[X][Quest] Of course, this was a chance like no other!

So far, the idea is to proceed as follows: Sliding -> Broom-based Flight -> Dirt Sight / Shields -> Sturdier Tools
(after putting thought into it, I actually prefer to get Dirt Sight first because the Shield will take a bit)
Actually, we might already have an avenue for a serviceable shield. Do you know why soap water cleans better than normal water? The soap lowers water's surface tension, making it "wetter". This means the water can more easily break down and say, soak into fabric. High surface tension on the other hand makes the surface harder to break. Bugs for example can walk on water due to their lack of weight and water's high surface tension (we might be able to do that too!). So, since we can make water more "soft" maybe we could learn to make it "hard" too (quick googling seems to imply that salt does the opposite of soap here), creating barriers. Put a bubble around our self, harden it and bam, a shield. We might also be able to make more solid bubbles in the air that we can use as footholds for 3d maneuvering, though that will take speed.
So I'm a bit confused about certain groups being around. I thought Kagura and 4Dog guild only came to prominence after Fairy Tail S ranks vanished.
I guess this is the problem with the timeline by backstory retcon method?
Isnt she little bit too young to be really noteworthy ? Looking at wiki she is supposed to be 8 at the moment.
Some things have been switched around. While personalities and jazz will be more or less the same, powerlevels/ages/important events might be altered a bit. Both to keep you on your toes and to fix the mess that is Earthland.

Could you be a little more specific, Saturday? I take that having a better foundation to branch out from means that knowing related magic makes learning advanced versions of said spell easier. Like learning how to create soap bubbles before learning how to make them durable or hold things inside them. However, I don't quite understand what "having a clear way to proceed" means. Do we need to describe exactly how we plan to practice to get a bonus?
I assume this is the idea, so I put some thought into what we have so far. Basically, if we can give Agnes a stepping stone, she does not need to rely on dice (or the QM's imagination) as much to get things going.
Yeah Naron basically hit the nail on the head. Since I already gave away most of the process behind it, I'll use the example of creating a 'skating' ability.

Just saying 'attempt to use magic to move around faster' is pretty vague. Getting from point A to B to C will require some massive jumps of logic, and as a result, will have pretty high DCs. On the other hand, listing out...
  • Can generate solution from hands -> Can create from feet -> Make it extra slippery -> Practice 'skating' by generating substance from feet as move -> Practice be able to remove solution left behind -> etc -> etc
...Will make things a decent amount easier, as there is already a good way to proceed.
[X][Quest] Of course, this was a chance like no other!

Yes this is perfect! Glad getting info on the different guilds was thought of, that worked out really well! I really like how Agnes stuck around in different lines for hours, very nice in highlighting that 'stubborn' personality trait of ours.
So we need to be more specific about training? We can do that!

Oh, I watched craftsdwarf's fairytail analysis and—yeah, wow, he was spot on! I could never articulate why the series started feeling so empty, but he really nailed it. He ripped Mashima a new one, which was great. Thanks for the rec @Saturday!
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How about we try emitting it from our hands and sliding forwards on our belly first. That way we can get used to how much solvent we need to create and how quickly we need to make it in order to retain our forward momentum. Afterwards, we'll try it with our feet in short bursts, so we can practice keeping our balance. Finally, after we've gotten pretty good at that, we can do the real deal.
Hm... It is an idea that might work, but that might make a single success be a little less impactful than it is supposed to be. I will keep it in mind for the next training vote though.
Actually, we might already have an avenue for a serviceable shield. Do you know why soap water cleans better than normal water? The soap lowers water's surface tension, making it "wetter". This means the water can more easily break down and say, soak into fabric. High surface tension on the other hand makes the surface harder to break. Bugs for example can walk on water due to their lack of weight and water's high surface tension (we might be able to do that too!). So, since we can make water more "soft" maybe we could learn to make it "hard" too (quick googling seems to imply that salt does the opposite of soap here), creating barriers. Put a bubble around our self, harden it and bam, a shield. We might also be able to make more solid bubbles in the air that we can use as footholds for 3d maneuvering, though that will take speed.
Oh, that is neat; makes things easier, too. Good catch!

