[X][Path] By funneling Ethernano through my eyes, I can 'see' dirt and grime much more easily. (+1pt)
- [X][Path] I can perceive dirt and grime through walls. (+1pt)

[X][Path] At a touch, I can pull out dirt and grime from an object, though bigger and dirtier objects take longer. The resulting waste is formed into a 'ball' of grime. (+1pt)

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Buy] Cracked Gale-Force Reading Glasses (Times Three): 8000
[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000

[X][Buy] Bottomless Somewhat Roomy Satchel: 10000

[X][Act] Try tripping the dude. (DC 40)
Plus, I don't think we have enough items to justify buying the Roomy Satchel, as much as it would be useful later on.

@FakePriest, due to how the plan you're voting for is structured, you don't have a vote for how Agnes looks, nor for the deal with the shop, nor for what she's going to do against the thief.

@Shape of Fire, due to how your plan is structured, your options are all fragmented in the vote tally. Please fix them! :)
Urgh, so many options... I hope this slims down a little as the Quest progresses.
Large plans are not a problem of mine, but it gets a little bit difficult to compile them if options are spread throughout an Update instead of just at the end.

Plus, I don't think we have enough items to justify buying the Roomy Satchel, as much as it would be useful later on.
I feel this is more of a long-term thing. Getting the satchel now allows Agnes to pick up more stuff as she travels and carry it along, where the chance of getting one is somewhere between diminished and nonexistent.

Now, votes... hm...

[X] Plan Tools of Trade
(would have preferred the dirt-sight, but I guess we can still get that later)
[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5

Quick question @Saturday, does the power we choose for Agnes affect the DC on cleaning the shop? Does the DC already account for her powers? Or is it for actually getting the deal about cleaning it? And while I am at it, how is rolling a crit on the reaction affecting that scene? Lowered DC, a bonus to the roll?

Oh also, should we include a backup-strategy in the Act section, in case the thief does not slip on the ground?
Quick question @Saturday, does the power we choose for Agnes affect the DC on cleaning the shop? Does the DC already account for her powers? Or is it for actually getting the deal about cleaning it? And while I am at it, how is rolling a crit on the reaction affecting that scene? Lowered DC, a bonus to the roll?
The DC is to convince the lady to accept the deal, so I assume cleaning is an auto success. Magic wouldn't affect it unless you add a write to try and convince her by demonstrating the magic?
[X] Plan Pretty and Clean
-[X][Path] At a touch, I can pull out dirt and grime from an object, though bigger and dirtier objects take longer. The resulting waste is formed into a 'ball' of grime. (+1pt)
-[X][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
-[X][Path] A simple acidic cleaning solution can be expelled from the hands, aiding in the breaking down of tougher dirt/grime. (+1pt)
-[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
-[X][Buy] Cracked Gale-Force Reading Glasses (Times Three): 8000
-[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
-[X][Act] Use your magic!
--[X][Act] Trip him by making a mop and/or the corresponding bucket, putting it in his way

Image 1
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[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5
[x] Plan All-Seeing Maid
-[x][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
-[x][Path] By funneling Ethernano through my eyes, I can 'see' dirt and grime much more easily. (+1pt)
--[x][Path] I can perceive dirt and grime through walls. (+1pt)

-[x][Looks] Image 3
-[x][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
-[x][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
-[x][Buy] Bottomless Somewhat Roomy Satchel: 10000

-[x][Act] Use your magic!
--[x][Act] Create a broom to trip him
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5
[X] Plan Pretty and Clean
-[X][Path] At a touch, I can pull out dirt and grime from an object, though bigger and dirtier objects take longer. The resulting waste is formed into a 'ball' of grime. (+1pt)
-[X][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
-[X][Path] A simple acidic cleaning solution can be expelled from the hands, aiding in the breaking down of tougher dirt/grime. (+1pt)
-[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
-[X][Buy] Cracked Gale-Force Reading Glasses (Times Three): 8000
-[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
-[X][Act] Use your magic!
--[X][Act] Trip him by making a mop and/or the corresponding bucket, putting it in his way

Image 1
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5
[X] Plan Tools of Trade
[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.
[x][Looks] Image 1
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Looks] Image 1

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Expel a very slippery variant of cleaning solution to trip the thief.
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.
A little late to the party, am I? Whoops!

