Fractured Fantasy: A CK2 Style Final Fantasy quest

nstead we may be better served by exploring the Garamsythe Waterway, as it may give us some more leads WRT the crystal thief. (I think Ashe at one point told us that there may be secret/hidden passageways connecting it to the Palace.) Or at the very least, give us some more items/exp from killing monsters.
if we want to go all into it maybe, but seems like a longshot? so wouldn't be too confident about it helping, especially since we wouldn't have scouting for the monster in the sewers (though it's a bit difficult to get that since it's an intrigue slot action)

hmm, sorry if this is already been said but do we get the ability to assign actions freely now hero stats aren't being added to rolls again? i'm not sure if we'd *want* to do it since while martial's the less relevant action type and intrigue's the most, we're rolling lowest in intrigue right now and highest in martial :/ could still be an option though
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hmm, sorry if this is already been said but do we get the ability to assign actions freely now hero stats aren't being added to rolls again? i'm not sure if we'd *want* to do it since while martial's the less relevant action type and intrigue's the most, we're rolling lowest in intrigue right now and highest in martial :/ could still be an option though
I kinda want to say yes just to see what scheme you can come up with, but no, sorry. It's 1 action per action type. Letting you drop an action from one category to perform another one in a different category was a concession I made back when Aerith was on her own, before you had personal actions and were starting to make A Crew. I probably won't let it happen again, although as your faction grows you might get extra actions through other ways.
Just a thought, if people can switch from Materia to a less world killing/life devouring crystal....

Perhaps the magic users/bearers from XVI also can (assuming XVI is a part of this quest?) Magic would no longer be a long slow death sentence as bad as being a l'Cie in XIII. It would be Earth changing. Also potentially applies to the people of Cocoon.
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If anyone is interested, I have added Vaan and Zidane's character sheets to the "Guests" list, since they'll be guests for the duration of the Midgar Mission. It might help with some future planning. Also, I've started a list of codes for the character's color coding, complete with names. Some characters may have their colors slightly change because of this, but that should be okay
Perhaps the magic users/bearers from XVI also can (assuming XVI is a part of this quest?) Magic would no longer be a long slow death sentence as bad as being a l'Cie in XIII. It would be Earth changing. Also potentially applies to the people of Cocoon.
Sorry, XVI is one game that I didn't include, because I have never played it, don't even have the hardware to play it (my computer is too old and I don't have a PS5) and it would be quite difficult for me to research it to satisfaction.

It's an interesting thought though. Some Crystals are good, the Elemental Crystals, most forms of Natural Magicite are neutral at least. But on the other hand, you have the Fal'Cie and the Magicite made from Espers which are both quite bad. Funny how crystals are always important to FF, but the reason why always changes.
and there's no need to visit the black market if you don't want it.
Oh I know. I'm not feeling pressured or anything. I'm just trying to compromise and find which option leaves most people satisfied by explaining which options I'm fine with changing in my plan and my reasoning for it.

fair enough for not wanting to risk losing even *more* money, though to be clear the appeal of their intrigue action's less for boosting the diplomacy and more that apparently he's recruitable as a hero? which seems big when we only have two atm? the possible synergy's just a bonus/reason to combine the actions, especially since if we're spending an expensive diplomacy action on helping out we probs want to counterbalance it with something that helps us long-term?
Fair enough. Gaining a new hero would be a great boon. I'm a bit on the fence on Setze because of the gambling mechanic and the cost failing the diplomacy and intrigue actions would bring, but considering he's leaving this turn and we don't have a way to make or other potential recruits like Wakka and Shadow full blown heroes yet, maybe it would be best to risk it with him. And the cost thing might not even be that big of a deal since doing him a favor also counts as a form of payment.

Instead we may be better served by exploring the Garamsythe Waterway, as it may give us some more leads WRT the crystal thief.
That's fair. I'm not in a hurry to do the fighting formations. Just picked it due to the lower DC and utility it can bring in future fights, but it's nothing urgent. The only Martial option I'm not in favor of doing right now is the Sinspawn one due to the high DC. But besides that, I'm cool with anything in martial.

I'll add a second version of my plan before going to sleep.
I kinda want to say yes just to see what scheme you can come up with, but no, sorry. It's 1 action per action type. Letting you drop an action from one category to perform another one in a different category was a concession I made back when Aerith was on her own, before you had personal actions and were starting to make A Crew. I probably won't let it happen again, although as your faction grows you might get extra actions through other ways.
totally fine with this ruling, (it's understandable both from a balance and a narrative perspective tbh) especially since i have no clue what i'd try to pull either(maybe focus multiple actions on diplomacy, since that has lots of good actions and has a decent bonus atm? though shouldn't be planning something when there's no point lol)
just wanted to get if it was an option it out there, since people assume by default it isn't and it'd be sad to miss out if there *was* anything?

