The Price of Loyalty
"The General will see you now." The Imperial soldier said.
The wait had been annoying, even if the waiting room was comfortable, and he'd been served refreshments. It was simply a long time since colonel Fury Caraway had been in a situation where he'd been the one being made to wait, rather than keeping others waiting. But it was no time for him to let his ego talk. He was a colonel without an army.
He gave the soldier a stern nod, and had some satisfaction that the man flinched as if holding back a salute. A colonel without an army, but a colonel still. A good thing, considering his current gambit.
The office of General Leo Christophe was less opulent than his own preferences. The technology a bit more dated. A phonograph in the corner. The walls and tables were covered in maps of the Shattered World. And of course, there was his own handwritten report there.
The general himself was rising out of his chair, dressed in vibrant greens, reds and yellows, his dark skinned face lighting up in a smile. "Ah, colonel Caraway. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I lost track of time going through the reading materiel you brought me. Please, sit down." His voice was deep.
Face to face, the contrast between him and the younger officer was striking. He himself still wore the dark blue overcoat, his medals gleaming in the light of the room. He allowed some of the tension to leave his body. The man addressed him by his rank, and stood to greet him. Those were good signs. "Thank you, general. " He said, sitting down on the chair in front of him. "My apologies if my preparations for this report gave rise to concerns."
"It is not a problem at all." Leo said, and Caraway suspected that there hadn't been concerns. Which was a problem. He'd been discreet of course, but if soldiers under his command let a civilian get away with that amount of snooping, there would be some consequences. "A good opportunity for my men to learn a thing or two, as well as me. But let us talk about your request for a commission."
Caraway nodded. "You have read my file I assume. I have served more than twenty years in the G-Army in service to the nation of Galbadia. I started my military career during the Sorceress War, where our nation fought against Esthar, with our opponents wielding technological superiority, arcane support and magically summoned monsters. I distinguished myself enough that at the end of the war, I was given opportunities to prove myself during the various military operations undertaken to expand Galbadia's reach, and maintain control in the face of insurgencies. When Sorceress Edea murdered President Vinzer Deling, I was dismissed and replaced with one of her minions. Not too long after, I found myself here."
"Tell me more about yourself as a person. I read all the information about your experiences as a soldier, but not much of you as a person, Colonel. If we're working together, it would be good to know each other." the general said.
Caraway swallowed the immediate refusal that came naturally. He'd have to get into... personal matters anyway. Might as well get it over with now. "I'm a widower. I married Julia Heartlily right after the Sorceress wars. She died 14 years ago. A car accident. I have a daughter Rinoa Heartlily. Our relation is difficult. I enjoy art. Both looking at it and collecting. I like dogs." The words came out stilted. He did not enjoy not being in charge of the conversation. He carefully watched for any reaction to his daughter's name, but there was none.
"Ah, love and lost. My condolences, colonel. The world can be cruel at times. The challenge is for us to be less so. Even in our line of work." He gave such a genuine smile that Caraway felt faintly guilty about thinking how corny that sounded. "I myself am quite fond of music. Do you sing Colonel?"
I never sang my songs, on the stage, on my own. The memory started to play the same old songs just once more. He kept his face stoic. The pain throbbing was nothing new and he'd gotten good at hiding it. "Julia was a songstress actually. But I've had not much time to indulge music." And I can't bear to hear love songs any more.
"Perhaps we'll look into that. There's some old knightly ballads I would love to share, and perhaps your world has some as well?" The expression on the general told Caraway his poker face had slipped at that. "You are not a fan."
He took a deep breath. "While our nation did have 'knights' serving a country, in recent memory it is generally used to refer to a Sorceress companion. Comparable to the Spirans 'Guardian.' The 'Knight' of the Sorceress Edea, one Seifer Almasy has... earned my ire." Anger was welcomed, burning away the old ache for a moment. "It has nothing to do with the position of 'Knight' in the Gestahlian Empire of course, nor does it reflect on you of course." There was a moment of awkward silence.
"Shall we talk about military matters perhaps?" Leo said. "How do you see your role in the army?"
Caraway felt like he had solid ground under his feet in the conversation again. "Everything I've heard of you suggests you are an honorable man, General. You act honorably, which is to your credit. I suspect you also think honorably, and that is a vulnerability."
General Leo raised one eyebrow.
"If you cannot think like a devious man, you cannot defend against devious attacks. The information I gathered and delivered to you, another can gather and use against you. There are stories of the Shinra's Turks who would take eager advantage. In the Empire you deal with the Returner Insurgency."
"The Returners have a sense of honor. And I do not usually fight them." He said.
Caraway looked him right in the eyes. This was a risky move, but it was needed. "You do not, general. And so the Emperor turns to others to deal with them."
The blonde man's eyes widened as it was clear who Caraway talked about. He let out a sigh. "You are a bold man, colonel. And you are also correct. Being passive is never an excuse. And I'll need you to tell me things I don't want to hear. You would be able to provide assistance these things?"
"You've read my experience with insurgencies. And we didn't hold the line against Esthar without a sneaky stratagem or two." and I organized the assassination attempt of a top functionary in my government, but that wouldn't help his case.
