You wiped away the sweat dripping down your brow, and tried to ignore how light your head felt. Because you were a woman on a mission, and you were going to sell some flowers!
"Sorry, I'm not interested."
"They'll wither in a few days at most…"
"What a waste of Gil."
"The prettiest flower I see is you."
"... Is that seriously the pickup line you're going with?" You ask, more exasperated than anything else. The catcaller doesn't look like much, a tall and lanky-looking guy who's probably a year or so younger than you.
He looked surprised and dismayed for a moment before quickly recovering and trying another 'smooth line.' "You're looking pretty thirsty there, flower, How about I buy you a drink and-"
"Not interested." You move to brush past him.
"Hey!" He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you back, causing you to drop your basket and spill its contents onto the desert sand.
Tifa was always much better at brawling than you. But she taught you a few tricks.
The catcaller wheezed in pain as you hammered him in the stomach with a sharp elbow and ripped your arm out of his grasp. "I said I'm not interested." You repeated firmly.
He groaned in pain, balling his hands into fists and lowering to a half crouch like he was ready to brawl. "You didn't have to be a bitch about it!"
You cut off his bravado by pulling your staff off your back and pointing the tip at his head, alight with cold blue light. "I have had a long, tiring, and very frustrating day. Don't tempt me."
Apparently deciding he liked his head unfrozen, the catcaller quickly made his escape. You sigh in frustration and rub your temples, now on top of everything else you have a headache. Maybe you should give up for the day.
"You know, I planned on running in like a hero, but it looks like you didn't need my help."
Your heart nearly stops as you find yourself ambushed for the second time in two months by a SOLDIER you know by name. But you almost can't believe it.
"Oh, duh. I could help you pick up your flowers." Zack Fair brushed past you and quickly started scooping your flowers into the basket. You stared, completely dumbfounded and afraid that if you closed your eyes he would vanish.
It was Zack exactly as you remembered him, SOLDIER uniform, spiky black hair, and an eye for helping others. He looked young, whole, healthy…
"Here you go miss!" He presented the basket with a smile, but you were too rattled to take it. Questions were battering your brain like raindrops as the world started to spin.
'How were you alive? Why are you here? Did you forget me too? Is this a dream?'
"Why are you here?" Ends up being the question that slips unbidden through your lips.
"I came wth the caravan from Midgar. Hey, are you alright?" He moved forward, holding out a hand as if to steady you.
It was a good thing he did. The world started to tilt and you fell. But before you could hit the ground, a familiar pair of muscular arms caught you.
You black out.
"Sorry I just, fainted. I've been out in the heat for too long and I made myself sick." You explain, only half lying.
Zack caught you, took you inside to cool off, and even insisted on buying you a glass of juice. All of which was just so… Zack, that it made your heart ache. Especially as you confirmed your greatest fear.
He didn't recognize you.
"You should be more careful." Zack lightly scolded you. "It scared the crap out of me."
"Sorry." You mutter again. Now that you've recovered a bit, you're starting to notice the inconsistencies between the Zack you knew and this Zack. His SOLDIER uniform was an old one, for 2nd Class instead of 1st Class, and he didn't have a Buster Sword (The Buster Sword? Were they two now, or only one?)
"If you don't mind me asking… what year is it? By Shinra's calendar, I mean." You ask, as casually as you can.
"2000, or uh… 2001 I guess? Hard to tell how many months passed after the world got all… screwy." Zack said. "Why do you ask?"
"Just… curious. I was wondering a bit of the other worlds were older or younger." This time you manage to hide it as your mind spins.
2000 was like… 6 or 7 years ago? Before Shinra instituted the new calendar and started over from 1 again. But the president was dead, and Rufus was in control. Was that because of the Upheaval?
"Thank you for everything but, I need to get home now." You stand up, and Zack immediately joins you.
"Is it alright if I walk you home? I don't want you to take another spill." His eyes are full of the same earnest concern as earlier, and you can't help but giggle.
"Thank you Mr. Bodyguard. I would be delighted. Would a flower be enough to buy you for the evening?"
"A flower and a date maybe." Zack quipped back.
You're quick to laugh back, the ache in your heart retreating quietly. Even with this new gulf between you, Zack knew how to make you laugh.
It was one reason why you fell in love with him.
[Zack Fair has been discovered as a Shinra Hero]
"I thought I might find you here."
The knight atop the building turned to face you, as you landed softly on the roof behind him. He was dressed more like a traveler than a knight, with clothes full of earthy tones and adorned with a dozen pouches. The only sign of his knighthood was the wicked-looking lance he carried and the strength of his stance.
"Lady Freya." He greeted politely and at pthe roper distance. "I am afraid you caught me attempting to steady my nerves."
"Steady your nerves?" You cock an him and tilt your head slightly.
Sir Fratly sighed and turned back to the horizon. "I find myself… troubled by the expectations people place upon me. They expect me to be a peerless dragon knight, a fearless leader, wise… and I feel I am none of these things."
