: 8
Speed: Very Fast
- Macrocannon Arrays (2)
- Prow Lance Array (1)
Strike Craft:
- 4 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 2 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 2 Storm Ravens
- 10 Storm Talons
Trait: Maneuvering Thrusters -- Very Fast Speed
- 3 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Reserve

7th Company Fleet
Wings of Fire - Vanguard Strike Cruiser
Armor: 60
Hull: 8
Speed: Fast
- Macrocannon Arrays (2)
- Torpedo Tubes (1)
Strike Craft:
- 4 Thunderhawk Gunships
- 2 Thunderhawk Transporters
- 2 Storm Ravens
- 10 Storm Talons
Trait: Advanced Warp Drive -- Rerolls to Warp Travel Speed
- 3 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Currently on Reserve

8th Company Fleet

9th Company Fleet

2 Battle Barges
- Gloria Encarmine
- Death of Treachery

Strike Cruisers
- Furious Angel
- Carmine Dream

3 Vanguard Strike Cruisers
- Wings of Fire
- Soul of Fire
- Wings of Providence

13 Gladius-Class Escorts
- Sangreal

- Honored with the Ordo Malleus

3 Battle Barges
5 Strike Cruisers
9 Vanguard Strike Cruisers
70 Escorts Total
- 6 Nova Frigates

Chapter Relationships
Chapter Standing

Adeptus Mechanicus: Liked
Administratum: Good
Ecclesiarchy: Suspect
Imperial Guard: Good
Imperial Navy: Good
Ordo Xenos: Good
Ordo Hereticus: Neutral
Ordo Malleus: Honored
Favors - Imperial Authorities
Favors - Imperial Authorities
Forge World Zeus said:
Location: Subsector Hecaton, Sector Tarsus
Current Leader: Fabricator-General Hallen

Forge World Zeus is one of the two Forge Worlds based in Sector Tarsus, and it is an old and estabilshed Forge World. It has a multitude of Manufactoria based towards the manufacture of vehicles, more specifically tanks, but is fully capable of all forms of production, from lasguns to starships. The Forge World is currently petitioning Mars for the right to produce the Vanquisher Cannon, after the template was recovered.

Favors Owed to Crusaders:
Minor: 0
Major: 7
Honorbound: 1

Favors Owed to Zeus:
Minor: 0
Major: 0
Honorbound: 0

Battle Barge:
1 Honorbound Favor, 100 Years
Strike Cruiser: 4 Major Favors, 20 Years
Vanguard Strike Cruiser: 2 Major Favors, 10 Years
4 Gladius-Class Escorts: 1 Major Favor, 5 Years
2 Nova-Class Escort: 1 Major Favors, 5 Years

500 BP Worth of Forge Capacity:
1 Major Favor
Half Relic Build Times: 1 Major Favor
1 Relic Wargear [Random or Request]: 1 Minor Favor

Sector Tarsus - Lady Sector Yuriel Icarus
Minor: 1
Major: 2
Honor Bound: 0

Ordo Malleus - Lord Inquisitor Damien Reyynman
Minor: 0
Major: 2
Honor Bound: 0

Adeptus Mechanicus - Archmagos Alpharian Domini
Minor: 0
Major: 0
Honor Bound: 0

Imperial Guard - Lord General Militant Chass
Minor: 0
Major: 1
Honor Bound: 0
Favors - Adeptus Astartes
Favors - Adeptus Astartes
Blood Angels - Lord Commander Cervan Dante, The Last Archangel
Minor: 4
Major: 0
Honor Bound: 0

Warhawks - Chapter Master Vectris Dahl
Minor: 0
Major: 0
Honor Bound: 0

Salamanders - Chapter Master Tu'Shan
Minor: 0
Major: 0
Honor Bound: 1

Blood Ravens - Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos
Minor: 0
Major: 0 (Owed 1)
Honor Bound: 0

Lamenters - Chapter Master Athanas, formerly High Chaplain Zephyral
Minor: 1
Major: 1
Honor Bound: 2

White Scars - Captain Vurgo Khan
Minor: 0
Major: 0
Honor Bound: 1 (Owe 1)
Favors - Xenos
Favors - Xenos
Craftworld Ulthwe - Autarch Tyrel
Minor: 0
Major: 0
Honor Bound: 0

Chapter Organisation
Sanguinary Guard
Sanguinary Guard
Sanguinary Herald: Tarael
[WS-10, BS-6, S-7, T-8, A-9, I-6, P-5, WP-9, F-5]
Strength: 10/30

Armor: Sanguinary Artificer Armor (Armor 60)

10 Glaives Encarmine
10 Angelus Bolters
30 Suits of Sanguinary Artificer Armor

None So Far
Veteran's Company - Crimson Seraphim
Veteran's Company
Vanguard - [WS-8, BS-7, S-7, T-8, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Sternguard - [WS-7, BS-8, S-7, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-6, WP-8, F-5]
Strength: 100%
- Vanguard Veterans: 50%
- Sternguard Veterans: 50%

47 Suits of Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor (Armor 80) [2 Unassigned]
Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55) [Standard Issue]

Fury-One - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Alexios
Strength: 4/5
Assignment: 4th Company, Bulwark of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Thunder Hammers [5]
- Storm Shields [5]
- Inferno Pistols [5]

Fury-Two - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Darmus [Notable]
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 2nd Company, Shields of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Power Swords [5]
- Inferno Pistols [5]

Fury-Three - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Hano
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 5th Company, Chariots of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Power Swords [5]
- Inferno Pistols [5]
- Thunder Hammers [5]

Fury-Four - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Sovic
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 7th Company, Spears of Karanda
- Power Swords [5]
- Inferno Pistols [5]

Fury-Five - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Welkis
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 8th Company, Wind of Karanda
- Power Swords [5]
- Inferno Pistols [4]
- Pure of Sin, Inferno Pistol: Does Not Harm Innocents

Fury-Six - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Xanos
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 4th Company, Bulwark of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Thunder Hammers [5]

Fury-Seven - Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant: Dionos
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: On Standby
- Mk-VIII 'Errant'
- Thunder Hammers [3]

Thunder-One - Sternguard Veterans
Sergeant: Malcador
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 5th Company, Chariots of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Storm Bolters [5]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Plasma Cannon [1]
- Multi-Melta [3]
- Assault Cannon [5]
- Cyclone Missile Launcher [2]

Thunder-Two - Sternguard Veterans
Sergeant: Zeydor
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 1st Company, Wings of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Storm Bolters [5]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Plasma Cannon [1]
- Multi-Melta [3]
- Assault Cannon [5]
- Cyclone Missile Launcher [2]

Thunder-Three - Sternguard Veterans
Sergeant: Bane
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 4th Company, Bulwark of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Storm Bolters [5]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Plasma Cannon [1]
- Multi-Melta [3]
- Assault Cannon [5]
- Cyclone Missile Launcher [2]

Thunder-Four - Sternguard Veterans
Sergeant: Julian
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 3rd Company, Blades of Karanda
- Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor [5]
- Storm Bolters [5]
- Lascannon [1]
- Plasma Cannon [1]
- Multi-Melta [3]
- Assault Cannon [5]
- Cyclone Missile Launcher [2]

Thunder-Five - Sternguard Veterans, The Moebius Squad
Sergeant: Lanius
Strength: 5/5
- Klevis
- Rosdin
- Ashra
- Huras
Assignment: 6th Company, Hammers of Karanda
- Storm Bolters [5]
- Lascannon [1]
- Plasma Cannon [1]
- Multi-Melta [3]
- Assault Cannon [5]
- Cyclone Missile Launcher [2]

Thunder-Six - Sternguard Veterans
Sergeant: Renais
Strength: 5/5
Assignment: 5th Company, Chariots of Karanda
- Storm Bolters [5]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Lascannon [1]
- Multi-Melta [2]
- Assault Cannon [5]
- Cyclone Missile Launcher [2]

47 Suits of Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor
30 Storm Shields

47 Power Swords
30 Thunder Hammers
10 Lightning Claws
5 Power Fists

90 Storm Bolters
25 Inferno Pistols

12 Cyclone Missile Launchers
33 Assault Cannons
17 Multi-Meltas
10 Plasma Cannons
20 Lascannons
10 Heavy Flamers

Vergilius' Arrow, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Heel of Phoros, Cyclone Missile Launcher

20 Attack Bikes (DS-2)
10 Rhinos (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)
4 Razorbacks
Land Raider Crusader, Eternal March of the Angel (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)
Land Raider Ares, Testament Laminis (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)
Land Raider Redeemer, Alae Ardens
Land Raider Redeemer, Alae Tempestatem

Name: Erandor, Ancient Fury
Prior Position: Squad Fury-One, Vanguard Veteran
Chassis: Pyre of Olympus, Relic Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-8, BS-7, S-7, T-8, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Walker
- Entombed
- Fury of Olympia: Reroll Melee vs Daemons
- Martyr-Pattern Sarcophagus: Reroll Heroic Survival and Occupant Recovery
- Assault Claw
- Plasma Cannon

30 Suits of Terminator Armor
25 Storm Shields
60 Storm Bolters
5 Plasma Cannons
17 Lascannons
29 Power Weapons
9 Thunder Hammers
1st Company - Wings of Karanda [BATTLE]
1st Company
Captain: Quarto Astorum, Regent of Karanda
Champion: Altren Karamat
Librarian: Epistolary Galar Phosphene, Codicer Laevus
Chaplain: Haros
Sanguinary Priest: Yesero
Techmarine: Sondos
[WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-6]
Strength: 99% (Effective 86%)
- 13 Brothers Deployed to Deathwatch (Return on Turn 42]

- Veteran Sergeant Hepastus, Squad One-One
- Veteran Sergeant Melchaon, Squad One-Four

Tomb-Brother Daeren [Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought]
Tomb-Brother Werdien [Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought]

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

One-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Hepastus [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [9]
- Power Sword [1]
- Chainsword [8]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Flamer [1]

One-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Androgon
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [9]
- Chainsword [9]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Flamer [1]

One-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Machus
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [9]
- Chainsword [9]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Meltagun [1]

One-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Melchaon
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [9]
- Chainsword [9]
- Meltagun [2]

One-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Meron
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Chainsword [8]
- Power Sword [1]
- Bolt Pistol [9]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Jump Pack [9]

One-Six - Assault
Sergeant: Setarrus
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Chainsword [9]
- Bolt Pistol [9]
- Jump Pack [9]

One-Seven - Assault
Sergeant: Kavadiel
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Chainsword [9]
- Bolt Pistol [9]
- Jump Pack [9]

One-Eight - Assault
Sergeant: Cruentus
Strength: 8/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [8]
- Chainsword [8]
- Bolt Pistol [8]
- Jump Pack [8]

