FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

@CoreBrute I don't see it happening later than the end of the victorian steampunk age. I think it could also be placed in a more ancient time. However, I think that the prevalence of wiring in Geneforge prevents it from being placed to far back. The lack of gunpowder could be explained away as unneeded. They already have what are effectively biological machine guns in geneforge. I think the best time to place it would probably be towards the end of the elemental era. I could also see it placed towards the end of the disney era or in the Victorian steampunk era.

@Doctor Invictus

Your post reminded me of more stories I could help with that are less western. I wish I could help more with book stories. But most of my book reading is either biographies, historical fiction, fanfiction, or mythology of real life religions. Although I could start listing historical fiction stories we could add. But I don't think it would actually change much in the setting. A lot of them are also kind of tome like. I do read a decent amount of xianxia and wuxia so I could probably a good list of those we could add in. A journey to the west is probably out based on the mythology restrictions. Similar reasons could be stretched to exclude the water margin. Although I think it would be pretty cool to see either of those included regardless. There is also some of Fyodor dostevesky's work. However, a decent chunk of his writings probably violate the mythology restrictions. Although Crime and punishment does not there is nothing fantastic about it though. I also skimmed through the thread again and was surprised to see we have not covered lord of the rings yet.

The legend of the five rings
Romance of the three kingdoms
water margin
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@CoreBrute I don't see it happening later than the end of the victorian steampunk age. I think it could also be placed in a more ancient time. However, I think that the prevalence of wiring in Geneforge prevents it from being placed to far back. The lack of gunpowder could be explained away as unneeded. They already have what are effectively biological machine guns in geneforge. I think the best time to place it would probably be towards the end of the elemental era. I could also see it placed towards the end of the disney era or in the Victorian steampunk era.
Ok, I put it early in the Victorian Era. I agree, Victorian era gunpowder is probably less reliable than biological magical machine guns anyway. I wasn't sure what ending you wanted, so I kept it vague, let me know if you want to change anything: Fusionverse The events at Sucia Island
So where do we want to put The Lord of the Rings series? I think we will probably have to place it on another planet but I don't know if you have any other ideas.

Also, I started replaying the last geneforge game with my brother recently and I have been able to check out some more of the endings. But then I realized that most of the endings are just variants of three main endings with a slightly different balance of power. I already told you about the tracklovite ending. But the more generic ending that is the end for more routes is the astoria forces the rebellion and the shapers to make peace and they both get a certain amount of territory where things follow their rules and geneforges are banned again. Although not all methods of self-shaping are banned in rebel territory. I think that ending or the tracklovite ending is probably the most fitting. Another thing I realized is that the white council probably would not like those who use domination type spells on creations. mental disorientation spells are super common in the geneforge series they don't have mind reading though. I think that probably goes afoul of the white councils laws as well.

I don't think we need to do much more with the geneforge series now.

Another interesting game is the King of Dragon pass game. It is set in the world of glorantha witch is inspired by norse and slavic myth. It does not feature any real world gods or religious figures. I am unsure of how much useful content we can get out of it though.
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So where do we want to put The Lord of the Rings series? I think we will probably have to place it on another planet but I don't know if you have any other ideas.
Well according the JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings happened on Earth and ended about 6000 years BC, with the world going through the different ages, and having just entered the 4th age around 1958. So let's just go with that? We can say the different ages from Lord of the Rings radically altered the world, changing the amount of magic and the variety of sentient species that might be born or die out.

In fact this whole ages thing could be why Tamriel suddenly showed up-the amount of magic suddenly increased, allowing Tamriel to come into being. Either because a dreamer was suddenly granted the power to make it, or because the line between the dream world/Fade and reality became super thin in this new Age, thus allowing Tamriel to cross over.

Another interesting game is the King of Dragon pass game. It is set in the world of glorantha witch is inspired by norse and slavic myth. It does not feature any real world gods or religious figures. I am unsure of how much useful content we can get out of it though.
Anything or anyone specific you want from that game in this setting? I've never played it.
The most notable event is the Dragonkill War in dragons pass. The Orlanthi people used to be the allies of the dragons and with their help forged an empire refered to as the wyrms friends. Eventually the dragons accused the Orlanthi of a crime against them which they denied. Then the dragons betrayed the Orlanthi. Then several human nations became fearful and decided to invade the land of dragon pass so they could kill the dragons. The dragons slaughtered everyone who invaded. The Orlanthi began to lose power over time after this event. Eventually many of them became refugees and fled to dragons pass out of desperation. The Orlanthi have two principle values. First that no one can make you do something you don't want to do. Second, that no man can live alone.