Hmm, I'm stuck between [x] Plan Pretty and Clean and [x] Plan Tools of the Trade

On one hand, pretty and clean's spread out base skills will allow for more variety earlier, and making ethernano objects sounds really, really useful. On the other hand, tools of the trade allows for a more spearheaded min-maxing approach we can always balance out later, and having a pretty good skill now seems like a good idea, because we don't know how fast we'll advance..... HMMMMMMMM

I think I'll go with [x] Plan Tools of the Trade! We can always get the ethernano objects later, and making a slippery substance to trip the guy seems like it'd work better than using an object as an action, area of effect spells are harder to avoid, after all!

[X][Looks] Image 5
[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
[X][Buy] Flashrod Box: 2000 for 5
[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
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Urgh, so many options... I hope this slims down a little as the Quest progresses.
Yeah it definitely will, I just wanna get all the character setup out of the way fast so we can get to the actually fun stuff quicker.
does the power we choose for Agnes affect the DC on cleaning the shop? Does the DC already account for her powers? Or is it for actually getting the deal about cleaning it? And while I am at it, how is rolling a crit on the reaction affecting that scene? Lowered DC, a bonus to the roll?
Its for getting the deal/getting the shopkeeper to allow a random person to use magic in her shop. Something as simple as cleaning a tiny shop doesn't require a DC, it'll be an auto pass, though I will roll just to see how well that pass is.

Also the crit now allows you to get a opportunity to do something before the thief gets to you, as a normal pass would have causes you to just sidestep him and afail would have caused you to be barreled over and knocked down.

Oh also, should we include a backup-strategy in the Act section, in case the thief does not slip on the ground?
I accept any and all backup strategies for any action vote.
003: Watch Your Step
[X] Plan Tools of Trade
A simple acidic cleaning solution can be expelled from the hands, aiding in the breaking down of tougher dirt/grime. (+1pt)
-- [X][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. As well as making it somewhat more acidic or basic. (+1pt)
-[X][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
-[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
-[X][Buy] Flashrod Box: 2000 for 5

[X][Looks] Image 5

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

003: Watch Your Step
- - - - -

Holding the items you want to purchase, you make your way up to the counter. At your approach, the woman manning the front counter pushes the book she was reading off to the side, giving you her undivided attention.

"Hey there, find everything alright?" says the woman.

"Yes I did, thank you for asking," you respond, putting the old map and flashrod box up onto the counter. "Um… sorry if I sound rude… but I noticed that the shop seems a bit… dirty."

At this, the lady (who has a nametag reading Tina) gives the interior of the store a once over, noting the dusty shelves and the tarnished floor. Sighing heavily, she says "Yeah, I know. I just can't find the time nor energy to clean up the ole place y'know?"

"I can do that for you!" You give Tina your best, most innocent smile. "Cleaning magic is my specialty!"

Tina leans slightly on the counter and gives you a speculative once over, "Really? Cleaning magic? Out of everything you chose cleaning magic?"

"There is no such thing as a weak magic, only a weak wizard!" is your already prepared retort.

Tina hums in thought for a second, staring you down, eyes passing over your worn-out clothing and simple purchases.

[ 1d100 = 53 ] #Convincing Tina
DC 50: Close Pass.

[ 1d100 + 10(You are made for this) = 106(Crit!) ] #How well do you clean?
[ 1d100(Crit Explodes) + 106 = 197]
DC 0: Immense Pass!

"Hmm… alright. If you clean this place as well as you imply you can, I might throw in a free item with your purchase."

You stretch your hand across the counter for a handshake, which Tina skeptically accepts. "Deal!"

- - - - -

A couple of hours later, you stand proudly examining your handiwork. Snapping your fingers, you dismiss the floating mops and dusters you had conjured. A glance to the side, you give Tina a smug smile. "Well? Did I do okay?"

