From Stone to the Stars

Okay so if we get the temple as a reward would that count as 1/3? Otherwise we're likely to forget soon enough...dammit also need to get hills up and running so we don't lose those either...

It would count as 1/3.

You're not at risk of losing The Hill as an extended project, no matter how long you wait. It's simply packed earth and stone stacked on top of itself, it's too simple to really forget, especially when compared to a stone temple.

Actually, i might as well just ask; @Redium , is it possible to have IWTBTVB as both an honor value and a social value?

I guess, but it's not going to really do anything for you. It would limit your cultural flexibility and thus the tools you have to respond to problems in the short term.

Once you uncap IWTBTVB,however, it's going to immediately upgrade into the next level of Elite as a pure Elite value. That's good since it doubles down on what's nice about the Elite trait, but also bad because it augments its worst aspects as well. The thread may be happier if they mix something else with IWTVTVB in order to redirect or moderate it.

A huge reason why PoC crashed and burned was because the thread doubled down too much on their Elite value until they got Divinely Glorious Elites.

I thought that was Do Or Die, not OHCF itself.

It was like 90% Do or Die that was leading them to commit suicide by Chief. OHCH also promoted it a bit, but without Do or Die, it wouldn't have happened.

Can't seem to find their values.

I don't think I've given them yet. You're scheduled to pick them up next sub-phase. You're waiting on your workers to come back which will let you know what their current values are.

It looks like our roles have expanded by a lot compared to how they were before. I wonder what all this specialization will do for us?

It starts doing more once you hit Specialization 4.

Huh, at least it looks like our study travel roll wasn't wasted.

I'm guessing though that this was not the development we needed to turn the war around and catch up in capability as while we now have better mobility in all weather, this doesn't seem to exactly help us in terms of the trails of the Northlands does it? @Redium

Summerized dog sleds was the development I was thinking of. It greatly increases tactical speed and is as close to cavalry as you can get. Now, the sleds break constantly, tend to lead their users with back or leg injuries from all the shocks, and are only useful on the offense (you don't have enough trails to use them practically in defense yet), but they help.

That sounds par for the course. How badly did we roll?

Northlands: 96
You: 75
Peace Builders 7

Is this true or is this just another effect from the debilitating belief we have?


That seems rather expensive to waste so much ivory to simply make a point, but I guess the enemy can afford to be extravagant now that they have no need to trade the ivory away.

The Ivory-Blooded Chief is reusing the tusks; he's not an animal! He cares for the environment.

You're just not seeing him go back to collect the old ones.

So was this Martial Hero for the Northlands always planned or did we just roll that badly? @Redium

As is, I don't think he is one of their mounted warriors considering their description of him, so we might have an advantage in beating him in the future.

No. The Northlands has the highest hero generation chance of all current factions, but he wasn't scripted.

He is a man-beast warrior.

Is there any way to improve the effectiveness and the defenses of our supply lines?

Not practically. The technology and social organization you'd need would be Bronze Age, at least. What you can do long term is build more trails.

Did our study travel roll actually help us when it came to narrowing the capability gap between us and the Northlands? And how much does the Hunt help us in terms of offensive actions?

Summer dogs sleds were what I was thinking of.

You're going to stir your territory up next phase to have an abundance of carnivores and then systematically drive them north to screw with the Northlands' herds. It wouldn't be as effective against a settled peer, but it could hurt.

So how exactly do we use this hunting knowledge to attrite the enemy? My best guess is that we probably allow the herbivores to boom in population, thus attracting predators, and possibly plant more plants in order to attract more predators but at the same time maintain herbivore populations.

Economically, would I be right to guess that we now time our hunts in terms of the cycle of herbivore population boom and bust?

You're actually evening out the boom-bust cycle. The cycle is inherently unstable and it's only a local maxima. If all of the animals exist in consistent, predictable proportions, then the carrying capacity as a whole is higher. This is, of course, sub-optimal for the fittest animals, but as humans, you don't care about 'natural selection' or any of that nonsense.

So what exactly does the safe hunting cap represent? Does it represent how many times we can safely hunt within a certain period without overburdening the prey populations, and if so, how exactly does our locked in manage hunting action now handle that?

