Collateral damage is the exact opposite of what she would want, so she would either be an atypical member or get in trouble due to potential teammates destroying places she was meaning to clean up.
You say that but what happens when Agnes has to take a quest located in an ancient ruin? Centuries of history lost because Agnes was a little too overzealous with her cleaning. :D
Great efficiency and creepiness; the former fits Agnes rather well, considering how she goes about her cleaning so far. Honestly tempting to me because they are FT's rival and being there might allow preventing their destruction or their turning into a Dark Guild.
I do have my doubts about that since the rivalry between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, as well as Jose's grudge against Makarov, happened at the annual Guild Master's Meeting, where a drunken argument led to Jose badmouthing Fairy Tail and Makarov absolutely destroying him and subsequently humiliating him as a result, which I don't really see us attending in the first place or being able to stop the argument from happening. Then again, this is an AU, and if we really set our mind to it, I suppose we could have a chance.
Aw, shoot I just realized we missed another avenue in our starter magic. The ability to gather dirt and grime from an object with touch would have been a great starter for learning to wash off magical effects and curses! One of the main reasons I wanted cleaning magic!
We can always pick that up later. Plus, while the high-end applications of that could be awesome, the earlier applications are pretty situational so I feel like we should get the basics down first.
On the magic side, I think we could work on the acid's quantity(deluge of acid), delivery(acid gun, tentacle, or far spawn), potency(hot enough to burn, cold enough to freeze, and acidic enough to make anything it touches ignite), and make it smarter so it only affects what we want(dirt, bacteria, poison, ugly clothes, criminals, idiots, etc.).
The dirt gathering ability would probably help the selective acid ability since it can identify what it wants to affect and then solely affects those materials.
You say that but what happens when Agnes has to take a quest located in an ancient ruin? Centuries of history lost because Agnes was a little too overzealous with her cleaning. :D

I do have my doubts about that since the rivalry between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, as well as Jose's grudge against Makarov, happened at the annual Guild Master's Meeting, where a drunken argument led to Jose badmouthing Fairy Tail and Makarov absolutely destroying him and subsequently humiliating him as a result, which I don't really see us attending in the first place or being able to stop the argument from happening. Then again, this is an AU, and if we really set our mind to it, I suppose we could have a chance.
I doubt that she would immediately get to cleaning up a ruin unless that's her job. Maybe the spots she sleeps in and relics she finds, but not everything. Point taken, though.

About the rest, well... that is fair. We know too little to guess how much the AU will change in that rivalry, though I do hope that Master Jose ended up being a kind of person here that does not throw everything away over a bit of wounded pride.
I'm imagining this in an outdoors fight and us cleaning the ground away and making a giant pit :V
I know that's not what you meant but still...
Also, depending on where we go with our magic, we might also be able to make a complimentary drying attack using the same idea.
Oh a complimentary drying attack is almost certainly in the cards.

Actually in terms of offensive combat, can't we see about developing some kind of combo that completely cleans, detoxes and basically gives someone the complete spa treatment to the point where they are so relaxed that they can't bring themselves to move?
Actually in terms of offensive combat, can't we see about developing some kind of combo that completely cleans, detoxes and basically gives someone the complete spa treatment to the point where they are so relaxed that they can't bring themselves to move?

Wouldn't this buff people instead? Cleaning in this context would be getting rid of unwanted things like wounds and trauma. I'd rather develop this for healing and use other means for attack.
Am I the only one who thinks people are being way too conceptual about what we can clean?
It feels like we're trying to trick the universe into giving us cosmic power with clever word play.
Am I the only one who thinks people are being way too conceptual about what we can clean?
It feels like we're trying to trick the universe into giving us cosmic power with clever word play.
You are not the only one there.

I do think it may be possible to get to such a conceptual level, but it would rather be toward the final arcs and not at the start or mid game.
Wouldn't this buff people instead? Cleaning in this context would be getting rid of unwanted things like wounds and trauma. I'd rather develop this for healing and use other means for attack.
Possibly, but let me put it in this context. Have you every had those days where you are just so relaxed, without any tension in your body at all, that you are unable to bring yourself to do anything?

