Gamehammer 40K(Warhammer 40K/The Gamer)

So, here is my question.

Which would let us, a man with magic powers that will eventually make us one of the strongest beings in the universe, both do the most good and effect the most positive change?

Cause, I'm thinking the Guard, becoming a famous leader of millions would let us do more then being a spy but, you know, I could be wrong. I'm not exactly super knowledgeable on WH40K.

What does everyone think of my question?

I don't want to save them for a nebulous future point, i want to save them for a certain future point.

The next conflict we have.

The next time we are in a fight to the death or something similar where lives are on the line we spend all the points.

This way we can spend the points as appropriate to the situation and we get further time training at lower stat levels.

So, yeah, next conflict is when I think we should spend the stats.

Is that alright with you?

I don't understand why you want to save up the points for some future conflict when gm has already said that spending points now won't negatively impact our progression. Also, we might nit fet a chance to fiddle with our points before the next conflict as we could be thrown into the fray unexpectedly. I dont wait until the boss battle to assign points in video games and thus I'm not going to do so here. Hoarding points could also cost us plenty of opportunities as our benefactors can see that we aren't ready for certain missions or for command yet. Or we don't notice certain clues because we didn't bother to put points into INT or WIS.

Basically what I'm trying to say is I don't want to cripple our character in the immediate term for some hopeful future payoff.
...I'm stupid. Forgot that WP was a thing of it's own and not just Willpower, which I imagine falls under Wisdom?

Damn you Dark Heresy! Getting me all confused and shit!
Those gamer horde point is for good reason.

There are some one advocate to spend point in magic,then Gm throw magic immunity foe at them,when spend point at vit then Gm throw speedster enemy at player etc.

The horde or save point mentality com eform the emergency plan to face sudden enemy,it's kind of trailor your characther to fight the current enemy in particular.
Also, I'll be honest, I REALLY don't want the thread to do what nearly every other Gamer Quests wind up doing, IE hording points, because those points almost never get spent.
I read literally every single one (I lost count after 54 gamer quests) and this only happens in most gamer quests not all of them. The ones that it doesn't happen in all change the rules from canon.

In canon it is an actual plot point for jeehan to figure out that spending points is bad, he should train points in everything, except for one or two stats which he should train first and then spend points on exclusively (int is his stat of choice, with a few wis boosting when needed to live). And even then he keeps massive amount of points in reserve unspent.

Him figuring it out gives him multiple wisdom increases, has his power explicitly tell him that he made smart decisions (which is commented on by him and others), and provides him a significant overall power increase by gaming his own system. The system not only encourages it mechanically, it literally rewards him with wisdom for figuring it out and tells him he is right

Some QMs dislike that, a few just grouse about it but leave the canon system in and are unhappy with their player's doing the smart thing.
but most who dislike it actually change the canon system so it is no longer so overwhelmingly in favor of hoarding

Changes I have seen are:
1. The cap for stat point grinding is your current level, and the difficulty of grinding does not go up with spending points - actually from a fanfic
2. The cap for stat point grinding is called "base stat" and spending points increases said base stat. (aka, you have 7 base +7 grinded strength, you cannot grind strength further unless you raise the base amount with levelup points.) - star wars quest where all force users are gamers
3. Point grinded are tallied separately from points raised via levels. Level raising has no effect on point grinding difficulty. - multiple quests

If you ask us to, I will still vote to spend the points even though it is objectively bad. But I recommend you alter the rules to change the canon "trick" that jee han figures out so that the system no longer punishes us for spending points.

Also, I highly strongly recommend that you make it so that the party system does not give others a full copy of the gamer power while they are in the party. In every quest that does that the gamer becomes the trainer and spends most of his time training other people. Seeing their own stats is fine, but eating books and fast learning and developing skills and the like are bad idea. In addition it is particularly bad in quests where the QM has to start keeping a dozen spreadsheets for the various minions we are power leveling.
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I don't understand why you want to save up the points for some future conflict when gm has already said that spending points now won't negatively impact our progression. Also, we might nit fet a chance to fiddle with our points before the next conflict as we could be thrown into the fray unexpectedly. I dont wait until the boss battle to assign points in video games and thus I'm not going to do so here. Hoarding points could also cost us plenty of opportunities as our benefactors can see that we aren't ready for certain missions or for command yet. Or we don't notice certain clues because we didn't bother to put points into INT or WIS.

