So essentially we need to not take the immediate out here by having Aeva step down?
If we did not immediately capitulate, how exactly would Priit interpret that?
Also are we still seeing things throug Aevas lens or through Priit?
As for Stone Age law I assume you are referring to the mesoamerican civilizations?
Would choosing the precedent option or the fact that she is an Ember Eyes and thus an adult qualify as a way to get said megaproject?
Depends on which option you argue.
Depends on which option you argue. You will see from Priit eventually. I am tempted to bump him up so that you see his perspective.
I was referring to the Inca, Maya, Mississippian Mound Builders, West Coast Longhouse Builders, and Haudenosaunee. There's some evidence that the Aztecs had access to copper so they technically don't count.
So this would essentially extend into next turn and give us more ways to shape our society?
Is there a chance Priit will object to this argument or will it simply evolve over time?
As I'm guessing each argument has more weight to it than the others l.
Priit has his own opinion on each of the possible arguments. Some go over better, some worse. Some won't convince him at all, but will play to people who are listening to the argument.
I don't see this added to the status page, so aside from the obvious, what exactly does this trait do?
The People recognize that even the most intimate and sacred of bonds may be severed. This is a difficult process and one often seldom undertaken, for who should break asunder that which was once one? So far, the People only recognize the cause of a woman's infidelity as grounds to initiate divorce. Children born of a union between man and woman are property of the husband's family, unless disowned.
Effects: Female promiscuity, bastardy stigmatized, children from divorce belong to their father's family
I thought for sure I included it.
How many People blamed the outcome of the Trial for how badly the war went?
Basically all of the warriors and nearly every resident of the Fingers. The reactions among the shaman and residents of Crystal Lake/Hill Guard is much more mixed, but generally disbeliving.
What exactly was it that led to the plummeting morale among the warriors?
Was it a combination of factors such as the outcome of Priit's trial, the length of the war, and fighting the Ivory Blooded Chief?
How badly did we roll here and what was the damage?
You rolled a 9 (69), the Peace Builders a 6 (61), and the Northlands rolled 54 (94).
It more or less finished gutting your warriors. You only have old men, boys to young to have fought, and a small, but solid core of the hardest, most vicious, and most murder-y killers left.
We should be able to use these summer dog sleds though in Northlands territory right?
With the outcome of the war as is, how much of an issue are the bandits currently?
Unless you get a Status for bandits or pirates, it's below my level of abstraction. Regain positive stability and the problem will go away.
So were those instances where we actually did pin down the Northlands forces just luck or something else?
Luck, before your turned The Hunt on them.
So this was your explanation for how we picked up Blood Brothers?
What exactly would you have used to justify us gaining the Peace Builders Hand or Fist value, especially as we would likely still be losing at this point?
Also, how much did it help us to pick up Blood Brothers at this moment in the war?
Picking up Hand or Fist would've been the result of the Peace Builder's warriors influencing you. It also would've emphasized that, maybe, you were in the wrong. You did kill the High Shaman of the Northlands with the Cave of Stars.
Blood Brothers only helped a bit. It negated some of the Martial loss that would've been bled off into bandits, but it only saved a fraction.
I can understand the increased social cohesion among elites, and the increased emphasis on our words alongside nepotism, but how does this trait increase generation of Heroes in defensive wars?
Brothers of my Blood increases the social ties binding the People together, turning oath-sworn family into family. It pushes people to help each other out, and thus apply their skills to the fullest. All 'Family' type traits have that effect.
So did we actually gain the Northlands version of Blood Brothers, as I don't think we actually got it out from the captured of what they swore or whatever, but instead just saw their example?
Also, it was mentioned in the leader board comment, but how important is it that we have a hardened core of warriors? Meaning, what effect will having these veterans give us?
Brothers of my Blood is the same for you and the Northlanders.
A hardened core of warriors is about 50% more effective than Elite warriors. The tiers go: Hunters -> Untrained Militia -> Militia -> Neolithic Warriors -> Proffesional Neolithic Warriors -> Elite Neolithic Warriors -> Hardened Neolithic Warriors. Elite Warriors give +20, Hardened gives +30.