"No particular experience in personal combat, I see. But I suspect you are of the school of thought that if you are in combat, something has gone terribly wrong. " Caraway just nodded at that one. The other officer put the papers down. "You certainly are capable, and you make a good case that I can use those talents. But I imagine if I didn't at least bring up the question of loyalty, that'd be your first criticism. I do not know you, or your nation, and you have no ties to the Empire. Why should you be trusted in a position of authority."
"The name and position I have given you can be verified by anyone with a passing knowledge of Galbadia in this world. I was hardly an unknown figure. My home nation is, by all accounts, not present here. At least not in any strength that would allow them to stand as a separate nation. My dislike for non-human rulers makes it unlikely that I'd make common cause with either Cocoon or the Church of Yevon. My background makes it equall improbable that I would be inclined to throw in my lot with the Returners. Dalmasca is technologically backwards, without the magical heft of the Church of Yevon and has barely gained its own independence. Then there is the Shinra corporation. If not for the Empire, I might have sought a position with them. But working for a young rich snob running an overgrow utility company does not appeal. But most importantly, there is you general. For two reasons."
"You don't strike me as a flatterer colonel." Leo answered.
"You have refused Magitek infusion." He said.
"I have. I am a knight. I do not wish to be anything else."
"The power of magic is tempting. The leader I worked for, he was thoroughly tempted. Our nation was powerful. We ruled most of the continent. But when a Sorceress offered to assist him, he partook of the same power our country spent so many years and lives fighting. She was very useful for a while. Saved his life even. And then, she betrayed and murdered him. And my nation that had once been the bullwark against Sorceress powers became was enslaved to it." He couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice. "And I failed to stop it. And today, I see a nation on that same path."
Leo looked back at him. The room felt colder all of a sudden, the man's warm smile turning into a silent scowl.
"Kefka Palazzo is a threat to the Gestahlian Empire." Fury said. Finally dropping the name rather than talking around him.
"Emperor Gestahl has made his decision about his court magician." Leo said, the harshest he had sounded.
Caraway held his stare. "Tell me that Emperor Gestahl can trust Kefka, general, and I'll not speak on the matter again."
A tense silence. Caraway wondered if he'd pushed too far and was about to be kicked out or arrested. But in the end Leo sighed. "And the other reason."
"A more selfish one." Caraway reached into his pocket. A well thumbed photo of Rinoa was placed on the table. She smiled and as she was talking to someone not in the picture. It was a recent picture. Made by an intelligence agent in Timber. He'd not seen Rinoa smile in his presence in a long while. Perhaps he never would again. "My daughter, Rinoa Heartlily."
Leo briefly looked at the picture. "She seems like a sweet girl."
"Stubborn, rash, naive." He said. "My first priority is her safety. She is not likely to appreciate this."
Leo nodded but was quiet.
"When the situation deteriorated in Galbadia. I tried to keep her shielded from the madness, even if against her will. I failed. She fell in with mercenaries. SeeD, they're called. They fought Sorceress Edea. Involved her." This was it. The big gamble. The reason why General Leo's sense of honor and reluctance to use magic was so important. "After a fight with her. She fell into a coma. When she awoke. She had the powers of a Sorceress. She is a Sorceress."
Leo shook his head. "Oh no..."
"Understand that Sorceress does not just mean 'magic user'. It does not compare to reports of black mages or white mages. I fought Sorceress Adel. I saw what Sorceress Edea did. The stories home are that the power of the Sorceress are the cursed prize humanity won after beating their creator god. A cruel revenge form Hyne. I don't put much stock in them. But I believe that as a Sorceress, she is doomed to either be the enemy of the world, or a living weapon."
There was a flash of something in Leo's eyes. And Caraway thought that it was... guilt? "What do you expect us to do?"
Caraway took a breath. Cards on the table. "Your empire researches magic. Cid Del Norte Marguez might find a way. I've been looking into it. There are rumours that Sorceress Edea didn't die, but was disempowered. There must be a way to remove these powers from her. I'd recommend the Empire to destroy it, or seal it. Nothing good can come of it. But more than anything, I want my daughter to be freed from it. "
Leo nodded. "I... understand. Colonel. The Empire would very much... desire this power." He looked at the picture of the smiling young woman with the saddest expression
"I know." The colonel said. "but you're an honorable man, General Leo. Promise me that you will help me keep her safe, and I'll serve your cause wherever it leads."
Leo looked up at Caraway. And for a moment, Caraway thought he'd made the worst mistake. Then Leo nodded.
"I promise."
I do love FFVIII so am happy to put more characters in. And Fury Caraway is one of those minor characters that I have a lot of thoughts on. He's not a good guy. He's a high ranking officer in a tyrannical regime, and he's a lot less torn up about it than Leo is. But on the other hand, he was very pro-active in taking action against the greater evil. Leo I feel is high diplomacy and low intrigue, wildly popular, beloved by his men, earning the respect of his enemies, but low intrigue, often bamboozled. Caraway is brusque, closed off and blunt, but he's cunning, organized an assassination attempt of the Sorceress, and managed to come out with enough pull to try to get his daughter who took part in it out of the prison. I feel like with Caraway in his camp, Leo is harder to infiltrate, more effective against the Returners, but also more encouraged to be wary of Kefka and be pro active in curtailing him. And Rinoa of course gets the Empire looking for her, and who knows what happens if they actually get their hands on her. But well, that's for griffinlw to decide, if this is canon of course.