So any plan for our glorious greyseer to conquer the world?,I think we should enslave some human settlement in Boarder Princes first.
Find some practice target and focus on gain more slave.
I have no issues with trying to destroy the world. I have some issues if we're still on the world when we destroy it.
End Times 0
AN: Booyah bitches, this is back! I've been trying to finish my other obligation for months now, but I've decided fuck it, I'm gonna actually move forward on this - helps that I got myself a chair so I can sit and write on my computer instead of entirely on my phone like I did the last update. I wrote it in around an hour, so if you see any typos or have any questions please notify me.

You are Grey Seer - no, no - Arch-Rat Thanquol, Eternal Emperor of the Under-Empire! Or mayhaps Almighty Sovereign? King of the Skaven? No, far-far too simple for your tastes. Lord of the Furred Ones? God-Emperor of Rat-Kind? That seemed too ostentatious. These and a hundred more flit through your mind at superluminal speeds, as they would with one of your intellect. Surely you'd have no trouble realizing what the common slave would hear you called in their nightmares?

[] (Pick a title for Thanquol - it can be whatever you wish, so long as it seems sufficiently grandiose for a megalomaniac in charge of a whole species of such)

Bah, you'll finalize your title later, you think. That was important business to be sure, but it could wait compared to what was at hand.

Finally. You'd been pushed around, unjustly accused, belittled, and in general treated absolutely horrendously by the Council of Thirteen for years now. They refused to see your talent and genius, instead blaming all the various acts of sabotage, divine aggression, twists of fate, subordinate incompetence and betrayal, and outright reality warping that turned your missions against you as your failures. Well you'd shown them, hadn't you! All the high and mighty lords and ladies of the greatest clans of the under-empire, and not a one of them had been chosen for the privilege of leading the Skaven to victory - instead the Horned Rat had seen his most gifted son and raised him up to his rightful spot atop the ratpile.

You cast your gaze about at the Lords of Decay. It's an empowering viewpoint from the Horned Rat's throne - the table is shaped in such a way that every skaven seated has to crane their necks uncomfortably to look at you properly, even those at the opposite end, accentuating your power over them. A motley bunch, you think to yourself as you enjoy making them wait for you to speak, And not very scary-scary either once you view them from this angle. Look-look at Goldfang, he's so fat! I'd bet a pretty-pretty warptoken that I could be on him before he blinked, chewing out his throat-throa-

You're interrupted by an incredibly awkward clearing of the throat coming from the far end of the table. It seems to have come from ... one of those two lords you don't know the names of. You can't tell which one, even as he, or she, continues speaking in what may be the worst way to interrupt your superior's self-indulgence you've ever witnessed. How did these ingrates get on the council? What are they even saying, it's not like it's important-

"-what title should we address you by, lord Thanquol?"


You absolutely don't freeze up at this question and don't fumble for an answer, instead reaching within your mind and grasping your embarrasment indignation, using it to kickstart your formidable well of dark magic. Your eyes light up the room with a terrifying emerald glow that causes some of the attendants in the background to fall to the floor screaming with the inside of their mouth, esophagus, and guts burnt to a crisp as two beams of horrid green death leap from your eyes and zap the two offending lords into splatters of rancid, diseased meat that covers most of the room apart from you and the Council.

For a moment, you let silence reign, enjoying the background noise of Moulder's toothless trunked cleaning rats vacuuming up the mess. Then you speak. "That is the fate of those who dare to question me when I am contemplating important matters - matters that I will share-share with you all now, yes-yes. I trust that replacements will be seen to for the vacant seats?" you ask as you click your talons. A pair of professionally groomed rat-ogres obesquiously slink out of the shadows behind you, bearing on their shoulders a massive rolled-up piece of some kind of leather. With surprising gentleness, they lay the scroll on the table and unroll it, the skin fitting exactly to the contours of the table. Upon it was etched a map of the world, with some areas in more detail than others - the Old World had a multitude of rat-scratch on it, showing the locations of different major rat-holds and tunnels, as did Nippon and the northern Southlands, where Eshin and Pestilens made their burrows. While some areas, such as the Mountains of Mourne and the ork-held Badlands were only sparsely detailed, every continent had had some detail done to it - apart, of course, from the Cursed Continent, Lustria. There was only a stray scribble across the middle where some rat had written 'scaly-things here'.

