Regarding the character gender, personally in this instance I prefer a guy because a guy character who's power is cleaning is less stereotypical.
So Levi from Attack on Titans does not count?
That dude pretty much made guy cleaning a thing or meme I think.
Regarding the character gender, personally in this instance I prefer a guy because a guy character who's power is cleaning is less stereotypical.
Honestly, when it comes to anime, I think almost the reverse is true. It's way easier to find girls who suck at household chores and guys who excel at them than vice versa. :V
If female protagonist wins I say we go for the butler suit with the gloves and work on ours hands, we be cleaning up crime and whatnot with the clean fist of justice.

*sees a Fairy Tail quest*

....Fine, let's see what's up

[X] Plan: Broom's Child

Living in the home of the Phantom Lords could've be interesting, but this one works too.
Honestly, when it comes to anime, I think almost the reverse is true. It's way easier to find girls who suck at household chores and guys who excel at them than vice versa. :V
Kinda. Guys tend to have either unspecified or good household skills, girls tend to have utterly terrible or unspecified household skills. Its been subverted so hard its a whole new thing!
Sorry for the lateness, my house's internet had cut off until just now.

Vote closed. Broom's Child obviously won. This'll be interesting.
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002: Behold the Cleaning Witch
[W] Plan: Broom's Child
-[W][Date] X776. (Erza has just escaped the Tower of Heaven. You are 14 years old and are just starting to walk your path of magic.)
-[W][Name] Agnes Brumschild
-[W][Gender] Female
-[W][Home] Altair, the Rainbow Crystal Capital of Stella.
-[W][Describe] Stubborn as a mule. People might say that cleaning is an eternal battle, but it's a battle you plan on winning.
-[W][Describe] Polite and well-spoken. Manners maketh man after all.
-[W][Now] Go window shopping, a town so focused on commerce like Oshibana had to have a pretty good selection of stuff.
-[W][Now] Wander Oshibana, who knows what you'll find.

002: Behold the Cleaning Witch
- - - - -

Breathing in the warm summer air, you smile to yourself. You, Agnes Brumschild, were now an official Witch! A bubbly sort of feeling fills your stomach as you make your way down the street.

If only the other kids back home could see you now! They always laughed at your chosen path of magic, well they wouldn't be laughing when you became a household name as a Cleaning Witch!

You had worked long and hard to get where you were after all, and you weren't afraid to work long and hard in the years to come either! The might of Cleaning Magic would be remembered forever!

So far, what have you achieved upon your chosen path? (3 points)
[][Path] I can expel soaplike bubbles from my hands, after some time they disappear, leaving the applied area cleaner than before. (+1pt)
- [][Path] With practice, I can now produce a more sudsy water mixture, as well as easily blast it with the strength of a garden hose. (+1pt)
- [][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. (+1pt)
[][Path] At a touch, I can pull out dirt and grime from an object, though bigger and dirtier objects take longer. The resulting waste is formed into a 'ball' of grime. (+1pt)
[][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
- [][Path] More instruments can be maintained at one time. (+1pt)
- [][Path] The instruments are better and more durable. (+1pt)
[][Path] A simple acidic cleaning solution can be expelled from the hands, aiding in the breaking down of tougher dirt/grime. (+1pt)
- [][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. As well as making it somewhat more acidic or basic. (+1pt)
[][Path] By funneling Ethernano through my eyes, I can 'see' dirt and grime much more easily. (+1pt)
- [][Path] I can perceive dirt and grime through walls. (+1pt)

- - - - -

Humming quietly to yourself, you find your feet taking you on a stroll through the market district of Oshibana.

The sun shines upon an eclectic mix of people from all walks of life, you one of them, as they make their way in and out of many different tightly packed shops. Glass windows display all manners of wares being sold, ranging from the boring to the interesting, the mundane to the magical.

It's a fun journey, just taking a quick look at what's being sold here and there.

One window showcases rare fish straight from the port town of Cedar (magically frozen, always fresh!). The one right next to it reveals expensive Stella-sourced jewelry. And right across from the two lies a master swordsmith, gleaming weaponry laying in soft pillows in front of the glass window, right next to price tags with just a few too many zeros.

Nothing really catches your eye (or more importantly fits your budget) until you've been walking for a while. A smaller shabbily built wooden store sits nestled between two much bigger ones. A well-worn sign reads 'The Witch's Bargain', another smaller sign underneath saying 'Everything any true wizard needs, at cheap!'