Now imagine that but even stronger.
You are not the only one there.

I do think it may be possible to get to such a conceptual level, but it would rather be toward the final arcs and not at the start or mid game.
I dunno if it even fits the setting, most magics kinda stick to one thing and the exceptions are when something doesn't have an obvious attacking spell then things like Maguilty Sense get the ability to shoot lasers at other people. I can't think of anything that went the other way around except maybe for later magics as the power curve ramped up.
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I dunno if it even fits the setting, most magics kinda stick to one thing and the exceptions are when something doesn't have an obvious attacking spell then things like Maguilty Sense get the ability to shoot lasers at other people. I can't think of anything that went the other way around except maybe for later magics as the power curve ramped up.
Hm, true.

Then again, we have precedents in things like Scripture magic having incredible means of application with a smart mind directing them.
You are right in that conceptual things do not fit, but we can still get a lot out of regular applications. That will probably require to focus Agnes on her Cleaning though, maybe branch out into a single different magic to cover glaring weaknesses.

On that note, I put a bit of thought into progression for some of our early practice goals based on the format our QM gave as an example. I would like to get some opinions and suggestions for those.

Nothing concrete for skating yet, but rather for changing tool properties and flight.
Change properties
Summon household tool
-> alter composition while/before summoning (trial and error, just make a change and see what happens)
-> do various changes and see what they do, then try to get a feeling for what gives a specific effect
-> find a composition that makes tools sturdier
-> find a composition that increases density of tools
-> find a composition that makes tools lighter/heavier
-> find a composition that sharpens the tip of a broom
-> find a composition that sharpens the bristles
-> find a composition that changes the size of a summoned tool
-> practice to alter the composition of an existing tool instead of one to be summoned
-> combine two alterations
-> combine three alterations
-> etc.

(I wanted just more dense tools, but found no step between regular summoning and altering the composition; the best I could come up with is to tell Agnes to play around and see what she gets, then try to find a pattern and work out specific useful effects from there)

Summon broom
-> alter composition so it can support your weight
-> telekinetic grasp on the broom exists, so floating should be possible
-> improve telekinetic grasp to get up and down and maneuver (would still be slow)
-> practice maneuvering in the air and staying on the broom
-> alter broom property to let it emit thrust from the bristles (a bit from each bristle) (test on the ground)
-> adjust the property to be turned on and off at will
-> practice flying at higher speeds
-> alter property so speed can be adjusted in increments instead of on/off (if not already there)
-> test speed limits and ethernano-cost, work on making it more efficient

(a bit of thrust from each bristle because that feels easier than one big burst; also, it just occurred to me that this part can be used as a leafblower or dryblower as well with a bit of adjustment)
Tell me if you can think of additional steps to add or a more detailed approach to the subjects.
Thats this one?

Solid Script

Solid Script (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) Soriddo Sukuriputo) is a Caster Magic and a form of Letter Magic that uses animated words. The user materializes solid words in their depicted form (i.e. writing "fire" would create fire) and then throws them at the opponent.[1] In the Miss Fairy Tail contest, Levy...
-> find a composition that increases density of tools
-> find a composition that makes tools lighter/heavier
These two are the same unless by lighter/heavier you actually mean smaller/larger.
[X][Quest] Of course, this was a chance like no other!
Nice to see people supporting that idea. I'm down for joining Phantom Lords on the basis of being part of a future dark guild. Maybe we could change some stuff in the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord War that may or may not happen. Interact with Gajeel and Juvia.
I'm down with that my favorite Fairy Tail fic is Speeding Through Life and I loved how it fleshed out Phantom. I would love to see our interactions with Elemental 4. Like being annoyed at Sol (the earth one) for allways bringing dust with him.

Edit: Granted less on the grounds of future dark guild but them probably having untaped potential if we poke them just right. There are some years till canon time and lot can change in that time with us poking around.
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Edit: Granted less on the grounds of future dark guild but them probably having untaped potential if we poke them just right. There are some years till canon time and lot can change in that time with us poking around.