"I… uh… wow," she says, slackjawed at the new state of the shop.

A pleasant lemony smell fills the air. There is not a hint of dirt or dust anywhere, not even on the exposed wood beams overhead. Any and all cobwebs are gone. The display window is basically invisible, it's so clean. The shelves gleam in the magelight, the now orderly and well-polished items on them positively glowing. The floors are five shades lighter and sparkle. All in all, the place looks like it had just been built.

You stand there, basking in the unsaid praise. Tina slowly walks through the shop, feeling around in the darkest corners for any dust, and not finding even the smallest speck.

She turns to face you, a crooked grin decorating her face. "Well, I'll be damned. The place hasn't been this clean since... since before I was born!"

"So… about the free item?"

Tina looks around the store once again, shaking her head in muted surprise. "I was gonna give you another box of flashrods… but god... you deserve way more than that! This is on the level of professional cleaning service!"

Rocking on your heels, you say "And that means?"

Tina gestures over to the somewhat bottomless satchel, "You can take that thing for quarter price. You more than earned it, in my opinion."

You raise your eyebrows in shock, "Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah yeah, take it and get outta here before I change my mind."

"Sure! Thank you!" you say, pushing the needed Jewels into Tina's hands before scooping up your purchases and running out of the shop.

Paying 10500 Jewels you bought:

<Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated)>
<Flashrod Box
(5 in a box)>

<Bottomless Somewhat Roomy Satchel>

- - - - -

A second's hesitation, before you jump into motion. Neatly stepping to the side, your hands are already faintly glowing a pure white color, a tell-tale sign that you are casting magic.

Concentrating on creating the slipperiest spray possible, you discreetly blast the substance right in the path of the approaching thief.

[ 1d100 + 10(Superspeed and slippery stuff don't mix well) = 107 ] #Does he trip?
[ 1d100(Crit Explodes) + 97 = 133 ]
DC 30: Excellent Pass!

Either moving too fast to stop, or not noticing your ambush in the first place, he doesn't stop in his approach. As a result, your plan goes perfectly, the man runs headlong into your trap.

A strangled cry leaves his lips the moment a foot lands in the slippery solution, losing all traction and comically continuing to skid. The purse goes high into the sky as the man continues his path forward, trying to regain his balance as his previous momentum keeps him going.

In slow motion, the purse arcs in the air, falling neatly into your waiting arms. A loud crash emanates to your left as the man continues his wild skid forward, ultimately being clotheslined by a perfectly placed stone bench.

Standing there, you admire in a sort of horrified fashion the ludicrously gaudy purse that is now in your arms. Made out of a ridiculously bright gold fabric (which you have a sneaking suspicious is gold), the thing is absolutely covered in gems of all shapes and sizes. You could see why the thief would want to steal the thing, it was probably worth more Jewels than you had ever seen in your life!

The sound of approaching footsteps comes from your right, and you look to see the elderly woman and her rotund partner approach. A quick snap of your fingers causes the slippery solution to vanish, you'd rather not cause an innocent person to crack their head by accident.

The friendly-looking man is dressed in very simple yet posh butler attire that is straining against his bulk. You just hope that the buttons of his jacket don't pop off. A bushy white mustache decorates his face, making up for a completely bald head.

The woman is absolutely bedecked in ornate jewelry and is wearing the top of the line clothing, with a stylish wide-brimmed hat covering her silvered hair. Forget the purse, what she was wearing could probably buy a mansion!

"Bravo bravo!" says the lady. "Carrying out such heroics from such a young age! Exactly what I expect from youth today!"

Her voice sounds really familiar. As you try to place where you had heard the elderly woman before, you hand over the bag to her, which she graciously accepts. "Henry, be a dear and go deal with that ruffian would you?"

The portly man responds "Yes madame, I'll have him trussed up proper don't you worry!"

As a now named Henry starts making his way to the wannabe thief, who is still on the ground moaning and holding his stomach, the woman turns to you. "What a cute little girl you are! I feel like adopting you right here and now!"

"I'm fourteen. And I'd really rather not."