One-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Celestus
Strength: 8/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [8]
- Boltgun [2]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

One-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Berannon
Strength: 8/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [8]
- Boltgun [2]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Name: Daeren
Prior Position: Squad Two-Six, Assault Sergeant
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw
- Plasma Cannon

Name: Werdien
Prior Position: Squad Two-Two, Tactical Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-6]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 55
- Assault Claw
- Assault Cannon

1 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun - Reserve
2 Plasma Pistols - Assigned
3 Plasma Guns - Assigned
2 Flamers - Assigned
3 Meltaguns - Assigned

5 Multi-Meltas - Assigned
5 Plasma Cannons - 1 Remaining
4 Lascannons - 2 Remaining
9 Heavy Flamers - 7 Remaining

10 Power Swords - Assigned

Aquila Aurum, Thunder Hammer: Captain Quarto Astorum
Left Hand of Thunder, Storm Shield/Power Fist: Captain Quarto Astorum

10 Rhinos
2 Whirlwinds
2 Predators
2 Land Speeders
10 Attack Bikes (DS-2)

The 1st Company requests 1 more Predator, expected to take 60 BP of Forge Capacity
The 1st Company would like 1 Hunter and 2 Stalkers, expected to take 150 BP of Forge Capacity, but it is not a high priority.
The 1st Company also requests that the Left Hand of Thunder be upgraded from a Combat Shield to a proper Storm Shield, for the Captain to properly use in battle. This is expected to take 5 BP and will require the attentions of a Senior techmarine
The 1st Company lastly requests a personal suit of Terminator Armor for their Captain, expected to take 80 BP and the personal attention of a Senior Techmarine (Don't tell Quarto though, he doesn't know about this request)
2nd Company - Shield of Karanda [BATTLE]
2nd Company
Captain: Cato Jantorus, Radiant Angel
Champion: Falken Rydor
Librarian: Epistolary Faldrin Sacris, Codicer Ruhr
Chaplain: Korsis Epilon
Sanguinary Priest: Foros Vega
Techmarine: Eriandor
[WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-7, P-6, WP-7, F-5]
Strength: 100%

- Veteran Sergeant Isidor, Squad Two-One
- Veteran Sergeant Londos, Squad Two-Two
- Veteran Sergeant Ruvidiel, Squad Two-Three
- Veteran Sergeant Orbon, Squad Two-Seven

Tomb-Brother Kadellon [Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought]

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Two-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Isidor [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Power Sword [1]
- Chainsword [10]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Flamer [1]

Two-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Londos
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Flamer [1]

Two-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Ruvidiel
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Meltagun [1]

Two-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Xandos
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Meltagun [2]

Two-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Apax
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Power Sword [1]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Jump Pack [10]

Two-Six - Assault
Sergeant: Merde
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Jump Pack [10]

Two-Seven - Assault
Sergeant: Orbon
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Jump Pack [10]

Two-Eight - Assault
Sergeant: Dyognes
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Jump Pack [10]

Two-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Fuux
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [4]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Two-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Balaix
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [4]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Name: Kadellon
Prior Position: Squad Two-Five, Assault Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-9, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

1 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun
2 Plasma Pistols
3 Plasma Guns
2 Flamers
3 Meltaguns

3 Multi-Meltas
5 Plasma Cannons
4 Lascannons
9 Heavy Flamers

10 Power Swords

Archeotech Coilgun

10 Rhinos
1 Whirlwind
3 Predators
1 Dreadnought (EMPTY)
2 Land Speeders
10 Attack Bikes (DS-2)

The 2nd Company requires 30 BP to to repair damaged wargear or it cannot deploy
The 2nd Company requests 1 more Whirlwind, expected to take 50 BP of Forge Capacity
3rd Company - Blades of Karanda [BATTLE]
3rd Company
Captain: Damien Cybereon
Champion: Achilles Gygax
Librarian: VACANT
Chaplain: Sammael
Sanguinary Priest: Felis
Techmarine: Varnax
[WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-6, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-5]
Strength: 85%

- Veteran Sergeant Carmine, Squad Three-One
- Veteran Sergeant Rodiel, Squad Three-Four
- Veteran Sergeant Titos, Squad Three-Seven
- Veteran Sergeant Pythos, Squad Three-Nine

Tomb-Brother Fennic (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Three-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Carmine [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Power Sword [1]
- Chainsword [10]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Plasma Gun [1]

Three-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: NONE
Strength: 0/10
- None

Three-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Umbra
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Meltagun [1]

Three-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Rodiel
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Meltagun [2]

Three-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Kane
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Power Sword [1]
- Chainsword [10]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Jump Pack [10]

Three-Six - Assault
Sergeant: Ambriel
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Jump Pack [10]

Three-Seven - Assault
Sergeant: Titos
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Chainsword [10]
- Bolt Pistol [10]
- Jump Pack [10]

Three-Eight - Assault
Sergeant: Solarie
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Chainsword [9]
- Bolt Pistol [9]
- Jump Pack [9]

Three-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Pythos
Strength: 8/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [2]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [2]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Three-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Sagus
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [2]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [2]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Name: Fennic
Prior Position: Squad Three-Three, Tactical Sergeant
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

1 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun - In Reserve
2 Plasma Pistols - Assigned
3 Plasma Guns - Assigned
2 Flamers - Assigned
3 Meltaguns - Assigned

5 Multi-Meltas - Assigned
5 Plasma Cannons - 1 in Reserve
4 Lascannons - Assigned
9 Heavy Flamers - 2 in Reserve

10 Power Swords - Assigned

Crimson Flame, Power Sword/Flamer: Captain Damien Cybereon
Soul of Fire, Storm Shield/Flamer: Captain Damien Cybereon
Phoros' Deliverance, Jump Pack: Unassigned

3 Rhinos
4 Rhinos (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)
3 Rhinos (DS-2, Ar-1)
1 Whirlwind
1 Predator
1 Dreadnought (EMPTY)
2 Land Speeders
10 Attack Bikes (DS-2)

4th Company - Bulwark of Karanda [BATTLE]
4th Company
Captain: Spardeon Lyserion
Champion: Donovan Xelos
Librarian: Cyrus Kath
Chaplain: Kelbax
Sanguinary Priest: Vincent Damar
Techmarine: Jonoth
[WS-5, BS-5, S-5, T-6, A-6, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-5]
Strength: 88%

- Veteran Sergeant Harin, Squad Four-One
- Veteran Sergeant Gael, Squad Four-Three
- Veteran Sergeant Bur, Squad Four-Five

- Tomb Brother Westeris (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb Brother Ico (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Four-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Harin
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]

Four-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Harkon
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Gael
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Wortos
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Bur
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Six - Assault
Sergeant: Loxim
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Seven - Assault
Sergeant: Axios
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Eight - Assault
Sergeant: Sergas
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Four-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Litanos
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [3]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Four-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Harod
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [3]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Name: Westeris
Prior Position: Squad Four-Two, Tactical Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

1 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun
2 Plasma Pistols
3 Plasma Guns
2 Flamers
1 Meltaguns

5 Multi-Meltas - Assigned
5 Plasma Cannons - 1 in Reserve
3 Lascannons - 1 in Reserve
9 Heavy Flamers - 2 in Reserve

10 Power Swords


8 Rhinos
1 Whirlwind
1 Predator
2 Land Speeders

None So Far
5th Company - Chariots of Karanda [BATTLE]
5th Company
Captain: Lantor Kallis
Champion: Isaiah Hanlon
Librarian: VACANT
Chaplain: Plask
Sanguinary Priest: Toborim
Techmarine: Brannor
[WS-6. BS-6, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-6, WP-7, F-5]
Strength: 93%

- Veteran Sergeant Andire, Squad Five-One
- Veteran Sergeant Valo, Squad Five-Five
- Veteran Sergeant Torq, Squad Five-Nine
- Veteran Sergeant Covir, Squad Five-Ten

- Tomb-Brother Abraxis (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Gathrinor (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Orton (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Wervik (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Sannai (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Five-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Andire
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]

Five-Two - Tactical
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]

Five-Three - Tactical
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]

Five-Four - Tactical
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]

Five-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Valo
Strength: 10/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]

Five-Six - Assault
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Five-Seven - Assault
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Five-Eight - Assault
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]

Five-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Torq
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [3]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]

Five-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Covir
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [9]
- Boltgun [3]
- Multi-Melta [1]
- Plasma Cannon [2]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Heavy Bolter [1]


Name: Abraxis
Prior Position: Squad Five-One, Veteran Sergeant
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

Name: Gathrinor
Prior Position: Squad Five-Eight, Assault Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

Name: Orton
Prior Position: Squad Five-Eight, Devastator Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-6. BS-6, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-6, WP-7, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 55
- Plasma Cannon
- Missile Launcher

Name: Wervik
Prior Position: Squad Five-Three, Tactical Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadought
Statline: [WS-6. BS-6, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-6, WP-7, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 55
- Assault Claw
- Multi-Melta

Name: Sannai
Prior Position: Squad Five-Seven, Assault Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum
Statline: [WS-6. BS-6, S-5, T-6, A-7, I-6, P-6, WP-7, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 55
- Assault Claw
- Assault Cannon

1 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun
2 Plasma Pistols
2 Plasma Guns
3 Meltaguns

3 Multi-Meltas
2 Plasma Cannons
4 Lascannons
7 Heavy Flamers
10 Power Swords

10 Centurion Warsuits

7 Rhinos
1 Whirlwind
3 Predators
2 Land Speeders

6th Company - Hammers of Karanda [BATTLE]
6th Company
Captain: Idris Pathor
Champion: Janus Harodin
Librarian: VACANT
Chaplain: Emmerick
Sanguinary Priest: Lysander Arcadia
Techmarine: Watall
[WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-7, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-5]
Strength: 98%

- Veteran Sergeant Walken, Squad Six-One
- Veteran Sergeant Damius, Squad Six-Three
- Veteran Sergeant Cardmire, Squad Six-Four
- Veteran Sergeant Plantius, Squad Six-Five
- Veteran Sergeant Noph, Squad Six-Six
- Veteran Sergeant Fax, Squad Six-Eight
- Veteran Sergeant Dromen, Squad Six-Nine

- Tomb-Brother Castias (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Six-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Walken [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Flamer [1]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Sallas
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Flamer [1]

Six-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Damius
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Plasma Gun [1]
- Meltagun [1]
- Plasma Pistol [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Cardmire
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Meltagun [1]
- Lascannon [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Plantius
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Meltagun [1]
- Lascannon [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Six - Assault, 'The Vanguards'
Sergeant: Noph
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Lascannon [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Seven - Assault
Sergeant: Zegas
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Lascannon [1]
- Heavy Flamer [1]