I like CoreBrutes idea for the lord of the rings.
The most notable event is the Dragonkill War in dragons pass. The Orlanthi people used to be the allies of the dragons and with their help forged an empire refered to as the wyrms friends. Eventually the dragons accused the Orlanthi of a crime against them which they denied. Then the dragons betrayed the Orlanthi. Then several human nations became fearful and decided to invade the land of dragon pass so they could kill the dragons. The dragons slaughtered everyone who invaded. The Orlanthi began to lose power over time after this event. Eventually many of them became refugees and fled to dragons pass out of desperation. The Orlanthi have two principle values. First that no one can make you do something you don't want to do. Second, that no man can live alone.
Given the game is in an iron age setting, it shouldn't be too hard to put it in somewhere in ancient history. It works with the idea that dragons left Tamriel to hide in the normal world (because Tamriel dragons are mostly dicks). What happened to the dragons anyway? It sounds like they stopped living in dragon pass, because otherwise why would the Orlanthi refugees go there and expect to be safe?
Given the game is in an iron age setting, it shouldn't be too hard to put it in somewhere in ancient history. It works with the idea that dragons left Tamriel to hide in the normal world (because Tamriel dragons are mostly dicks). What happened to the dragons anyway? It sounds like they stopped living in dragon pass, because otherwise why would the Orlanthi refugees go there and expect to be safe?
They are still in dragon pass but few of the dragons in game are the same dragons as the ones from the dragonkill war. I am unsure why the refuges thought they would be safe. I think the first ones where just so desperate that they were willing to chance it. After the first refugees did not all die to dragons more refugees flooded in once they thought it was safe.
So I have skimmed this thread for a bit, and I like the premise of this project. But one thing that keeps bothering me a bit is the fact that a lot of fictional works directly contradict each other. And I don't mean things like Harry Potter's magic system vs Avatar for example. But more from a pure historical point of view. So shows like Legend of Galactic Heroes might be able to be combined with Star Wars stories, but it would be impossible to do so with Star Trek or Futurama with clear established timeline of events. I get the idea that you guys will adapt many origin stories together so that it makes sense, but how would it work exactly for stories that take place in the distant future? In the case where two are two distinct timelines, do you guys just copy paste or do you have to change them? I think one possible solution for this is to set up an ultimate "Crisis on Earth" type of scenario at some point in the 21st century, so that parallel universes can be developed from this singularity point?? I get that we are trying to combine all the canons into one cohesive universe, but I think you can only combine so many before it starts to not making any sense at all.

Another thing I noticed is that the canons chosen here are primarily western fictions plus some manga and anime stuff, which is totally fine, but I do think we are missing out on some other fantastic stories from around the world like the Three Body Problem by Liu CiXin. Finally, I also feel like there is a lack of book stories (Like The Wheel of Time or The Foundation series by Asimov)? I understand that it is easier to focus more on character-based stories, but it would be great if you guys can balance it out a bit.

Anyway, these are my thoughts and I don't know if I am able to contribute to this project. Let me know.

I've seen you in the Users Viewing for a while. Thanks for pitching in!

As I've reiterated, the objective is not for every fictional verse to make it in intact, but AS intact as possible. Sacrifices will have to be made, but hopefully they will be "We need to borrow elements from this" rather than "We can't put this verse in at all." There is one timeline and one dimension and one universe, as far as our core story is concerned. Alternate timelines/dimensions/universes will be alluded to where necessary, but will not be shown, nor central to the narrative.

I'm not terribly familiar with Chinese fiction, but I am absolutely open to all that exists out there, if there exists someone to adapt it into the Fusionverse for us. If you know the Three Body Problem well enough, please supply us with your input. As for books, I've nothing against them, but there are few I know well enough to integrate. I've read a few pages of Foundation, but that's it. All books are provisionally welcome.
Thanks for responding to my thoughts. You really clarified a lot on the whole canon integration thing. It does make a lot of sense to slightly change the origin stories or other elements in order to fit them together because otherwise it would be nearly impossible to continue this project. I can help with some foreign fictions that I know of, but I don't know how would you integrate the "East" world with the "West" world considering how different they are in terms of culture, customs, philosophy and so on. Plus, there is a whole other set of stories in East Asia completely separated from Europe So I think the Disney Era needs to be more than just Disney movies? Like I know this is way too early to even discuss, but I would personally call it the "Fantasy Era" so that it would be more generalized?? Anyway the name is not too important, but I think it needs to be renamed later on. Because I assume that most fantasy stories like Lord of the Rings will or the Wheel of Time will happen in the Disney Era?
As for the character-based stories, I mean stories that contain characters who define the series as a whole, like spiderman or batman or Harry Potter. They are who drive the main plots forward. But there are other stories in which the story itself is more important than the main character, like mystery-solving stories where major events happen to a character who can be replaced by other fictional characters and it wouldn't make too much of a difference. This would not work with Sherlock Holmes for example because the whole series is defined by Sherlock. Does that make sense to you?