"This map," you say, recapturing the attention of the Council, "Shows us what we hold, and what our foe-foes foolishly think belongs to them. As you see, we own near-near the entirety of the underground." You ignore the multiple bright red warning labels on certain areas saying 'do not go here ever'. "But the Horned Rat is dissatisfied with this state of things! It is time to go forth and take-take the surface from the fool-fools who call it home!
And this,"
you say, leaning forward slightly, a feral grin on your face, "Is what you will be doing."

First, roll 2 d100s to determine the replacement Lords of Decay.

AN: You have 13 dice to use, representing the 13 great clans of skaven society, and the fact that the Horned Rat likes the number 13. You can spend them on whatever aim you wish; if you want to lure the forces of Chaos into optimal backstabbing position an alliance like in canon, feel free, if you want to try to manipulate two factions into going to war against each other go for it, etcetera. Your ultimate aim, of course, is to conquer the world in the name of the Horned Rat. To that end, I'll provide a list of targets you can attack, and how difficult they are to conquer - an objective map, essentially. Note that these values only mean the resistance of that country/region to direct conquest - they can and should be modified by sabotage or reinforcement, and will as the game goes on - the Horned Rat spurred his children into action before most of the rest of the world, but the other factions will act on their own initiative to complete their own goals. This does include the skaven if you leave them lying about - you can assign one particular faction more than one dice, but in turn I'll let the clan you leave unattended to do their own thing. This may turn out helpful, or it might not. If you have any questions/clarifications, please ask.
-Plan voting please
-Distribute 13 dice to doing whatever you want - attacking, building superweapons, sabotage, whatever
-Tell me which clan is doing what; you can leave clans unattended if you think that's a good idea
-Good luck, you'll need it

Very Easy Targets:
These hardly require any effort at all to overrun; they might even be taken in the process of conquering a nearby territory.
-Border Princes
-Subterritories of various nations (ie an individual Kislev boyar, a moderately-sized ork warband, certain Brettonian duchies)

Easy Targets
These places can easily be overrun with as little as one dice's worth of forces.
-Parts of Norsca
-Some Empire provinces
-Dragon Isles

Moderate Targets
Finally the surface-dwellers present some sport! These vary in the amount of dice they'll need to conquer, but expect at least 3.
-Kurgan tribal lands
-Hung tribal lands
-Hinterlands of Khuresh
-Southlands (not including Nekehara)
-Some Empire provinces

Hard Targets
Could it be that these are a challenge? They vary from target to target, but expect 5 dice at the least.
-Empire of Man
-Grand Cathay
-Ogre Kingdoms
-Kingdoms of Ind
-Karaz Ankor
-The Badlands
-Laurelon + other subsidiary wood elf forests

Very Hard Targets
These are almost a match for the least of the Under-Empire! Imagine, surface-dwellers that put up a fight. At least 8 dice required for these targets.
-The Dark Lands
-Old Nekehara
-Athel Loren

Impossible Targets
This is the finest the surface can offer? Impressive, for non-skaven. At least 10 dice will be needed to take those in this category.
-The Southernmost Continent

Are You Fuckers Insane
Why the hell are you even risking awakening these giants? Surely it's a waste of forces to conquer here. Go somewhere else.
-The Chaos Wastes

Keep in mind that the required forces are the amount needed to conquer them in one turn; lesser forces may be committed and take multiple turns to take the territory.
My advice, as limited as it is? Strike while the iron is hot. The Horned Rat's scheming has bought you some time of relative freedom to act, but that will change quickly when the big boys come out to play, and the nations won't stay in their starting brackets - this is them in a state of unawares.
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I will consider target later but for now the title.

[X] Most Exalted-Supreme Thanquol.
[X] Nagarroth
-13 dice.