Six-Eight - Assault
Sergeant: Fax
Strength: 9/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Dromen [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 8/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Heavy Flamer [1]
- Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun [1]
- Power Sword [1]

Six-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Lanos
Strength: 8/10
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' [10]
- Boltgun [10]
- Heavy Flamer [1]

Name: Castias
Prior Position: Squad Six-Four, Tactical Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

1 Turbo Maximus (Fully Assigned)
2 Plasma Pistols (Fully Assigned)
3 Plasma Guns (Fully Assigned)
2 Flamers (Fully Assigned)
3 Meltaguns (Fully Assigned)

3 Multi-Meltas
4 Lascannons (Fully Assigned)
9 Heavy Flamers (Fully Assigned)

10 Power Swords (Fully Assigned)


1 Dreadnought Chassis
2 Land Speeders
5 Rhinos (DS-2, PC-2, Ar-2)

7th Company - Spears of Karanda [BATTLE]
7th Company
Captain: Rythor Haradin
Champion: Elannis Corpin
Librarian: Epistolary Warren Gordos
Chaplain: Helbrem
Sanguinary Priest: Landoros
Techmarine: Phorq
[WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-5]
Strength: 100%

- Veteran Sergeant Marx, Squad Seven-One
- Veteran Sergeant Lael, Squad Seven-Two
- Veteran Sergeant Nirael, Squad Seven-Three
- Veteran Sergeant Hadrael, Squad Seven-Four
- Veteran Sergeant Doph, Squad Seven-Five
- Veteran Sergeant Jann, Squad Seven-Nine
- Veteran Sergeant Vinni, Squad Seven-Ten

- Tomb-Brother Caesar (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Seven-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Marx
Strength: 10/10
Seven-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Lael
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Nirael
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Hadrael
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Five - Assault
Sergeant: Doph
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Six - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Seven - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Eight - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Nine - Devastator
Sergeant: Jann
Strength: 10/10

Seven-Ten - Devastator
Sergeant: Vinni
Strength: 10/10

1 Turbo Maximus
2 Plasma Pistols
3 Plasma Guns
2 Flamers
3 Meltaguns

3 Multi-Meltas
4 Lascannons
9 Heavy Flamers
10 Power Swords


1 Dreadnought
2 Land Speeders
6 Rhinos (DS-2, PC-2, Ar-2)

8th Company - Wind of Karanda [BATTLE]
8th Company
Captain: Hale Cicero
Champion: Gale Roth
Librarian: VACANT
Chaplain: Quistus
Sanguinary Priest: Boxidus
Techmarine: Mentis
[WS-7, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-6]
Strength: 80%

- Veteran Sergeant Randoros (Squad Eight-Two)
- Veteran Sergeant Justinius (Squad Eight-Three)
- Veteran Sergeant Malecus (Squad Eight-Four)

- Tomb-Brother Raldoron (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Samidael (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Zegos (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)
- Tomb-Brother Logos (Waiting)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Eight-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Logos
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Randoros
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Justinius
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Malecus
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Five - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Six - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Seven - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Eight - Assault
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Nine - Devastator
Strength: 10/10

Eight-Ten - Devastator
Strength: 10/10

Name: Raldoron
Prior Position: Squad Eight-One, Assault Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-6]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Plasma Cannon

Name: Samidael
Prior Position: Squad Eight-Seven, Assault Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-6]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Multi-Melta

Name: Zegos
Prior Position: Squad Eight-Nine, Devastator Marine
Chassis: Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought
Statline: [WS-7, BS-5, S-5, T-5, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-7, F-6]
Armor: 60
Dodge: 60
- Assault Claw (Flamer)
- Assault Claw

Name: Logos
Prior Position: Squad Eight-One, Tactical Sergeant - First Sergeant
Chassis: Waiting
Statline: [WS-8, BS-7, S-7, T-8, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Wargear: None

1 Turbo Maximus
7 Plasma Pistols
3 Plasma Guns
2 Flamers
3 Meltaguns

3 Multi-Meltas
9 Heavy Flamers
10 Power Swords

Shout of the Fifth Angel, Plasma Pistol: Captain Hale Cicero

2 Land Speeders
6 Rhinos (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)

9th Company - Flames of Karanda [BATTLE]
9th Company
Captain: Idemian Quintor
Champion: Tychus Damon
Librarian: VACANT
Chaplain: Daniel Ibexis
Sanguinary Priest: Variam
Techmarine: Assamir
[WS-6, BS-5, S-5, T-6, A-7, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]
Strength: 82%

- Veteran Sergeant Fireni (Squad Nine-One)
- Veteran Sergeant Ullon (Squad Nine-Two)
- Veteran Sergeant Zophan (Squad Nine-Three)
- Veteran Sergeant Noxis (Squad Nine-Four)

- Tomb-Brother Aldo (Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought)

Armor: Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Nine-One - Tactical
Sergeant: Fireni [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 6/10

Nine-Two - Tactical
Sergeant: Ullon [Veteran Sergeant]
Strength: 6/10

Nine-Three - Tactical
Sergeant: Zophan
Strength: 6/10

Nine-Four - Tactical
Sergeant: Noxis
Strength: 6/10

Nine-Five - Assault
Strength: 6/10

Nine-Six - Assault
Strength: 6/10

Nine-Seven - Assault
Strength: 5/10

Nine-Eight - Assault
Strength: 5/10

Nine-Nine - Devastator
Strength: 5/10

Nine-Ten - Devastator
Strength: 5/10

1 Turbo Maximus
2 Plasma Pistols
3 Plasma Guns
2 Flamers
3 Meltaguns

8 Lascannons
11 Heavy Flamers
10 Power Weapons
8 Multi-Meltas

Faith, Combat Shield: Captain Idemian Quintor

6 Rhinos (DS-2, Ar-2, PC-2)
1 Dreadnought Chassis (EMPTY)
2 Land Speeders

10th Company - Rising of Karanda [SCOUT]
10th Company
Captain: Xavian Macharius
Chaplain: Adoros
Sanguinary Priest: Jallixis
Techmarine: Zeynon
Scouts: [WS-3, BS-5, S-3, T-3, A-4, I-5, P-5, WP-7, F-4]
Scout Sergeants: [WS-7, BS-8, S-7, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-6, WP-8, F-5]
Number of Scouts: 119

Scout Sergeants: 9
- Kelenon [KIA - Rashsmash, War for Galen, 249.M42]
- Haldyr [KIA - Rashsmash, War for Galen, 249.M42]
- Melchior
- Daz [KIA - Rashsmash, War for Galen, 249.M42]

Notable Scout Sergeants:
- Scout Sergeant Felas
- Scout Sergeant Joakim

Armor: Carapace Armor (Armor 40, +10 Stealth)


Hatebreaker, Attack Bike: Captain Xavian Macharius
Asterion's Affirmation, Company Standard

15 Attack Bikes


Home Sector
Sector Tarsus

Sector Status: Conflict Rating 4
Militarisation: Heavy
Fortification: Heavy
Sector Capital: Hive World Zeruel, Subsector Evangel, Fortification 7
Notable Locations:
- Hive World Karanda, Subsector Hecaton, Fortification 7 (Crimson Crusaders Homeworld: TN 7)
- Civilised World Parthax, Subsector Deacon, Fortification 6 (Warhawks Homeworld: TN 6)
- Hive World Lionel, Subsector Hecaton, Fortification 5 (Crimson Crusaders Recruiting World: TN 7)
- Hive World Orthantus Primaris, Subsector Veenix, Fortification 5 (Crimson Crusaders Recruiting World: TN 8)
- Hive World Bataris, Subsector Zandybar, Fortification 5 (Crimson Crusaders Recruiting World: TN 8)
- Forge World Evangelion, Subsector Kuryakin, Fortification 6
- Forge World Zeus, Subsector Hecaton, Fortification 6
- Watch Fortress Lantoro, Fortification 8
- Sector Fortress Nygax, Fortification 7
- Blackstone Fortress, Fortification 9
Problem Locations:
- Subsector Galen, Local Hotzone
- Chaos Presence Confirmed
- Critical Ork Concentration Confirmed
- Eldar Presence Suspected
Name: The Mountainhome
Location: Hive World Karanda, Subsector Hecaton, Sector Tarsus
Fortification Rating: 7

Recruitment: 100d
Psyker Occurance: Roll on Nat 1s, TN 9
Neophyte Quality: Average (TN 7, Notable Rate 0.01%)
Implantation Facility Quality: High (Aspirant > Neophyte TN 5, Neophyte > Scout TN 6)
Failed Implantation: Gene-Seed Recovered from Failed Aspirants at TN 6

Forge Capacity: 1600BP/Turn (5 Years)
Forge Templates:
Basic Astartes Wargear
IX Legion Wargear (Inferno Pistols, Glaives Encarmine, Angelus-Pattern Bolters)
Mk-VIII 'Errant' Power Armor
Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor
Basic Land Raiders (Phobos, Crusader, Redeemer)
Turbo Maximus-Pattern Megapenetrator Boltgun

Other Facilities:
The Caves of Sorrow
- Secondary Fortress Monastery, Fortification 5
- A site for Crimson Crusaders to hone their mind and cool their fury through art and expression, as well as to find penance for the failings of them and their brothers

The Labyrinth of Osiron
- Subterranean Maze, Fortification 6
- Testing Arena for Senior Techmarines
- A grand archive of knowledge and technology available to the mad mind of Osiron Orthos
- Crawling with Technological Terrors, like Murder-Servitors and Cyberdiles
- Access Restricted by Order of the Forgemaster

Available Upgrades:
- Sanguinary Upgrade: Reduce Gene-Seed Recovery from Failed Aspirants to TN 5
Last edited:
Index: Stats and Build List
Weapon Skill
Weapon Skill represents one's ability to fight in melee combat with a weapon, whether that weapon be with a sword, axe, spear, or even their bare hands. While mortals have to worry about styles and specialisations, an Astartes is beyond such concerns. All weapons are under their remit, and it is their duty to master all of them in the course of their duty.

Weapon Skill determine's one's ability to hit an enemy through their Soft Defense - Parry or Dodge - as well as their own ability to Parry a melee attack. One's Parry stat scales with their Weapon Skill, by 5 points per level. At Weapon Skill 10, one also qualifies for Legendary Weapon Skill, powerful traits and modifiers to combat that are unique to them.

Acquiring Legendary Weapon Skill is another matter, and only a harsh crucible may bear fruit. Correspondingly, Legendary Weapon Skill is a rare trait among mortals, but common among the more martially-inclined Space Marines, as well as the foes they face. However, mortals who have earned this skill are no less talented than the Angels of Death, and are amongst some of the best warriors in the galaxy.