Oh I know. I'm not feeling pressured or anything. I'm just trying to compromise and find which option leaves most people satisfied by explaining which options I'm fine with changing in my plan and my reasoning for it.
glad to hear, i don't want to come off as too insistent on stuff. generally i'd *like* black market access in general, but understand now may not be the best time so it's a tossup. if it's only reduced temporarily it's definitely worth it though, but hopefully the DC reduction's for good? maybe it was due to looking into the sky pirates, who knows?
Fair enough. Gaining a new hero would be a great boon. I'm a bit on the fence on Setze because of the gambling mechanic and the cost failing the diplomacy and intrigue actions would bring, but considering he's leaving this turn and we don't have a way to make or other potential recruits like Wakka and Shadow full blown heroes yet, maybe it would be best to risk it with him. And the cost thing might not even be that big of a deal since doing him a favor also counts as a form of payment.
best case scenario we recruit him, and thus need shadow less and don't have to shell out so much over time
if it costs more than we gain in a single action, doing the favour may come out cheaper then paying him, though i expect it's not going to be in stewardship so it's probs not that easy and there's an opportunity cost too, so we'll have to see what things are like on a failure.
hmm, thinking of it like a forced sidequest, the favour might be more palatable if doing it accomplishes something positive/we benefit from it too in some way, right? in which case the biggest issue would be dragging us away from other objectives (though in this case, i'd expect the favor isn't claimed immediately so we should be good?)

something else to consider, this is actually Alfyn/Freya gambling with all our money, not Aerith. this both means it's technically not us who owe them the favour (though we'll help out anyhow so this is basically just a talking point) and that we get to hold it over the others if they spent all our funds on gambling and lost. could be fun?
That's fair. I'm not in a hurry to do the fighting formations. Just picked it due to the lower DC and utility it can bring in future fights, but it's nothing urgent. The only Martial option I'm not in favor of doing right now is the Sinspawn one due to the high DC. But besides that, I'm cool with anything in martial.
personally don't have anything against formations myself, it's just a bit weird. the effect might be worse with people absent, but if the action's just a matter of figuring stuff out then Freya could probably share what she learned decently enough? worth getting out of the way with regardless, have to see

also, if you're worried about difficulty i don't think the sinspawn hunt is *that* unreasonable, at least for the first DC? and I think getting the full one would be unreasonable regardless of if we had aerith or not.
as a reminder Freya rolls +32 on martial, so we have a more than 50% chance of succeeding the first DC
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I wasn't sure if Hojo should be capable of namedropping Chaos right now, but it is Hojo. The man who is in the business of knowing more than everyone else, so I'll let it slide.

Actually, Hojo isn't referring to Chaos, he's referring to Chaos who, as far as I can tell, isn't related to Chaos #1 in any way. As far as I am aware, Hojo isn't aware of Chaos but that's ultimately up for you to decide.

Although now that I think about it, it would make more sense for him to compare Eidolons to Omega Weapon assuming he is far enough in his timeline to know of Omega Weapon.
Actually, Hojo isn't referring to Chaos, he's referring to Chaos who, as far as I can tell, isn't related to Chaos #1 in any way. As far as I am aware, Hojo isn't aware of Chaos but that's ultimately up for you to decide.
The annoying thing is, I should know this. I researched the Chaos catalog before this quest even started. Yeah, Hojo would know everything about FF7's variation of Chaos. He's the one who put it in Vincent in the first place. So yeah, I take that back it makes perfect sense. This is one reason I'm against duplicate characters, I feel like it's confusing enough when some characters from different games share the same name anyway.
The annoying thing is, I should know this. I researched the Chaos catalog before this quest even started. Yeah, Hojo would know everything about FF7's variation of Chaos. He's the one who put it in Vincent in the first place. So yeah, I take that back it makes perfect sense. This is one reason I'm against duplicate characters, I feel like it's confusing enough when some characters from different games share the same name anyway.
Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle standing nearby. "So eh... is this a bad time?"
I am bit curious how Chadleys ability to synthesize summoning materia by seemingly collecting data on people fighting and defeating said summon in a VR simulation works here.

Especially considering how the yevonites looks up to summoner while despising technology.

