How about this:

[] Boneripper...rips, the one holding on to him off, and throws him at Necromancer Lord 3. Then he turns his Warpfire breath on Necromancer Lord 1.
-[] Thanquol will gesticulate, pontificate, and move about and make as if to blast at Necromancer Lord 3 to distract him from Boneripper, and launch Burning Wrath at 1 instead, then another 3 if and when he is distracted by getting hit with a human sized burning dead body.
I like this, but I don't know how well Boneripper can throw from the ground, plus I want Necromancer Lord 3 down sooner rather than later. I'll put up an alternate and see what happens.

[] Boneripper pulverises the Necromancer Lord sapping his life to minimise the time he's exposed to its effects, then goes for Necromancer Lord 1 and makes sure he doesn't fly off. Thanquol casts Death Frenzy on Boneripper if Nercomancer Lord 1 evades his grasp.
-[] Thanquol casts Curse of Hashut on Necromancer Lord 3 to end his shit right now and to slam in a big spell before the Ash Cloud gets too much for even us.
-[] Back out of the Ash Cloud, please and thank you. Use Skitterleap if necessary.
-[] Thanquol casts Scorch at Necromancer Lord 1. The Skaven have a fire spell, too, sucker. Perhaps a synergy with Ash Cloud and Staff of the Horned Rat?

Not the most optimised plan, but it's a thing.
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#1 is on a horse and next to Boneripper, #2 is hanging on to Boneripper's legs, and #3 is some meters away from Boneripper, closer to Thanquol. Sorry for not clarifying.
Not as such, but as Fezzes notes, with Thanquol there is a way.

I'll note that he has a charge of magic napalm remaining and is within the area of effect of the magical ash storm that renders things inside it super flammable.
So would a possible course of action be to have Boneripper suicide hug the two necromancers and then Thanquol detonates him?
I like this, but I don't know how well Boneripper can throw from the ground, plus I want Necromancer Lord 3 down sooner rather than later. I'll put up an alternate and see what happens.

[] Boneripper pulverises the Necromancer Lord sapping his life to minimise the time he's exposed to its effects, then goes for Necromancer Lord 1 and makes sure he doesn't fly off. Thanquol casts Death Frenzy on Boneripper if Nercomancer Lord 1 evades his grasp.
-[] Thanquol casts Curse of Hashut on Necromancer Lord 3 to end his shit right now and to slam in a big spell before the Ash Cloud gets too much for even us.
-[] Back out of the Ash Cloud, please and thank you. Use Skitterleap if necessary.
-[] Thanquol casts Scorch at Necromancer Lord 1. The Skaven have a fire spell, too, sucker. Perhaps a synergy with Ash Cloud and Staff of the Horned Rat?

Not the most optimised plan, but it's a thing.
It is explicitly stated that Thanquol is immune to the negative effects of the Ash Cloud and the Shroud of Dhar is only making things better for him.

All in all wasting energy, opportunity, and magic just to get out is wasteful.

Next, Death Frenzy doesn't provide us defense in the form of offense, Thanquol is not being ignored and he's rather close to his enemies. Curse of Hashut meanwhile is inefficent with our limited magic and the benefits of the Ash Storm-Burning Wrath is a moderate to low difficulty spell with good damage that is amplified by the Ash Storm.
It is explicitly stated that Thanquol is immune to the negative effects of the Ash Cloud and the Shroud of Dhar is only making things better for him.

All in all wasting energy, opportunity, and magic just to get out is wasteful.

Next, Death Frenzy doesn't provide us defense in the form of offense, Thanquol is not being ignored and he's rather close to his enemies. Curse of Hashut meanwhile is inefficent with our limited magic and the benefits of the Ash Storm-Burning Wrath is a moderate to low difficulty spell with good damage that is amplified by the Ash Storm.

Actually, no. You've read that incorrectly.

the coming round will see the amplification progress to such a degree that Thanquol's immunity to the downsides will begin to fail sporadically.

We should get out, and soon.

I will concede that Curse of Hashut was mostly out of a desire to see it written, and would be better spent on a less-damaged opponent. Burning Wrath is the superior choice.

Death Frenzy should provide us defense in the form of offense in that Boneripper will be tangling with the mostly undamaged Necromancer Lord to tie them down while we mess up the other remaining one. Unless I'm reading it incorrectly, it'll up Boneripper's ferocity and charginess, presumably making him more likely to come scythe to claw with the Necromancer if he decides that he can't handle with Boneripper.
Good point on that, my bad.