Some, in their impatience and lust for power, seek to pervert their understanding of weaponry, and make foul bargains with dark gods for ease of access. Such skills are Corrupted Traits, which provide talents similar to Legendary Skills, and are far more common, especially amongst traitors, witches and heretics. However, such power always comes at a price; Corrupted Traits provide a malus alongside their gift, forcing their bearers down paths that exalt their patron. Once a Corrupted Trait in a Characteristic is acquired, it becomes impossible to earn a Legendary there.

WS-0: Completely Untrained

WS-2: Moderately Drilled, Imperial Guardsman Minimum Standard

WS-4: Hardened Warrior, Space Marine Average

WS-6: Talented Swordsman, Eldar Aspect Warrior

WS-8: Unparalleled Blademaster, Eldar Exarch

WS-10: Legend of the Blade, Qualify for Legendary Weapon Skill

Reluctant Shield of Liberation (Tier-2):
- Tier 1: +30 Dodge, +10 Armor, +10 Min. Armor
- Tier 2: Ignore Encirclement Penalties, Reroll Parries

Final Champion of Eternity (Tier-4):
- Tier 1: Ignore All Agility Penalties, Two Attacks
- Tier 2: +5 Strength to All Attacks, Double Damage to Champions/Heroes
- Tier 3: Always have the Initiative in Melee Combat
- Tier 4: Reroll all Melee Attacks, Take the Better Result

Executioner of the Black (Tier-3):
- Tier-1: +2 AP to all Melee Weapons
- Tier-2: May Sacrifice Attack for additional Battle Reflex
- Tier-3: Double Battle Reflex Attacks

Crimson Blade of Victory (Tier-3):
- Tier 1: Critical Range is 81-100, Threshold for Critical is 3 Degrees, not 4
- Tier 2: Additional Battle Reflex Counterattack if Melee Attack is successfully parried
- Tier 3: Automatically hit non-Hero opponents in Melee (Roll to confirm Criticals)

Ballistic Skill
Represents the capability to accurately shoot a target with projectiles and energy discharges.

BS-0: Completely Untrained

BS-2: Moderately Drilled, Imperial Guard Minimum Standard

BS-4: Well-Drilled Gunner, Space Marine Average

BS-6: Sharpshooter, Imperial Guard Sniper Minimum Standard

BS-8: Master Sniper, Space Marine Designated Marksman

BS-10: Legendary Marksman, Gain Legendary Ballistic Skill

At BS-10, a marksman will carve his own passage into the annals of history, one shot at a time. Once a character reaches Rating 10 in Ballistic Skill and has been properly tested, he will attain Legendary Ballistic Skill, and gain a Legendary Perk that will resonate most with their style of shooting.

Accuracy Without Distance (Tier-3):
- Tier 1: Ignore Range Penalties
- Tier 2: Reroll All Attacks, Use Better Result
- Tier 3: Double Degrees of Success against Champions/Heroes

Metal Storm of Death (Tier-2):
- Tier 1: Double All Attacks
- Tier 2: Engage up to [Perception/2] Units Simultaneously without Penalty

Represents the amount of force that may be exerted.

S-0: Sickly, Unable to move under own power

S-2: Reasonably Fit, Imperial Guard Minimum Standard

S-4: Strong, Space Marine Minimum Standard

S-6: Very Strong, May Carry Crew-Serve Weaponry Single-Handedly

S-8: Mighty, May Lift Vehicles for Short Periods

S-10: Arms of the Emperor, Gain Legendary Strength

At S-10, a strongman has reached the very pinnacle of strength, and legends of his might shall remain for all time across a hundred worlds. Once a character reaches Rating 10 in Strength and has been properly tested, he gains Legendary Strength and a perk.

Arms of the Angel, Tier-2
- Tier-1: +2 AP to all Melee Weapons
- Tier-2: Wield Heavy Weapons without Agility Penalties

Concerns the amount of punishment that may be taken before unconsciousness and death.

T-0: Sickly, May Die to a Stiff Wind

T-2: Mortal, Imperial Guard Minimum Standard

T-4: Tough, Space Marine Minimum Standard

T-6: Hardened, Feels No Pain From Unarmed Combat

T-8: Bulwark, May Survive Point-Blank Explosions

T-10: Cast From Steel, Gain Legendary Toughness

At T-10, a warrior attains the strength of form that allows them to survive that which could slay two men, forever etching themselves into living memory. Once a character reaches Rating 10 for Toughness and has been properly tested, he gains Legendary Toughness.


Represents the speed and dexterity capable by the character.

A-0: Disabled, unable to move under own power

A-2: Brisk Walk, Imperial Guard Minimum Standard

A-4: Swift as Wind, Space Marine Minimum Standard

A-6: Lightning Speed, Fast and swift, able to sprint without overly loud footsteps

A-8: Thunderbolt, Fast as lightning and quiet as a mouse

A-10: Winged Spectre, Gain Legendary Agility

At A-10, a scout gains speed, grace and control that allows them to slip into nothingness, in doing so paradoxically making their mark as Legend. Once a character reaches Rating 10 for Agility and has been properly tested, he gains Legendary Agility and a Legendary Perk that befits their specialisation.

Son of Angels (Tier-3):
- Tier 1: +20 Base Dodge
- Tier 2: Dodge Ranged Attacks at Full Dodge, Indirect Attacks at Half Dodge
- Tier 3: Always Apply Dodge, Regardless of Circumstance

Ghost of Baal (Tier-2):
- Tier-1: +10 Base Dodge
- Tier-2: +60 to Stealth

Represents education, learning capacity, and one's ability in deductive reasoning.

I-0: Literally an idiot

I-2: Imperial Citizen of upper-mid class

I-4: Educated, Space Marine Minimum Standard

I-6: Teacher, capable of Instruction

I-8: Professor, Expert of a Field

I-10: Luminary Genius, Gain Legendary Intelligence

At I-10, a mind gains foresight and intellect that demands that future generations study the events that lead to the formation of a talent such as theirs. Once a character reaches Rating 10 for Intelligence, he will attain Legendary Intelligence, and gain a Legendary Perk that best suits their field of expertise.

Ursarkar E. Creed: Tactical Genius (Tier-5):
Tier 1: Never be caught off-guard by an enemy commander
Tier 2: Gain a flat bonus to all command actions
Tier 3: Gain additional bonuses when fighting Chaos-related foes
Tier 4: Gain bonuses to countering all enemy commander actions
Tier 5: Once a battle, may perfectly reposition a single unit, regardless of size, logistical footprint or visibility

Chief Librarians In General: Purview of the Warp (Tier-3):
Tier 1: May perfectly call upon any spell known to the Chapter and Legion
Tier 2: Gain bonuses when wielding spells related to one's panoply or legend
Tier 3: Ignore failure occurrence for all spells of Mastery 2 or less

Most Forgemasters: Liege of the Forge (Tier-3):
Tier 1: Automatically succeed at any repair attempts for war machines and wargear in regular use by the Imperium and the Chapter
Tier 2: May attempt to repair ancient Imperial relics, archeotech and esoteric technologies not often deployed by the Adeptus Mechanicus
Tier 3: Relics crafted will be of higher grades than standard

Forgemaster Osiron Orthos: Lord of Technology (Tier-4):
Tier 1: Automatically succeed at any repair attempts for war machines and wargear in regular use by the Imperium and the Chapter
Tier 2: May attempt to repair and study ancient Imperial relics, archeotech and esoteric technologies not often deployed by the Adeptus Mechanicus
Tier 3: Relics crafted will be of even higher grades than standard, gain fellowship penalties with all Techpriests not aligned with Archmagos Veneratus Mandati Alpharian Domini's ideology
Tier 4: Gain bonuses to reimagining existing STCs to fit shifting battlefield paradigms

Lord Inquisitor Damien Reyynman: Bane of the Warp (Tier-4):
Tier 1: Have complete mastery of the Purity school of Daemonology
Tier 2: May perfectly banish Lesser Daemons
Tier 3: May replicate certain Grey Knight powers, such as Hammerhands and Silver Purifying Witchflame
Tier 4: May attempt banishing for Greater Daemons and other Warp entities of similar power

Represents preceptiveness and ability to quickly react to new stimuli.

P-0: Blind

P-2: Typical eyesight, Imperial Guard Standard

P-4: Sharp eyes, Space Marine Average

P-6: Deep Perception, Imperial Guard Spotter Standard

P-8: Eagle Vision, Capable of perceiving disruptions on the Horizon

P-10: Eyes of the Emperor, Gain Legendary Perception

At P-10, the character gains a sharpness of mind and of his senses that few can match, and their shining eyes and ears burn into legend. At Perception 10 and once properly tested, the character will acquire a Legendary Skill.

Eternally Vigilant Angelic Exemplar, Tier-3
- Tier-1: +30 to Initiative
- Tier-2: Always Know when the Flaw Manifests
- Tier-3: Berserking Attackers always reroll Melee Attacks and use the lower Result

Represents strength of will and mental resilience against madness.

W-0: Irrevocably Broken

W-2: Frightened, Imperial Guard Minimum

W-4: Acceptance, Space Marine Minimum

W-6: Resolute, Veteran Space Marine

W-8: Pure, Saint of the Imperium

W-10: Incorruptible, Gain Legendary Willpower

At WP-10, the character's iron will is all but unbreakable, a true fortress of the mind that the warp and poison cannot besiege. Upon reaching Willpower 10, all characters gain a Legendary Skill. Unlike other Legendary Skills, this skill is rare enough that even reaching Willpower 10 is sufficient to qualify.

Prophesied Guardian, Tier-3
- Tier-1: Will Never Fall to the Black until the Prophesied Time
- Tier-2: Ignore All Fear and Madness Effects
- Tier-3: Reroll to Heroic Survival Tests
Represents strength of character and personal charisma.

F-0: Inherently Despicable

F-2: Typical

F-4: Charming

F-6: Inspiration

F-8: King's Disposition

F-10: Voice of the Emperor, Gain Legendary Fellowship

At F-10, a character becomes charismatic enough, or abrasive enough, or even frightening enough to sway the minds of men with his words alone. Upon reaching Fellowship 10 and being appropriately tested, the character acquires a Legendary Skill.

