Then perhaps you would prefer communism?
Is that meant to be a joke? I have a hard time believing that our race would even consider a government based upon the ideas of community. At the same time, I doubt that we should structure ourselves akin to the Nazi ideology seeing as it resulted in a command structure that frankly was a mess. I would instead say that the power back then that we are the most akin to, and whom we should look to as an example is the Imperial Japanese.
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How about we stop this line of though before someone calls in the mods?

@Xantalos do we have any Lizardmen corpses or captives? With all this talk of finding a way to restore youth or increase longevity, I think we've overlooked discovering some of the secrets to immortality from them. Even if they can't crack Lizardmen immortality completely, it's bound to help somewhere, just as the Dragon Ogres ended up helping with the stasis.
Also stuff that increases your ability to make war on a broad scale - somehow getting better gear for basic clanrats would do a lot, but also be really damn difficult due to the sheer amount of material needed. Stuff like that, that lets you better leverage the sheer number of bodies you have.

I know you play in WOTK, so think of it a little like this. If Chaos/[REDACTED] can roughly be compared to the Beast - in the sense of how they work, not necessarily power or scale-wise, and Ulthuan is comparable to the pre-fall Eldar in a sense, you're vaguely analogous to Krork in that because the skaven have so many damn skaven, upgrades that affect the baseline units are gonna have a big impact just because of the sheer scale they end up being applied on. Of course, they're correspondingly tricky to actually implement.
So, I have an idea for this.

How about genetically altering/enhancing/breeding Black Corn to be healthier for the Skaven? It's a fact that having a good diet with the proper nutrients and vitamins makes people smarter, stronger, develop muscle and recover from injury better, have more energy, and just all around better in pretty much every way. If we can make Black Corn even a little bit more nutritious, or possibly develop a wide spread supplement to go with it that is nutrious, that should go a long way to making basically every Skaven better and increasing our authority.

So, what do you think about this?

Also, side question, do our elites/leaders eat Black Corn or do they use their authority and riches to get themself better food?

So yeah, what do you think of this idea?


Also, I have a second question. How much growth has there been in Dragon Ogre flesh from bathing it in electricity? Enough to, say, create Dragon Ogre Flesh farms?

Cause a steady source of protein that we can grow is not something to underestimate and for some reason I'm imaging that these things might be real good for you if you can survive eating it, and if we can snort warpstone I imagine we can eat this stuff.
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I think we need to made our USA force bigger and continue to replace old clan ideology.

Try to implement idea of "competent evil" that take advantage is well and good but you need to take advantage of lesser species not our rat.
I'd like to point out the biggest, most glaring issue with this plan: Clan Mors isn't extinct. Remember, Mors is currently the number 1 provider of organized military force for the Under-Empire, and currently holds the 10th seat, which is only three places removed from the the Seat of the Horned Rat. While the USA holds the 4th seat, and thus four seats away from the Horned Rat, if they displace Moulder and equal Mors (or worse, Replace and Outrank Mors itself) I'd bet my britches that they'll start plotting something, because lying down and dying is not something that Skaven will willingly do.

So, two easy solutions to that: First, we start soothing Mors ego by throwing them support and important jobs to do. Alternatively, we start sabotaging them, sabotage them like mad, so that they can't cause any trouble without sticking their neck out far enough for it to be lopped off.

Being Skaven, I don't think there isn't any reason that we can't do both at the same time, either, and see which is working out better. Give them missions that should be blatantly impossible, give them support that is just short of what they actually need, hand them do-nothing jobs, etc.

Personally, I'd rather we spent some time actually building them up. Mainly by getting them to beat all of the miscellaneous Warlord clans into line and unifying them into a single administrative whole. As is, there is plenty of ratpower that is technically unaligned with any of the 13 Council Seats, making there mobilization in our glorious plans less efficient that it really has to be. Feed 'em to Mors, and all those spare rats will be directly accessible for our bloody leisure.

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I do want to do something for Mors soon. IIRC they're leading the charge against Estalia, so if there's anything interesting there they can have it.

Aside from that, they need a specialty that they're good at. Looking into the idea of Runic Gear seems like a good focus for Mors, or perhaps looking into more uses for the venom they use for Weeping Blades. I had an idea of Mors focusing on either infantry-scale warfare, or mass-production to go along with their large numbers of Stormvermin.
I do want to do something for Mors soon. IIRC they're leading the charge against Estalia, so if there's anything interesting there they can have it.