Unfortunately I personally don't know much about wuxia, but I agree that it would be cool to integrate some traditional chinese stories or stories from other countries if we can. I know that there is the whole restriction on deities and other things, but can we pick certain characters from these stories like Sun WuKong? If we can, then which origin story do we choose? the one from the original story or from Dragon Ball? I personally think the original story might be better considering how different it is from other "heroes", but the dragon ball origin would be a lot easier to integrate in my opinion.

Also I don't know if you guys watched The Wandering Earth, it is based on a chinese sci-fi short story where basically humanity has built massive engines on the surface of Earth in order to move to another solar system because the Sun was cooling down or something. I think we could potentially set this up right before the Apocalypse Now era, but instead of Earth, humanity will move Mars (or an artificial planet) away (Mars already has a human colony if I remember correctly?)because Earth would be about to be infested with nuclear breakouts or zombies and other things because of the Sun anomaly. And after centuries, they return to Earth because Sun has become stable again and thus begins the Plus Ultra Era?

Personally, I can help with 12 monkeys, Ultraman series, Doctor Who, legend of galactic heroes, Harry Potter and other lores to name a few. I don't much about Marvel or DC, but I can follow your discussions. Really excited about this project and I hope we can create something marvelous together. Maybe even a fan-made cartoon series based on this someday if we can.
I can help with some foreign fictions that I know of, but I don't know how would you integrate the "East" world with the "West" world considering how different they are in terms of culture, customs, philosophy and so on. Plus, there is a whole other set of stories in East Asia completely separated from Europe

This would not work with Sherlock Holmes for example because the whole series is defined by Sherlock. Does that make sense to you?

I know that there is the whole restriction on deities and other things, but can we pick certain characters from these stories like Sun WuKong? If we can, then which origin story do we choose? the one from the original story or from Dragon Ball? I personally think the original story might be better considering how different it is from other "heroes", but the dragon ball origin would be a lot easier to integrate in my opinion.

Personally, I can help with 12 monkeys, Ultraman series, Doctor Who, legend of galactic heroes, Harry Potter and other lores to name a few. I don't much about Marvel or DC, but I can follow your discussions. Really excited about this project and I hope we can create something marvelous together. Maybe even a fan-made cartoon series based on this someday if we can.

Well, I think the key is not for them to be separate. The "East World" isn't going to be isolated from the rest of the continuity. But there will be conflicts of interest. Places where wuxia rules apply more than western systems, and vice versa. We'll just have to play that by ear.

I totally understand what you mean about certain stories being defined by one character. I've decided early on that this isn't a Superman story, it's not a Mario or a Naruto story, it's a world they all inhabit. Either the main character will be an OC, or there won't really be a MAIN main. There will have to be characters the story is focused more on, but I'll endeavor to make them pretty diverse. Some from DC, some from Marvel, some Nintendo, some anime, etc.

Sun Wukong actually looks safe. He's from a 16th century novel. However, he does interact with existing characters from before, so the Journey To the West won't be included wholesale. We'll have to adapt how he fits, and for the sake of avoiding confusion, Sun Wukong from RWBY probably won't be included. Goku is distinct enough. We can even call him Kakarot or Kakarotto, if need be.

12 monkeys, Ultraman series, Doctor Who, and legend of galactic heroes, are not things I know much about. So I'd love to hear what you've got. I also think you should chat up CoreBrute about Ultraman and Harry Potter, as you share those interests.
Sun Wukong actually looks safe. He's from a 16th century novel. However, he does interact with existing characters from before, so the Journey To the West won't be included wholesale. We'll have to adapt how he fits, and for the sake of avoiding confusion, Sun Wukong from RWBY probably won't be included. Goku is distinct enough. We can even call him Kakarot or Kakarotto, if need be.

12 monkeys, Ultraman series, Doctor Who, and legend of galactic heroes, are not things I know much about. So I'd love to hear what you've got. I also think you should chat up CoreBrute about Ultraman and Harry Potter, as you share those interests.