Lord of the Angelic Host, Tier-2
- Tier-1: Reroll to Rally, Additional Reroll to Rally Angelkin
- Tier-2: +50 to Fellowship Tests with Angelkin

Redeemer of the Lost, Tier-3
- Tier-1: Reroll to Rally, Additional Reroll to Angelkin
- Tier-2: +2 Willpower to all Angelkin in the Theatre
- Tier-3: +5 Fellowship to Control Death Company Marines
Chapter Forge
Mk-VI 'Corvus' (10 BP/Suit)
An earlier pattern of Power Armor, meant for stealth operations and lightning assault. It sacrifices protection for stealth.
Armor: 45
Min. Armor: 15
Damage Soak: 1
Traits: +1 Agility

Mk-VII 'Aquila' (10 BP/Suit)
The most common pattern of Power Armor in the Imperium, synonymous with the Adeptus Astartes.
Armor: 50
Min. Armor: 20
Damage Soak: 1
Traits: +1 Fellowship

Mk-VIII 'Errant' (10 BP/Suit)
The most recent pattern of Power Armor, iterating on the protection of the Aquila without compromising elsewhere.
Armor: 55
Min. Armor: 25
Damage Soak: 1-2 (Roll: DC 50)
Traits: Rare (+10 to Repair Difficulty)

Centurion Exoskeletal Warsuit (50 BP/Suit)
A relatively recent discovery, the Centurion struggles to find a niche in the Astartes armory. It currently exists in limbo between Terminator Armor and a Dreadnought chassis.
Armor: 60
Min. Armor: 30
Damage Soak: 2
Traits: +1 Strength, -1 Agility, Hand-Crafted (1 Techmarine per 10 Built)

Tartaros-Pattern Tactical Dreadnought 'Terminator' Armor (80 BP/Suit)
Nigh-mythical even amongst the Astartes, Terminator Armor provides incredible protection for minimal loss in mobility. Only those who have earned the Crux Terminatus have the right to don Terminator Armor.
Armor: 80
Min. Armor: 40
Damage Soak: 3-5 (Roll: DC 50/70)
Traits: +2 Strength, +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship, -1 Agility, Relic (Base 50 Years Buildtime), Master-Crafted (1 Techmarine per Built), Archeotech (+30 to Repair Difficulty), Enduring (Armor Effectiveness will never fall below 40)

Combat Shield (5 BP/Shield)
A shield for protection, designed to protect the Space Marine when cover is not available.
Armor: +10
Min. Armor: +5
Damage Soak: +1
Traits: -1 Agility

Storm Shield (10 BP/Shield)
A powerful shield, designed to endure the toughest punishment. Heavier than a Combat Shield, but far superior in protection.
Armor: +20
Min. Armor: +15
Damage Soak: +2
Traits: -1 Agility, Shield (Takes one Arm slot), Hand-Crafted (1 Techmarine per 10 Built)

Iron Halo (20 BP/Halo)
Armor: +10
Min. Armor: +10
Damage Soak: 3 (Chance of Failure: DC 30)
Traits: +1 Fellowship

Rosarius (20BP /Rosarius)
Armor: +10
Min. Armor: +10
Damage Soak: 4-6 (DC 50/70) (Chance of Failure: DC 30)
Traits: +1 Willpower to Nearby Units
Rhino (40 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 60
Min. Armor: 10
Soak: 1
Dodge: 10
Structure: 4
Traits: Transport (10), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Standard Armament: Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter (AP 3, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)

Razorback (50 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 60
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 10
Soak: 1
Structure: 4
Traits: Transport (6), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Weapon Systems:
- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (AP 4, Strength 4, 4 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer (AP 3, Strength 6, 2 Attacks, Fear)
- Twin-Linked Lascannon (AP 7, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Plasma Gun (AP 6, Strength 5, Gets Hot), Lascannon (AP 7, Strength 4)
- Multi-Melta (AP 7, Strength 5, Short Range)

Vindicator (50 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 70
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 10
Soak: 1
Structure: 5
Traits: Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Weapon Systems:
- Demolisher Cannon (AP 5, Strength 8, Concussive)
- Storm Bolter (AP 3, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)

Whirlwind (50 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 50
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 10
Soak: 1
Structure: 4
Traits: Artillery (Fire Support-OK), Volatile Ammunition (-Armor), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Standard Armament:
- Whirlwind Multiple Missile Launcher (AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive)
- Hyperios Anti-Air Missile Launcher (AP 5, Strength 3, Anti-Air)

Hunter (50 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 50
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 10
Soak: 1
Structure: 4
Traits: Anti-Air Missile Battery (Anti-Air), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Standard Armament:
- Skyspear Missile Launcher (AP 6, Strength 6)

Stalker (50 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 50
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 10
Soak: 1
Structure: 4
Traits: Anti-Air Artillery (Anti-Air), Advanced Tracking Systems (Battle Reflex vs Air), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Standard Armament:
- Icarus Stormcannon Array (AP 4, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)

Predator (60 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 80
Min. Armor: 20
Dodge: 10
Soak: 2
Structure: 5
Traits: Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Weapon Systems:
- Twin-Linked Lascannon (AP 7, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Syrtis-Pattern Autocannon (AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive)
- Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (AP 4, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Flamestorm Cannon (AP 4, Strength 7, 2 Attacks, Fear) [Predator Baal]
Sponsons (2):
- Lascannon (AP 7, Strength 4)
- Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3)
- Heavy Flamer (AP 3, Strength 6, Fear) [Predator Baal]

Dreadnought (60 BP/Chassis)
Armor: 60
Min. Armor: 20
Dodge: +20 (Incl. Furioso Reflex Systems)
Soak: 2-3 (DC 50)
Structure: 4
Traits: Walker (Ignore Terrain), Entombed (Requires Space Marine Pilot), Furioso Reflex Systems (+10 Dodge, +1 Agility)
Weapon Systems:
Melee: Assault Claw (AP 3, Strength 6)
Anti-Infantry (Integrated): Heavy Flamer (AP 3, Strength 6, Fear), Storm Bolter (AP 4, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Autocannon (AP 2, Strength 4, Concussive, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)
- Assault Cannon (AP 4, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Lascannon (AP 7, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Multi-Melta (AP 7, Strength 5, Short Range, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon (AP 7, Strength 5, Concussive, 2 Attacks, Gets Hot)
- Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive, 2 Attacks)

Attack Bike (10 BP/Bike)
Armor: 30
Min. Armor: 0
Dodge: 40
Soak: 0
Structure: 1
Traits: +1 Agility
Standard Armament:
- Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3)
- Multi-Melta (AP 7, Strength 5, Short Range)

Land Speeder (30 BP/Speeder)
Armor: 35
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 30
Soak: 0
Structure: 2
Traits: Hover (Ignore Terrain Penalties, +2 Agility)
Standard Armament:
- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)

Land Speeder Tornado (40 BP/Speeder)
Armor: 35
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 30
Soak: 0
Structure: 2
Traits: Hover (Ignore Terrain Penalties, +2 Agility)
Standard Armament:
- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)
- Heavy Flamer (AP 3, Strength 6, Fear)

Land Speeder Typhoon (40 BP/Speeder)
Armor: 35
Min. Armor: 10
Dodge: 30
Soak: 0
Structure: 2
Traits: Hover (Ignore Terrain Penalties, +2 Agility)
Standard Armament:
- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive, 2 Attacks)

Land Speeder Tempest (45 BP/Speeder)
Armor: 40
Min. Armor: 15
Dodge: 30
Soak: 1
Structure: 3
Traits: Hover (Ignore Terrain Penalties, +2 Agility)
Standard Armament:
- Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (AP 4, Strength 4, 4 Attacks)
- Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive, 2 Attacs)

Land Raider Phobos (400 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 120
Min. Armor: 60
Dodge: 10
Soak: 8
Structure: 8
Traits: Terminator Transport (May Transport Terminators), Transport (10), Epic (50 Years Base, Senior Techmarine per Built), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Sponsons (2):
- Twin-Linked Lascannon (AP 7, Strength 4, 2 Attacks)
Forward Mount:
- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (AP 4, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)
- Storm Bolter (AP 3, Strength 3)

Land Raider Crusader (400 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 120
Min. Armor: 60
Dodge: 10
Soak: 6
Structure: 8
Traits: Terminator Transport (May Transport Terminators), Transport (16), Epic (50 Years Base, Senior Techmarine per Built), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Sponsons (2):
- Hurricane Bolter (AP 3, Strength 3, 8 Attacks)
Forward Mount:
- Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (AP 5, Strength 4, 4 Attacks)
- Multi-Melta (AP 6, Strength 5, Short Range)

Land Raider Redeemer (400 BP/Vehicle)
Armor: 120
Min. Armor: 60
Dodge: 10
Soak: 6
Structure: 8
Traits: Terminator Transport (May Transport Terminators), Transport (12), Epic (50 Years Base, Senior Techmarine per Built), Lucifer-Pattern Engines (+10 Speed, +10 Dodge)
Forward Mount:
- Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (AP 5, Strength 4, 4 Attacks)
Sponsons (2):
- Flamestorm Cannon (AP 4, Strength 7, 2 Attacks, Fear)
- Multi-Melta (AP 6, Strength 5, Short Range)
- Storm Bolter (AP 3, Strength 3, 2 Attacks)
Melee Weapons
Melee Weapons
Combat Knife (Standard Issue)
Stats: AP 2, Strength +0

Chainsword (Standard Issue - Blood Angels Legion Upgrade)
Stats: AP 3, Strength +1

Power Sword (5 BP/Sword)
Stats: AP 5, Strength +0

Power Axe (5 BP/Axe)
Stats: AP 6, Strength x2, -1 Agility

Power Fist (5 BP/Fist)
Stats: AP 3, Strength +2, -2 Agility

Chainfist (5 BP/Fist)
Stats: AP 5, Strength x2, -3 Agility, Ignore Soak

Lightning Claws (5 BP/Pair)
Stats: AP 5, Strength +1, Paired

Thunder Hammer (10 BP/Hammer)
Stats: AP 4, Strength x2, Concussive, Ignore Soak, Terminator (2-Handed outside of Terminator Armor)

Crozius Arcanum (8 BP/Crozius)
Stats: AP 3, Strength +4, Concussive, +1 Fellowship

Force Weapon (8 BP/Weapon)
Stats: AP Psi+2, Strength +2, Psy-Strength Psi+1, Focus +20

Glaive Encarmine (10 BP/Glaive)
Stats: AP 5, Strength +3, +1 Willpower
Ranged Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Bolt Pistol (Standard Issue)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 3, Melee Range

Bolter (Standard Issue)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 3
- Dragonfire Bolts: AP 2, Strength 3, Ignore Cover
- Hellfire Bolts: AP 3, Strength 4, Fleshbane 1
- Kraken Penetrator Bolts: AP 4, Strength 2, Half Soak
- Vengeance Bolts: AP 4, Strength 4, Concussive, Volatile, Half Soak

Stalker-Pattern Bolter (Standard Issue)
Stats: AP 2, Strength 3, Silenced (+10 to Stealth), Precision (+2 Ballistic Skill if Set Up)