A pleasant jingle announces your entrance to the two or three other store occupants, the young female shopkeeper giving you a smile over the massive tome she was reading.

"Hello and welcome! Please feel free to browse!" she says.

Gritting your teeth at the musty and claustrophobic interior, you politely reply "I will, thank you."

And making true on your promise, you slowly start looking through the numerous items stored in cramped shelves, biting your lip to keep from blasting your magic at the dust that dares to be in your presence. Here and there, a few items capture your attention. It's just a matter of if you can afford them.

One shelve is taken up by packets of Crystal Bombs (Grade 1). Bought in groups of ten, these things were basically bubble gum size balls that would explode violently when thrown hard enough, the impact feeling about the same as a strong punch.

You also spot some quite cracked Gale-Force Reading Glasses, the tag saying that you could still read at times three (x3) speed with them. Probably. Putting them on, you admire yourself in a tiny available mirror. What do you know? It doesn't look half bad!

Whipping the magical spectacles off your face, you make sure that your hair is nice and orderly before moving on to the next interesting item.

What do you look like?
[][Looks] Image 1
[][Looks] Image 2
[][Looks] Image 3
[][Looks] Image 4
[][Looks] Write-In?

A dusty old map of Earthland is bundled up in a corner, still readable, though some of the locations seem a bit off. Funneling a bit of Ethernano through the parchment to make sure it works, you smile in satisfaction when a small pinprick of white light appears to show your current location.

Shaking a box of Flashrods, you think they are still in usable condition. About a quarter of a foot in length, cracking one of these would cause it to cast a bright glow for near an hour. There were around five to a box.

You also try on a well worn Bottomless Satchel. It fits perfectly, but the enchantment has faded a lot and the inside compartment is somewhat roomy instead of bottomless.

A decent assortment of items, all extremely useful for a (somewhat) novice Witch! It was nice that they were crazy cheap, the dirtiness of the objects was something you could easily solve yourself after all. Also luckily, you were smart and had saved up a bit beforehand to buy some stuff for the journey ahead.

Reaching into a pocket, you rustle around and pull out your life's savings… which total up to approximately 23100 Jewels.

"Wow. That's kinda disappointing," you say, wrinkling your nose at the cash in hand, before brightening up again a few seconds later. "Well no matter, money'll come along soon enough!"

Will you try haggling a bit for some lowered prices?
[][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
[][Deal] Just haggle and accept the discount, however pitiful. Money is tight currently. (DC 30)
[][Deal] Don't haggle. You still have your pride.

Are you going to buy anything? Note: 3000 Jewels will be needed for lodging/food tonight.
[][Buy] Crystal Bomb (Grade 1) Packet: 7500 for 10
[][Buy] Cracked Gale-Force Reading Glasses (Times Three): 8000
[][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
[][Buy] Flashrod Box: 2000 for 5
Bottomless Somewhat Roomy Satchel: 10000
[][Buy] On second thought… maybe not today.

- - - - -

The sun had traveled a considerable distance while you were browsing, now looking to be a bit past its apex instead of being just recently risen.

With so much of the day still left, and nothing really planned, you decided to just wander around and take in the sights of Oshibana.

[ 1d100 = 72 ] #Anything Interesting Happen?
DC ???: Pass.

[ 1d100 = 98(Crit!) ] #Do you react in time?
[ 1d100(Crit Explodes) + 98 = 107 ]
DC 40: High Pass.

The town hall looks quite nice, as does the main building of the Derial Trade Guild. A quick stop by the train museum proved to be a fruitful experience as well.

Now late in the afternoon, you are currently admiring the architecture of the town square. A massive bronze train statue gleams in the dying light. Humming appreciatively, you make a circle around the statue, smiling at its superb cleanliness (seriously, not even a fingerprint or anything!). So engrossed are you in the level of clean this monument has achieved, you almost miss the commotion occurring behind you. Keyword: almost.

A shout of surprise, followed by anger. The sound of sprinting feet. You spin around to see a man barreling towards you, growling at you to get out of the way. He is sprinting at a speed much faster than he has any right to, small flares of blue energy wafting off his boots as he runs. A gaudy purse being clutched in his grasp and a woman lying on the ground, with what seems to be her companion shouting angrily nearby give away all the facts.