And even if we don't - the storyline of your guild going dark, fighting the change, the internal dynamics shifting and making the decision of drawing the line to walk away would be interesting as well.
Am I the only one who thinks people are being way too conceptual about what we can clean?
It feels like we're trying to trick the universe into giving us cosmic power with clever word play.

I feel obligated to remind you of this:

  • The more specific and well-thought-out the process behind the improvement/creation of a magic, the better. (Lower DCs and a better foundation to branch out from)
  • For example, if you wanted to create a way to skate using a slippery version of your magic, the step DCs would be reduced by having a clear thought process going:
    • Can generate solution from hands -> Can create from feet -> Make it extra slippery -> Practice 'skating' by generating substance from feet as move -> Practice be able to remove solution left behind -> etc -> etc

Having clear goals in mind and ways to achieve them is needed for us to accomplish anything with our magic since it is inherently conceptual.
In my mind if we want a simple quick and clean offensive combat option we can develop a Water/Soap firehose spell with a simple process of:
  1. Figure out how to create a stream of water from our hands.
  2. Add soap to that water.
  3. Figure out how to increase water pressure to Riot Water cannon levels.
I feel obligated to remind you of this:

Having clear goals in mind and ways to achieve them is needed for us to accomplish anything with our magic since it is inherently conceptual.
Yes, but my complaint is that some times the clear goals and ways to achieve them just seem to be wind up as phrasing the sentence with the word 'clean'. And then just assuming that we'll be able to fill in the blanks later.
And even if we don't - the storyline of your guild going dark, fighting the change, the internal dynamics shifting and making the decision of drawing the line to walk away would be interesting as well.

Probably wouldn't be the only one either. I have no clue what Jose was thinking when he decided to do it, there was no way he could get away with it. Even if his attack had succeeded, Gildarts would have still been around and it might have even prompted Warrod to come down on them.
I know not on the table and I am rooting for Phantom Lord as noted bofore but... Sylph Labyrinth is an intresting tresure hunter guild (atleast in concept) with past connections to the older generation of Fairy Tail. Plus a guild full of holder mages and just normies with artefacts (not that bad as Mystogan was S class just with his staffs) would be a neat place to atleast wisit.
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005: Express Delivery
[X][Quest] Of course, this was a chance like no other!

005: Express Delivery
- - - - -

"Ticket please."

"Ah." you rustle around in your satchel for a bit, eventually pulling out a small scrap of paper. "Here you go."

The ticket collector squints at the ticket you had just handed him. He grunts in confirmation as he passes a bit of ethernano through it, a deep purple hue quickly spreading across the ticket (showing that it had been used) before handing it back to you.

"Everything checks out. Have a pleasant trip," he says with a polite nod, then moving further down the train compartment.

"You too," you say after him, before turning around to stare back out the window. The scenery speeds by that you barely have time to register anything, only noting rolling green hills covered in dense forest, the occasional house or farm breaking the dull green monotony.

While the seats are comfortable and the cabin is clean, you can't help but feel a bit bored. The train is pretty empty today, with only one other person occupying your cabin. You can bearly make out what they look like, they're wearing so many layers of clothing. And to make things worse, they're sleeping, cutting off that avenue of passing time before it even began. A quick glance at an overhead clock reveals that there are still at least five hours left to go on the trip. And this was just the first of three trips.

A small whimper emanates from you. "I'm gonna dieeeeeee."

What do you do during the downtime on the rails?
[][Rails] Go find and bother a train official. Maybe they need something cleaned?
[][Rails] 'Accidentally' wake up the other passenger. You need a conversation partner.
[][Rails] You had picked up a magazine from somewhere. Read it. (Choose 2 sections)
- [][Rails]
Super Scary Magical Beasts of Earthland.
- [][Rails] Magical Items You'll Never Be Able To Afford!
- [][Rails] Legendary Mages of Our Time.
- [][Rails] The Five Wizards You Absolutely Want to Be Your Boyfriend.
- [][Rails] So you want to be an S-Class Wizard!
[][Rails] Just go to sleep or something.