Angelus-Pattern Bolter (5 BP/Gun)
Stats: AP 4, Strength 3, No-Hands

Turbo Maximus-Pattern Bolter (8 BP/Gun)
Stats: AP 6, Strength 3, Precision (+2 Ballistic Skill if Set Up)

Storm Bolter (5 BP/Gun)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 3, 2 Attacks

Plasma Pistol (4 BP/Pistol)
Stats: AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot, Half Soak

Plasma Gun (6 BP/Gun)
Stats: AP 4, Strength 5, Gets Hot, Half Soak

Inferno Pistol (4 BP/Pistol)
Stats: AP 5, Strength 4, Melee Range, Melta (Half-Soak, Ignore Soak if in Melee Range)

Meltagun (6 BP/Gun)
Stats: AP 6, Strength 5, Short Range, Melta (Half-Soak, Ignore Soak if in Melee Range)

Flamer (3 BP/Flamer)
Stats: AP 2, Strength 5, Fear, Flamer
Heavy Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Autocannon (Standard Issue)
Stats: AP 2, Strength 4, Concussive

Heavy Bolter (Standard Issue)
Stats: AP 4, Strength 3

Assault Cannon (8 BP/Cannon)
Stats: AP 4, Strength 4, 2 Attacks

Multi-Melta (8 BP/Cannon)
Stats: AP 7, Strength 5, Short Range, Melta (Half-Soak, Ignore Soak if in Melee Range)

Lascannon (8 BP/Cannon)
Stats: AP 7, Strength 4, Half Soak

Plasma Cannon (8 BP/Cannon)
Stats: AP 7, Strength 5, Concussive, Gets Hot, Half Soak

Heavy Flamer (6 BP/Flamer)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 6, Fear, Flamer

Conversion Beamer (10 BP/Beamer)
Stats: AP 5/7, Strength 4/6, Archeotech, Hand-Crafted, Half Soak

Missile Launcher (8 BP/Launcher)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive

Cyclone Missile Launcher (10 BP/Launcher)
Stats: AP 3, Strength 4, Concussive, 2 Attacks
Available Upgrades
Available Upgrades
Tier-2 Armor (++Armor, +20% Base Cost)
Tier-2 Drive Systems (++Agility, +20% Base Cost)
Tier-2 Power Conduits (++General Performance, +20% Base Cost)
Last edited:
Chapter Notables - High Leadership
Aurelius Asterion - The Lord in Crimson Clad
"Command without Doubt. Lead without Hesitation. For Glory or Death, strike them down."
Position: Chapter Master
Prior Command: Blood Angels, 2nd Company Captain, Master of the Watch

[WS-10, BS-6, S-8, T-9, A-10, I-9(10), P-7, WP-10, F-7(8)]

Cynical: +1 to Intelligence, -1 Willpower to resisting failure (Negated by Legendary Willpower), -2 Fellowship with Idealistic Characters
A long history of war, death, and crushing failure have battered Aurelius time and again. Though unbowed, he is all too aware of the horrors of the galaxy, and has little patience for those who believe in a fair universe.

Shrewd: +1 to Intelligence when adapting to unexpected events
Even after abandoning his unorthodox ways and reaffirming his role as Chapter Master, Aurelius is still aware of the chaos of battle, and is all too aware that the unexpected should be expected.

Witty: +1 Fellowship in general, -1 Fellowship with Dour Characters
Humor comes easily to Aurelius, and he wears an easy, calming air around him. More than once has Aurelius left a Strategium reeling with laughter after a well-timed quip or play on tenses, making Aurelius more approachable than the typical Astartes.

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Weapon Skill - Crimson Blade of Victory, T-3
- Tier 1: Critically Hit from 81-100
- Tier 2: Additional Battle Reflex Counterattack if Melee Attack is successfully parried
- Tier 3: Automatically hit non-Hero opponents in Melee (Roll to confirm Criticals)
Legendary Agility - Son of Angels, T-3
- Tier 1: +2 Base Dodge
- Tier 2: Dodge Ranged Attacks at Full Dodge, Indirect Attacks at Half Dodge
- Tier 3: Always Apply Dodge, Regardless of Circumstance
Legendary Willpower - Glory or Death, T-1
- Tier 1: Reroll Heroic Survivals

- Invictus, Power Sword (AP 7, Strength +1, Daemonbane)
- Arms of Azeman, Artificer Armor, Mk-VII Aquila (Armor 60, +1 Strength, +1 Perception, +2 Agility, Integrated Storm Bolter (AP 3, Strength 3, Medium Range, Two Attacks)
- Risa Sangor, Iron Halo (Armor +10, +1 Fellowship)

Dodge: 14
- Base, Agility 10: 10
- Son of Angels T-1: +2
- Arms of Azeman, +1 Agility: +2
Armor: 13
- Arms of Azeman, Artificer Armor: 12
- Risa Sangor, Iron Halo: +1
Soak: 2
Wounds: 10
- Base, Toughness 8: 8
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Osiron Orthos - Treaded Forgemaster
"Rhinos, brothers! RHINOS!"
Position: Master of the Forge
Prior Command: Blood Angels, Senior Techmarine, Headquarters

[WS-8, BS-10, S-8, T-9, A-7, I-10(12), P-7, WP-8, F-6(7)]

Bombastic: +1 Fellowship in general, -1 Fellowship with Quiet and Conservative Characters
TIS HE! FORGEMASTER OSIRON! Osiron has developed a larger than life persona after decades in the tutelage of Archmagos Mandati Alpharian Domini, and it has persisted in his career since. He makes it a point to make an outrageous entrance, and is above all else loud. This has endeared him to some, not so much with others.

Engine Seer: +1 Intelligence with Vehicles
Osiron has an affinity with machines, but he works best with the machine spirits of vehicles, making their engines cooperate and their weapon systems function optimally. This assists him both in making the most of a vehicle and in their repairs.

Eccentric: +1 Intelligence, -1 Fellowship with Orthodox Techpriests
Osiron is eccentric, like so many inventors, but his time with Alpharian has exaggerated this aspect. He is odd, unusually progressive even by the standards of Astartes Forgemasters, and this makes him a deviant, frowned upon by the Imperium. Not that he cares. He has Rhinos to tend to.

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Intelligence - Student of Alpharian, T-2
- Tier 1: Rerolls to Deciphering Military Archeotech
- Tier 2: Halve Build Times for Relics

- Alpha Designate, Centurion Warsuit (Armor 15, +2 Strength, 2 Soak)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 13, +1 Strength, +1 Perception, +1 Agility, 1 Soak)
- Perspicacious Crown, Cogitator Array (Always Surrounded by up to 10 War Servitors, +1 Agility, +1 Perception, +3 Intelligence)
- Harness of Anacletus, Servo Harness (+1 Armor, Integrated Plasma Guns (AP 4, Strength 4, Medium Range, Overheats), Melta Guns (AP 4, Strength 5, Short Range) and Power Weapons (AP 3, Strength 3), may attack at melee and range, May Not Use with Alpha Designate, Permits Field-Repairs)

Dodge: 8
- Base, Agility 7: 7
- Artificer Armor: +1
Armor: 13
- Artificer Armor: 13
- Harness of Anacletus, Servo Harness: +1
Soak: 2
- Artificer Armor: 1
- Bionic Implants: +1
Wounds: 12
- Base, Toughness 9: 9
- Son of Sanguinius: +2
- Techmarine Implants: +1

Alacard Lex - The Nightwalker
"The truth of the galaxy has always been thusly: the darkness shall always consume the light. But darkness is not evil. It is a tool. And tools are to be used."
Position: Chief Librarian
Prior Command: Angels Sanguine, 4th Company, Epistolary

[WS-10, BS-6, S-8, T-7, A-7, I-10, P-8, WP-10, F-8(6)]

Mysterious: -1 Fellowship, +10 Intimidation
Alacard is secretive and unknown even to his brothers, and is a total enigma to the galaxy at large. This has made him difficult to approach and hard to be close to, but gives him an edge in interrogations. What does man fear more than what he does not know?

Candid: +1 Fellowship in general, -1 Fellowship with Dour and Orthodox Characters
Alacard is shockingly casual for a Blood Angel and even a Crimson Crusader, and is easy to get close to. Though he is an enigma, not even showing his face, Alacard is fine company, so long as one does not pry into his matters.

Loner: -1 Fellowship
Like so many of the Angels Sanguine, Alacard does not show his face and does not take well to others, even his own brothers. He keeps to himself in his personal hours, and has few friends inside or outside the Chapter.

Psychic Power: Delta-Level, Telekinetic
Proficiency: Mastery Level 3

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Intelligence - Warrior of the Warp, T-2
- Tier 1: Access to Mastery Level 3
- Tier 2: -10 Difficulty to Phenomena

- Master-Crafted Force Staff (+10 Focus, Psi-Strength 2)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Psychic Hood (+10 Focus)

Dodge: 8
- Base, Agility 7: 7
- Artificer Armor: +1
Armor: 12
- Artificer Armor: 12
Soak: 1
Wounds: 9
- Base, Toughness 7: 7
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Geralt Taldor - Architect of the Cure
"All my life, I have seen my brothers fall into the depths of hell. Red or Black, it eats at me all the same. This cure is one step of many to ending that nightmare."
Position: High Sanguinary Priest
Prior Command: Blood Angels, Sanguinary Priest, Headquarters

[WS-9, BS-6, S-7, T-7, A-9, I-10, P-7(8), WP-9(11), F-7(6)]

Calm: +1 Willpower, +1 Perception
Geralt Taldor is not easily given to hysterics, and is blessed with clarity of thought even in the most stressful of situations. His calm has sometimes been mistaken as callousness by less enlightened brothers, but Geralt's even mind has saved his brothers thousands of times.

Candid: +1 Fellowship in general, -1 Fellowship with Dour and Orthodox Characters
Geralt is given to comedy and closeness, with a notorious love of wordplay and puns. He is easy to approach by both Astartes and mortals, and is both good company and a font of wisdom. However, there are those who believe that Space Marines should not be so personable.

Stoic: +1 Willpower, -1 Fellowship
Geralt is not one for open displays of emotion, and his face is often devoid of emotion. Even when jesting, the most he shows is a slight smile. Geralt rarely feels strong emotions and is always in control, but this has on occasion made him seem callous.

