Sate Sate Sate

"Sate, sate, sate" or "well, well, well" translated into english, is the catchphrase of Meliodas in the subbed anime "Nanatsu No Taizai" or "The Seven Dead

basically "well well well" in japanese, as said by Meliodas in the seven deadly sins/nanatsu no taizai anime/manga

also, Phantom Lord is winning by more than 20 votes (which is more or less what i expected. The way they were presented made them very interesting)
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Jan 29, 2020 at 9:46 AM, finished with 94 posts and 76 votes.
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Alright so something I think everyone's noticed is that the Ash Demon backstory is casting a shadow with these choices. ..

[][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."

So on the surface this looks fairly stereotypical - which is why picking our backstory first is fitting so well.


To expand to readability
Death - monster - run love now - can't sorry - death

But yeah ash monster be it Agnes or other - Safe and clean mean the same thing in some ways when Agnes says something.

Agnes is repressing hard whatever happened. But this option also implies it's still effecting her even if she's unaware of it. Or she's being purposefully oblivious and knows exactly what she's thinking about here.

But overall it's a statement of whatever happened in her backstory - she doesn't want that or any variant to happen again. For everyone - which given the connotation that you can see with the other votes can mean "Even me"

Strong vote and character choice, if not my favorite.

[][Tail] "...Want everything to be happy. Like before."

I actually love this one. There's a whole character arc here in those seven words. Agnes is only fourteen and going by the original age choices this likely began when she was ten or younger - not being happy is utterly sane.

Ash and cinder swirling through the sky.

Whatever happened included something burning. Ash and cinder in the air like that is short hand for large fires. The kind that gut a building, the ones that not everyone gets out of. That says all we need to know of how deadly and terrible the events were.


Why you - why him - why them - love - scared - angry

I'm going to go on a limb here and guess that him is a father figure. You can't change the past. You cannot replace a loved one. But you can accept it, you can heal. You can look back at past times with a smile, tears tickling your eyes with a familiar shape walking with you down a road with steps that cannot crinkle fallen leaves. Keeping you company until you meet your friends at the train station, new family who help you keep a candle of remembrance lit.

It's also heartbreaking in that being happy is the unattainable goal.

But this character arc is essentially denial/acceptance and recovery with an epilogue of choosing a new Fairy Tail to chase.

[][Tail] "...Want to prove that my magic isn't weak."

This is one of the weaker options but it's actually not out there for an about change to happen. Our MC just had the trauma box shook. And her magic is either a counter or an alternative to the monster of that trauma.

Not caring that her magic is seen as weak in general is different than her magic being weak after a monster of ash/dust and associated with fire is remembered.

Not being weak seems to be code for being strong enough for that in particular to never happen again.

Want to reach the end of my path. Wherever that may be."

Figure out what I want essentially - again ten year old or younger probably when her world was smashed apart. Not knowing what you want but wanting to find it is valid.

[][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."

Again I think Agnes is fully aware of what happened whenever she wants to be. She just never wants to be aware of what happened.

Given the sheer focus on the blood on the monster's hands (also the break down of my thoughts in the spoiler below) - Agnes does seem to blame herself in this one. It's survivor's guilt of some sort. Either in just surviving the attack or - actually still surviving the attack if I'm right that what happened was an outside attack that provoked Agnes's response. The most forward option of something is horribly wrong and Agnes knows it.

[X][Tail] "...Want everything to be happy. Like before."

[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

look I like Phantom Lord, but I like them for the opportunity for Agnes to be forced to choose her morals and very the family she so wants. Or Fairy Tail with a detour. Yes they're the canon option but canon is a mess. And I like the heart of the Mavis/ Zeref storyline if not the execution. Sue me. The group are fun characters and I trust our qm much more than the original author to use the characters well.

We know how things end.

[X][Phantom] ...A monster of ash and dust, its hands stained crimson, eyes of pale gold glowing softly in the dark.
A monster with bloodied hands.

Ash and cinder swirling through the sky.

And fire - and a devastating one. But one thing already revealed is that the Ash and dust may not be a literal description. Someone that barely escaped a fire would have the same appearance.

We have a little dialogue - possibly with thoughts bookending


Death - monster - run love now - can't sorry - death

I'm going to point out how the monster comes before run now.


