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So we could convert Fire to earth and water to wood, presumably for fairly cheap (valuable because Fire Qi pills are cheap, mostly)Unlock the destructive and generating cycles, allowing you to create and destroy Qi with the appropriate Qi types. With the generating cycle 1 water Qi and 1 wood Qi may be turned into to 2 wood Qi, with the destructive cycle 1 water Qi may be spent to destroy 1 fire Qi (when you start taking dangerous actions and start racking up some Qi corruption this would be very important).
pretty good. If it wouldn't be suspicious to show the capability maybe we could make weapons for our friends
Also higher ranked cultivators likely just have access to stuff that's as good, for the most part. And if they really want something they'll just send lower ranked underlings to bid for them, to keep face.Surprisingly though, Guang Li has yet to see any disciple of the verdant flame sect above the fifth stage of Qi condensation. In fact, there are few disciples of the verdant flame around at all the vast majority of cultivators either from various vassals or allied sects or are loose cultivators, there are even some disciples from the Ice Palace, the primer rivals of the verdant flame sect.
Looking on the treasures and goods on offer, Guang Li muses to himself that it isn't too surprising, the vast majority of the sect are in possession of fire roots, water and its associated advanced elements would therefore be less of interest to them.
...that's basically robbery!Varius sect approved lenders: up to 400 cc and 26% intreast (determined by outer sect favor, which is 4).
If we're ignoring the QC bonus, it's actually cheaper to bid for lesser treasures water qi pills. I don't think the +2 is worth 400 cc (on which we'd have to pay interest), though it could be worth, say, 250 or so.1. Sublime Water Qi pill.
A pill concocted by some forgotten master alchemist, this Pill contains a considerable quantity of water Qi (50 units), further the way the Qi was condensed into the pill makes the water Qi from within the pill particularly good for condensing in the dantian (+2 to each dice on Qi condensation in the turn this pill is taken for up to 50 water Qi used).
Despite this pill water nature, it is still considered the greatest treasure within this auction and sees a great demand, especially from the few water Qi cultivators in attendance, as such the starting price is 200 cc. Guang Li ancestors (using some slight divination) have concluded that to guarantee purchasing this treasure would cost 400 cc.
So basically an insta-kill to anyone still in QC (except maybe those at the very peak of it), OR it can be used for something else. Potentially worth the cost.2. Heavenly lighting Qi Trapping Mirror.
Crafted by an unknown master refiner, this mirror has an echo of the cruel lightning of heavens trapped within. Useless against anyone who felt the bite of heavens trial but beyond deadly to those who had not. Alternatively, one might be able to draw the essence of the echo from the mirror gently and utilize it for some other purpose (note, the ancestors can do this but what you might use the echo for is behind a seemlier project to the one you have for the heaven charge you still have left) either way, the mirror itself would likely shatter after use.
A powerful treasure indeed, its starting price stands at 120 cc and the ancestors divine that to guarantee its purchase would cost 170 cc.
Also with it being a one-use item, I think there would be less interest in trying to steal it/kill us to take it, as we could always just use it against the would-be thief.
good, but I think it makes us a target for ambitious cultivators.3. Mirroring Strike Hammer.
A Tier two weapon by itself would not be worthy of the designation of a greater treasure. But the Mirroring Strike Hammer is not merely a refined weapon but one that has been transformed by a master refiner into a true artifact weapon, when the MSH strikes a Foe, it Mirrors the wound created on the opposite side of the Foe, in effect striking twice for each blow. (a base t2 weapon which deals double damage).
As an artifact weapon utilizable by everyone, there is great intersect in this treasure, its starting price is 100 cc and the ancestors divine that 200 cc would be required to guarantee its purchase.
So a water qi siphon to start, and YET there's something else about it... maybe it can improve water qi roots?4. Chalice of Clear Water.
A treasure beyond most others, crafted by an unknow grandmaster refiner, the chalice of clear water naturally gathers water Qi into its body, filling the chalice with water and drinking from it allows one to gather the stored Qi (+1 water Qi every turn). A potent effect by itself the chalice still hides some other use that the appraisers have not managed to identify, which could be even better than its base effect. (???).
As a primary water type artifact there is less interest in this quite frankly sublime treasure so the starting price is at 80 cc, and yet the ancestors divine that to guarantee the purchases of this treasure would require 300 cc implying that a fierce fight for ownership of this treasure is about to erupt..
the warned-off fight is worrying, but I'm still tempted to go for it.
We can definitely spend up to 131+100+50= 281 cc. I suppose the 150 cc from Lu clan are also fine as long as we repay them quickly. I'd avoid going as far as to get that 26% interest, and if we do we REALLY need to rush to repay everything.Personal account: 131 cc.
Additionally, you may barrow from the following (when you put the spending cap you will automatically barrow form the least interest option first).
Ma Fen and Shu Cai: up to 100 cc at 5% interest*.
Struggling disciples: up to 50 cc at 10% interest.
The Lu clan: up to 150 cc at 20% intreast.
Varius sect approved lenders: up to 400 cc and 26% intreast (determined by outer sect favor, which is 4).
max interest per turn would be... 5+5+30+104= 144 cc per turn, which... I don't think we can keep up with.
the 5+5+30 is doable, allowing us to fairly quickly repay the principal too.
and nothing stops us from trying the lowest level with multiple pills instead.If we have any interest in buying Water Qi this is worth it. Water Qi costs us 8 CC without the Shit list penalty.
If we use the high near guaranteed level we are still spending 6 CC for a water QI so its better than the shop.
I'd argue we can afford to go up to 281, getting the 50 from the other disciples.
Lu Clan is more questionable.
Hmm if we dont get the grand treasures how about going for a spending cap of 101? That way wed be able to go into the alchemy hall immediatly next turn.
ah, that's the reasoning. Yeah, it makes sense then.Thats reasonable. Total cost of treasures times .6 (which is most of the DC) was 100 so its roughly what I aimed for anyway.
...I was too late anyway XD
nice. at 231, it kinda repays itself in water qi in... well, considering cheapest water pills were basically 4 cc per water qi, it would take longer than the quest lasts. But then again there's the secret effect.Edit: and I'll stope rolling here because you got the chalice of clear.