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Intelligence - Architect of the Cure, T-1
- Tier-1: -20 to Gene-Seed Difficulties

- Book of the Ninth, Blood Angels Gene-Seed Archive (+10 General Gene-Seed Bonus)
- Vitae Sanguinius, Chapter Standard (+1 Willpower, Alternatively +5 Willpower and a Reroll to Willpower Checks for Blood Angels and Descendants, Bears Sanguinius' Blood)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Exsanguinator (+10 to Gene-Seed Extraction)

Dodge: 10
- Base, Agility 9: 9
- Artificer Armor: +1
Armor: 12
- Artificer Armor: 12
Soak: 1
Wounds: 9
- Base, Toughness 7: 7
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Martellus Arterius, Keeper of Crimson Sanctuary
"We are the Crimson Crusaders, a Chapter both charmed and cursed by our past. Vigilance is our only solution. Duty is our only direction. Glory or Death. Let us make the Primarch proud."
Position: Master of Sanctity

[WS-9, BS-7, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-7(6), WP-9(12), F-9]

Faithful: +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship
Like all Masters of Sanctity, Martellus is strong in faith and duty, never faltering before the Emperor and the Great Angel despite the many tests that await him. Martellus' faith is an inspiration to those around him, rousing many with his speeches on the eve of battle.

Stoic: +1 Willpower, -1 Fellowship
Martellus is not given to open displays of emotion, and does not let his feelings show. He maintains his distance from the Chapter as Master of Sanctity, always observing his brothers from afar. Many appreciate his vigilance and calm, but his distance is felt.

Furious: +1 Willpower, -1 Perception in Melee
Martellus is an exemplar of the Space Marines in his unrelenting fury and hate on the battlefield, at once death and retribution with each swing of his Crozius. But though he controls his fury, it still obscures his vision, and often he cannot see beyond the foe before him.

Legendary Skills: None

- Crozius Arcanum (AP 3, Strength 4)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Rosarius (Armor +10, +1 Fellowship)

Dodge: 9
- Base, Agility 8: 8
- Artificer Armor: +1
Armor: 12
- Artificer Armor: 12
Soak: 1/4/7
- Artificer Armor: 1
- Rosarius: 0/3/6
Wounds: 7
- Base, Toughness 7: 7
- Son of Sanguinius: +2
Notables - Chapter Champions
Tarael, Eternal Exemplar
"I am the hand that grips His sword. I am the wind beneath His wings. I am the guardian of His righteous. And I am going to die, because my Chapter Master is a madman."
Position: Sanguinary Herald
Prior Command: Assault Sergeant, Squad Two-Five, The 'Brute Squad'

[WS-10, BS-6, S-8, T-7, A-9, I-7, P-6, WP-8, F-5]

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Weapon Skill: Blades of the Exemplar, Tier-2
- Tier-1: Critically Hit from 81-100, Threshold Reduced to 3 Degrees
- Tier-2: Additional Attack, Roll Twice for Damage for every Successful Attack, use the Better Result

- Sentimental
- Unconventional
- Unfettered

- Nonus, Power Sword (AP 6, Strength +0, Daemonbane)
- Grimsvotn, Power Sword (AP 5, Strength +0, +1 Fellowship with Space Wolves)
- Sanguinary Artificer Armor (Armor 13, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception, +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship)
- Angelus-Pattern Boltgun (AP 4, Strength 3, Medium Range)
- Jump Pack (-1 Agility, Grants Assault Jump, Quick Release)

Dodge: 9/10
- Base, Agility 9: 9
- Sanguinary Armor: +1
- Jump Pack: -1
Armor: 13
- Sanguinary Artificer Armor: 13
Soak: 1
Wounds: 9
- Base, Toughness 7: 7
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Roark Sentonis, Shield of the Sword-Saint
"I am the mail about his fist. I am the shield about his wrist. I am the Wall. I am the first to stand and the last to fall."
Position: Sanguinary Guard

[WS-10, BS-6, S-7, T-9, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]

- Enduring
- Candid
- Witty

- Sanguinary Artificer Armor (Armor 13, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception, +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship)
- Glaive Encarmine (AP 5, Strength +3, +1 Willpower)
- Angelus Boltgun (AP 4, Strength 3)
- Jump Pack (-1 Agility, Grants Assault Jump, Quick Release)

Dodge: 8/9
- Base, Agility 8: 8
- Sanguinary Armor: +1
- Jump Pack: -1
Armor: 13
- Sanguinary Artificer Armor: 13
Soak: 1
Wounds: 11
- Base, Toughness 9: 9
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Titus Menthril, Blade of the Mountainhome
"I am the blade of the righteous."
Position: Sanguinary Guard
[WS-10, BS-7, S-7, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-6, WP-8, F-5]

- Driven
- Witty
- Stoic

- Sanguinary Artificer Armor (Armor 13, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception, +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship)
- Glaive Encarmine (AP 5, Strength +3, +1 Willpower)
- Angelus Boltgun (AP 4, Strength 3)
- Jump Pack (-1 Agility, Grants Assault Jump, Quick Release)

Dodge: 8/9
- Base, Agility 8: 8
- Sanguinary Armor: +1
- Jump Pack: -1
Armor: 13
- Sanguinary Artificer Armor: 13
Soak: 1
Wounds: 9
- Base, Toughness 7: 7
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Uriel Lanyx, Keeper of the Heavengate
"Our breakthrough will come in the next two revolutions."
Position: Keeper of the Heavengate
Prior Command: Sergeant, 2nd Company

[WS-6, BS-7, S-5, T-5, A-7, I-10, P-6, WP-8, F-5]

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Intelligence - Ruler of the Stars, T-1
Tier 1: Reroll Void-War Actions

- Cautious
- Quiet
- Dour

- Boltgun (AP 3, Damage 3)
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 13, 1 Soak, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception)
- Chainsword (AP 2, Damage +0)

Dodge: 8
- Base, Agility 7: 7
- Mk-VIII 'Errant': +1
Armor: 13
- Mk-VIII 'Errant': 13
Wounds: 7
- Base, Toughness 5: 5
- Son of Sanguinius: +2
Notables - Company Leadership
Quarto Astorum, Crimson Exemplar
"Duty above all, brothers. I will become a man worthy of succeeding Lord Asterion as Chapter Master, even if it kills me. Especially if it does."
Position: 1st Captain, Regent of Karanda

[WS-10, BS-8, S-8, T-8, A-9, I-8, P-6(3), WP-9, F-10]

- Sentimental
- Cautious
- Cynical
- One-Eyed

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Weapon Skill - Arms of the Righteous, T-1
- Tier 1: +1 to Weapon and Armor Strength Modifiers
Legendary Fellowship - Voice of the Angel, T-1
- Tier 1: Reroll All Rally Challenges

- Aquila Aurum, Thunder Hammer (AP 4, Strength x3, Concussive, Ignore Soak, +1 Willpower to All Units)
- Left Hand of Thunder, Storm Shield/Power Fist (Armor +1, Soak +2, AP 3, Strength x2, -1 Agility)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60, Min. Armor 30, Soak 1-2 (DC 50))
- Iron Halo (Armor +1, Soak +1)

Dodge: 9/10
- Base, Agility 9: 9
- Artificer Armor: +1
- Left Hand of Thunder: -1
Armor: 15/16
- Artificer Armor: 14
- Iron Halo: +1
- Left Hand of Thunder: +1
Soak: 2/4
Wounds: 10
- Base, Toughness 8: 8
- Son of Sanguinius: +2

Cato Jantorus, Radiant Angel
"My men are in position. My blade is at your neck. And My Chapter Master is almost here. Your move, daemon."
Position: 2nd Captain, Master of the Watch

[WS-8, BS-7, S-7, T-7, A-9, I-10, P-6, WP-8, F-8]

- Thoughtful
- Sentimental
- Subdued

Legendary Skill:
Legendary Intelligence - Command Without Doubt, T-1
- Tier 1: All Strategic Moves May be Countered, Known or Not (Albeit, at Higher Difficulty)

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 5)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)
- Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot)

Dodge: 45
Armor: 70

Damien Cybereon, Burning Angel
"When everything is on fire, nothing will be. For it will be ash. But enough natter, your neck is mine."
Position: 3rd Captain, Lord Sacrifice

[WS-10, BS-6, S-8, T-8, A-9, I-8, P-6, WP-8, F-7]

- Passionate
- Furious
- Bombastic

Legendary Skill:
Legendary Weapon Skill - Crimson Blade of Victory, T-1
- Tier 1: Critically Hit from 81-100

- Crimson Flame, Power Sword/Flamer (AP 5/2, Strength 3/4, Fear)
- Soul of Fire, Storm Shield (Armor +20, AP 2, Strength 4, -1 Agility, Fear)
- Artificer Armor (60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)

Dodge: 40
Armor: 90

Spardeon Lyserion, Bulwark of Karanda
"I am the Wall. There are many like me, but I am Karanda's."
Position: 4th Captain, Lord Adjudicator

[WS-9, BS-7, S-7, T-10, A-9, I-8, P-7, WP-8, F-6]

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Toughness: Iron Angel, T-1
- Tier 1: +10 Armor, +10 Min. Armor

- Quiet
- Dour
- Cautious

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)
- Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot)

Dodge: 45
Armor: 70

Lantor Kallis, Angel of Crimson Steel
"Vigilance is the only answer. That, and lots and lots of tanks."
Position: 5th Captain, Keeper of the Arsenal

[WS-8, BS-8. S-8, T-8, A-9, I-8, P-7, WP-8, F-7]

- Cautious
- Sentimental
- Dour

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)
- Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot)

Dodge: 45
Armor: 70

Idris Pathor, Legacy of Resplendence
"Emperor guide me, for my Chapter Master is still a madman."
Position: 6th Captain, Master of the Marches
Prior Command: Sternguard Sergeant, Squad Quantum, Angels Resplendent

[WS-7, BS-8, S-7, T-10, A-8, I-7, P-8, WP-9, F-6]

- Thoughtful
- Cynical
- Stoic

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Toughness - Enduring Shattered Resplendence, T-1
- Tier 1: -3 Strength to all Received Weapons Damage

- Resplendent Plate, Artificer Armor (Armor 60, +1 Strength, +1 Agility)
- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)

Dodge: 45
Armor: 70

Rythor Haradin, Lord of Thunder
"I am the blade of the righteous. The hand of justice. The instrument of your death. And I am not even the exemplar."
Position: 7th Captain, Caller of Fires

[WS-8, BS-8, S-7, T-7, A-8, I-7, P-7, WP-9, F-9]

- Charming
- Cautious
- Furious

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)

Dodge: 40
Armor: 70

Hale Cicero, Pale Phantom of the Seraphim
"When the Eye is in ashes, and all that you love and cherish is lost to the stellar wind… You have my permission to die."
Position: 8th Captain, Lord of Skyfall

[WS-10, BS-7, S-8, T-7, A-10, I-8, P-7, WP-7, F-6]

