We could probably make one, but there's little reason to now. We're sitting on the Glass Bowl (which is miles wide and probably just as, if not even more deep), and will become the largest deposit of Warpstone in history in a couple more turns.

It's something to look into once the Skaven are off of Mallus, though even then, we'll still have a whole moon worth of the stuff to go through.
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Yeah, there will be methods to synthesize it in the future, but for the moment the Glass Bowl will almost certainly fulfil all your requirements and more. Unless you use it all up in a widely resource-hogging superweapon or three, which does also handily fit the skaven profile.

Oh, and kudos to @LonelyWolf999 for somehow reading your way through most of this thread in a night. An impressive feat by any means.
Oh, and kudos to @LonelyWolf999 for somehow reading your way through most of this thread in a night. An impressive feat by any means.
Gotta say I'm enjoying the hell out this quest. I think this might be the best representation of Warhammer I've ever seen put into writing. You do a brilliant job of bringing to life not only the skaven, but literally every faction that comes up. It was definitely the dual whammy of the clusterfuck that was the end of the chaos dwarves and then, and I repeat, the best representation of Archaeon the Everchosen I've ever seen that had me hooked.
Gotta say I'm enjoying the hell out this quest. I think this might be the best representation of Warhammer I've ever seen put into writing. You do a brilliant job of bringing to life not only the skaven, but literally every faction that comes up. It was definitely the dual whammy of the clusterfuck that was the end of the chaos dwarves and then, and I repeat, the best representation of Archaeon the Everchosen I've ever seen that had me hooked.
I appreciate it! I definitely have had some missteps along the way, but overall I think this has been a thing that most everyone who's read ur has enjoyed, which was the goal.
We could probably make one, but there's little reason to now. We're sitting on the Glass Bowl (which is miles wide and probably just as, if not even more deep), and will become the largest deposit of Warpstone in history in a couple more turns.

It's something to look into once the Skaven are off of Mallus, though even then, we'll still have a whole moon worth of the stuff to go through.
And who controls the glass bowl? Im predicting a 3rd civil war if we screw things up for Thanquol & Pals
Was doing some more reading, and I just realized this.
By morning Gnawdell's army was still emerging from the tunnels, a miles-long behemoth comprised of just over a million skaven
She gave Ripmaw command of a third of her army, a veritable legion unto itself equalling the might of three lesser warlord clans.
So, for reference, a Warlord Clan's military force is a third of a third of a million, so somewhere around 110 thousand.
Skrisnik Goldfang himself snared more than thirty lesser clans in inescapable webs of debt and set them to a multitude of tasks merely to facilitate the quick organization of the warhost that Humble Thanquol demanded.
The Warpfang Bank "recruited" at least 30 Warlord Clans. Even with losses taken in recon and forced labor, that means the Warpfang Bank contributed around 3.3 million Clan Warriors. Since slaves aren't really counted by Skaven, there's probably several times that many Skavenslaves.

The Bank might not have any supertech themselves, but they're really good at providing warm bodies.
Was doing some more reading, and I just realized this.

So, for reference, a Warlord Clan's military force is a third of a third of a million, so somewhere around 110 thousand.

The Warpfang Bank "recruited" at least 30 Warlord Clans. Even with losses taken in recon and forced labor, that means the Warpfang Bank contributed around 3.3 million Clan Warriors. Since slaves aren't really counted by Skaven, there's probably several times that many Skavenslaves.

The Bank might not have any supertech themselves, but they're really good at providing warm bodies.
And thats just goldfang himself, who knows how much meatshields the bank can hurl at the enemy
Was doing some more reading, and I just realized this.

So, for reference, a Warlord Clan's military force is a third of a third of a million, so somewhere around 110 thousand.

The Warpfang Bank "recruited" at least 30 Warlord Clans. Even with losses taken in recon and forced labor, that means the Warpfang Bank contributed around 3.3 million Clan Warriors. Since slaves aren't really counted by Skaven, there's probably several times that many Skavenslaves.

The Bank might not have any supertech themselves, but they're really good at providing warm bodies.
All warlord clans aren't necessarily the same - Mors was pretty much the biggest one in existence due to being on the precipice of turning into a Greater Clan. Most strong warlord clans do hover at around 100,000 or so, but the lesser clans that Skrisnik enslaved weren't those types - more along the lines of 1,000 to 10,000 skaven in each of those. Hmm, I should probably update that clan threadmark with that category.