Aside from that, they need a specialty that they're good at. Looking into the idea of Runic Gear seems like a good focus for Mors, or perhaps looking into more uses for the venom they use for Weeping Blades. I had an idea of Mors focusing on either infantry-scale warfare, or mass-production to go along with their large numbers of Stormvermin.
Well, I'm not a lore buff, but after a quick wiki dive and some double checking of the local WoG, I think I've found the most obvious way to buff Mors in the short term: help them transition into a Great Clan. Right now their still technically a singular Warlord Clan, just an absurdly large one. By encouraging them to transition into a Greater Clan model, they'll (theoretcially) be able to massively grow their territory and influence as they embrace greater decentralization and delegation as viable methods of control.

The only problem is convincing Arch-Despot Gnawdell to commit to the transition, as he may have his own reasons and secrets for not doing it on his own. If it's an issue, we'll just through some spare resources at him until he has whatever he needs to make the transition worthwhile to him.

3089 After that, they'll probably start figuring out their own specialties.
Well, I'm not a lore buff, but after a quick wiki dive and some double checking of the local WoG, I think I've found the most obvious way to buff Mors in the short term: help them transition into a Great Clan. Right now their still technically a singular Warlord Clan, just an absurdly large one. By encouraging them to transition into a Greater Clan model, they'll (theoretcially) be able to massively grow their territory and influence as they embrace greater decentralization and delegation as viable methods of control.

The only problem is convincing Arch-Despot Gnawdell to commit to the transition, as he may have his own reasons and secrets for not doing it on his own. If it's an issue, we'll just through some spare resources at him until he has whatever he needs to make the transition worthwhile to him.

3089 After that, they'll probably start figuring out their own specialties.

The problem is trying to get the other Great Clans to accept that.
I do want to do something for Mors soon. IIRC they're leading the charge against Estalia, so if there's anything interesting there they can have it.

Aside from that, they need a specialty that they're good at. Looking into the idea of Runic Gear seems like a good focus for Mors, or perhaps looking into more uses for the venom they use for Weeping Blades. I had an idea of Mors focusing on either infantry-scale warfare, or mass-production to go along with their large numbers of Stormvermin.
Agreed, and while I do think a specialty such as runes would help them, I think what they need is a role. A job that makes them special. I've been putting some thought into it and I'm okay with the USA replacing them as our military arm. What should happen is they become our attack dogs. Our internal police to slap down any clan that gets ideas about it's place. Our Inquisitors. The caveat is that Inquisitors don't really have a place in Skaven society, as it's backstabbing all the way down. For every plot they discover it's going to lead to nine more. However, putting Mors into this position (while there isn't any actual plans to overthrow the Council) gives them unprecedented power, but little to actually do with it besides go on wild goose chases across Skavendom. Sure, they're going to abuse it to eliminate enemies, but that isn't going to change anything in the grand scheme of things outside them getting prestige and leveraging their position for power. So just Skaven things framed differently.

In this they'd have a job which still elevates them, but at the same time is basically nothing at the moment. We currently have no outstanding tension with any clan (except Mors), and while I absolutely expect them to try to leverage this power, I'm okay with that. So long as they don't push and do something large scale we don't explicitly order, I'm fine giving them this leg up on the competition. It gets them happy under our rule, gives them a way to crawl back to their previous power, and gives them some trouble to get up to that isn't treasonous to us. It also will come in handy if we ever do fumble handling the clans hard enough that treason comes up.

tl;dr: Make Mors our Inquisitor clan. With how much fractional tension there is in the normal Inquisition, they'll pretty much get a glorified position that means nothing until it does. They'll definitely abuse their authority to get a leg up over everyone else but a) that makes them the hated face that we'll benevolently reign in b) gives them a way to crawl back to their previous power without throwing dice at them and c) might actually come in handy if a Clan ever starts planning treason.
Right now their still technically a singular Warlord Clan, just an absurdly large one. By encouraging them to transition into a Greater Clan model, they'll (theoretcially) be able to massively grow their territory and influence as they embrace greater decentralization and delegation as viable methods of control.
Them remaining a singular Warlord Clan might help other clans stomach them getting this position.
@Xantalos do we have any Lizardmen corpses or captives? With all this talk of finding a way to restore youth or increase longevity, I think we've overlooked discovering some of the secrets to immortality from them. Even if they can't crack Lizardmen immortality completely, it's bound to help somewhere, just as the Dragon Ogres ended up helping with the stasis.
Unfortunately no, the ones in the Dragon Isles were ... uncooperative.

So, I have an idea for this.