The safe hunting cap is how much you can hunt before you start to irreparably deplete the numbers of natural wildlife and start damaging your ecosystem.

Manage Hunting involves deliberately culling invalid or sick animals, allowing mothers and juveniles to survive, protecting habitats, and deliberately rotating hunting grounds in order to allow populations to recover. Expand Hunting was just: "Yeah, lets go out an slaughter some meat."

When it comes to manage hunting, what mechanical differences are there between it and expand hunting?

It's more effective, reliable, and sustainable. It dampens damage due to climate rolls and provides extra Econ score for doing it. It also allows you to hunt more before doing long-term environmental damage.

When it comes to Defensive Attrition, how noticeable is it in terms of warfare for us, and how much does it cover?

Not as much as you'd like. It gets a lot better against higher tech civilizations.

When it comes to terrain boosts, does that apply for everything such as our Great Relay and Hill, or would things like walls also be boosted as well?

Also what is the margin of error for augmenting applicable terrain as that seems rather vague as applicable is not described in full for us?


The bonus applies to basically everything you can currently build. It won't in the future (it wont enhance theaters, for example). The guiding question is really: can this be made to work with terrain in order to be more effective? If yes, then it will be done that way. The Value is very strong (tier 3 traits are) is that things like Temples cost more: 1 full tier of permanent Econ per action and you're obligated to now build a Hill, Temple, Dam, or Trails every turn until you run out of valid targets.

Oh joy a trial. How common is it for all three Big Men to adjudicate one of these?

This is the first time.

How likely is he to assume the mantle of Big Man, assuming he survives this trial, and then defeats the Ivory-Blooded Chief in battle?

If he kills the Ivory-Blooded Chief? Certain. Even if he survives, it's almost certain.

Quick question before I begin, by why Hill Guard as the Temple Location instead of say the Fingers or Crystal Lake? Wouldn't they be more fit to erect a Temple at? @Redium

Hill Guard hold the Fangs. The Hunt is inspired by that Holy Order so their shrine gets upgraded first due to that relationship (Aeva also thinks it's going to be politically good to give it to them due to Priit's trial).

While getting closer to the Peace Builders is something we should strive for, especially with the knowledge that it could lead to a merger with them, I am not entirely sure we want to get the Hand or Fist honor value as that would likely constrain us in ways.

What specifically does this value do @Redium

Hand or Fist is actually a tier 2 "Grudge" value. It's basically the thought of "I expect everyone to hurt and disappoint me, but this time I'm going to let them do it once, before my fist meets their face." The biggest thing that it would do is force you to use Casus Belli in order to declare war. (Once you have a Cassus Belli, it would stick around for a very, very long time.)

Also, in terms of the level 2 of the Hunt, do we meet the prerequisites for us yet, and do other Megaprojects also have more levels like it or is it one of the unique ones that do? I know the Relay had levels as was seen with the Fire Relay, but I'm curious to know how we can tell if something has multiple levels.

You need to discover Copper before you can do The Hunt v. 2.

With the Hunt megaproject completed, how much does that help us reduce the difficulty of hunting Prize Animals like this?

15%. Prize Animals can be successfully hunted about 55% of the time now.

When you mean super-majority, what exactly is the measure for that? Do you mean like 2/3, as in 4 out of 6 right now? Because right now that looks to be a long ways off as we only have one matching value with two different tribes.

2/3. You'll get more values over time so you'll need more in common. After a certain point (mid-Bronze Age), you stop being able to automatically merge, though.

What are our modifiers currently, and do you mean a roll of 90+ unmodded or not?

An unmodded roll of 90. Your modifiers to rolls are in the neighbourhood of +60 (a little bit better than other war-focused civilizations) so it wouldn't be a modded roll.

Do they not mind intermarriage with us right now? That seems curious considering how the Island Makers reacted.

Also, before this, did they see us as allies?

Peace Builder intermarriage will get brought up in 17.2. Given the trial, I want to know how you resolve it because that will be very relevant for marriage in the future.

How come no one has attacked the Peace Builders anyway?

Truce and everyone is recovering this turn. They want at least one generation of young warriors to grow up without going into the meat grinder.

The Peace Builders honestly did not expect to be hit as hard as they have helping you.

