Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

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Pissing off arrogant young masters is an integral part of the xianxia protagonist experience. I wouldn't dare rob our descendant of that opportunity.
that's a good point. We are already dealing with literal fated encounters. Best to ensure that we stay on the protagonist track rather than the young master's minion track. Those guys tend not to last long.
[X] Protect Shu Cai.

Who do we want Guang Li to be?
Some one who protects an innocent comrade!

Good that alchemy allows us to make healing elixirs cheaper than from the shop.

I have a feeling some healing will be needed after this.
[X] Protect Shu Cai.

It needs to be done. If we ended Shu Cai we would inevitably owe Meng Qi a debt. If we save Shu Cai, he will owe us.

We cannot afford to owe an arrogant fool like Meng Qi anything.
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[X] Protect Shu Cai.

...huh. Looks like fate has some plans for us so I guess that explains that part of the action...

...and worrying too, since that implies our deaths likely has something to do with it. @_@; Now I'm really curious...
In the precious seconds before the fight breaks out Guang Li entreats his ancestors for their wisdom.

And his ancestor's answer.

[] Kill Shu Cai.

[] Protect Shu Cai.

Guang Li has called upon the struggling disciples contact and they will influence and improve the success chance of whatever option is chosen.

An: well, here we go. I'll go make sure the character sheet is up to date but I'm really interested how this vote will pan out.
Assuming the elders don't resolve the injuries (of Shu Cain and those defending him), can we distribute self made healing potions coming turn?
[X] Protect Shu Cai.
Hopefully the elders would be of the type to appreciate keeping the law , instead of being the corrupt young master enabling kind.
So assuming we choose to protect Shu Cai it seems like the only guaranteed allies we'll have will be Ma Fen (the girl unfortunate enough to have Meng Qi's eyes on her) and the struggling disciples. Technically Cai is also there, but with his injuries I suspect he won't be putting up much of a fight. There may be others in the crowd who will do the same, but those are the only ones who are specifically mentioned.

The question then is how long will it take for the members of the Judgment Hall to arrive? Assuming Cai has at least one friend in the crowd willing to stand up and defend him, we may have enough numbers that the attackers will need to put in actual effort to achieve their win condition (killing Cai and booking it before anyone arrives to catch them). The real wild card though is Meng Qi; he's almost certainly one of if not the strongest disciple in the room, so if he joins in as well he can probably make success less likely for us. But will he do that if he's trying to keep at least a little distance from Cai's death? We don't know, so we have to hope that he at least holds back a little out of a desire to not mar Fen's pretty face with violence.
[X] Protect Shu Cai.

Yeah no. The YM will drop us like a hot potato the moment we become inconvenient. The other guys though? Well. We were on their side when they went down.
Killing of your fellow disciples was forbidden by the verdant flame sect, accidents of course still happened -supernatural warrior going at one another in training would lead to a few deaths here and there- but this was no accident, the judgment hall would harshly punish whoever took the final blow.

Of course, young master Meng Qi could protect the killer, being the son of a respected elder came with more than a few perks.
but would he? Or would he just enjoy watching the taker being punished?
[X] Protect Shu Cai.

Maybe If I could trust this young master to honor his words I'd consider it. But he doesn't seem like the trustworthy kind of guy, and if we get lucky we might impress an elder or older disciple with our display of honor...
[X] Protect Shu Cai.
Funny how there was only one option on this vote.
To be honest I was expecting this vote to be much closer lol. Him being a jerk aside, there are clear benefits to being on Meng Qi's good side. He is the son of a sect elder after all, so he probably has access to resources that will take us considerably longer to get access to without such a connection. And I don't believe that this is a trap action; if he says we'll reward us for doing his bidding I think he will do so. Whether said reward is worth it is a completely different question but I doubt it would be something completely worthless. Being willing to break the sect's rules for him isn't a small thing after all, having someone that loyal is valuable.
To be honest I was expecting this vote to be much closer lol. Him being a jerk aside, there are clear benefits to being on Meng Qi's good side. He is the son of a sect elder after all, so he probably has access to resources that will take us considerably longer to get access to without such a connection. And I don't believe that this is a trap action; if he says we'll reward us for doing his bidding I think he will do so. Whether said reward is worth it is a completely different question but I doubt it would be something completely worthless. Being willing to break the sect's rules for him isn't a small thing after all, having someone that loyal is valuable.
rewarding is does not mean protecting us from punishment though. For all we know he COULD reward us while ALSO not protecting us.

He didn't say the killer wouldn't face any repercussion after all...
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