How about genetically altering/enhancing/breeding Black Corn to be healthier for the Skaven? It's a fact that having a good diet with the proper nutrients and vitamins makes people smarter, stronger, develop muscle and recover from injury better, have more energy, and just all around better in pretty much every way. If we can make Black Corn even a little bit more nutritious, or possibly develop a wide spread supplement to go with it that is nutrious, that should go a long way to making basically every Skaven better and increasing our authority.

So, what do you think about this?

Also, side question, do our elites/leaders eat Black Corn or do they use their authority and riches to get themself better food?

So yeah, what do you think of this idea?


Also, I have a second question. How much growth has there been in Dragon Ogre flesh from bathing it in electricity? Enough to, say, create Dragon Ogre Flesh farms?

Cause a steady source of protein that we can grow is not something to underestimate and for some reason I'm imaging that these things might be real good for you if you can survive eating it, and if we can snort warpstone I imagine we can eat this stuff.
You can certainly give re-engineering black corn to be bigger a try, though doing so without excessive amounts of warpstone in the breeding or the knowledge of how to do genetic alteration it'll take a while. Could certainly buff your lower-class guys up, though. Your higher-ups, ie stormvermin and warlord, tend to eat like Middle Ages nobles did. That being 90% meat, which is why they get so buff.

You definitely can grow dragon ogre flesh farms if you so desired, though it'd take a bit of development to set up since you need to give the charged flesh time to lose the electricity or purge it in some way so it won't electrocute those who eat it. It'll take some authority, to figure that out and to set up the giant banks of electricity generators, but it can be done.

I do want to do something for Mors soon. IIRC they're leading the charge against Estalia, so if there's anything interesting there they can have it.

Aside from that, they need a specialty that they're good at. Looking into the idea of Runic Gear seems like a good focus for Mors, or perhaps looking into more uses for the venom they use for Weeping Blades. I had an idea of Mors focusing on either infantry-scale warfare, or mass-production to go along with their large numbers of Stormvermin.
While they do tend to be generalists right now, there are indeed plenty of avenues Mors does have advantages in you could focus on. There's some goodies hidden in their tech tree, and they are very good at infantry usage. It's why they worked so well with the USA before Gnawdell got paranoid back in turn 0, which you can't really blame her for, seeing as...

Well, I'm not a lore buff, but after a quick wiki dive and some double checking of the local WoG, I think I've found the most obvious way to buff Mors in the short term: help them transition into a Great Clan. Right now their still technically a singular Warlord Clan, just an absurdly large one. By encouraging them to transition into a Greater Clan model, they'll (theoretcially) be able to massively grow their territory and influence as they embrace greater decentralization and delegation as viable methods of control.

The only problem is convincing Arch-Despot Gnawdell to commit to the transition, as he may have his own reasons and secrets for not doing it on his own. If it's an issue, we'll just through some spare resources at him until he has whatever he needs to make the transition worthwhile to him.

3089 After that, they'll probably start figuring out their own specialties.
As @Necron_Lord noted, the primary reason Mors hasn't become their own brand of Great Clan is primarily because of the other Great Clans (well, mainly Skyre Eshin Moulder and Pestilens, the Bank doesn't really care) politicking and restricting them using soft power from really starting the transition. But they're really close - all they need is an opportunity, really, and Gnawdell (who's a she here btw, dunno why, just felt like making her female) will grab it when it appears.
While they do tend to be generalists right now, there are indeed plenty of avenues Mors does have advantages in you could focus on. There's some goodies hidden in their tech tree, and they are very good at infantry usage. It's why they worked so well with the USA before Gnawdell got paranoid back in turn 0, which you can't really blame her for, seeing as...
Yeah, losing all those Stormvermin and Queek in Zhar Naggrund was definitely a blow, even if it was as unexpected for us as it was for Gnawdell.

Hmm. If we can spare the Authority(which I hope we'll be able to but doubt), maybe we could have Mors seize Karak Izor. That would complete our dominance of the Vaults, give Mors some prestige, and give us more information on Dwarf Runelore that Mors could use to develop it. On that note, I imagine Mors could also learn a great deal from the Nipponese Spellsmiths.

