I think we need to made our USA force bigger and continue to replace old clan ideology.
Try to implement idea of "competent evil" that take advantage is well and good but you need to take advantage of lesser species not our rat.
I'd like to point out the biggest, most glaring issue with this plan: Clan Mors isn't extinct. Remember, Mors is currently the number 1 provider of organized military force for the Under-Empire, and currently holds the 10th seat, which is only three places removed from the the Seat of the Horned Rat. While the USA holds the 4th seat, and thus four seats away from the Horned Rat, if they displace Moulder and equal Mors (or worse, Replace and Outrank Mors itself) I'd bet my britches that they'll start plotting
something, because lying down and dying is not something that Skaven will willingly do.
So, two easy solutions to that: First, we start soothing Mors ego by throwing them support and important jobs to do. Alternatively, we start sabotaging them, sabotage them
like mad, so that they can't cause any trouble without sticking their neck out far enough for it to be lopped off.
Being Skaven, I don't think there isn't any reason that we can't do both at the same time, either, and see which is working out better. Give them missions that should be blatantly impossible, give them support that is
just short of what they actually need, hand them do-nothing jobs, etc.
Personally, I'd rather we spent some time actually building them up. Mainly by getting them to beat all of the miscellaneous Warlord clans into line and unifying them into a single administrative whole. As is, there is plenty of ratpower that is technically unaligned with any of the 13 Council Seats, making there mobilization in our glorious plans less efficient that it really has to be. Feed 'em to Mors, and all those spare rats will be directly accessible for our bloody leisure.