So I understand that time travel is also kind of restricted (for now?), therefore 12 monkeys and doctor who can be left aside for the moment. As for ultraman, one thing that I do think it's fascinating is its timeline. The origin story is basically that there was a specie just like humans (or at least extremely similar) who lived in Nebula M78, it was an advanced and prosperous civilization. But one day, an experiment went wrong (I will need to verify this) and all the people ended up absorbing the "light" energy and thus evolving into ultraman. They have traveled across the universe to explore new stuff and protect the weaks from the hostiles. One thing that might be complicated to integrate is its multiverse system. As of today, ultraman series has one "canon" universe and several other parallel universes with different forms of ultraman. So I don't know how we can fit all these parallel universes into one storyline. But I do think that ultraman needs to be present across eras in order for it to make sense? Another point to consider is how mecha fictions can easily fit in with the ultraman series. Like for example Gundam are humans' response in order to defend themselves against kaiju? I don't know enough of Gundam and maybe someone else can help me with this.
So I understand that time travel is also kind of restricted (for now?), therefore 12 monkeys and doctor who can be left aside for the moment. As for ultraman, one thing that I do think it's fascinating is its timeline. The origin story is basically that there was a specie just like humans (or at least extremely similar) who lived in Nebula M78, it was an advanced and prosperous civilization. But one day, an experiment went wrong (I will need to verify this) and all the people ended up absorbing the "light" energy and thus evolving into ultraman. They have traveled across the universe to explore new stuff and protect the weaks from the hostiles. One thing that might be complicated to integrate is its multiverse system. As of today, ultraman series has one "canon" universe and several other parallel universes with different forms of ultraman. So I don't know how we can fit all these parallel universes into one storyline. But I do think that ultraman needs to be present across eras in order for it to make sense? Another point to consider is how mecha fictions can easily fit in with the ultraman series. Like for example Gundam are humans' response in order to defend themselves against kaiju? I don't know enough of Gundam and maybe someone else can help me with this.
I think the standard way we have been dealing with settings with multiple universes is picking one of the and integrating it. Although I suspect that if multiple dimensions was essential to the plot of a series then 5elementsage might handle it differently.

I read the wikipedia article and a few reviews of the Three Body Problem by Liu CiXin. It intrigued me enough that I think I might try to read this next year. So thank you for sharing it with me. According to the information I got from wikipedia, it describes humanities response to an impending alien invasion. The timeline for that story involves a 350 year time for the invasion to arive to earth that starts sometime after the Chinese cultural revolution. The long time frame is due to the invaders using slower than light travel. If we adopted that stories time frame it would have to take place after where we place star trek. We could potentially shorten the time frame between when the message was given and the invasion starts. Thematically I think that it might fit to have the invasion in apocalypses now. However, I am unsure if that would allow the story to work due to having never read it.
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Thanks for responding to my thoughts. You really clarified a lot on the whole canon integration thing. It does make a lot of sense to slightly change the origin stories or other elements in order to fit them together because otherwise it would be nearly impossible to continue this project. I can help with some foreign fictions that I know of, but I don't know how would you integrate the "East" world with the "West" world considering how different they are in terms of culture, customs, philosophy and so on. Plus, there is a whole other set of stories in East Asia completely separated from Europe So I think the Disney Era needs to be more than just Disney movies? Like I know this is way too early to even discuss, but I would personally call it the "Fantasy Era" so that it would be more generalized?? Anyway the name is not too important, but I think it needs to be renamed later on. Because I assume that most fantasy stories like Lord of the Rings will or the Wheel of Time will happen in the Disney Era?
As for the character-based stories, I mean stories that contain characters who define the series as a whole, like spiderman or batman or Harry Potter. They are who drive the main plots forward. But there are other stories in which the story itself is more important than the main character, like mystery-solving stories where major events happen to a character who can be replaced by other fictional characters and it wouldn't make too much of a difference. This would not work with Sherlock Holmes for example because the whole series is defined by Sherlock. Does that make sense to you?
I don't see why we can't integrate the East and West world, given the two are integrated in real life, but we can always examine on a case by case basis.

The Disney Era was just a placeholder name, as were all the era names. I changed it to Legends and Fantasy Era. Lord of the Rings has been placed there in the timeline. I haven't read wheel of time, so just let me know when you want to put it and I'll slot it in.