"You have accomplished much F- Sir Fratly." You have to force the honorific out, detesting the distance it opens between the two of you.
"And yet I remember none of it. How can I lay claim to these great deeds when I cannot remember them? I supposedly explored beyond the distances of all others, but I know nothing of what I found there, of the tribulations I supposedly overcame."
"Of the woman you forgot." You whisper to yourself, but not quietly enough. His ears droop slightly.
"I am sorry. I should not be unloading these concerns on you." Fratley turned his attention back to you. "The reason I invited you here is so we could… start over. I know it is not fair to you but it is the best I can offer you."
"If we fell in love once… I would like to think we can do so again." He said softly, closing the distance so you stood face to face, stopping just outside of your reach. "So please Lady-"
"Freya." You insisted, "Just Freya."
"... Freya." He amended. "Let us enjoy the evening together, as best we can."
It was impossible to tell if you had a good time or not.
Fratly acted almost like his old self, kind and thoughtful, curious too. But there was just enough difference that it felt… off to you.
Once upon a time when you walked together, you would wrap your tails around each other, like holding hands for Bermecians. But you weren't close enough to this Fratly to do it. When you stopped to eat dinner, you were about to recite his order by heart, only for him to request a different dish.
He was so close and so far from the man you knew. So close it made your heart ache and cry for his company, but so far it felt like an invisible barrier stood between you, preventing you from reaching him.
Despite that, the date (It was a date, right?) wasn't bad, just a little awkward. At the end of it you found yourself standing near the cathedral, looking out at the setting sun with Fratly.
"Will you be returning to Cleyra now Freya?" He asked.
"... No, not yet. I wish to see this new world we inhabit, and there's a goal I wish to accomplish before I return."
"I see."
"May I ask you to watch her, until I return?"
"Of course."
"Thank you, Fratly." For a moment you consider gathering your courage to press a kiss to his cheek, but before you can you hear the last call for the skyferry. It's time for you to leave.
A few minutes later, you stand near the edge of the skyferry's deck, watching the small dot that was Fratly quickly grow smaller and more distant, before vanishing entirely.
The distance between you hasn't been fully bridged, not even close. You're still so unsure about all of this but... Maybe you can fall in love again?
[Freya is content with the safety of Cleyra for now]
[Freya and Fratly are beginning to reforge their connection]
It's not uncommon for members of SOLDIER to feel alone.
SOLDIERs are still human in most of the ways that matter. They eat, talk, have friends, fall in love, have interests and hobbies. But that doesn't change the fact that most of them are a bit… uncanny.
They move faster, they hit harder, they can pull off feats of strength than no normal human could. We can hear from further away and have mild night vision from the mako glow. And all of that is before we get into the mental effects, and the trauma from a life of war and bloodshed
As a result, SOLDIERs tend to have a bit of a divide between them and normal people, even the infantrymen that serve under them. A gap that takes charisma or shared interest to breach.
These qualities you have always lacked.
Because of this, SOLDIERs tend to form tight bonds with their allies, their battle brothers. The trinity of 1sts for example, or the relationship between a higher class SOLDIER and his apprentice.
Outside of that there were a few who managed to bridge the gap. Genesis was infamous among playwrights and actors for his intense interest in the arts for example, and those normal humans who help the SOLDIERs up on a pedestal could be expected to always give them the time of day.
But in both of these areas, you found yourself rejected. Your fellow SOLDIERs criticized you, saying you would never go up in rank because of your recklessness, that your swagger and panache were the height of foolishness, like a peacock puffing itself up.
Even the company you expected to accept you with open arms had nothing but scorn for you. They denied your company and even demanded you give up the thing you love because they saw you as irresponsible, and dangerous.
It hurt. Even for you. Your bravado could only protect you so much when everyone around you seemed determined to throw daggers into your heart.
Is it any surprise that when you heard Y̷͚͐̈ö̶̺́u̶̪͊r̸̲̰̀̀ ̸͚̱͋M̶̹͙̈́o̷̯͗t̴̼̩̚h̸͇́ë̶͓̣́͛r̶͈̰̊͝ speak, you listened? No, of course not. Anyone else would have done the same.
You craved the unity she spoke of, the togetherness. The R̷̯̥̺̄̄̕ĕ̵̟̕ṷ̸͇̪̀͜͝n̷̰̘͙̋̎i̵͍͕̩̝͊̿̓̊͘ȯ̵͙n̸͓̰̝̋́
Somewhere many dozens of miles away. Aerith awoke in a cold sweat, suddenly sure of one terrible fact.
[Chaos Event: JENOVA Stirs]
[JENOVA has awakened]
I might as well have called this "Matters of the Heart" or something.
If you have any non-spoiler questions, I'd be happy to answer them. I expect I've caused quite a few with Aerith's reunion