[X] Wait for Nanoha to get back; you have no idea what's going on! Maybe they'll let you smash something?
You decide to wait for her to come back - you really aren't sure what to do right now, or even whether you're going to be in trouble or anything, so it seems like the best option. And Headless has already waited a long time for you to talk again, so a bit longer shouldn't matter too much. At least, you hope it won't .... But since you don't know how long Nanoha will be gone, you quickly go through the room to see if there's anything interesting to do while you wait. The windows don't have any drapes that you can see, but the time of day is wrong for sunlight to be streaming in anyway, so you're fine. You glance at the screens that Nanoha was looking at - three of them are blank, one shows you carrying Vita, one has a bunch of words in an alphabet you've never seen before, and two of them have odd images that probably relate to Vita, but don't make any sense to you - and at some of the machines ... none of which make any sense to you. You shrug and pull one of the chairs up by Vita's bed to watch her. You can be patient when you need to be, after all - if you couldn't, you'd be insane!
You sit and stare at her. Her breathing is soft and she doesn't snore. She looks peaceful and quiet, whereas awake she seemed a brash warrior. You measure her face, her proportions - when she's your servant, you will have to know that she is her, not a doppelganger, and the only way to know for sure is to know how her muscles can move, can be stretched in natural and unnatural movement ... watching her face as she sleeps doesn't tell you a lot, but it does get you used to what she looks like, and it's the start of the process. Only a short start, however, as while you're examining the twists and curls of her braids, Nanoha, Shamal, and the blonde woman walk in.
"I hope I wasn't gone too long, Flandre," Nanoha says with a smile. "She probably won't wake up for a while, though, so you don't need to watch her so closely." You start to frown at her when you notice the blonde woman is holding your parasol! You dart out of the chair towards her, startling Shamal out of the way and sliding to a halt in front of her; you're prepared to snatch the parasol away from her, but she holds it out to you with a smile, and you politely take it from her.
"You must have left it in the bathroom when you changed earlier," she says. Her voice is soft and quiet - you have a hard time seeing her as someone dangerous - and she cups your cheek in one hand. "Are you alright? It doesn't hurt?" You're confused for a moment, then realize that she must be referring to when the other woman hit you. You smile and shake your head.
"Nope! I'm fine, really!" She smiles as you continue. "It didn't hurt at all, actually, but I'm really glad you wanted to help me." It's been a long time since someone besides Remilia has actually tried to help you without being pushed into it.
"Ah, it's good that you two get along so well," Nanoha says, and you look at her curiously. She smiles a bit sadly. "I have some work to do with Shamal, so Fate will be taking care of you for now, Flandre." On the one hand, you're concerned because you have no idea what sort of 'work' they could be doing together ... and you certainly don't like being shuffled off from one person to the next without so much as a request. On the other ... you can't actually think of anything to balance it. Still, you don't really have any plans at the moment, so you don't have a good reason for not going, and you nod slowly. Fate takes your hand and guides you down the hall.
"I know it must be irritating, not really knowing what's going on, but there's another reason that we wanted you to talk with me," she says, and your eyes flick over to her. "This unit is a very new one, and one of my jobs here is investigation, because my former duty was criminal investigation. General Gaiz actually had a point, earlier, when he said we weren't really equipped to take care of you while performing our normal duties ... really, I don't know why they insisted on barging in here and trying to force us to send you away, when if they'd waited a day or so for us to make sure you were alright we probably would have sent you to them or the Church anyway ...." She frowns in thought for a moment, and you relax a bit as she shakes her head. "Anyway, the more you can tell me about your home and how to get there, the sooner we can get you there - I'm sure your family must be getting worried about you."
You frown a bit. You're really not all that sure how much help you can be to them in terms of getting you back home, since all you know is that the normal entrance is supposed to be at the Hakurei Shrine ... and you're not really sure you want to go home yet, anyway. And if you get taken home by these people, you'll be a laughingstock even after you tell people about the other city! So ... what can you do to convince them to let you stay? You don't want to make them think you don't like it at home, since that would probably mean they'd try to attack Remilia - which would be funny, yes, but then Vita might not want to go with you. You look to the side and see a small group of people: the four humans who met with Signum, the hatchling dragon, and a small white-haired fairy.
What do you do?
[ ] Run away - if they want to take you back home, they're going to have to work for it!
[ ] Dodge the question.
- [ ] Go talk to the girl with the dragon, see if she knows where you can find more to fight!
[ ] Explain how you got here to the best of your ability, and how you think you could get back.
- [ ] Do you explain Mitakihara?
[ ] Ask to join up - you're cuter than the dragon-girl and you're a much better fighter!
[ ] Other response?