Why you - why him - why them - love - scared - angry

So here's what we have. Agnes, father figure who I'm calling Gepetto. If you're thinking Pinnochio yes which tells you what I'm thinking. The feelings end with angry. Not scared.

There's room for this to be a sudden monster attack but how it's love to scared to angry... That doesn't fit entirely a monster attacking the family home.

If Agnes ends with angry however - the dialogue we have works just as well with a father and daughter being attacked because of a "monster" daughter, father telling Agnes to run and then... Well we already know it ends in fire and a monster with golden eyes with bloody hands

Oh well. It wasn't all that important anyway, you remembered that much! And in that case, why should you worry? Forgetforgetforgetnothingeverythingfinefinefine.

And Agnes desperate to never remember that day.
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[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

Learning how to power slide with Juvia sound awesome. Overcoming her fear sounds interesting and perhaps the best way to learn more backstory. And how well would Agnes actually enjoy Fairy Tail? They trash the entire inside every single time they have a party (weekly?).
As interesting Phantom Lord is with the whole facing your fear, she still going to face her fear anyway with the help of her family in Fairy Tail.
Totomaru is not that unique since we would find another sucker at their game in Fairy Tail, if you look at the Fairy Tail's lesser known characters like Mikuni Shin or Mickey Chickentiger.
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

... Now that they have been mentioned, curious about the authors take on the fairy tail side characters...
EDIT: Also, just noticed an error in update 004 while rereading.
"Right now there are a couple of frontrunners in the race for who is the most powerful wizard guild." Barry pulls out a light pen and starts drawing on the air, making the symbol of the guild as he lists them by name. "Fairy Tail, Phantom Heart, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, and Quatro Cerberus. While there are a bunch of other groups, these are the ones with the real monsters. Hel- I mean heck! People like Fairy Tail's Gildarts Clive could probably take out a small country all by themselves!"

[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

Though I did like Garm's words of "to make people's days brighter, wherever I go!" That sounded... more neat and cheerful? More lighthearted? More childish? ... Ah. Yes, that. It sounded more childish -- and for a child character, that's perfect. So I'm going with the one close to that.
[][Tail] "...Want to make people's days brighter, wherever I go!"
This is my write in option. I'm not...too sure of it, in comparison to Reason to Live and Good, Safe, Clean...but it's a goal that's both lifelong, achievable, and difficult. It involves both becoming better at magic and at social - Agnes wants to leave smiles in her wake wherever she goes. I feel like this is a beautiful goal, one that would help her battle her Phantom, and suit her beliefs. However this could simply be seen as another version of Good, Safe, Clean - it's simply that this option prioritizes happiness, which does not necessarily fall under the other option. Bit pedantic of me, I suppose, but I felt the need to put it out there.
[][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
The hype choice. We dive headfirst into the plot and fight to contribute and make positive change. Possibly the one that leads to the fastest combat growth, but also would run the risk of Agnes being ironically mess-making for a Cleaning Magic user. Or she becomes the golden child for having magic that doesn't cause destruction everywhere she goes. Lots of faces we already know, things to stick our noses into, and weird shit to fight.
That, too, is another thing I didn't know I wanted until I saw it pointed out! Being the one person in the Guild who cleans up more messes then they leave behind.


The thought of potentially literally getting "the Fairy Tail guild's Golden Child" as an actual nickname is very amusing. :rofl:

'Having gold hair and gold eyes, cleaning up problems, and mopping the floor with troublemakers -- Agnes Brumschild!'
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[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
I kinda forgot this was still open, so I'll just close the vote now. Phantom Lord and Safe/Good/Clean are the winning votes.
Interlude: Shattered Memories 1
Interlude: Shattered Memories 1
- - - - -

You run as fast as you can through the fallen leaves and brush that makes up much of the dense forest floor, leaping over fallen logs and dodging past tree branches. A heaving breath is taken as you pause, frantically looking all around, before taking off in a random direction.

All the while, the sound of thudding steps behind you grows louder and louder.

And so you don't stop moving, even though your lungs are on fire and your muscles cry out for relief. Backtracking and misdirecting your pursuer as best you could, the wild chase continues. Yet your thudding heart knew that you couldn't keep this up for much longer.

You jump over a low-hanging branch, and your exhaustion causes you to make a fatal mistake. A white-hot flare of pain shoots up your leg as you land wrong, involuntarily tears instantly blurring your vision.

