Sliding everywhere seems like a pretty easy and fast way to move around. It'll be sort of like ice skating but with cleaning solution rather than ice.
[X] Plan Muniqué, Magic, and Magic News
-[X][Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine.
-[X][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
-- [X][Plan] Experiment with creating a way to slide quickly and safely over ground to cover great distances.
-[X][Plan] Maybe you should learn some more about the current Guild climate, bug one of the Magic Council Outpost attendants.
--[X] Pay attention to anything that might concern your quest
[X][Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine.

[X][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
-[x] Try and make your Brooms and Mops more dense, maybe start with concentrating all your Etherano into one.

[X][Plan] Wander Oshibana, who knows what you'll find.
[X] Plan Witch in training
-[X][Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine.
-[X][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
-- [X][Plan] If you are to be professional witch, then you need flying broom. Learn how to create or enchance one. Flight will be immensely useful if you need to clean ceiling for example... and for travels to, you suppose.
-[X][Plan] Research is good. Go to the Oshibana Grand Library and see what you can learn.
-- [X][Plan] Research flying brooms. Madame's Munigue praise makes you feel good, but also inadequate, you are not some veteran witch, just a beginner. Next time you see her, you want to at least look like proper witch, flying on your broom.
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-- [X][Plan] If you are to be professional witch, then you need flying broom. Learn how to create or enchance one. Flight will be immensely useful if you need to clean ceiling for example... and for travels to, you suppose.
I will point out knowing how to create or enhance a flying broom isn't the same as being able to actually do so.
I will point out knowing how to create or enhance a flying broom isn't the same as being able to actually do so.
Fair, but it shouldn't be too difficult, our girl already know how to create items, including brooms, she just need to learn how to change their properties in a single way. In FT people fly on many different things, including brooms, it should be common knowledge. Also even if we fail here, knowing more of enchancing or creating magic items would be useful by itself.
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[X][Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine.

[X][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
-[x] Skidding is dangerous if uncontrolled, practice making things slippery and removing the slick quickly. If you can turn it on and off at will you can skate and stop anywhere!

[X][Plan] Wander Oshibana, who knows what you'll find.
Woah, look at those rolls!

[x] [Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine. We've got to check this one out!!
[x][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
- [x][Plan]
We can make water more slippery, let's see if we can make it more viscous! Could be useful for slowing down people and attacks!
[x] [Plan] Wander Oshibana, who knows what you'll find. Normally I'd be all for the library, but there's not a lot for us to research, so let's explore instead!
[X] Plan Muniqué, Magic, and Magic News

- [x][Plan] We can make water more slippery, let's see if we can make it more viscous! Could be useful for slowing down people and attacks!
Quick correction, Noler. We can't make water, we create an acidic cleaning solution instead.
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[X][Plan] Knowing what's going on in the world is always a good thing. Go listen to Muniqué's station, 'What's Going On Today?'
[X][Plan] Go check out Madame Muniqué's Quest. While a bit eccentric, she did seem to be pretty genuine.
[X][Plan] Practice your magic a bit.
- [][Plan] Sure you're good at cleaning, but that doesn't help if you can't see the dirt! Train yourself to better see and detect uncleanliness.
This seems like a good time to discuss what exactly are our plans for our resident Cleaning Mage are. What should we prioritize learning right now? What should we be working towards getting in the future?
What should we prioritize learning right now? What should we be working towards getting in the future?
Well, personally I'd like to obtain the ability to see dirt from previous vote. Should be easy enough to get and have good utility for example tracking (follow dirty footsteps on clean floors, see fingerprints on objects, detect traps from cleaned messes and if we get the X-ray enhancement see people through walls unless they have literally taken a shower beforehand).