Then that is a very significant development. Were the summer dog sleds that development, or do we need to try again? @Redium


How is their economy doing so far right now anyway?

You're not sure.

Yeah, that's what we figured as well. Does it matter if we choose to raid, or if they get defeated in a raid on our territory? As in, will a win on our territory defeating their raid swing the raid counter our way?

You always want to raid if you're at war. If you're not, that's basically you just ceding ground to your enemies without an organized response.

I thought they just saw them as a nuisance, what changed?

The Mountain Clans managed to damage something important. Mostly by accident, to be honest.

What will the counter be like if we choose to take the Temple option this mid-turn?


How much longer of this can they take?

You don't know.

So in essence, all we need to do is ply for time then? Also, I'm guessing Priit is a martial hero, but is it just them being a hero that boosts their modifiers or are there degrees which make a difference?

Heroes are all on the same level. There are higher tiers (Genius, Legend), but those are still locked due to low population. The only person you've gotten who may have rolled high enough to be a Genius (in another time) was Kaspar. You have never rolled high enough for a Legend.

Is that their only honor trait?

Otherwise, Blood Brothers seems pretty powerful for what it does, and considering we might be forming cliques soon anyway, it's not too bad of a choice.

No, they also have a Quantity is Quality, but that's incompatible with your current Values.

How does a summer sled work without wheels or shredding the materials quickly?

It's only possible to use on compact dirt (Trails), during good weather, and it's bumpy as hell. The entire contraption is basically a solid hunk of wood glued and tied together pulled by a team of 12 dogs. They still break all the time and their riders often suffer knee and back injuries. It's not great, it's obvious inferior to all other cavalry, but if it's all you have...

Voting is Open!

How should the People commemorate this project?

[ ] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[ ] [Reward] Annual Festival x2
[ ] [Reward] Manage Hunting x3
[ ] [Reward] Explore x5
[ ] [Reward] Raise Warriors (Holy Orders) x2

Empty Honour Value Slot Detected! Where should a new Value be taken from?

[ ] [Value] Peace Builders
[ ] [Value] Pearl Divers (-1 Stability)
[ ] [Value] Arrow Lake (-1 Stability)
[ ] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[ ] [Value] Develop Internally

Should Priit be punished? (All options cost at least -1 Stability)

[ ] [Priit] No, he acted in accordance with precedent and his personal duty.
[ ] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[ ] [Pritt] Yes, he is clearly lying and went looking to fight, not to fulfill his duty.
[ ] [Pritt] No, he only defended himself.
[ ] [Pritt] Aeva would not vote against her family and abstains. (Vote deadlocks, -1 additional Stability)
[ ] [Pritt] Aeva would not vote against family and abstains alongside the Big Man of Hill Guard. (Big Man of the Fingers convicts.)
[ ] [Pritt] Aeva attempts to lean on her connections to solve the matter privately. (Chance of additional -1 to +1 Stability)
[ ] [Pritt] No, the boy is too important of a warrior to sacrifice.

How severely should he be punished? (You can vote for this, it won't matter if you do not vote to punish Priit)

[ ] [Punishment] Death. (-1 Stability)
[ ] [Punishment] Exile. (???)
[ ] [Punishment] Make Priit a Debtor. (-1 Stability)
[ ] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)

How do the Big Men rule on Priit's allegation of food theft?

[ ] [Theft] The woman was no thief. A woman can always expect support from her husband.
[ ] [Theft] The woman was a thief. Taking food from a family with which your child shares no blood is done under false pretenses and a crime.
[ ] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.
[ ] [Theft] The woman was a thief, but not of everything she is accused. All of the initial gifts given were hers, but what she asked for later was theft under false pretenses.
A huge reason why PoC crashed and burned was because the thread doubled down too much on their Elite value until they got Divinely Glorious Elites.
??? It crashed and burned because we had a 1000 year time skip of our people being dumb asses :p and then Scripted super human Genghis Khan.
Before that we had Heroes and shit...
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Priit] No, he acted in accordance with precedent and his personal duty.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.
[X] [Reward] Explore x5
[X] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.

I am not paying attention to stats. This is just stuff I want.

Do we vote by plans in this thread?
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Peace Builders
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.