Also, did our choice in putting so much power into the hands of the Big Men essentially make it so that we stuck Priit in this...exploitable and vague situation?
Would making Priit a debtor have allowed him to contribute to the war effort?
As a Debtor, Priit would've been made to fight to fulfill his Debts. It was technically a punishment, but nothing would've changed for him, realistically. It would've opened up Slave Soldiers if you kept it up.
I'm guessing if she tried to reverse the decision it would've led to Civil War?
No, it would've just stunk of nepotism and hypocrisy. It would've really alienated pretty much everyone who was in on the decision. Most would've resisted because it looked like her overreaching her authority.
So essentially he continued to hunt even though his take of the food became less and less, with every increase essentially putting him closer to starvation then?
Yes, he wanted to activate The Hunt against the invaders. He was the one that organized it and made it super effective.
So essentially, I'm guessing the Northlands forgot that our settlements were covered by impenetrable brick walls and when the remembered and came upon the Fingers, they figured that there was no way that they could've possibly raided the settlement and switched over to trying to thin the periphery correct?
The Ivory-Blooded Chief actually thought that all of the traders were lying to him. He had kicked your ass consistently for 10 years (with a further 10 years behind that) of war. He was underestimating you quite a bit by the end. He thought he might have been able to assault the Fingers anyway since your warriors were so bad.
How close was this battle here, and was the rolls for this separate from our overall rolls or were they part of the same? As it seems like more than one raid roll was used for this turn considering how everyone seems to have gotten bad results.
You rolled twice, thus turn: the Northlands
destroyed you on the first roll. Priit then Heroically Intervened and rolled up a 90 and 94, having a super-effective unveiling of The Hunt
and killing the Ivory-Blooded Chief. That allowed you to throw another round of rolls which got: 152 and 138 versus 82.
In terms of the Ivory-Blooded Chief, what exactly was his stature and that of his caribou? It was mentioned later that the size of the Northlanders was rather small, allowing them to ride their caribous, so how big was he exactly?
The Ivory-Blooded Chief was a
gigantic 5'2". The Caribou he rode was 5'0" at the shoulder and weighed about 400 pounds.
Also, it was mentioned that Priit had not one bonded dog, but instead a pack of them. How common was that among the Fangs and how hard was it to do?
Bonding to a pack is basically standard practice. Being able to lead them all in battle is exceptional. Most Fangs can't manage more than 2-3 at once; Priit can manage 5.
It really seemed like we decimated a lot of them this turn. How did the Northlands perceive the results of this battle?
Also how do the Peace Builders view this war, considering how badly they got mauled in it and how topsy turvy things went?
Oh, thank spirits, it's over!
Also, does that mean we can now research cavalry easier, and if so which action do we need to take to do so? Is it study travel, prize animals, or what?
Study Travel + Manage Hunting (Prize Animals) for Orker Cavalry
Study Travel + Manage Hunting (Herd Animals) for Moose or Caribou Cavalry
Orkers are hands down the best,
if you can manage to tame them.
What exactly was the Big Man of the Fingers doing this entire time? It seems like he spent more time tormenting Priit than he did prioritizing the war effort.
He was contributing to the war effort, just ineffectually. The Ivory-Blooded Chief was riding rings around him.
Also, how the People view Priit's ascension to Big Man, as while it could be argued, as I argued previously, that Priit was only acting in self-defense, he still did technically kill his direct predecessor to gain the position.
How will that shape things?
Might Makes Right.
I'm curious was Priit referring to the leaders of the Peace Builder's war party, or did their overall leader fight in this war for us?
The leader of the Peace Builders' war party.
Also, how are the Peace Builders governed?
Sacred Council (Ancient).
They're essentially ruled by a collection of shaman.
Why are the Peace Builders leaving anyway? Was it too many casualties, needs at home, them viewing us having the war well in hand?
Too many casualties and the think you've won.
Considering the fact that Kaspar was able to become another settlements Big Man by moving, could Priit have done so during his punishment and moved to say Hill Guard or Crystal Lake to receive a lighter punishment in terms of interpretation? Though I doubt he believes either of those Big Men would be any better.