Another idea I had for Mors was aside from a focus on infantry equipment, a focus on mass-production and mixing of comparatively low-tech stuff, like how they've got all the lesser bits of equipment from the four Great Clans.
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On that note, depending on how Estalia goes Mors is likely to claim at least some of the settlements they conquer there. Conquerors keepers and all that.
There are ways to work around Thanquol's socialization deficiency, yeah - and also just to increase his fellowship, since I wouldn't have given you the stat if it wasn't possible to increase it.
On that note, depending on how Estalia goes Mors is likely to claim at least some of the settlements they conquer there. Conquerors keepers and all that.
Which is in-line with my intention. They were annoyed still at how Dark Lands turned out, I keep wanting to feed them campaigns and opportunities to showcase themselves and take holdings so they don't get too disgruntled.
You can certainly give re-engineering black corn to be bigger a try, though doing so without excessive amounts of warpstone in the breeding or the knowledge of how to do genetic alteration it'll take a while. Could certainly buff your lower-class guys up, though. Your higher-ups, ie stormvermin and warlord, tend to eat like Middle Ages nobles did. That being 90% meat, which is why they get so buff.

You definitely can grow dragon ogre flesh farms if you so desired, though it'd take a bit of development to set up since you need to give the charged flesh time to lose the electricity or purge it in some way so it won't electrocute those who eat it. It'll take some authority, to figure that out and to set up the giant banks of electricity generators, but it can be done.
Hemmm, it might be better to just go for the Dragon Ogre Meat farms. It's meat, so making it wide spread through the masses would give them similar diets to all the higher ups and thus let them get at least a little more jacked.

Plus, with so much of the meat roaming around there'd be plenty for basically everyone to experiment with, hopefully giving a greater understanding of the stuff and how we can exploit it passively. I would not be surprised if we got some sort of free tech a few turns down the line after doing this thanks to people experimenting with the basically limitless Dragon Ogre Flesh.

though it'd take a bit of development to set up since you need to give the charged flesh time to lose the electricity or purge it in some way so it won't electrocute those who eat it.
Uhhh, use it to charge batteries for use in other devices?

Cut a steak sized piece of Dragon Ogre Flesh out of the farm while wearing rubber gloves and using a blade with a non conductive handle, stick a battery into the steak, let the steak charge up the battery, and then the steak goes out to some Skaven and the battery is shipped off somewhere to be used in some other device.

Maybe invent some sort of electric grenade?

Question, what happens when you electrocute warpstone? Any interesting interaction there?

Alternatively, we could just go with what you said and just wait. That's actually not a problem, all it means is that it takes a little longer to ship the food out the first time around, after the first go everything should be on schedule to send out a steady stream of it on a regular basis.
Well, the next snippet (which I'll probably post sometime tomorrow) deals with the dragon ogre research, so that should give you a bit of an impression of how all that came about.
Hemmm, it might be better to just go for the Dragon Ogre Meat farms. It's meat, so making it wide spread through the masses would give them similar diets to all the higher ups and thus let them get at least a little more jacked.

Plus, with so much of the meat roaming around there'd be plenty for basically everyone to experiment with, hopefully giving a greater understanding of the stuff and how we can exploit it passively. I would not be surprised if we got some sort of free tech a few turns down the line after doing this thanks to people experimenting with the basically limitless Dragon Ogre Flesh.
Depending on how portable those electric generators are, we could use them to carry our supply lines with us, making sure our armies have access to a constant source of meat.

I bet Moulder in particular would love that for their Warbeasts.
I added this to the actions threadmark thing, but I'll post it here too so you can see it:

You may research any technology, whether it already exists or not, and I do mean anything. The Under-Empire is a giant melting pot of ideas, and for every idea there's a skaven out there that's had it at one point or another. However, more obscure ideas are harder to actualize than those with some grounding in known principles. What this means is that while it is perfectly possible to create an airplane or atom bomb, it will be far more expensive than if your techbase has concepts that will support it and ensure that you have something to build off of. As a general rule, the less technologies you have with a connection to whatever you intend to create, the more expensive it will be as more parts of it have to be created for the first time, with all the disastrous experimentation that implies.

Just to clarify. If you wanted to create a helicopter, go ahead but it'll be cheaper if you guys know what propellors are and stuff, ya get me?
Just to clarify. If you wanted to create a helicopter, go ahead but it'll be cheaper if you guys know what propellors are and stuff, ya get me?
Next stop: Stealing Gyros from Karaz Ankor!
- Cold Ones - This hostile breed of lizard, captured in the Dragon Isles, secretes a venom from its skin that numbs all sensation and retards motor function on contact. Hunting in packs and standing taller than a manthing, they are deadly hunters, fast breeders, and are extraordinarily uncooperative.
Hmm, looking over the Cold Ones, this looks like a pretty good project for Mors and Moulder. Considering their focus on combined arms, Mors could be in charge of the first actual Skaven cavalry.