I guess we will find out if we decided to play some Fort Condor in Midgard and meet the grandmaster. Unless, of course, if he is no longer in Midgard.
"I'll be careful. I'm strong now. I'll not let anyone down!"
Awh... Man, seeing child Rydia declare this as she's sacrificing herself to the Pilgrimage really pulls at the heartstrings.
"You're a grown up. Grown ups don't cry!" She protested, her voice cracking more.

" I won't tell if you won't." He said.

She let out a little chuckle, then turned into a sob and then into heartfelt weeping against his shirt. And if Barret Wallace had never thought he'd be tired of seeing hopeful faces, he'd also never thought he'd ever be so relieved to hear a little girls' sobs.
Oh. Damn. That's a hell of a way to end it. Fantastic job on getting the heartbreak and pressure both of them must be under across.

Martially, a lower-impact turn means we could take this time to check the waterways or explore the area around Rabanstre for auxillary loot. Or get Formations done--if they're SaGa-style Formations, I'd be interested in having them as an additional combat/adventure option.
Though... Well, this might be presuming too much, but part of me does think that we wouldn't be getting much from Formations if we can't guarentee have at least 5 heroes together for every boss fight we encounter.

So on a pure pragmatism level, it might be better to go exploring. Could also get some good equipment for ourselves that way, or find out where Belias is sulking, or something. Point is, there's a fairly low chance that we'll fail and get nothing at all from an exploration, vs. a relatively nebulous bonus from Formation stuff.
I'm kind of surprised this turn has been stumping you guys. Did I underestimate how concerning it would be to have your stats reduced? (Since Aerith isn't there)
I'm kind of surprised this turn has been stumping you guys. Did I underestimate how concerning it would be to have your stats reduced? (Since Aerith isn't there)
it might be that people don't realise moratorium's over? i thought there was a freeze on stuff at first and only changed stuff when i noticed Talow had voted

plus, even though only two people have submitted plans, that's probably most possibilities? so there's not much else to bother creating

(i don't think lacking Aerith's stats is too big an issue since we wouldn't have hero stats for everything anyhow? it might be more that there's a lot of things to do all of a sudden, but that's probably normal for quests?)
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[X] Plan: Helping Hand V.2
-[X] Explore the Garamsythe Waterway
-[X] Get Setzer to Take The Cocoon Refugees Home
-[X] Uphold Your Deal
-[X] Acquire Setzer's Services
-[X] What Could You Make?
-[X] Universal Herbology Catalog
-[X] Visit The Palace

Oh, fine, let's splurge. I was thiniing I wanted to save money for our business, but having a good 'opener' to Cocoon at some point will pay for itself eventually.
do we have to explore the waterway? seems a waste when there's an action for scouting it that'd presumably enhance it but that we don't have when there's other viable options
or is it that we might encounter the boss anyhow, and thus could skip the scouting action? could be pretty good if so, admittedly
I just figure that formation training is something best done when the gang's all there, and that's the main competing plan.
It's less being stumped, for me, and just trying to figure out (or get persuaded on) what to do.
As an additional question, if Freya goes to hone her spear over at Lostime, can we get her to pick up some seeds on the way back?

As a sidenote, if it influences anyone's plans, we do technically only have 6 Funds right now, and another one of them is going to Shadow after we're done here for an final 5 Funds... Assuming we don't gain or lose any more with the actions we have in Midgar.

And as a double sidenote, I also have 9 QP. While I'd rather save it all for our operations in Midgar, I'm not opposed to spending some if asked.

do we have to explore the waterway? seems a waste when there's an action for scouting it that'd presumably enhance it but that we don't have when there's other viable options
I thought that's for identifying the monster in it, specifically? Granted, telling us its weaknesses, or what we can do to make it easier to fight, or what cool loot we can get from it if we're careful would all be pretty nice info to have.
I just figure that formation training is something best done when the gang's all there, and that's the main competing plan.
sort of wanted to try the hunt even if it's only able to hit the lower DC? my logic was that any attempts next turn probably wouldn't make the higher DC without it being reduced anyhow so it'd be worthwhile,
if that's undesirable i was thinking of formations, sort of as something to get out of the way? i agree the result's probably going to be worse narratively but it'd still be completed so we'd have access to the feature and could move on, after all?
I thought that's for identifying the monster in it, specifically? Granted, telling us its weaknesses, or what we can do to make it easier to fight, or what cool loot we can get from it if we're careful would all be pretty nice info to have.
to me the main thing of importance in the sewers is the monster, and since it's hard to say what we'd gain from exploring directly sort of want to play it safe and ensure we'd succeed? could end up failing to find it otherwise, which might suck if we were actively hunting it (though admittedly with just Freya, now may be a bad time for hunting? so if we find normal stuff and just hints for the boss that could be pretty good)