And while I am at it, let's take a quick look at the Guilds.

Fairy Tail
"Fairy Tail is known for being a bunch of rowdy bast- maniacs, always shouting about how they are forever reaching for their 'fairy tail', whatever that means. They do a pretty mixed bag of quest types, though collateral damage is a norm no matter the type."

"How are they not declared a Dark Guild then? Or at least kept on a shorter lease?" you ask.

"Cause they're pretty popular for the twin reasons of civilian injuries being somehow kept to a zero and because they have a reputation for taking jobs pro bono if the reason is good enough. The people love them and their craziness, though sometimes they get do on the Magic Council's nerves."
So basically, same as in canon. The lovable weirdo of the Guilds and probably the most liked by the general populace. Strong contender mainly because they are the eponymous Guild and because they do all kinds of Quests... though I feel that the collateral damage really does not fit Agnes. Collateral damage is the exact opposite of what she would want, so she would either be an atypical member or get in trouble due to potential teammates destroying places she was meaning to clean up.

Phantom Lord
"Phantom Lord is famous for completing their jobs with maximum efficiency, though they sometimes give off some godda- dang creepy vibes. There are some real powerhouses there. The guildmaster is said to be kind but a bit overbearing at times. Oh, and Phantom Lord butts heads with Fairy Tail often, though that has quieted down a bit recently.
Great efficiency and creepiness; the former fits Agnes rather well, considering how she goes about her cleaning so far. Honestly tempting to me because they are FT's rival and being there might allow to prevent their destruction or their turning into a Dark Guild. Additionally, I have hopes that them being fleshed out means they become more than arc villains who never really show up again (aside from Juvia). Would probably have the most interaction with Fairy Tail outside of FT due to their rivalry.

Lamia Scale
Lamia Scale is well known for having Iron Rock Jura, one of the Ten Wizard Saints," he says, pointing to the third symbol. "A pretty mellow group, they seem to be a bit more focused on research than anything else. They are also pretty newbie friendly, having senior members help out younger ones often."
Less than the previous two, but I do like this one as well; the description promises nice senior-junior interaction with older members and from what I remember, Lamia Scale's members are generally rather relaxed. Agnes might be pretty happy there, seeing how she is likely more suited to non-combat missions. Curious what exactly research means... maybe that regards practice of magic and working on their own styles? If so, this might be a good place for Agnes to get better at her Cleaning Magic, faster than FT and PL above.

Actually, from the sound of it, this seems to be a decent balance between magic improvement and money/experience influx.

Mermaid Heel
"Mermaid Heel is a bit of an interesting one. All-female, they're notoriously close-lipped about their dealings, especially to those of the opposite sex. In fact, it's said that a man has never stepped into the deeper areas of the guild hall! All we really know is that there are some really fu- freaking strong people there, not to mention that new up and comer White Ribbon Kagura."
...eh. I may be biased because I am mainly following Magical Girl Quests for a while now, but I would prefer to not have a mostly female cast here. Which it would be if Agnes joined a Guild consisting only of women. I would prefer to have a diverse cast... plus, this here does not give any actually individual vibes aside from "girls only" and some hint at maybe having secrets in the Guild.

Blue Pegasus
"Blue Pegasus is another kinda weird one," Barry says, pointing to the fifth symbol. "It has a reputation for being filled with gorgeous gals and handsome guys, though you really can't doubt their strength. They do a lot of protection and fighting quests, with research on the side. They seem to be slowing their roll a bit right now, taking the time to recruit more people instead of doing high-level quests."
Protection and fighting, huh. Not really Agnes' focus right now and I would prefer not to go where she has little other options than doing combat-oriented quests without time to practice. Though it sounds like we could go here if we wanted to branch out into some kind of combat magic already.

But no, does not feel like a strong contender to me. The potential of Ichiya's presence makes it even less so... yes, I may be a little bit biased there.