If Priit left, the Big Man of the Fingers would've charged him with desertion. He would've demanded that Priit be turned over for execution (which Priit was pretty sure the voters would grant). His only real option was to abandon the People for the Mountain Clans. The Island Makers wouldn't have taken him, you were at war with the Northlands, and your relations were too good with the Pear Divers, Arrow Lake, and Peace Builders.
How did Priit assemble such an assortment of characters? I can understand everyone else, but where did the girl from the Northlands come in? Also are they his slate, or is he polygamous now?
Wow, seeing the damage dealt to us, do we have to make any conscious decisions to rebuild or will that be done, similar to how the Fingers were rebuilt all that long ago?
It will automatically rebuild. You're still decentralized enough and more technologically advanced than previously.
How do factions form in general? Do they always form due to strife or can they be for positive improvements that don't have consequences resulting in Civil War.
Factions generally spawn most often at negative Stability. They're a collection of people who essentially have either a major unfilled desire, have been ignored, or screwed over in recent times. Possible factions differ based on each group they spawn from. The People, for example, can spawn factions for each of their three settlements, Warriors, Shaman, and Longhouse Leaders.
So I'm guessing that due to the fact that we have too many laws, that are too vague and up to interpretations, that essentially the rank and file can't remember the laws or have contradictory interpretations?
So does the Lucky thing actually have any mechanical effect? I highly doubt their militia would stand up against our warriors or that of the Peace Builders or Island Makers right?
It's not mechanical. It's just a recognition that they roll awesome.
I think there may have been confusion regarding last turns choices. The fact that a good portion of us saw Priit as somewhat guilty due to the deaths, which we thought were from him directly killing the longhouse as it was portrayed had a good deal to do with that. Secondly, I think many of us were unsure what exactly would've happened in terms of Aeva choosing not to vote to convict. Such as if she voted not to convict, but the others did, would the option we chose for punishment still have gone through?
It depends on how Aeva didn't vote. If she allowed her lackey to stalemate the vote, Priit would've been very positively inclined to her. If she had her lackey abstain as well, he would've felt betrayed, but not likely have struck against Aeva. He would've done his best to avoid and ignore her.
How likely is it that we can revisit this choice again? Because as is it looks like we chose wrongly and put the cart before the horse when looking for progress.
You can't revisit choices, you just have to keep swimming upriver until you change things the had way.
What would've caused our collapse?
You would've fractured along the lines of Hill Guard/Crystal Lake and the Fingers. The former two would've gotten to the point where they simply refused to continue sending their young men to die. The Fingers either would've been overwhelmed and starved out, turned into the most vicious and violent group imaginable, or gained support from Arrow Lake or the Pearl Divers.
Hill Guard and Crystal Lake would've quickly become dominated by shaman.
Also it's implied that if we had made him a debtor it would not have led to our collapse, how so?
He would've been made to fight. It would've changed little for Priit, really. He would've paid off his Debt at a rate equivalent to a normal warrior's ration.
Vote is Opened!
How does Priit plan to end the war?
[ ] [Priit] With blood! (Raid: Northlands) (+1 Stability)
[ ] [Priit] With... eh, peace. (Trade: Northlands) (-1 Stability)
[ ] [Priit] In an informal truce. (Raise Warriors: Holy Orders)
[ ] [Priit] With a party! (Annual Festival)
How does Aeva respond to Priit's challenge?
[ ] [Aeva] Step down publicly. Aeva has enough experience to know who will replace her, she may rule through them. (Instantly resolves Faction Strife, +1 Legitimacy and +1 Stability)
[ ] [Aeva] Crush his faction with violence. (Current Chance of Victory Estimate: Very Small)
[ ] [Aeva] Paper Over the Cracks. (Build Temple: Crystal Lake 1/2)
[ ] [Aeva] Assert Privilege: Aeva was appointed to her position by Kaspar and she shares his divine blood. (???)
[ ] [Aeva] Rally Against Outsiders. (Raid: Northlands) (+1 Stability)
[ ] [Aeva] Ignore him. (???)
[ ] [Aeva] Claim the Case is different: Aeva's situation is
different from that of other childless women. (???)
[ ] [Aeva] Argue the Old Rules: Aeva is old enough to have been recognized as an adult before the Trials of Adulthood were implemented. (???)