Get that potential PB merge going, get us a basically-free temple, move towards a more protective justice system, keep our Hero. The last one is just a more personal preference. It's also Legitimacy neutral.
Last edited:
[X] [Reward] Explore x5
[X] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.

I am not paying attention to stats. This is just stuff I want.

Do we vote by plans in this thread?
Why are you voting for explore? Temples raise legitimacy, and you lose 2 here without any gain.
[x] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[x] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[x] [Pritt] Aeva attempts to lean on her connections to solve the matter privately. (Chance of additional -1 to +1 Stability)
[x] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[x] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Develop Internally
[X] [Priit] No, he acted in accordance with precedent and his personal duty.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.
[x] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[x] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Value] Develop Internally
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[x] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[x] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.

We have the temples to counter legitimacy loss. Let's take this chance to reign in Flat Arrow Outlook.

Also, no preference between Northlands and internal, as long as this is the trial result that wins. Otherwise it's definetly northlands for me.
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Peace Builders
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.

What's the difference between making Priit pay fines vs making him a debtor?
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Develop Internally

We need that temple for stability after our horrid raid rolls.

As for the traits, anythibg but Northlander traits. We need the PB as alloes, and becoming more like their hated foe is bad for our diplomacy.
The bonus applies to basically everything you can currently build. It won't in the future (it wont enhance theaters, for example). The guiding question is really: can this be made to work with terrain in order to be more effective? If yes, then it will be done that way. The Value is very strong (tier 3 traits are) is that things like Temples cost more: 1 full tier of permanent Econ per action and you're obligated to now build a Hill, Temple, Dam, or Trails every turn until you run out of valid targets.

WELL THEN. Looks like we're going skyscraper tall.
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Develop Internally

We need that temple for stability after our horrid raid rolls.

As for the traits, anythibg but Northlander traits. We need the PB as alloes, and becoming more like their hated foe is bad for our diplomacy.
Their values have nothing to due with why the Peace builders hate them. Heck, they probably had relatively little contact before this war.
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[X] [Value] Peace Builders
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship
Once you uncap IWTBTVB,however, it's going to immediately upgrade into the next level of Elite as a pure Elite value. That's good since it doubles down on what's nice about the Elite trait, but also bad because it augments its worst aspects as well. The thread may be happier if they mix something else with IWTVTVB in order to redirect or moderate it.

Immediately? As in automatically?

Also, how do we consciously mix another trait with IWTBTVB as it seems like fusing traits is hit or miss sometimes? And I don't think we've ever redirected one of our traits rather than straight up upgraded them, same with moderating them either.

It starts doing more once you hit Specialization 4.

What exactly do we need to do to hit that? A new form of government? More centralization?

Summerized dog sleds was the development I was thinking of. It greatly increases tactical speed and is as close to cavalry as you can get. Now, the sleds break constantly, tend to lead their users with back or leg injuries from all the shocks, and are only useful on the offense (you don't have enough trails to use them practically in defense yet), but they help.

The summerized dog sleds were described as primitive. Would studying travel more improve it and give it a better modifier? What kind of modifiers does it give us anyway?

Northlands: 96
You: 75
Peace Builders 7

Is this modded or unmodded rolls?

Also are allied war rolls counted separately in battles or are they combined, and if combined how is it weighted?

The Ivory-Blooded Chief is reusing the tusks; he's not an animal! He cares for the environment.

You're just not seeing him go back to collect the old ones.

What exactly were they doing with the ivory beforehand anyway? Do they just keep it around for when someone needs impaling?

No. The Northlands has the highest hero generation chance of all current factions, but he wasn't scripted.

He is a man-beast warrior.

Why does the Northlands have the highest hero generation chance?

So, was their really high roll what triggered their hero generation?

Joy, cavalry warrior. Oh well, time to kill Genghis.

Not practically. The technology and social organization you'd need would be Bronze Age, at least. What you can do long term is build more trails.

Ah okay, that makes sense.

Wouldn't trails hurt us though at the moment as it would help their mobility too?

Summer dogs sleds were what I was thinking of.

You're going to stir your territory up next phase to have an abundance of carnivores and then systematically drive them north to screw with the Northlands' herds. It wouldn't be as effective against a settled peer, but it could hurt.