"Yes yes whatever you say dear," is the dismissive response. The woman reaches up to pat your head as she says, "...You know, I'm actually going to put up a quest over at the Branch right now! I'd love it if a brave young girl such as yourself could go and complete it for me!"

This was moving way too fast for you, you move back slightly and clear your throat uncomfortably "I don't know about that. I'm not exactly what you'd call an experienced witch after all."

"Nonsense dear!" The woman rustles around in her purse for a bit, pulling out a gold-trimmed card and presenting it to you. "I have an eye for talent, or my name isn't Madame Muniqué!"

It hits you like a lightning bolt. You now knew where you had heard her voice before. You had heard it this morning, on the radio, as the broadcaster for the single biggest radio station this side of everywhere. You hesitantly take the card, nervously looking up at the now named Madame Muniqué before quickly scanning the card.

Madame K. Muniqué , the Voice of Magical Radio!

Yes, it's true! You stand before Madame Muniqué herself! The undisputed voice of all matters magical happening in the world, you sure are lucky! But don't be shocked! Be glad! You have been deemed worthy enough to have her undivided attention! How amazing!

After you finish reading and look up again, Madame Muniqué continues her spiel "I always love helping out young wizards or witches like yourself, help them get their bearings and all that! It always warms my heart to be able to talk about a famous wizard or witch years down the line, knowing that I met them at the beginning of their path!"

You swallow down a nervous gulp. One wrong misstep and this woman could tarnish your name for years to come. "Can I think about it?"

"Oh of course little one!" says Madame Muniqué cheerfully, oblivious to your slowly rising panic. "It's a pretty simple delivery quest through a couple of different towns! I wouldn't give someone so young anything too hard after all!"

Henry comes back, carrying the thief under an arm, showing no visible strain at carrying a grown man with a single arm. "I need to drop off this one at the Guard Station, shall we head out Madame?"

"Ah yes, lets!" she says, giving you a sunny smile and pushing a scroll that she had pulled out of her purse into your hands, "Think on my offer, will you? The address is on the paper!"

And with that Madame Muniqué and Henry make their exit, leaving behind a very flustered and confused you. A few minutes pass as you reorganize your thoughts. Now standing alone, you look heavenward, "Well… that was a thing."

A few more seconds pass. "...Did she even ask for my name?"

- - - - -

It is now nighttime, and you are feeling tired after a hearty dinner at a homey little inn.

Spent 3000 Jewels on food and lodging!

Going up to the room you had booked, you sleepily do a once over of the room, making sure you had cleaned it up to your standard.

As you work, you start planning your schedule for the day to come. (Choose 3)

[][Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine.
[][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
- [][Plan]
[][Plan] Maybe you should learn some more about the current Guild climate, bug one of the Magic Council Outpost attendants.
[][Plan] Knowing what's going on in the world is always a good thing. Go listen to Muniqué's station, 'What's Going On Today?'
[][Plan] Research is good. Go to the Oshibana Grand Library and see what you can learn.
- [][Plan]
What topic do you want to look for?
[][Plan] Just because you weren't part of a Guild didn't mean you couldn't do quests! Go look at the quest board that the Magic Council was sure to have set up.
[][Plan] Wander Oshibana, who knows what you'll find.
[][Plan] Get on a train to somewhere else.
- [Plan]
Where to? (Any somewhat major town/city in Fiore is available for 1000 Jewels)
[][Plan] Go shopping again.
[][Plan] Write-In?

Once you are satisfied with both the plan and the cleanliness standard of the room, you turn off the light, kick off your shoes, and jump into the fluffy bed. A growing girl needed her beauty sleep after all!

- - - - -
Man. What a series of rolls. I can't tell if this bodes good or ill for the future. Isn't it so weird that when playing tabletops as the player, you usually have meh luck at best, but GMing/DMing anything boosts your luck to frankly ludicrous levels? As my forever DM friend always says, "All hail the DM Dice, hallowed be thy rolls!"

It's honestly quite fun designing the characters for this quest, as the way the world of FT is, even outrageously weird characters are considered pretty normal.
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