This man is a thief. And a wizard at that.

Your brain processes all of this information in a flash and with it you...

[][Act] Step aside.
[][Act] Try tripping the dude. (DC 40)
[][Act] Try to grab the purse as he runs past! (DC 60)
[][Act] Use your magic!
- [][Act] How?
[][Act] Write-In?

- - - - -
Plan for shopping stuff/abilities would be nice.

100 Jewels is just around 1 US Dollar. So you've saved up just about $231 dollars for your journey. It's not bad all things considered, but magical items are expensive.

I'm going to outright state it here, most times, while choices will be given for fight/important actions, they will most likely not be the best or most comprehensive thing to do. I want to see what you guys come up with, using the powers and items available to you. Clever uses of magic will have lower DCs/better chances of succeeding than bullheaded approaches.

Also, a thing to note when choosing the baseline powers, each and every 'path' can be improved on/push further/combined. Plus there are 'paths' that are still yet to be unlocked, clever usages/combinations of your magic will reveal these additional abilities.

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[X] Plan Tools of Trade
-[X][Path] A simple acidic cleaning solution can be expelled from the hands, aiding in the breaking down of tougher dirt/grime. (+1pt)
-- [X][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. As well as making it somewhat more acidic or basic. (+1pt)
-[X][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
-[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
-[X][Buy] Flashrod Box: 2000 for 5

Image 3

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Expel a very slippery variant of cleaning solution to trip the thief.
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[X][Path] I can expel soaplike bubbles from my hands, after some time they disappear, leaving the applied area cleaner than before. (+1pt)
- [X][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. (+1pt)
[X][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)

It reminds me about Nami vs Kalifa fight from One Piece, especially Kalifa. She can do so much with just soap and water, granted it was because of her devil fruit, but I don't see why we can't do the same with magic and just 'clean' enemies of their strength with training.
Cleaning instruments also a must - what kind of Witch would we be if we can't summon our broom at any time.;)

[X][Looks] Image 3

Beware dirt, your time is running out.

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[][Buy] Crystal Bomb (Grade 1) Packet: 7500 for 10

No, you are not going to make even more dirt when these these things exploads.:V

[X][Buy] Map of Earthland (Slightly Outdated): 6000
Bottomless Somewhat Roomy Satchel: 10000

I propose we buy satchel and map they surely would be useful.
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[X][Path] I can expel soaplike bubbles from my hands, after some time they disappear, leaving the applied area cleaner than before. (+1pt)
- [X][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. (+1pt)
[X][Path] Simple cleaning instruments like mops and brooms can be formed from Ethernano and then manipulated through magic, but they are quite brittle and will fracture from too much damage. (+1pt)
You probably should change this into a plan to avoid clogging the votes up.
It seems i don't really need to. There is already good plan, that i can agree with.

[X] Plan Tools of Trade
[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Looks] Image 3

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Expel a very slippery variant of cleaning solution to trip the thief.

Edit: add look, deal and act.
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[X] Plan Tools of Trade

[X][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)

[X][Act] Use your magic!
- [X][Act] Make ground on his way slippery, you saw dirty spots there anyway.

[X][Looks] Image 5

I like the broomstick.
[x] Plan Grease and tracking
-[X][Path] I can expel soaplike bubbles from my hands, after some time they disappear, leaving the applied area cleaner than before. (+1pt)
-- [X][Path] Simple properties like hot, cold, slippery can be applied to the solution. (+1pt)
-[x][Path] By funneling Ethernano through my eyes, I can 'see' dirt and grime much more easily. (+1pt)
-[x][Looks] Image 3
-[x][Deal] Offer to clean the shop. If you pull it off, you'll probably get a decent discount. Just don't bother to mention that you'd do it for free. (DC 50)
-[x][Buy] Crystal Bomb (Grade 1) Packet: 7500 for 10
-[x][Buy] Flashrod Box: 2000 for 5
-[x][Act] Use your magic!
- [x][Act] Expel a very slippery variant of cleaning solution to trip the thief.

In order:
Slippery for the basic grease spell and I'd imagine dirt sight can be used for tracking, especially indoors.
I like this look for the aggressive aura. Makes a nice contrast to our magic.
Bombs, in case we need to hit hard. Portable light in case we have to work in dark. Satchel is a bit too expensive at the moment.
And of course we should try to stop the thief.
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