Basically what I'm trying to say is I don't want to cripple our character in the immediate term for some hopeful future payoff.
Meh, already sorta gave up on that.

GM wants us to spend points, it doesn't exactly take much to convince me to spend them. Basically just 3 minutes of thinking.

Still want to discuss the Imperial Guard/Inquistor thing though.
[X] Boggs(Inquisition)

[X] How do you spend your points?
-[X] Raise everything to 20 then put last point into Strength
I specifically asked for confirmation, because that doesn't make much sense to me. Jacob has yet to respond.

That's because the thread is moving suprisingly fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Whacha need confirmation on, exactly?

What would we even do with strength? Like, is it useful for using bigger guns and heavier armor, or am I missing something?

What's the difference between DEX and WP?

Oh, yeah, does WIS help prevent corruption?

STR is useful for melee, unarmed, lifting things, ect.

WP is willpower. DEX is dexterity.

WIS doesn't help all that much with corruption unless you get it really high. Otherwise WP is the anti-corruption stat.

If you ask us to, I will still vote to spend the points even though it is objectively bad. But I recommend you alter the rules to change the canon "trick" that jee han figures out so that the system no longer punishes us for spending points.

I already did that. Raising stats via leveling doesn't affect how difficult it is to train them.

What does Willpower even do?

Like, sure, messes with corruption and I'm sure it helps with mind control if that's a thing and resisting torture but, you know, aside from that. Does it have any direct effects in battle?
Those gamer horde point is for good reason.

There are some one advocate to spend point in magic,then Gm throw magic immunity foe at them,when spend point at vit then Gm throw speedster enemy at player etc.

The horde or save point mentality com eform the emergency plan to face sudden enemy,it's kind of trailor your characther to fight the current enemy in particular.

GM can throw an ork at you that takes off your head with his cleaver because you were too slow to dodge. If you had spent some points into DEX earlier, you would have dodged but since you decided to hoard them therefore keeping yourself weak and slow you are now dead before you get a chance to spend points.
So, here is my question.

Which would let us, a man with magic powers that will eventually make us one of the strongest beings in the universe, both do the most good and effect the most positive change?

Cause, I'm thinking the Guard, becoming a famous leader of millions would let us do more then being a spy but, you know, I could be wrong. I'm not exactly super knowledgeable on WH40K.

What does everyone think of my question?
I am honestly not sure. I think you might be right.

I already did that. Raising stats via leveling doesn't affect how difficult it is to train them.
Oh, in that case it was just a matter of communication. in such a case there is no reason at all to hoard points.
... question, how did you do it? i am not seeing a separate record of which is our base and which is our increased stat on the char sheet
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@ward201 I would recomm
So, here is my question.

Which would let us, a man with magic powers that will eventually make us one of the strongest beings in the universe, both do the most good and effect the most positive change?

Cause, I'm thinking the Guard, becoming a famous leader of millions would let us do more then being a spy but, you know, I could be wrong. I'm not exactly super knowledgeable on WH40K.

What does everyone think of my question?

I don't want to save them for a nebulous future point, i want to save them for a certain future point.

The next conflict we have.

The next time we are in a fight to the death or something similar where lives are on the line we spend all the points.

This way we can spend the points as appropriate to the situation and we get further time training at lower stat levels.

So, yeah, next conflict is when I think we should spend the stats.

Is that alright with you?
The Inquisition are more than spies. They are those who judge everyone and everything, inside and outside the Imperium, and bring down their righteous fury. If they believe there is a big enough doubt, and they are well placed, they can go all the way to the Highlords of Terra. Only the Emperor and his personal guard are free from the all-seeing eye that is the Imperium.
Still want to discuss the Imperial Guard/Inquistor thing though.
I want Inquisitor because it allows us more access to items of a heretical or technoheretical nature, and though it focuses on small party work in the short term, that benefits us better and we're still capable of working on the large scale later on.

Inquisitor Ranks basically mean you start off as a low level investigator sent off on semi-suicide missions with a party that you'll be sticking with for years. Any team we get stuck with are going to be our best buds and allies, and they'll be the ones we have the absolute most chance of getting to believe us when we say that all of our bullshit is Emperor approved, no really. Team that we can get to help us with all the weird shit we'll be getting up to, access to all kinds of unusual and exotic technologies and information, possibility for advancement to become an Inquisitor ourself - which basically gives us free reign to do whatever the fuck we want, legal-wise - guaranteed battle with lots of elite and powerful enemies without being forced into endless, grinding, soul-crushing wars too often.
That's because the thread is moving suprisingly fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Whacha need confirmation on, exactly?
I understand, I needed -
I already did that. Raising stats via leveling doesn't affect how difficult it is to train them.