So, we will likely need to go all in next turn with war stuff as I don't think we can do this many times can we?

You're actually evening out the boom-bust cycle. The cycle is inherently unstable and it's only a local maxima. If all of the animals exist in consistent, predictable proportions, then the carrying capacity as a whole is higher. This is, of course, sub-optimal for the fittest animals, but as humans, you don't care about 'natural selection' or any of that nonsense.

So, is Manage Hunts (General) locked in then?

If so, is there any way for us to increase the carrying capacity?

Also, will our animal populations now increase back to their previous levels?

It's more effective, reliable, and sustainable. It dampens damage due to climate rolls and provides extra Econ score for doing it. It also allows you to hunt more before doing long-term environmental damage.

So instead of normally getting one econ score from it, like if it were expand hunting, we would instead get two then?

It seems like this would allow us to get a good surplus if we managed it right.

Not as much as you'd like. It gets a lot better against higher tech civilizations.

So I am assuming when you say it gets a lot better, that you mean right now it's not as good, but once it's improved it will be more potent correct?

How so, as in I'm not entirely sure how we could stretch this to make it better against more higher tech civs?

The bonus applies to basically everything you can currently build. It won't in the future (it wont enhance theaters, for example). The guiding question is really: can this be made to work with terrain in order to be more effective? If yes, then it will be done that way. The Value is very strong (tier 3 traits are) is that things like Temples cost more: 1 full tier of permanent Econ per action and you're obligated to now build a Hill, Temple, Dam, or Trails every turn until you run out of valid targets.

So when you mean costs, do you mean that each and every improvement we make now costs a full tier of econ per action? And if so, what exactly were the bonuses that each of the buildings and improved gave us to help mitigate this?

Do we need to use more math to take into account how taxing building these buildings will be for us now in terms of econ, as we are still at a small surplus?

This is the first time.

But they've met other times for other reasons right?

If he kills the Ivory-Blooded Chief? Certain. Even if he survives, it's almost certain.

So we should probably make sure that he survives then.

Just for clarification, if we fine him immensely will that effectively take him out of the war? It will obviously make him vengeful, but I'm not sure what it will do for our performance.

Hill Guard hold the Fangs. The Hunt is inspired by that Holy Order so their shrine gets upgraded first due to that relationship (Aeva also thinks it's going to be politically good to give it to them due to Priit's trial).

That makes sense. Were they the ones who discovered the Hunt info?

Hand or Fist is actually a tier 2 "Grudge" value. It's basically the thought of "I expect everyone to hurt and disappoint me, but this time I'm going to let them do it once, before my fist meets their face." The biggest thing that it would do is force you to use Casus Belli in order to declare war. (Once you have a Cassus Belli, it would stick around for a very, very long time.)

What do Grudge Values do? Because right now, I'm not entirely sure what benefit it brings to them, or any it would bring to us as it seems to hem us in when it comes to our decisions.

You need to discover Copper before you can do The Hunt v. 2.

How is copper related to hunting?

15%. Prize Animals can be successfully hunted about 55% of the time now.

Wow, that makes it much more palatable to hunt for prize animals from now on, considering the bonuses it gives us not only in terms of innovations in technology but also in tactics!

2/3. You'll get more values over time so you'll need more in common. After a certain point (mid-Bronze Age), you stop being able to automatically merge, though.

Why that specific cut-off point?

An unmodded roll of 90. Your modifiers to rolls are in the neighbourhood of +60 (a little bit better than other war-focused civilizations) so it wouldn't be a modded roll.

Was that applied earlier?

Also, what's the Northlands and Peace Builder's mod if you can answer them?

Peace Builder intermarriage will get brought up in 17.2. Given the trial, I want to know how you resolve it because that will be very relevant for marriage in the future.

Right this is pretty important, so here are their values:

Peace Builders have:

Social Values:
Speaking Circle: consensus is extremely important.
Protective Justice: the purpose of justice is the protect the community.

Honour Values:
I Want To Be The Very Best (equivalent): this trait was home grown in them.
Hand or Fist: a hand is offered in friendship, but the other is clasped as a fist.

Spiritual Values:
Sacred War: War is a sacred struggle, not only between groups, but between their spirits.
Do it Or Die: If it's worth doing, it's worth dying for.