I think the book stories are almost preferable, given that means less characters to add but it also means there's room for other characters to play the roles of those book stories.
Also I don't know if you guys watched The Wandering Earth, it is based on a chinese sci-fi short story where basically humanity has built massive engines on the surface of Earth in order to move to another solar system because the Sun was cooling down or something. I think we could potentially set this up right before the Apocalypse Now era, but instead of Earth, humanity will move Mars (or an artificial planet) away (Mars already has a human colony if I remember correctly?)because Earth would be about to be infested with nuclear breakouts or zombies and other things because of the Sun anomaly. And after centuries, they return to Earth because Sun has become stable again and thus begins the Plus Ultra Era?
That makes a lot of sense if Mars was moved. The people of Mars was at war with Mars for at least the 20th to early 21st century, I could definitely seeing the peace out once Earth got too Apocalypse heavy.
Personally, I can help with 12 monkeys, Ultraman series, Doctor Who, legend of galactic heroes, Harry Potter and other lores to name a few. I don't much about Marvel or DC, but I can follow your discussions. Really excited about this project and I hope we can create something marvelous together. Maybe even a fan-made cartoon series based on this someday if we can.
If we could do it without getting sued into oblivion, that would be the dream. ;)

Well, I think the key is not for them to be separate. The "East World" isn't going to be isolated from the rest of the continuity. But there will be conflicts of interest. Places where wuxia rules apply more than western systems, and vice versa. We'll just have to play that by ear.
I thought your magic system included Wuxia stuff? You incorporated some of my Kinds of Magic post right (also could you threadmark that please?) including the bit about Cultivators? The ones who combine external magic with their internal magic and combine them in their bodies. This is basically how most Wuxia stuff is explained, by cultivating the Qi/Chi inside oneself with the stuff in the external world. So we don't need different parts of the world where the rules of magic are different, we can just say these are different styles and cultivation is more popular in Eastern regions.

As for ultraman, one thing that I do think it's fascinating is its timeline. The origin story is basically that there was a specie just like humans (or at least extremely similar) who lived in Nebula M78, it was an advanced and prosperous civilization. But one day, an experiment went wrong (I will need to verify this) and all the people ended up absorbing the "light" energy and thus evolving into ultraman. They have traveled across the universe to explore new stuff and protect the weaks from the hostiles. One thing that might be complicated to integrate is its multiverse system. As of today, ultraman series has one "canon" universe and several other parallel universes with different forms of ultraman. So I don't know how we can fit all these parallel universes into one storyline. But I do think that ultraman needs to be present across eras in order for it to make sense? Another point to consider is how mecha fictions can easily fit in with the ultraman series. Like for example Gundam are humans' response in order to defend themselves against kaiju? I don't know enough of Gundam and maybe someone else can help me with this.

Regarding Ultraman my exposure is mostly the new Netflix version that incorporates elements from all the Ultraman shows. That's what I used in my Ultraman write-up, so let me know what you think.

Regarding Gundamn I actually had a kind of history for mechs planned out. This is just an initial draft and I am happy to change things.
1) First mechs that really appeared were the Martian walkers used in the War for the Worlds. The left over materials from that war were used to start designing our own robotic weapons. (Early 19th Century)
2) Inspired by Ultraman fighting off Godzilla and other giant monsters, the mech designs were based on a humanoid form. (1970s or so)
3) Early mech designs were the Kataphrakts from Aldnoah.Zero which were used for peacekeeping purposes, until the war with Mars' mechs in the late 20th century, when they were forced to be used for war.
4) After peace, Martians and Earthlings traded material and designs with each other, which were used for the Pacific Rim project, dealing with rise of Kaiju shortly before and during the apocalypse. (Period from Cyberpunk era, until the start of Plus Ultra)
5) These designs (both Martian and Earth) would be used later on in the late Plus Ultra Age/Alien Wars to create Gundams.

So basically, mechs exist, but Gundams don't properly come around until 22nd to 24th century. As for Gurren Lagaan, I think that should either be apocalypse period or far, far in the future, after Earth is abandoned.

How does that sound to people?
I like your mech timeline CoreBrute.

I had the impression that we were shooting for a piece of online written fiction or maybe a webcomic. If we were going to make a decent cartoon we would need to have animators. I don't know if we do yet because noone has brought forth that idea yet.
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This is the first time someone has talked about animating something, as far as I know @5elementsage was just planning to do some kind of written fiction.

Thanks about the mech timeline! Now if we could only get the Mars War thing sorted out and figure out how many times Earth and Mars have gone to war and when that would be great. :whistle:
To address everyone's thoughts about where this project is going, the possibility is still there that this may have to be shut down in the future. It's a very cumbersome project, and aside from using a site like Fanfiction.net, odds are we'd get a C&D from some company. But if we do end up getting it "finished" as much as possible, then my going plan would be to write it as a series of short stories or novellas. I don't have the skills or wherewithal to make a webcomic and especially not an animation. BUT...