was also after searching it with Freya since she's more combat specced so may have a better time of things with this sort of intrigue action over others, though admittedly again she'd have the same benefits during normal server exploration too

to be honest, overall it's hard to say what the best bet is, too much's ambiguous about the actions and how valuable they are. i guess that's partially why i wanted to stay away from direct exploration until we get the intrigue action and focus on other stuff for now? that would bring more reliable results, at least.
As a sidenote, if it influences anyone's plans, we do technically only have 6 Funds right now, and another one of them is going to Shadow after we're done here for an final 5 Funds... Assuming we don't gain or lose any more with the actions we have in Midgar.
If my math is correct, you had 2 at the start of turn 7, made 7 that turn (2 from the sunstones, 5 from seeking the Saharas) and spent 1 on Shadow. Leaving you with 8. On turn 8, you've already spent 1 for Shadow, leaving you with 7 (6 counting what Shadow will take if you get back safely)

… I hope I didn't mess up the math on my own quest. That would be a little embarrassing
... Oh oops. That's my bad, I missed that we had 2 funds at the start of T7.

Also, took a look at Zidane and Vaan. Holy crud, Vaan's martial is higher than I thought it'd be. Glad they have high Intrigue values, between them and Shadow they should hold decently against the Turks... Now to see how they're going to hold up when it's time to sneak out.

Hopefully we can pull this off! I'd imagine we'd also get Zidane or company as allies, if not Heroes outright, if we manage to get this.
Edit: Also, just to say in advance, I think it'd be good to hand Zidane the Shiva magicite. Not only for him, but for Garnet.
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@griffinlw What is the Trance canon in the quest? In the game, entering Trance is accompanied by a flash of light and a costume change but as I was referring to the fight against the Earth Dragon, I noticed Freya didn't show either when entering her Trance. Is it more a mental thing?

[X] Plan: Helping Hand V.2
Edit: Also, just to say in advance, I think it'd be good to hand Zidane the Shiva magicite. Not only for him, but for Garnet.
may be an option, though could be some issues with it? They'd probably need to bond with it first for it to have its full effect (and even with us being able to explain what it is and share how we bonded, it still may take too long if it's possible at all), and I'm less sure about this (depends on his magical skill really) but Zidane may have trouble fitting new stuff into his fighting style or already have stuff he's used to using so it might not be as useful for him than us?

meanwhile, if something goes wrong we may need it ourselves more? would definitely be useful either to defend if our cover's blown during the performance, or as emergency reinforcements for if things go hot and we need to cover their escape)(hard to say the chances of this happening, but it's definitely a possibility)

though good idea on having something Garnet can use ready, though if she's being experimented on she might not be in condition to fight/cast things, so i wouldn't bet on it working? though maybe they could bring some stuff for her to possibly use without it having to be the Magicite?
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Mmmm, my main thought here is to make sure Garnet will have something to defend herself with when they get her, and, well... I was thinking that since Garnet is a summoner, Shiva would probably be good with saying "sure, I'll do you a solid" if we explain the situation to her to try and get her to listen to Garnet, right? ((Especially since Shiva's one of her starting summons.))

I'd also want to get something for Steiner, but I know him less well... And uh, in-character, it seems like Zidane and company don't even know he's there! XD

And admittedly, my thought about "if something goes wrong" is just that Aerith might end up holing up in Midgar for a bit and help the crew lay low with Flower of the Slums and her own personal experience. I should probably give some more thorough thought to potential worst-case scenarios here.
@griffinlw What is the Trance canon in the quest? In the game, entering Trance is accompanied by a flash of light and a costume change but as I was referring to the fight against the Earth Dragon, I noticed Freya didn't show either when entering her Trance. Is it more a mental thing?
Yes, to the flash of light and the pink glow, no to the costume change. For a few reasons.
  1. I forgot to write a transformation for Freya.
  2. We couldn't find trance sprites for Freya, and I kinda doubt there are any for the others, so the battle scene artist put a shimmer/glow effect on Freya instead. I think it worked fine.
  3. It brings up weird questions like, does trance always look the same? Will it change if you wear a different outfit? If Steiner goes trance while he isn't wearing armor does he produce a suit of armor, or will his clothes transform into hide armor instead of metal?
  4. Im not too good at describing normal outfits. I shudder at the idea of trying to describe glowy magical ones
If you want to describe them in glorious glowy detail, that's fine. I just don't plan on doing it myself