- - - - -

Standing right around the corner from the Mermaid Heel guildhall, you stare at your reflection in a convenient fountain. "All right. Deep breaths. You can do this." You frown, the reflection mirroring your movements. "Just don't throw up."

Squaring your shoulder, you turn around and march around the corner. An imposing stone wall blocks much of the view, hiding most of The Mermaid Heel guildhall's majestic beauty from sight.

Slowly walking up to the imposing wrought iron gate that serves as the entrance to the Mermaid Heel territory, you give a nervous confident smile to the gate guard. The massive and scary looking spear strapped to her back is pointedly ignored.

The guard, a beautiful woman with flowing multicolored pink and purple hair all the way down to her back, notices your approach quite quickly. She smiles a grin full of pearly white teeth as you near, bending down slightly to be more at your eye level. "Hey there. Are you looking to get into Mermaid Heel?"

"O-Oh no actually. I'm here to deliver a package to Master Anna!" You reach into your satchel and pull out one of the three parcels that had been given to you, showing it to the woman. "It's from Madame Monique."

Reaching out to take the offered package, the woman looks it over with a critical eye. "Hmm… the master did mention something about a package coming soonish."

[ 1d100 + 5(Female) + 10(As intimidating as a kitten) = 58 ] #What does she do?
DC 30: Pass.

She looks up to you, handing the package back. "...Come on into the garden. I'll go find the master for you."

"Thank you!"

"No problem," she says casually, placing her palm on a flat stone embedded in the wall. The stone flashes white for a second, and then the gate swings open. "If anyone bothers you, just tell them that Adira let you in."

You nod in understanding, "Sure."

- - - - -

You sit on a plain stone bench, swinging your feet as you stare at the blooming flowers. Adira had dropped you off here, before going off to find Master Anna, saying that she would be back soon.

Mermaid Heel really was as pretty as everyone said it was. The gigantic stone wall that surrounded the area had hidden the magnificent garden from view, full of all sorts of plants and flowers. Roses the color of pure white snow grew next to a patch of vividly multicolored lilies. Yet even that paled in comparison to the large tree, leaves the color of pure gold, which was growing right behind the bench you were sitting on.

But taking up most of the space wasn't the garden, but the gigantic wooden mansion that served as the Mermaid Heel guildhall. Just exuding luxury, you could see many people moving here and there from the open windows.

You sit, just enjoying the pleasant view and fragrant flowers. As you wait...

[][Wait] Adira returns to chat, saying that the master would be out soon.
[][Wait] A girl jumps out of one of the mansion windows, shiftily making her way towards one of the walls.
[][Wait] An elderly woman wanders into view, tending flowers as she goes.
[][Wait] You notice a black-haired girl somewhere around your age, methodically swinging a wooden katana in a small clearing.

- - - - -
Short post this time, though the next one is probably going to be way longer.

I'm thinking that after this 'delivery quest' prologue finishes, and you've met all the masters, there'll be a vote to see if/which guild you join. After that a series of timeskips, I have to see.
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[X][Rails] You had picked up a magazine from somewhere. Read it.
- [X][Rails]
Magical Items You'll Never Be Able To Afford!
- [X][Rails] The Five Wizards You Absolutely Want to Be Your Boyfriend.

[X][Wait] A girl jumps out of one of the mansion windows, shiftily making her way towards one of the walls.
[X][Rails] Go find and bother a train official. Maybe they need something cleaned?
We're the girl who will clean the heavens! Let's practice when we can!

[X][Wait] An elderly woman wanders into view, tending flowers as she goes.
We're a young girl beginning her magica career/ journey, maybe she has some advice?
[X][Rails] Go find and bother a train official. Maybe they need something cleaned?
[X][Wait] An elderly woman wanders into view, tending flowers as she goes.

If Agnes had not been chosen to be polite, I would have considered waking the other person; but doing so would be rude, so it feels weird for her to do so.
No real preference for the Wait-part, though I like Lotus' reasoning.