But but but...

If someone else would be willing, I would absolutely sign on to help with writing and coordinating, in any way that I can. I'm no animator and my art is shit, but there are plenty of jobs I could do.
To address everyone's thoughts about where this project is going, the possibility is still there that this may have to be shut down in the future. It's a very cumbersome project, and aside from using a site like Fanfiction.net, odds are we'd get a C&D from some company. But if we do end up getting it "finished" as much as possible, then my going plan would be to write it as a series of short stories or novellas. I don't have the skills or wherewithal to make a webcomic and especially not an animation. BUT...
Could always do Royal Road or Wattpad. So just putting up a story with copyrighted characters isn't a problem, as long as you aren't profiting from it. Wattpad actually paid someone to turn their popular Harry Styles fanfiction into an original story with original names, and that's being made into (or has already been made into) a movie. So in that case, after playing around with the world and writing in it, you can change the names to non-copyright infringing ones and make a brand new world. George R Martin did that with the rpg he played with his writer friends to make Wild Cards.

What do you want to do next on the docket?
Royal Road is a pretty good platform for a story like this. When go to read multi-cross stories I usually either go here to SV or to Royal Road.

On the animation topic, I am a pretty bad animator but I can animate. I think I could contribute to a 2d animation if someone else lead it. But I don't think I want to lead any efforts to make one. I can also do okay art, but it can take me a while sometimes. I am a better colorist than I am a character inker, because my lines can get messy. I don't really have enough time to dedicate to intense work on a bigger project like this. But If this gets anywhere by next summer I might be able to work on something more then.
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Regarding the Wuxia aspect, I was mostly operating off of the rules from Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Bleach. Proper Wuxia hasn't really been integrated in a formal sense. I don't have a strong enough grasp of the material, having not watched many mystical movies growing up. Maybe someone else here has?
Regarding the Wuxia aspect, I was mostly operating off of the rules from Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Bleach. Proper Wuxia hasn't really been integrated in a formal sense. I don't have a strong enough grasp of the material, having not watched many mystical movies growing up. Maybe someone else here has?

Same here, I have never touched anything related to wuxia for some reason.

Apart from that, what are the things that we need to discuss now? I think that we can start working on the "Disney Era" now that we have a vague idea of what is going on.
I don't remember puss and boots being worked on yet. So here is some brainstorming on it.

There are two main puss and boots tales. The dreamworks movie and the traditional one.

The dreamworks movie takes place in the Spanish western america. I presume that it probably take place in California. The time period is probably in either the late 1700's or mid 1800's. This is also the same time period that Zorro probably happened in so we could potentially see crossover elements between the two. The basic plot is an orphan cat becomes the town hero and is awarded boots. His friend causes him to become a criminal. So he flees. He eventually gets involved in a scheme to steal the goose that lays the golden eggs from the castle at the top of a magic beanstalk.

The Traditional tale has a lot of small variations. The basic story is a millers third son inherits his fathers cat. The cat is intelligent and offers to give him his wildest dreams if he only can get boots. When the cat gets boot he gets the ability to transform into a human. So then the cat starts poaching and sending the poached animals as gifts to the king while pretending that he is a servant of the marquis of Carabbas. He then learns that the king is about to travel so he convinces his master to strip naked in a river in the route and pretend to have been robbed. Then He has his master pose as the marquis of Carabbas in the court. There he helps him woo the princess and begins to spread rumors that he has a fine stable of Arabian horses and a castle of a thousand rooms. The princess falls in love. However, the king insists on seeing the marquis domain to ensure that he is a suitable match for his daughter. The cat asks to head out a day before to ensure the castle is ready and a feast is prepared. He heads to lands of an evil Ogre/shapeshifter. On the way he ensures that the peasants are instructed to tell anyone who asks that the land is owned by the marquis of carabbas. He convinces them by telling them that the ogre had been given that title. He rides to the castle and informs the gatekeepers that he has good news for the ogre. He flatters the ogre and informs him that he had been named the marquis of Carabbas and was now a noble. He continued to flatter him and asked him to show off what magnificent creatures he could transform into. The ogre asked for a celebration feast to be prepared. After much flattery, Puss asked the ogre if he could turn into mouse. Because a truly great shapeshifter could transform into both the mightiest and smallest animals. When the ogre turned to a mouse, Puss in boots turned into a cat and ate him. Then the king arrived, the feast was eaten, they were married, and they lived happily ever after.

