Also, I'll be honest, I REALLY don't want the thread to do what nearly every other Gamer Quests wind up doing, IE hording points, because those points almost never get spent.
I read literally every single one (I lost count after 54 gamer quests) and this only happens in most gamer quests not all of them. The ones that it doesn't happen in all change the rules from canon.
In canon it is an actual plot point for jeehan to figure out that spending points is bad, he should train points in everything, except for one or two stats which he should train first and then spend points on exclusively (int is his stat of choice, with a few wis boosting when needed to live). And even then he keeps massive amount of points in reserve unspent.
Him figuring it out gives him multiple wisdom increases, has his power explicitly tell him that he made smart decisions (which is commented on by him and others), and provides him a significant overall power increase by gaming his own system. The system not only encourages it mechanically, it literally rewards him with wisdom for figuring it out and tells him he is right
Some QMs dislike that, a few just grouse about it but leave the canon system in and are unhappy with their player's doing the smart thing.
but most who dislike it actually change the canon system so it is no longer so overwhelmingly in favor of hoarding
Changes I have seen are:
1. The cap for stat point grinding is your current level, and the difficulty of grinding does not go up with spending points - actually from a fanfic
2. The cap for stat point grinding is called "base stat" and spending points increases said base stat. (aka, you have 7 base +7 grinded strength, you cannot grind strength further unless you raise the base amount with levelup points.) - star wars quest where all force users are gamers
3. Point grinded are tallied separately from points raised via levels. Level raising has no effect on point grinding difficulty. - multiple quests
If you ask us to, I will still vote to spend the points even though it is objectively bad. But I recommend you alter the rules to change the canon "trick" that jee han figures out so that the system no longer punishes us for spending points.
Also, I highly strongly recommend that you make it so that the party system does not give others a full copy of the gamer power while they are in the party. In every quest that does that the gamer becomes the trainer and spends most of his time training other people. Seeing their own stats is fine, but eating books and fast learning and developing skills and the like are bad idea. In addition it is particularly bad in quests where the QM has to start keeping a dozen spreadsheets for the various minions we are power leveling.