From their social values it seems they are very communally oriented.

On the Other hand their honor and spiritual values seem to indicate that elitism is fine and that Do it Or Die might reinforce Priit's actions.

After all, if we punish Priit too severely, enough so that it hurts the war effort it might go against protective justice. At the same time, if we want to reach a consensus, then maybe it would be best to have Aeva resort to dealing with this through backroom deals?

When it comes to the wife's punishment, she likely should be punished somewhat as in terms of their values she may have broken protective justice.

Overall, I'm not sure how entirely to read the Trial decisions into fitting this into the Peace Builder's values.

Truce and everyone is recovering this turn. They want at least one generation of young warriors to grow up without going into the meat grinder.

The Peace Builders honestly did not expect to be hit as hard as they have helping you.

Are they likely to pull back soon?

You always want to raid if you're at war. If you're not, that's basically you just ceding ground to your enemies without an organized response.

Is there no way to specify something such as allow the enemy to raid into our territory and then catch them in a trap, following that then right?

The Mountain Clans managed to damage something important. Mostly by accident, to be honest.

How did they do it by accident?

And did they damage a canal or something?

Heroes are all on the same level. There are higher tiers (Genius, Legend), but those are still locked due to low population. The only person you've gotten who may have rolled high enough to be a Genius (in another time) was Kaspar. You have never rolled high enough for a Legend.

What's the difference in terms of the tiers?
You're going to stir your territory up next phase to have an abundance of carnivores and then systematically drive them north to screw with the Northlands' herds. It wouldn't be as effective against a settled peer, but it could hurt.
That's going to be devastating morale wise for those who don't know how it works. It's going to look like the spirits disapprove of the fight.

...and as a nomadic herder civ, waves of hungry predators is going to take defending against relentless, expert trackers that prioritize their civilians.
You're actually evening out the boom-bust cycle. The cycle is inherently unstable and it's only a local maxima. If all of the animals exist in consistent, predictable proportions, then the carrying capacity as a whole is higher. This is, of course, sub-optimal for the fittest animals, but as humans, you don't care about 'natural selection' or any of that nonsense.
Well, over an extended period it's going to deselect animals from either extremes of aggression and physical fitness, and select for fast breeders to take the most advantage of managed boom periods?
The bonus applies to basically everything you can currently build. It won't in the future (it wont enhance theaters, for example). The guiding question is really: can this be made to work with terrain in order to be more effective? If yes, then it will be done that way. The Value is very strong (tier 3 traits are) is that things like Temples cost more: 1 full tier of permanent Econ per action and you're obligated to now build a Hill, Temple, Dam, or Trails every turn until you run out of valid targets.
Locked into Super Tall then. We're going to want to automate as many of these as we can or we'd break our necks trying.

[x] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2
[x] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[x] [Pritt] Aeva attempts to lean on her connections to solve the matter privately. (Chance of additional -1 to +1 Stability)
[x] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)
[x] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.
Anyway, 2 final questions for @Redium before I go back to arguing my case.
Hand or Fist is actually a tier 2 "Grudge" value. It's basically the thought of "I expect everyone to hurt and disappoint me, but this time I'm going to let them do it once, before my fist meets their face." The biggest thing that it would do is force you to use Casus Belli in order to declare war. (Once you have a Cassus Belli, it would stick around for a very, very long time.)
So the problem was when it merged with do or die to become "and keeps meeting their face UNTIL MY HAND IS BROKEN"? Not inherent demand for a war to the knife from HoF itself?
The bonus applies to basically everything you can currently build. It won't in the future (it wont enhance theaters, for example). The guiding question is really: can this be made to work with terrain in order to be more effective? If yes, then it will be done that way. The Value is very strong (tier 3 traits are) is that things like Temples cost more: 1 full tier of permanent Econ per action and you're obligated to now build a Hill, Temple, Dam, or Trails every turn until you run out of valid targets.
Does this require that we finish one thing a turn, or just that we work on one thing a turn? Because otherwise we're screwed when the dam comes up.
[X] [Reward] Raise Temple: Hill Guard 1/2 + 2/2

[X] [Value] Peace Builders
[X] [Value] Northlands (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Value] Develop Internally

[X] [Priit] No, he acted in accordance with precedent and his personal duty.
[X] [Priit] Yes, his actions lead to tragedy regardless of intent.
[X] [Pritt] Aeva attempts to lean on her connections to solve the matter privately. (Chance of additional -1 to +1 Stability)

[X] [Punishment] Extract immense fines from Priit. (-1 Legitimacy)

[X] [Theft] The woman was not yet a thief. She would have only stole food once Priit officially ended their relationship.
[X] [Theft] The woman was a thief, but not of everything she is accused. All of the initial gifts given were hers, but what she asked for later was theft under false pretenses.