Weird, but okay.

In that case, changing my Stats vote.

[X] Boggs(Inquisition)
[X] 30 to WP, 10 to Vit, 10 to Int.

Willpower is very important considering, y'know, all kinds of mind warping bullshit and it gives us an early leg up on anything weird our Sorcery studies might try to do to us. Int is important because being smarter is always a good thing, I do want to eventually get into technology and technoheresy stuff, and it also helps with Sorcery. Vit is important because we need to not die.
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In that case, changing my Stats vote.

[X] 30 to WP, 10 to Vit, 10 to Int.
The way vote tally software works is that it only counts your last post, you need to copy paste your entire vote and then change the part you want changed. at the moment you are voting for stats but not for inquisition vs guard
I read literally every single one (I lost count after 54 gamer quests) and this only happens in most gamer quests not all of them. The ones that it doesn't happen in all change the rules from canon.

In canon it is an actual plot point for jeehan to figure out that spending points is bad, he should train points in everything, except for one or two stats which he should train first and then spend points on exclusively (int is his stat of choice, with a few wis boosting when needed to live). And even then he keeps massive amount of points in reserve unspent.

Him figuring it out gives him multiple wisdom increases, has his power explicitly tell him that he made smart decisions (which is commented on by him and others), and provides him a significant overall power increase by gaming his own system. The system not only encourages it mechanically, it literally rewards him with wisdom for figuring it out and tells him he is right

Some QMs dislike that, a few just grouse about it but leave the canon system in and are unhappy with their player's doing the smart thing.
but most who dislike it actually change the canon system so it is no longer so overwhelmingly in favor of hoarding

Changes I have seen are:
1. The cap for stat point grinding is your current level, and the difficulty of grinding does not go up with spending points - actually from a fanfic
2. The cap for stat point grinding is called "base stat" and spending points increases said base stat. (aka, you have 7 base +7 grinded strength, you cannot grind strength further unless you raise the base amount with levelup points.) - star wars quest where all force users are gamers
3. Point grinded are tallied separately from points raised via levels. Level raising has no effect on point grinding difficulty. - multiple quests

If you ask us to, I will still vote to spend the points even though it is objectively bad. But I recommend you alter the rules to change the canon "trick" that jee han figures out so that the system no longer punishes us for spending points.

Also, I highly strongly recommend that you make it so that the party system does not give others a full copy of the gamer power while they are in the party. In every quest that does that the gamer becomes the trainer and spends most of his time training other people. Seeing their own stats is fine, but eating books and fast learning and developing skills and the like are bad idea. In addition it is particularly bad in quests where the QM has to start keeping a dozen spreadsheets for the various minions we are power leveling.
What fanfic is 1. from? Just curious!
GM can throw an ork at you that takes off your head with his cleaver because you were too slow to dodge. If you had spent some points into DEX earlier, you would have dodged but since you decided to hoard them therefore keeping yourself weak and slow you are now dead before you get a chance to spend points.
Yeah that the point iof my agruement,when play long enough Gm can not continue the quest without throwing something like that in the game and player revolt,game stop afterward.
STR-How much you can lift, along with providing a bonus to melee damage, among other things
DEX- Yer to-hit calculator. Also provides a (very) slight ranged weapon damage, among other things
VIT- How healthy you are. Increases HP/HP Regen and resistance to most physical status effects, as well as increasing how long you can work without getting tired, among other things
INT- How smart you are. Increases MP and skill EXP gain, among other things
WP- Your willpower. The higher it is, the more easily you resist mental effects, corruption and psychic powers. If you were a Psyker yourself, which you aren't, this stat would also determine how powerful you are.
WIS- How WISE you are. Increases MP Regen, aids decision making, and improves your ability to interact with others, among other things
LUCK-Luck. I've explained this one already. Higher levels=better loot, better encounters, ect.

Of course, the milestone bonus's(25, 50, 100, ect) for each vary.

We may as well spend the points if it won't impact the natural progression of stats (although I am concerned at how he is going about it currently), and given the above with the milestones and the fact that the perks they give get better at higher increments it's IMO better to focus them still. Of the list of stats, the one I'm most interested in is wisdom currently given it aids decision making and social interaction which are vital and can rapidly lead to gains in other areas or unlocking better paths of advancement. Wisdom is also hard to improve in general, but with the system the game will apparently be operating under being able to make better decisions should improve it's advancement. The rest of the points go into intelligence as I want to join the inquisition.