The time for the traditional one could be placed anywhere from the 1000's up to the mid 1700's and work out.

The issue of how to deal with multiple stories that share the same name is a interesting one. Here I handle them as completely distinct stories. But, I wonder if we should generalize it. We could integrate the base myths behind many of the Disney movies separately if we wanted to. For example, We could have the snow queen be a part of the fusionverse in addition to frozen. Or we could have a separate beast who had done nothing wrong and was cursed by a malicious witch instead.

Are we planning on adding the Lego knights/castles plotline to the legoverse?

I think that to keep things a bit more organized I might add new series that I think of to an earlier post and just mention whenever I add stuff to it. I realized that sometimes I forget that I have already suggested a series and almost suggest them again. I also think that some of the series that only add a small amount are more useful now because we can add them to the timeline if we want to. If we decide to go that route, I would not mind adding minor easy to integrate series to the timeline if CoreBrute is okay with it. If they are, then I can make a world navil account to help over there too.

Learning to live with orcs:
A small story about an anthropologist being invited to study a people on thew other side of a portal in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. He is given the assignment to study a tribe of orcs. Except the orcs are different than any other I have seen before. The other world is not in a separate rather it is another planet that astronomers are able to identify on the other side of the galaxy. The portal is always open but often goes under water on one or both sides. Which means that it is only usable on a periodic pattern. Early British colonists of america sailed through the portal and established a colony that still considers the King George to be their king. Particularly because a king who does nothing is the best kind. It has interesting moral dilemmas for the protagonist. The other planet has drakes of animal intelligence, dwarfs, elf's, and have dragon armies.
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I don't remember puss and boots being worked on yet. So here is some brainstorming on it.

There are two main puss and boots tales. The dreamworks movie and the traditional one.

The dreamworks movie takes place in the Spanish western america. I presume that it probably take place in California. The time period is probably in either the late 1700's or mid 1800's. This is also the same time period that Zorro probably happened in so we could potentially see crossover elements between the two. The basic plot is an orphan cat becomes the town hero and is awarded boots. His friend causes him to become a criminal. So he flees. He eventually gets involved in a scheme to steal the goose that lays the golden eggs from the castle at the top of a magic beanstalk.

The Traditional tale has a lot of small variations. The basic story is a millers third son inherits his fathers cat. The cat is intelligent and offers to give him his wildest dreams if he only can get boots. When the cat gets boot he gets the ability to transform into a human. So then the cat starts poaching and sending the poached animals as gifts to the king while pretending that he is a servant of the marquis of Carabbas. He then learns that the king is about to travel so he convinces his master to strip naked in a river in the route and pretend to have been robbed. Then He has his master pose as the marquis of Carabbas in the court. There he helps him woo the princess and begins to spread rumors that he has a fine stable of Arabian horses and a castle of a thousand rooms. The princess falls in love. However, the king insists on seeing the marquis domain to ensure that he is a suitable match for his daughter. The cat asks to head out a day before to ensure the castle is ready and a feast is prepared. He heads to lands of an evil Ogre/shapeshifter. On the way he ensures that the peasants are instructed to tell anyone who asks that the land is owned by the marquis of carabbas. He convinces them by telling them that the ogre had been given that title. He rides to the castle and informs the gatekeepers that he has good news for the ogre. He flatters the ogre and informs him that he had been named the marquis of Carabbas and was now a noble. He continued to flatter him and asked him to show off what magnificent creatures he could transform into. The ogre asked for a celebration feast to be prepared. After much flattery, Puss asked the ogre if he could turn into mouse. Because a truly great shapeshifter could transform into both the mightiest and smallest animals. When the ogre turned to a mouse, Puss in boots turned into a cat and ate him. Then the king arrived, the feast was eaten, they were married, and they lived happily ever after.

The time for the traditional one could be placed anywhere from the 1000's up to the mid 1700's and work out.

Hmm, should we have one, or the other?

But yeah having both could work. The early version could have been a spirit animal, or a spirit that took the shape of an animal, or just a magical animal, there's loads of those in legend, like the Kitsune of Japan, Selkies from Scottish Mythology, or The Vanara Hanuman of Hindu Mythology.