I think in total you guys brought approximately a total of 2 million (plus chaff/slaves) to this fight? Roughly thereabouts. And yeah, a significant chunk of the bodies were the result of the Warpfang, partially due to their economy focus, partially because they're the strongest clan at the moment and so have even more influence to throw around than usual.
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...did I ever give you guys Doomflayers to do anything with? I can't remember and I'm getting the weirdest sense of déjà vu when I look at the unit in the new total war DLC. And yet I gave you guys Blender Carts which are pretty much a non-mechanized version of the same thing...past me, why must you make confusing decisions.
...did I ever give you guys Doomflayers to do anything with? I can't remember and I'm getting the weirdest sense of déjà vu when I look at the unit in the new total war DLC. And yet I gave you guys Blender Carts which are pretty much a non-mechanized version of the same thing...past me, why must you make confusing decisions.
Well, this is the only other time you've mentioned Doom-Flayers in this thread.
Huh, how the hell did I miss doomflayers? I'll have to look deeper into that, I think I recall making a decision on them, but it was a long time ago so I don't recall the specifics.
So I presume that no, you never gave them.
Well, when we get mechanised Blender Carts then we can just call them Doomflayers.
I guarantee I just forgot to come to an actual decision on them and forgot they existed until now. Welp, I'll see what I can do that makes sense after I finish this turn update.
Recalls the conversation on skaven copyright in the Warhammer Fantasy: A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism thread by torroar. We had our engineers make a steam powered doomsphere there. It eventually evolved onto skaven Law and Order but I included it anyway as it amuses me.

It's been mentioned before. The skaven Doomsphere is the equivalent to a warpstone bomb. It was invented by Chief Warlock Ikit Claw in the 2520's IC.

The human one is a giant spinning deathball that is self-propelled by its internal boiler system, invented before skaven were even considered as a threat/entity to much of Ostland due to the conspiracy of disbelief/silence/whatever/etc.


How does the Skaven Doom-Flayer compare to our Doomsphere's?

Well...there is a lot of warpstone in theirs...so...

"Ikit Claw will sue-sue for infringe-steal of copyright, yes-yes!"

Technically, he's not even alive yet. So...reverse the defendant and prosecution in that case, I think.

Let's not try suing the Skaven anytime soon - after all, we haven't even got the legal reforms in yet!

That and their juries can be bribed with a wedge of cheese and some Warpstone snuff.

He's a skaven, so of course he is the genius original inventor and we are the stupid liar-plagiarists who copy his glory!

Why not just keep sending cheese to the bastards?

I never knew I needed a Skaven version of Law & Order but now I do. Thank you for this.:D

instead of the gongs its the HSIC (Head Skaven In Charge) saying "FOOL-FOOL"

i`ll watch it. at least for the first odd some episodes.

if they have not killed most of the cast of (with help from outside or just the skaven cast inside) it might be worth watching.

The Skaven concept of copyright can be boiled down to 'who stole it last'. More or less. :p

And remember kids, murder isn't a crime if there isn't a body!

well for skaven that more like murder is not a crime if nobody saw you do it?

Hah, oh ye sweet summer childe...
With the sociopathic bloody vermin, murder is a daily part of life and it is only a crime if it inconveniences someone who can and will crush you over it.

Ok but think about this, everytime a skaven character "dies" their replacement is them wearing progressively sillier hats.

so kind of like human nobles in that regard then?
makes so much sense now.
If next turn we take over Tilea, but Myrmidia is still at large, will she be weakened?
And if so, how much?
Well, she's incarnate, so killing all her followers won't automatically neutralize her like it would if she was still in the Warp.

And in any case, it's kinda difficult to quantify exact levels of strength with individual characters. I can't really say that she'd go down to 67% of her max potential or whatever, y'know?

All that said, Jetpack Ikit Claw is all I ever wanted out of life and my reasons for not buying TWW2 are rapidly diminishing.
Ok off topic crackpot idea, but what if we build a massive skaven walker with dual wielded ratling cannons, a huge warpfire thrower in the "mouth" section, and metric shitloads of doomrockets and other equally crackpot weapons? Armour forged from the strongest warpsteel from the biggest and bestest warpforges in Skavenblight/dark lands, with a chair in the head section for Thanquol to control it? We can name it "BoneTearer Scurry-Stomper" or something equally as intimidating
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Hey @Xantalos are we able to miniaturise our ratling guns to make it easier to carry/build/keep from malfunctioning?
Miniaturize how much? They're already basically the size of RL ones.

Ok off topic crackpot idea, but what if we build a massive skaven walker with dual wielded ratling cannons, a huge warpfire thrower in the "mouth" section, and metric shitloads of doomrockets and other equally crackpot weapons? Armour forged from the strongest warpsteel from the biggest and bestest warpforges in Skavenblight/dark lands, with a chair in the head section for Thanquol to control it? We can name it "BoneTearer Scurry-Stomper" or something equally as intimidating
Did you mean: Ork Gargant

Yeah, walkers like that would be classified as superweapons or just a really high-tech thing depending on how large you made it, but it's possible.
Miniaturize how much? They're already basically the size of RL ones.

Did you mean: Ork Gargant

Yeah, walkers like that would be classified as superweapons or just a really high-tech thing depending on how large you made it, but it's possible.
*Smiles in Ikit Claw"
And thats also the problem of the ratling gun, its so big that 2 skaven need to carry it to be used effectively (one to hold the power source/fuel in the case of the warpfirr thrower, and another to fire or guide the weapon)
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