I'm not overly concerned about our physical stats at the moment unless the author is just gonna shove us into another war zone for an organization we know nothing about which is certainly sketchy story wise.

[X] Boggs(Inquisition)
[X] How do you spend your points?
-[X] Raise Wisdom to 50, and Intelligence to 20.

Are we going to get a list of perk points to pick from as well?
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hmmm, still only 100HP even though we are level 23. i take it levels don't increase our HP here? That makes vit a lot more valuable than in most gamer quests

also, what does dex do?
Presumably it's liked, speed and weapon skill.
It's usually something along those lines.

I want Inquisitor because it allows us more access to items of a heretical or technoheretical nature, and though it focuses on small party work in the short term, that benefits us better and we're still capable of working on the large scale later on.

Inquisitor Ranks basically mean you start off as a low level investigator sent off on semi-suicide missions with a party that you'll be sticking with for years. Any team we get stuck with are going to be our best buds and allies, and they'll be the ones we have the absolute most chance of getting to believe us when we say that all of our bullshit is Emperor approved, no really. Team that we can get to help us with all the weird shit we'll be getting up to, access to all kinds of unusual and exotic technologies and information, possibility for advancement to become an Inquisitor ourself - which basically gives us free reign to do whatever the fuck we want, legal-wise - guaranteed battle with lots of elite and powerful enemies without being forced into endless, grinding, soul-crushing wars too often.
See, I think we'd do great in the war thing and think it would let us most quickly make a huge diffence, quickly getting to the point where we can decide the fate of a war, but I can understand where you are coming from and can't say you'r wrong.

[X] 30 to WP, 10 to Vit, 10 to Int.

Willpower is very important considering, y'know, all kinds of mind warping bullshit and it gives us an early leg up on anything weird our Sorcery studies might try to do to us. Int is important because being smarter is always a good thing, I do want to eventually get into technology and technoheresy stuff, and it also helps with Sorcery. Vit is important because we need to not die.
I'm thinking WP, Vit, and either Dex or Strength.

We really need something that will help us directly in combat and while I'm sure eventually we will be able to translate Int into damage at the moment we can't.

It just seems super important considering we are almost doubtlessly going to be facing super deadly enemies fairly soonish.
What does Willpower even do?

Like, sure, messes with corruption and I'm sure it helps with mind control if that's a thing and resisting torture but, you know, aside from that. Does it have any direct effects in battle?

It's basically the 'resist warpstuff' stat, as well as making it easier for you to pass fear checks. Has a couple other uses too, but that'd be spoilers.

also, what does dex do?

Ranged aim+slight damage increase. Also increases Crit chance, though at a lower rate than Luck.

Are we going to get a list of perk points to pick from as well?

After this vote, yeah.
[X] Knock(Imperial Guard)
[X] How do you spend your points?
-[X] Everything into Dex

The inquisition is for life and closes a lot of doors for us, we can always join it later after we do a tour in the imperial guard. Also we will fight a lot more often in the guard which means more levels and more quests. Personally I want to try and join an organicus world of the mechanicus later on, so we can augment ourselves to pseudo astartes level

Ranged aim+slight damage increase. Also increases Crit chance, though at a lower rate than Luck.
no dodge? no move speed?
what improves dodge and move speed?
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So, thinking it over and looking at this

STR-How much you can lift, along with providing a bonus to melee damage, among other things
DEX- Yer to-hit calculator. Also provides a (very) slight ranged weapon damage, among other things
VIT- How healthy you are. Increases HP/HP Regen and resistance to most physical status effects, as well as increasing how long you can work without getting tired, among other things
INT- How smart you are. Increases MP and skill EXP gain, among other things
WP- Your willpower. The higher it is, the more easily you resist mental effects, corruption and psychic powers. If you were a Psyker yourself, which you aren't, this stat would also determine how powerful you are.
WIS- How WISE you are. Increases MP Regen, aids decision making, and improves your ability to interact with others, among other things
LUCK-Luck. I've explained this one already. Higher levels=better loot, better encounters, ect.

I figure we want to avoid corruption, improve decision making and ability to make friends, make us harder to kill, and improve ability to do damage.


[X] Knock(Imperial Guard)
[x] Quarter of points into WP, Wis, Vit, and Dex respectively.