Panting in exhaustion, you frantically shamble towards a small hollow in a tree stump, just big enough to fit your tiny form.

Crawling inside the cramped space, you pull your knees up to your chest and wait. You try your best to hold your breath as you listen quietly, paying attention to any and all sounds coming from the forest outside.

There is only a discomforting silence in response. The footsteps have stopped.

Your heart threatens to beat out of your chest, but you don't move a muscle. Though your ankle is burning in pain, you stay as still as possible.

A minute passes. And then another.

Your shoulders relax ever so lightly, and your breath starts to even out. A relieved smile tugs on your lips.


A scream is ripped from your mouth as a hand is suddenly stuck into the hollow. Fingers wrap around your thin arm and you are pulled out of your hidey-hole, forced to stand basically face to face to your pursuer.

You stare at the person in shocked silence. A few heartbeats pass before you stomp your foot in disappointment. You glare straight into his pale yellow eyes, a few shades lighter than yours. Jabbing an accusing finger into his face, you say "How'd you find me? You cheated again, didn't you!"

Your big brother laughs aloud, proudly pointing a thumb to his chest as he says "No cheating required Aggie! I'll always be able to find where you are!"

You give him an unconvinced squint.

He chuckles again, before leaning in to whisper into your ear. "...But maybe next time, you should hide somewhere that doesn't have a bunch of holes in it."

A warm blush immediately explodes across your face. You move to take a closer look at the tree stump, realizing too late how easily visible the inside is from a series of gaping holes in its side. Turning to once again face your brother, you give a half-hearted punch to his shoulder. "Hey! I was in a hurry, okay?"

His only response is to smile at your embarrassment. "...But now that I found you, it's time to head back. Like you promised, remember?"

Groaning, you say "Aww comeon! Just ten more minutes? Please?" You give him your best kicked puppy look, to which he just snorts and looks away.

"You already had 'ten more minutes'..." he says, making air quotes as he does. "...more than an hour ago."

You smile hopefully. "Yeah, but this time it's for real!"

"No," he says, a note of finality in his voice. Your smile immediately drops as he turns around, starting to head back the way the two of you had come from.

Grumbling loudly on purpose, you make to follow, only to let out a yelp of pain as you put pressure onto the foot you had recently hurt. You immediately fall to the earthen ground, your weakened leg having given out underneath you.

Your brother is by your side in a second, "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," you grit out, waving him off and moving to get back up to your feet. Ignoring his worried gaze, you take a couple of shaky steps forward, before giving a strained smile. Spreading your arms wide, you say "See? I-I'm good to go!"

But still, he looks unconvinced. Without a word, he moves over to you.

"What are yo- hey!" you squeak out as you are picked up piggyback style, forcing you to wrap your arms around his neck lest you fall again.

"Don't worry, I've got you," he says as he starts retracing the path the two of you had taken to get here, dutifully ignoring your half-hearted protests all the while. Eventually, you give up and timidly press your face against his back.

"...I could've made it back on my own."

"I know."
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So our big brother is the monster? Can't wait to meet him once Agnes is stronger, during several arcs if possible. I want to see the drama, the fear, the tears! But also heroic stands and the power of friendship! I'm so exited :)
Your big brother laughs aloud, proudly pointing a thumb to his chest as he says "No cheating required Aggie! I'll always be able to find where you are!"
...Is it just me, or does this sound like the type of line that could get ironically heartbreaking later on?
So our big brother is the monster? Can't wait to meet him once Agnes is stronger, during several arcs if possible. I want to see the drama, the fear, the tears! But also heroic stands and the power of friendship! I'm so exited :)
My thoughts exactly. I think I might like this route.

AGNES BACKSTORY!! Plus big brother?? Whoa nelly, I wasn't expecting that! Was big brother planned for the whole time? Would he have been the person chasing us if we chose that backstory? This is so cool!
I don't know about heartbreaking, I was thinking more terrifying personally. If Agnes can't escape her (monstrous) older brother, it's not really a good thing isn't it?
Well, there's still a chance he might not be the bad guy later on, but even if he is, hearing something playful a former friend used to say, twisted into something threatening that they now say, must elicit both fear and sorrow.

There's something heartbreaking about knowing that your fiercest nemesis used to be your dearest friend.

Especially depending on how he gets corrupted, if that's what's going to happen.