Quatro Cerberus
"And then there's Quatro Cerberus. Started by a former member of Fairy Tail, they seem to act like a weird mix between a wizard guild and a treasure hunting guild. I've heard rumors of some crazy rare magic equipment having been discovered recently, but as of right now they're just that. Rumors."
Nothing concrete aside from some elusive connection to Fairy Tail and maybe a focus on archeology or tech. Also treasure hunting, which would be interesting to Agnes; I imagine Cleaning magic being crazy useful in ancient ruins (all the traps are dirty by now, etc.)

Uh, well. There are points in favour of each one, though I see the first three noted ones being the strongest contenders.

Hm. I guess when ranking them, I would put Lamia Scale as my top choice right now; a bit more easygoing and familial, with potentially more chances of practicing and also the option to get help from more experienced members. With Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord at about the same level on second place because both should have interesting opportunities and interactions.
And Juvia! I forgot when she joins, but I feel like she and Agnes would have some fun interactions.

...I didn't start the day thinking I'd be won over for Phantom Lord, but it really does seem like a fun option.

And hey, if they ever do become a Dark Guild or start something, that just gives Agnes interesting dilemmas down the line.
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...I didn't start the day thinking I'd be won over for Phantom Lord, but it really does seem like a fun option.

I'm leaning that way as well atm. The contrast and rivalry with Fairy Tail would be intetesting. I'd be fine with any of the listed guilds though, I don't think any of them would be a bad choice.
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Nice to see people supporting that idea. I'm down for joining Phantom Lords on the basis of being part of a future dark guild. Maybe we could change some stuff in the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord War that may or may not happen. Interact with Gajeel and Juvia.
So I find this interesting and will be following, as such might I propose a rough plan for making a magical attack.

Concept: Basically trying to recreate a washing machine effect, with the enemy essentially being caught in a water spout of soap and foam (and a bit of water) that spins them to the point where they can't move anymore and leaves them/their clothes perfectly cleaned. Can also be used to clean large amounts of clothes in one go, although the hanging and drying need to be done by hand.

  1. Project Soap/Foam/Water from our hands.
  2. Increase the volume/pressure until it's enough to knock some down or up into the air (at this point it gains some combat utility as a direct attack. Can also be used as water jets for jumping, although that might need some practice of it's own).
  3. Figure out how to cause the Soap/Foam/Water to spin creating the tornado effect.
  4. Increase speed of spin and water pressure until desired effect is achieved.
Also one major thing, all of our battles should leave the battlefield cleaner than when we started and if we use the slip&slide movement option we should leave a trail of clean ground in our wake.
Also one major thing, all of our battles should leave the battlefield cleaner than when we started and if we use the slip&slide movement option we should leave a trail of clean ground in our wake.

I'm imagining this in an outdoors fight and us cleaning the ground away and making a giant pit :V
I know that's not what you meant but still...
Also, depending on where we go with our magic, we might also be able to make a complimentary drying attack using the same idea.
With out specialization in cleaning, we would be phenomenal at cleaning up our messes and leave no traces of ourselves behind.
...We can legit be an Janitor-Assassin-Mage.
With out specialization in cleaning, we would be phenomenal at cleaning up our messes and leave no traces of ourselves behind.
...We can legit be an Janitor-Assassin-Mage.
So we would become a Cleaner then? In that case, we really would become the (female) Fairy Tail version of Kenny Omega. :V
[X][Quest] Of course, this was a chance like no other!

On the magic side, I think we could work on the acid's quantity(deluge of acid), delivery(acid gun, tentacle, or far spawn), potency(hot enough to burn, cold enough to freeze, and acidic enough to make anything it touches ignite), and make it smarter so it only affects what we want(dirt, bacteria, poison, ugly clothes, criminals, idiots, etc.).
Just found this............ How and why was cleaning magic chosen?

[X][Quest] Of course, this was a chance like no other!
Aw, shoot I just realized we missed another avenue in our starter magic. The ability to gather dirt and grime from an object with touch would have been a great starter for learning to wash off magical effects and curses! One of the main reasons I wanted cleaning magic!

Just found this............ How and why was cleaning magic chosen?
There was a write-in option with only the limitation "not OP". Somebody suggested Cleaning theme and it caught on. Might have helped by some people that began speculating it's exotic uses beside the obvious. Or that it was just different.