Go all in with Nagarroth,The Horn Rat will rise ,The Under Empire will take over the world,Let's Malekith and so call Witch-King face the magnificient of Horn Rat.

My reasoning: I feel like we will have free shot in openning that Skaven still united,Nagarroth has a lot of slave and magical goodie and over death trap so we can send some fool hard head to dying here.

And they alienate themselves enough to not made "Gondor call for aid option".
As of right now, what's the situation on the surface anyway? Aside from the generic "We Are All Horribly Doomed Even By Warhammer Standards"?
Basically this is the moment right before all the shit in the End Times breaks loose. So relatively normal for now, though it won't stay that way.
Hmm, just wondering. Could we give one of the Dice to the Warpfang Bank, and have them do stuff like say, use their vast wealth to hire as much of the Ogre Kingdoms as possible to go on a rampage on a target of our choosing? As their specialty is finances and actual diplomacy.
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Hmm, just wondering. Could we give one of the Dice to the Warpfang Bank, and have them do stuff like say, use their vast wealth to hire as much of the Ogre Kingdoms as possible to go on a rampage on a target of our choosing? As their specialty is finances and actual diplomacy.
Yep. There would still be the chance that you could fail and accidentally alert the entire race of ogres that there's a crapton of food down where those squeaky things are at, but that's just normal dice rolling. You definetely could do that with a good chance of success.

Also, take a look at the threadmarks - your stuff isn't very defined right now because this is the prequel, but I'm trying to kinda document it.
Can we send some rat to stole sword of Khaine or create more warpsword that can kill Nagash?.
It'd be very hard to steal the sword of Khaine, and if you did so you'd have to allocate enough dice that you'd leave at least a few clans running around doing their own thing.
Creating more Fellblades falls under superweapon research.
So, thoughts...

- I think we should put all of our dice on direct attacks for right now.
- I agree that we want to try to flatten folks who have no allies. The world is going to break out in war in general, and we'd rather not paint more of a target on our backs than we already have... yet.
- preferably, target people who have significant desperation moves, who are currently generally indolent, etc. A lot of these targets are going to get a lot harder very soon. We want to take advantage of the current weakness, which means not targeting those that are likely to hold steady.
- I think blowing 13 dice on Naggaroth is a mistake if only because we could save some of those dice and hit somewhere else as well.
- Might want to think long-term about who is easiest to manipulate/buy, and who's naturally going to be getting into mutually-destructive wars with each other (or who would be easiest to push into such things)
- Absolutely, target places that are going to give us worthwhile stuff for the conquering. Sure, we could probably conquer Kislev with one die... but do we want it?
- I think we *want* to have some of our clans running around doing their own thing. The trick is deciding which ones. "Free" clans are a dangerous resource...but this is absolutely the time for us to push our luck on stuff like that. At the moment, all factions are at least neutral. So... what do we want or need in the short to medium term, and who is most liekly to give it to us?

Also, could someone who is more into warhammer world make suggestions based ont eh above? Pert of me kind of wants to take out the Empire and Brettonia, under the theory that those are pretty close to the top of the list on likelihood to get a sudden major boost in power, and once we've taken those out, there aren't but so many local allied humans to get pissed about it. Also, tearing out the heart of the human lands like that seems likely to leave the little bits on the edges subject to being eaten up by others. I don't know nearly enough about the Warhammer world to be sure I'm not missing something there, though.
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It'd be very hard to steal the sword of Khaine, and if you did so you'd have to allocate enough dice that you'd leave at least a few clans running around doing their own thing.
Creating more Fellblades falls under superweapon research.
So we can made every clan attack Nagarroth Right? Like clan skurvy raid their coast,Moulder tame and prepare the beast,Eishin assasinate their leader?.

I want to begin with a bang,Nagarroth is pretty good first target when skaven can united after a long time.

Can we ask our Vermin-Lord for advaice of how we can take Morathi out?
One target I want us to focus on right now is Cathay. They're a very powerful nation with a ton of fascinating stuff, so smashing them early is probably a good thing.