No worries, misreadings happen. I'll amend my plan to not use Curse of Hashut, because you were spot on about that.

[] Boneripper pulverises the Necromancer Lord sapping his life to minimise the time he's exposed to its effects, then goes for Necromancer Lord 1 and makes sure he doesn't fly off. Thanquol casts Death Frenzy on Boneripper if Nercomancer Lord 1 evades his grasp.
-[] Thanquol casts Scorch on Necromancer Lord 3 pronto. The Skaven have a fire spell, too, sucker. Perhaps a synergy with Ash Cloud and Staff of the Horned Rat? Might as well try it imo.
-[] Back out of the Ash Cloud, please and thank you. Use Skitterleap if necessary.
-[] Thanquol casts Scorch at Necromancer Lord 1. If Lord 1 is flying, obviously amend this to Burning Wrath.
Is there any merit to just summoning demons?
We don't have any available. Verminlords we have to prepare beforehand if we want them in a duel and we haven't unlocked any of the Lesser Daemons (which we could summon without preparation) yet. We could try the classic summoning rat swarms, but I don't think that'll help much here.

Unfortunately not very - even for Thanquol, calling greater daemons is something that takes multiple minutes of concentration.
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@Fezzes Burning Wrath hits much harder and is easier to cast than Scorch.

We could probably use moving out of the Ash Storm as a distraction, perhaps for Boneripper to hit #3 with his Warpfire, as that one is already heavily burning and distracted by us? Allowing us to hit the largely unharmed one with Burning Wrath.
@Fezzes Burning Wrath hits much harder and is easier to cast than Scorch.

We could probably use moving out of the Ash Storm as a distraction, perhaps for Boneripper to hit #3 with his Warpfire, as that one is already heavily burning and distracted by us? Allowing us to hit the largely unharmed one with Burning Wrath.
I'm not having much luck with actually knowing the mechanics of spells, damn. Ah well.

Heck, if you make that your plan, I'd vote for it.
This is a wonderous quest and we need more scary Entourage members. Because I'll be damned I don't like assassins popping up cx. At least we aren't making shit time on conquering the world though. That's a nice plus lol....I don't look for trying to dominate lustria.
[] Boneripper rips the Necromancer Lord sapping his life off and throws him at 3 to minimize the time he's exposed to its effects, then goes for Necromancer Lord 3 with a Warpfire blast, then heads for 1 Thanquol casts Death Frenzy on Boneripper if Necromancer Lord 1 evades his grasp.
-[] Thanquol makes as if to run-only partially true-so as to distract 3 from Boneripper's Warpfire and get out of the Ash Storm. He takes opportunities as they come-or as needed- to hit 3 and 1 with Burning Wrath.

@Fezzes Boneripper may not be able to throw well, he might be able to-but I think exposure would be longer if he "just" pulverizes the Necromancer, he's still holding on after all.
@Fezzes Boneripper may not be able to throw well, he might be able to-but I think exposure would be longer if he "just" pulverizes the Necromancer, he's still holding on after all.
That's a good point that I hadn't actually considered.

I like this new plan. I'll vote for it whenever the time comes to put the X in the [].
[X] Boneripper rips the Necromancer Lord sapping his life off and throws him at 1 to minimize the time he's exposed to its effects, then goes for Necromancer Lord 3 with a Warpfire blast, then heads for 1 Thanquol casts Death Frenzy on Boneripper if Necromancer Lord 1 evades his grasp.
-[X] Thanquol makes as if to run-only partially true-so as to distract 3 from Boneripper's Warpfire and get out of the Ash Storm. He takes opportunities as they come-or as needed- to hit 3 and 1 with Burning Wrath.
[X] Boneripper rips the Necromancer Lord sapping his life off and throws him at 1 to minimize the time he's exposed to its effects, then goes for Necromancer Lord 3 with a Warpfire blast, then heads for 1 Thanquol casts Death Frenzy on Boneripper if Necromancer Lord 1 evades his grasp.
-[X] Thanquol makes as if to run-only partially true-so as to distract 3 from Boneripper's Warpfire and get out of the Ash Storm. He takes opportunities as they come-or as needed- to hit 3 and 1 with Burning Wrath.
If instead of overrunning territories like the Empire or Bretonnia as a whole we spend authorities to conquer them piecemeal (like one or two provinces or duchies at a time) is there a possibilitiy to loot more shinies and/or tech ideas?