Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

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[X] Protect Shu Cai.
The Young Master isn't the type to honor the spirit of alliances. We'd be at his whims AND on the shortlist of the Judgement Hall.
So assuming we choose to protect Shu Cai it seems like the only guaranteed allies we'll have will be Ma Fen (the girl unfortunate enough to have Meng Qi's eyes on her) and the struggling disciples. Technically Cai is also there, but with his injuries I suspect he won't be putting up much of a fight. There may be others in the crowd who will do the same, but those are the only ones who are specifically mentioned.

The question then is how long will it take for the members of the Judgment Hall to arrive? Assuming Cai has at least one friend in the crowd willing to stand up and defend him, we may have enough numbers that the attackers will need to put in actual effort to achieve their win condition (killing Cai and booking it before anyone arrives to catch them). The real wild card though is Meng Qi; he's almost certainly one of if not the strongest disciple in the room, so if he joins in as well he can probably make success less likely for us. But will he do that if he's trying to keep at least a little distance from Cai's death? We don't know, so we have to hope that he at least holds back a little out of a desire to not mar Fen's pretty face with violence.
Killing one person is one thing but killing multiple to get to Shu Cai is something that going to make a lot of people back off.
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about our chances, between the desperate disciples being on our side and the young master not wanting to personally kill people. And we can afford a lot of healing elixirs with our new knowledge of alchemy
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about our chances, between the desperate disciples being on our side and the young master not wanting to personally kill people. And we can afford a lot of healing elixirs with our new knowledge of alchemy
The math, for those curious:
Last turn we ended wit 8 cp
+6 from humting pests
+5 from work

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).
Elixir costs 2 cp.
Meaning we can make it for 2 common herbs.

We have 3 herbs, will get a radom amount next turn, and can buy them for 1 cp-> 2 common herbs.
20 Elixirs. Which equals up to 80 health.
Honestly by this point you should have access to the better healing potions/pills. +1 a month for 4 months is extremally good by mortal standards not so much by yours.
[X] Protect Shu Cai.

I 100% believe Meng Qi will protect us. I don't think there is a single trap from aiding him like some people feel. But I'd rather do good than bad, regardless of the consequences.
[X] Protect Shu Cai.

The important thing is that you must live with the choices you make.
[X] Kill Shu Cai.

Just because I feel like it would be interesting to be a lacky. And if this does happen even with all the odds against it, it will be hilarious.

I'm mainly interested because I havent really seen a lacky of a young master. It would be locking us into whatever faction the young masters family is in though. and we would have to kill someone that's 'crime' was flirting with someone.
[X] Kill Shu Cai.

Just because I feel like it would be interesting to be a lacky. And if this does happen even with all the odds against it, it will be hilarious.

I'm mainly interested because I havent really seen a lacky of a young master. It would be locking us into whatever faction the young masters family is in though. and we would have to kill someone that's 'crime' was flirting with someone.
For those curious:
The streak was 28 votes to save.
[x] Protect Shu Cai.

pragmatism has its place, but if you become the kind of person who would kill an innocent to endear yourself to a creature like this? Then you may as well step off the path and wallow in base hedonism, you will chive no less virtue that way and will be a great deal most honest.
Is it possible to have a Yin Root of 1 or 0? If so, can Guang's Root be refined to that grade?
Not zero no, but you can get close -well theoretically- going from 1 to 0.5 would be like 20K~ worth of progress.

Honestly, barring you getting some treasure or something from an event, I don't see you going lower thew G14 the cost just rises to much for it to be cost effective.

By the time you can sling a 1000 progress action to save you 1 progress on another action and expect it to pay off, the end game would be in sight.
...if we tie, can we like. Hesitate long enough for someone else to kill him instead? If so, I'll probably switch to Kill.
[X] Protect Shu Cai.
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