The latter Puss in Boots could have been an escapee from Dr Moreau's island, as an attempt at giving animals human like qualities, who took his name from the magical Puss in Boots from legends. We might need to play around with the exact timelines so we can get the Island experiments and the Puss in Boots to line up (Dr Moreau's experiments were sometime in the 1800s), but we certainly could do it.
The issue of how to deal with multiple stories that share the same name is a interesting one. Here I handle them as completely distinct stories. But, I wonder if we should generalize it. We could integrate the base myths behind many of the Disney movies separately if we wanted to. For example, We could have the snow queen be a part of the fusionverse in addition to frozen. Or we could have a separate beast who had done nothing wrong and was cursed by a malicious witch instead.
For things that happen so distantly in the past, I came up with the idea My History Book is a Storybook with tweaks. Basically the Disney/Brother Grimm stories are based on real events, but what actually happened is lost to time. So there are points that are exaggerated, or false. For example, did the Step Sisters from Cinderalla cut off their toes to fit into the glass slippers or not? Did Ariel live happily ever after or did she get turned into sea foam? Just like real history, we have a general idea when the stories/events took place but the specifics are lost to us due to retellings. I say keep it vague if it's unclear. Remember, a lot of history was recorded orally, which means some variations can occur.
Are we planning on adding the Lego knights/castles plotline to the legoverse?
Damn that's right. Lego. How do we want to do that? Do we go with Lego Movie logic and say they all happen in a dream reality, powered by the hope and imagination of a kid? Do we say it's real somehow?

I don't know anything of Lego Knights/Castles, so I'm fairly easy going on this.
I think that to keep things a bit more organized I might add new series that I think of to an earlier post and just mention whenever I add stuff to it. I realized that sometimes I forget that I have already suggested a series and almost suggest them again. I also think that some of the series that only add a small amount are more useful now because we can add them to the timeline if we want to. If we decide to go that route, I would not mind adding minor easy to integrate series to the timeline if CoreBrute is okay with it. If they are, then I can make a world navil account to help over there too.
I don't think there is a way for me to allow extra authors on my world anvil timeline but I will double check. If you have stuff you want to add, write it up and tag me in the post, or PM it to me, so I can put it in.
The latter Puss in Boots could have been an escapee from Dr Moreau's island, as an attempt at giving animals human like qualities, who took his name from the magical Puss in Boots from legends. We might need to play around with the exact timelines so we can get the Island experiments and the Puss in Boots to line up (Dr Moreau's experiments were sometime in the 1800s), but we certainly could do it.

Damn that's right. Lego. How do we want to do that? Do we go with Lego Movie logic and say they all happen in a dream reality, powered by the hope and imagination of a kid? Do we say it's real somehow?

I don't know anything of Lego Knights/Castles, so I'm fairly easy going on this.

Well if we said that Dr. Moreau's experiments happened between 1800 and 1810, that could work. Puss's story probably needs to at least get started before 1821 because that is when the Mexican war of independence starts. We could have Puss's father and/or mother be an escapee from doctor Moreau around the 1810's then puss could be born around 1812-1816. The events of the movie would probably be about 3 years after puss's birth. Putting them at around 1815 to 1819. This assumes animal lifespans close to the lifespan of our animals, rather than human lifespan animals.

Well, the basic idea of Lego knights is that the king died through treachery and the kingdom is overcome by an evil wizard. Then color coded knights of supernatural skill and strength who were loyal to the king try to rescue/protect the remnants of the royal family before the can be thrown into a volcano by the wizard to get more magical power. They also have magic artifacts which were given to them for loyal service by the last king which the wizard wants. The try and fail to protect one of the princesses that the wizard did not have captured at the beginning. The red knight tries to rescue her without enough planning and gets captured the other knights have to save them both before they are dropped into a volcano. Each Knight has individual quests and cooperative efforts with the other knights. They had a series of like 50 video games and mini-episodes they hosted on their website that detailed most of the plot. There are few other bad guys besides the wizard. Though he is the main one. Unfortunately, I have had difficulties actually acquiring the sets that whet along with the games. The games were also taken down from their website a few years ago. It reminds me a little bit of power rangers without mechs. The story could be placed in the lego movie dreamland. It also seems to to me like we could place in the legends fantasy era easily. A third option I see is to make the wizard an alien wizard and make the knights into proto-power rangers.
Proto power rangers is a neat idea, much like the mystic knights of tir Na Nog. The thing is, are they literal Legos? Or are the Lego movies/games just retelling the stories of actual magical knights, like how you have Lego versions of star wars or DC superheroes?

Edit: we don't need to make the evil wizard an alien. Power rangers have fought demons and other magical enemies before. Wild Force enemy was basically a magical human who became so obsessed with demons he impersonated one. So precedent exists.
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