- Witty
- Cynical
- Passionate

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Agility - Son of Angels, T-1
- Tier 1: +20 Base Dodge

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Shout of the Fifth Angel, Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)

Dodge: 70
- Base, Agility 10: +50
- Son of Angels T-1: +20
Armor: 70
- Artificer Armor: +60
- Iron Halo: +10

Idemian Quintor, Ever-Enduring
"I've been lost to the Warp twice. It really is not ideal."
Position: 9th Captain, Master of Sieges

[WS-9, BS-7, S-8, T-8, A-8, I-7, P-7, WP-10, F-6]

- Cynical
- Dour
- Furious

Legendary Skill:
Legendary Willpower - Armor of Contempt, T-1
- Tier 1: +30 Difficulty to Chaos Corruption and Mental Probing

- Faith, Combat Shield (Armor +10, +1 Willpower, -1 Agility)
- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Plasma Pistol (AP 4, Strength 4, Short Range, Gets Hot)
- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Iron Halo (Armor +10)

Dodge: 35
Armor: 80

Xavian Macharius, Galen Ghost (Sneeki Breeki)
"By Sanguinius' Wings, just this once, let me go on Crusade."
Position: 10th Captain, Master of the Recruits

[WS-6, BS-9, S-7, T-8, A-10, I-8, P-8, WP-7, F-8]

- Calm
- Furious
- Cynical

Legendary Skill:
Legendary Agility - Ghost of Baal, T-1
- Tier 1: +10 Base Dodge

- Turbo-Maximus Boltgun (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Combat Knife (AP 2, Strength 2)
- Bolt Pistol (AP 3, Strength 3, Short Range)
- Carapace Armor (Armor 40, +10 Stealth)
- Hatebreaker, Attack Bike (Armor 30, Dodge 40, Structure 2, Strength +3 Ramming Prow)
- Asterion's Affirmation, Banner (+1 Willpower, Reroll Rally)

Dodge: 55
Armor: 40
Notables - Specialist Breathren
Sacris, Hand of Fire
"This hand of mine burns bright! Its light tells me to defeat you! Take this! SHINING LANCE!"
Position: Epistolary, 2nd Company

[WS-8, BS-6, S-6, T-6, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-9, F-6]

- Candid
- Passionate

Psychic Power: Epsilon-Level, Pyromancer
Proficiency: Mastery Level 2

- Force Blade (AP +2, Psi-Strength +1, +5 Focus)
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)
- Psychic Hood (+10 Focus)

Dodge: 40
Armor: 55

Ruhr, Disciple of Form
"I am the master of my mind, and through that my body. I am strength. I am speed. I am Angel."
Position: Lexicanum, Librarius

[WS-4, BS-4, S-3, T-3, A-4, I-5, P-5, WP-8, F-4]

Psychic Power: Delta-Level, Biomancer
Proficiency: Mastery Level 0

- Carapace Armor (Armor 30)

Dodge: 20
Armor: 30

Varro, Daemonbane
"I am not in a great spot, am I?"
Position: Stage 1 Initiate, Librarius

[WS-4, BS-4, S-3, T-3, A-4, I-5, P-5, WP-8, F-4]

Psychic Power: Gamma-Level, Daemonologist
Proficiency: Mastery Level 0

- None

Dodge: 20

Tallarn Ravana, Student of Blood
"I am son of blood. And I am going to lose it."
Position: Sanguinary Priest, Sanguinary

[WS-8, BS-5, S-5, T-6, A-8, I-8, P-6, WP-7, F-5]

- Candid
- Tense

- Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)
- Exsanguinator (+10 Gene-Seed Extraction)
- Boltgun (AP 3, Strength 3, Medium Range)

Dodge: 40
Armor: 55

Lysander Diomedes, Forge Born
"By the light of the Emperor, my Forgemaster is a madman."
Position: Senior Techmarine, Armory

[WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]

- Driven
- Cautious

- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Servo-Harness (Integrated Power Clamps (AP 5, Strength 5), +20 Field Repairs)
- Boltgun (AP 3, Strength 3, Medium Range)

Matthias Taldris, Armor Artisan
"I sharpen my Power Axe everyday, waiting for the moment to strike. And it will be glorious."
Position: Senior Techmarine, Armory

[WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-7, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-5]

- Thoughtful
- Furious

- Artificer Armor (Armor 60)
- Servo-Harness (Integrated Power Clamps (AP 5, Strength 5), +20 Field Repairs)
- Boltgun (AP 3, Strength 3, Medium Range)
Notables - Line Brethren
Darmus, The Enduring Vanguard
"The kind of deviant smut our initiates produce is disquieting. Make it stop."
Position: Vanguard Sergeant, Seconded to 2nd Company
Prior Command: Vanguard, Veteran's Company

[WS-9, BS-7, S-7, T-8, A-9, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-6]

- Sentimental
- Stoic

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 5)
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)
- Jump Pack (+10 Charge, +1 Agility)

Dodge: 50
Armor: 55

Noph, Legacy of the Angels Resplendent
"Steady, brothers. Their attack comes. Once more into the breach!"
Position: Veteran Sergeant, 6th Company
Prior Command: Sternguard Veteran, Squad Quantum, Angels Resplendent

[WS-7, BS-8, S-7, T-8, A-7, I-6, P-6, WP-8, F-5]

- Furious
- Enduring

- Boltgun (AP 3, Strength 3, Medium Range)
- Chainsword (AP 3, Strength 3)
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)

Adrian Felas, The Dragon of Javerè
"One shot, one kill? Please. My record is six."
Position: Scout Sergeant, 10th Company
Prior Command: Sternguard, Veteran's Company

[WS-6, BS-10, S-7, T-7, A-9, I-6, P-6, WP-8, F-5]

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Ballistic Skill - Accuracy Without Distance, T-1
- Tier 1: Ignore All Penalties

- Stoic
- Witty

- Turbo Maximus-Pattern Boltgun (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Combat Knife (AP 2, Strength 2)
- Bolt Pistol (AP 3, Strength 3, Short Range)
- Carapace Armor (Armor 40, +10 Stealth)

Dodge: 45
- Base, Agility 9: +45
Armor: 40
- Carapace Armor: +40
Min. Armor: 10
Wounds: 3
- Base, Toughness 7: +3

Welkis, The Furious Sword
"Armor is nothing without speed. Speed is nothing without fury. And fury is nothing without duty."
Position: Vanguard Sergeant, Veteran's Company
Prior Command: Assault Marine, Squad Eight-Seven

[WS-8, BS-7, S-7, T-8, A-8, I-6, P-5, WP-8, F-6]

- Dour
- Protective

- Power Sword (AP 5, Strength 3)
- Inferno Pistol (AP 5, Strength 4)
- Mk-VIII 'Errant' (Armor 55)
- Jump Pack (+10 Charge)

Dodge: 40
Armor: 55
Wounds: 3

Joakim, The Archer of Eight
"Is it so wrong to deny them everything?"
Position: Scout Sergeant
Prior Command: Sternguard, Veteran's Company

[WS-7, BS-8, S-7, T-7, A-8, I-7, P-6, WP-8, F-6]

- Furious
- Driven

- Bolter
- Combat Knife
- Bolt Pistol
- Carapace Armor

Dodge: 40
Armor: 40
Min. Armor: 10
Wounds: 3
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[X] Glory or Death: The year is 200.M42, and the Crimson Crusaders are a Chapter in Recovery. Fresh from the fires of Krumpburny, they emerge triumphant beneath the thromping feet of a Legion of Titans. Aurelius Asterion leads them, and though he is called Deviant and Heretic by many a man, few can doubt his loyalty, his will, and his skills with a sword. Though the War for Baal has ended a decade ago, he is confused and troubled. He needs time to think, to brood, to reaffirm his own path. But his Chapter will go on, as it always has. And when he has finally put the Ghosts of Acheron to rest once more, he will return, and paint the foes of Man crimson with their own blood. Continue the Story - Chapter Master Quest

Your story isn't over yet, Asterion.
I'm torn between Asterion and seeing what was going on in the other parts of the galaxy. I shall abstain for now.
[X] Glory or Death: The year is 200.M42, and the Crimson Crusaders are a Chapter in Recovery. Fresh from the fires of Krumpburny, they emerge triumphant beneath the thromping feet of a Legion of Titans. Aurelius Asterion leads them, and though he is called Deviant and Heretic by many a man, few can doubt his loyalty, his will, and his skills with a sword. Though the War for Baal has ended a decade ago, he is confused and troubled. He needs time to think, to brood, to reaffirm his own path. But his Chapter will go on, as it always has. And when he has finally put the Ghosts of Acheron to rest once more, he will return, and paint the foes of Man crimson with their own blood. Continue the Story - Chapter Master Quest

Come back Aurelia
Is it possible to play this as the Crimson Crusaders? I don't want to give them up, as Aurelius and the rest have grown on me, but playing post-canon would be very interesting...
Yes. In fact, you're playing the Crimson Crusaders.

...Kind of. Of the forty thousand Space Marines left, you're going to be one of the five hundred Blood Angels left alive.
[X] Glory or Death: The year is 200.M42, and the Crimson Crusaders are a Chapter in Recovery. Fresh from the fires of Krumpburny, they emerge triumphant beneath the thromping feet of a Legion of Titans. Aurelius Asterion leads them, and though he is called Deviant and Heretic by many a man, few can doubt his loyalty, his will, and his skills with a sword. Though the War for Baal has ended a decade ago, he is confused and troubled. He needs time to think, to brood, to reaffirm his own path. But his Chapter will go on, as it always has. And when he has finally put the Ghosts of Acheron to rest once more, he will return, and paint the foes of Man crimson with their own blood. Continue the Story - Chapter Master Quest
[X] Beyond Glory, To Defy Death

A Space Marine's duty never ends, even when the universe itself crumbles around him, he shall stand defiant and he shall give his last breath to humanity.
I would like both of these, the other two don't sound so good.
[X] Beyond Glory, To Defy Death
[X] Glory or Death
[X] Glory or Death: The year is 200.M42, and the Crimson Crusaders are a Chapter in Recovery. Fresh from the fires of Krumpburny, they emerge triumphant beneath the thromping feet of a Legion of Titans. Aurelius Asterion leads them, and though he is called Deviant and Heretic by many a man, few can doubt his loyalty, his will, and his skills with a sword. Though the War for Baal has ended a decade ago, he is confused and troubled. He needs time to think, to brood, to reaffirm his own path. But his Chapter will go on, as it always has. And when he has finally put the Ghosts of Acheron to rest once more, he will return, and paint the foes of Man crimson with their own blood. Continue the Story - Chapter Master Quest

I hate seeing a story uncomplete.

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