I will note that if you fuck up badly enough in the prologue you might kill all the Skaven.
Would've been the same rule for all the factions, actually. Though united Skaven are, by my estimates, one of three factions (and the only playable one) that could conceivably 'win' end times and end up conquering the planet.
Would the others happen to be Chaos and Nagash?

Tough choice.

Thanqoul is awesome but Gnadwell of clan Mors is able to inspire such loyalty in his Skaven that they only betray their betters when they prove themselves to be incompetent.

Would the others happen to be Chaos and Nagash?

Course not, Chaos won End Times after all and clearly the one with the best chances of Surviving the, well... end of The End Times is Settra, not the Tomb Kings faction. Just Settra. :D
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Yeah, GW seemed to forget some assets that Chaos had at their disposal, and some people that would be interested in Nagash.

Also yeah Settra's gonna kick ass
Excellent. There was barely anything good about the canon End Times

There were loads of good things about Canon end times, scattered throughout it like flakes of Gold inside of a turd.
  • Manfred getting put in his place by Arkhan.
  • Morathi getting dragged into the Warp, presumably to be used as a condom by Slaneesh.
  • Manfred getting put in his place by Nagash.
  • The fact that the most baddass cavalry charge of all time probably took place with Abhorash and Gilles Le Breton joining forces.
  • Manfred getting put in his place by Vlad.
  • The whole Incarnate thing was pretty neat, though it could have been better with some different characters as the Incarnates.
  • Manfred getting put in his place by Tyrion before being permakilled.
  • Grombrindal leading the vengeful ghosts of every dwarf ever killed to avenge ALL THE GRUDGES.
  • Mazdamundi destroying chinks of the moon with nothing but his mind.
  • Lord Kroak willing himself back to life and then dying immediately afterwards by essentially pimp slapping the moon away and throwing huge chunks of Lustria into space.
If you can't tell, I really dislike Manfred.

And of course, every moment Settra is there.
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Naw, their dead. They had no shot at surviving the End Times, hell, they would have be rendered entirely irrelevant without Teclis making Grimgor an Incarnate.
When Archaon blew up the earth, they have no way of getting of it.


That hasn't happened yet, as clearly seen by how, you know, the GM flat out said the Skaven could conquer the planet. If the planet was already destroyed, it would be impossible.

Orc's just have to kill Archaon first and, well, Archaon has proven himself to be no match for Orc's.
The Orcs...
depends with them. Depends.

True. Chaos, Nagash, Settra, Orks, we need to worry about them the most. Lizardmen we can avoid, same with Cathy (they do a lot of damage before they die), the Dark Elves, the High Elves, and the Dwarves (ha).
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A good 70% of why I voted was the potential for hilarious backfiring when doing research. Or anything. The Skaven amuse me when they aren't antagonists wrecking everything I care about.
And the backfiring is actually a good thing in a way! :D With a birthrate as crazy high as the Skaven have, culling the herd keeps them from overpopulating.