Do we do approval voting in this quest?
Heroes are all on the same level. There are higher tiers (Genius, Legend), but those are still locked due to low population. The only person you've gotten who may have rolled high enough to be a Genius (in another time) was Kaspar. You have never rolled high enough for a Legend.
I also concur, how would a legend handle things compared to a Hero? I assume their so good they are borderline magical at something...
Kasper is close to a genius, being a quad hero.
Immediately? As in automatically?

Also, how do we consciously mix another trait with IWTBTVB as it seems like fusing traits is hit or miss sometimes? And I don't think we've ever redirected one of our traits rather than straight up upgraded them, same with moderating them either.
Get an Obligation or Loyalty trait of some kind. It's the most compatible with elitism.
The Northlands Blood Brothers trait is one example. Arrow Lake's All For One is another
The summerized dog sleds were described as primitive. Would studying travel more improve it and give it a better modifier? What kind of modifiers does it give us anyway?
Can't improve the sleds much more without metal tools.
We can get more navigation ideas though.
What exactly were they doing with the ivory beforehand anyway? Do they just keep it around for when someone needs impaling?
It sounds like those might be ritual execution tools actually.

Not like ivory is THAT hard to get for nomadic herder/hunters, their relatively low population means they got a lot of ivory per pop.
Why does the Northlands have the highest hero generation chance?

So, was their really high roll what triggered their hero generation?

Joy, cavalry warrior. Oh well, time to kill Genghis.
Nomads have high hero generation because of their environment. We had it while we were nomads and lost it in the transition to settled.

Thing about heroes is that they in reality, spawn ALL the time. But most of them are never discovered, because they live nice, stable lives and never need to exert themselves.

For nomads, they get increased hero generation because nomadic hunters puts heavy selection pressure on society, basically every potential hero will be exchange for a high loss of their pop growth to the environment.
For elitist cultures, we get increased hero generation by artificially creating incentives for them to stand out and be recognized, as well as granting near-hero grade persons the food and equipment needed to stand out.

Ah okay, that makes sense.

Wouldn't trails hurt us though at the moment as it would help their mobility too?
Helps more than it hurts. We know our own trails better, so it mainly improves response time to their raids, and makes it easier to channel them in pursuits into traps.
So we should probably make sure that he survives then.

Just for clarification, if we fine him immensely will that effectively take him out of the war? It will obviously make him vengeful, but I'm not sure what it will do for our performance.
A big fine basically means we allow the rich and powerful to buy their way out of punishments with weregild.

As a Hero warrior he's probably going to go steal the Northlands ivory to pay that though. Or get his supporters to lend him the wealth to pay it off.
What do Grudge Values do? Because right now, I'm not entirely sure what benefit it brings to them, or any it would bring to us as it seems to hem us in when it comes to our decisions.
Grudge values are justice values and morale values.
As a Justice value, a grudge value gives a social outlet for unrest, by designating approved targets for offended parties to vent themselves on, rather than escalating to the rest of society. The drawback is that when justice fails, then you get worse unrest than normally would happen.
Our Retributive Justice is a grudge value in itself.

As a morale value, a grudge value gives substantial morale bonuses for conflicts involving a valid grudge, see for instance the Peace Builders going absolutely freaking berserk on the northlands because they offended multiple grudge points, in exchange for not being able to disengage easily.
This is important because ancient warfare is enormously about morale, someone willing to fight you to the death is more likely to win than the one who's concerned about injuries, because they'd try to keep fighting without retreat.
How is copper related to hunting?
Metal tools is needed for making the tools needed to maintain an expanded project probably.
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