@Entropy Judge, got a few questions. Did Nanoha and Fate took Flan suggestions and have their memory wipe over what they have written in their report? How will TSAB react with the report that Nanoha and crew send to them? Will they open relationship with Gensokyo? And what is the opinion of Nanoha and her holiday crew on Gensokyo? Will they want to come back for another holiday again?

Did Mami make a deal with Remilia in the end to came and go to Gensokyo to see Kyoko?

How did Lancer came to be at the dance? Did he have form a contract with the mansion? If he have what are his duties to the mansion? What method Satsuki is using to fly? What is the souvenir that was given to IIya and her crew? Will Rin and Archer be visiting Gensokyo again in the future? And a what if question, if Flan had access to Arcueid body and powrt, what kind of stuff she can do with Arcueid power?
Did Nanoha and Fate took Flan suggestions and have their memory wipe over what they have written in their report? How will TSAB react with the report that Nanoha and crew send to them? Will they open relationship with Gensokyo? And what is the opinion of Nanoha and her holiday crew on Gensokyo? Will they want to come back for another holiday again?
Nanoha and Fate did, after writing down a sealed report. Vita pretended to, but faked it and took the reports so she can bring it up to Hayate privately. Not much she can do about Raising Heart and Bardiche if they notice her shenanigans, but it's a risk she's willing to take.

The Bureau is going to, essentially, open mercenary negotiations with the more organized youkai. They don't plan on using it as a recuperation place due to the various issues involved with that on both sides. The Alpine side of the group enjoyed Gensokyo more and would want to come back, but NFV have more mixed concerns and would not request it (although Nanoha - and to a much lesser degree Fate - would not raise particularly strenuous objections if they were 'suggested' to go back).

Did Mami make a deal with Remilia in the end to came and go to Gensokyo to see Kyoko?

How did Lancer came to be at the dance? Did he have form a contract with the mansion? If he have what are his duties to the mansion? What method Satsuki is using to fly? What is the souvenir that was given to IIya and her crew? Will Rin and Archer be visiting Gensokyo again in the future? And a what if question, if Flan had access to Arcueid body and powrt, what kind of stuff she can do with Arcueid power?
E-ranked Luck :p Time-shenanigans to yoink him by catching his soul as he fought against Flan. Temporary only, due to the differences between him and the mansion, and because he was satisfied at the end (sticking it to Kirei and Gilgamesh, a few good fights he could actually enjoy). Satsuki will either start learning magic or receive an item for flight. Illya got a large pile of Include-only cards that were left over from Patchouli's fight with the Gilgamesh Card, and Miyu got a bunch of physics-compliant spells for things like flight; IIRC, Tohsaka and Luvia both received gems suitable for their specialties.

Rin would dearly love to never see, hear, or think of Gensokyo again ... but she does have to pay back Flan, so she will, at some point.

I'm not sure what you're asking about with the Arcueid question.
The Bureau is going to, essentially, open mercenary negotiations with the more organized youkai. They don't plan on using it as a recuperation place due to the various issues involved with that on both sides. The Alpine side of the group enjoyed Gensokyo more and would want to come back, but NFV have more mixed concerns and would not request it (although Nanoha - and to a much lesser degree Fate - would not raise particularly strenuous objections if they were 'suggested' to go back).

Which youkai group they have in mind? Will they be contracting the Eientei? Will, they also furthering certain contract as well once they have made them in order to acquire some sample of Gensokyo magic that they can safely study? Will TSAB be able to advance their magic and tech enough in the future to match Gensokyo youkai without the need of super big guns? What will the TSAB thinks of the Jewel Seed Replica that Remilia makes for Nanoha that allow using her full power without side effect? Will they be able to replicate it? And what does Megane thinks of Flan?

E-ranked Luck :p Time-shenanigans to yoink him by catching his soul as he fought against Flan. Temporary only, due to the differences between him and the mansion, and because he was satisfied at the end (sticking it to Kirei and Gilgamesh, a few good fights he could actually enjoy).

So after the party, his contact with the mansion had ended and his soul has returned to the Throne of Heroes? His appearance at the party was to fulfilled some last reget of his? Like meeting his master one last time?

Illya got a large pile of Include-only cards that were left over from Patchouli's fight with the Gilgamesh Card, and Miyu got a bunch of physics-compliant spells for things like flight; IIRC, Tohsaka and Luvia both received gems suitable for their specialties.

Do they like the gift? And if an invitation for a party or event was sent to them again, will they accept it?
So, what IS Candeloro's eventual fate?
And the magical girls who chose to migrate to Gensokyo presumably have their grief seed needs met by magic right?

We've been in the extended epilogue for a long while so I dare say everyone saw it coming already
Which youkai group they have in mind? Will they be contracting the Eientei? Will, they also furthering certain contract as well once they have made them in order to acquire some sample of Gensokyo magic that they can safely study? Will TSAB be able to advance their magic and tech enough in the future to match Gensokyo youkai without the need of super big guns?
The Tengu will handle negotiations, at least initially - they're the most organized, can interact with humans fairly easily, and have the most desire to do so. Whether other youkai/groups conduct their own negotiations will depend on what each side wants. Eientei won't do contract work; if people go there they'll help them, but they won't leave Gensokyo - although they also don't particularly care about the provenance of their patients.

Nanoha-verse magic/tech already, in some ways, matches or exceeds Gensokyo youkai. The systems are different, however, with different rules and (dis)advantages, and your typical Enforcer is already capable of entering Gensokyo and being perfectly fine so long as he doesn't actually tick off the local big guns. The local bigshots - the Scarlets, Yuuka, Shinki - are unlikely to ever be matched short of entire teams of S+-ranked Mages, but they are extremely exceptional individuals.

What will the TSAB thinks of the Jewel Seed Replica that Remilia makes for Nanoha that allow using her full power without side effect? Will they be able to replicate it?
I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

Lancer was at the party because of Remilia's wants, not because of his. Illya was apprehensively appreciative of the Cards, due to them being what they are and her attitude being what it is; Miyu greatly appreciated the formulae; and Tohsaka and Luvia were very happy until they realized the implications of a master mage basically throwing away an awful lot of top-quality gemstones.

@Entropy Judge I have but one question for you. Whatever happened to Mami's severed head, that Flandre collected way back in the quest?
She still has it. Eventually, she will probably remove all the tissue, clean the skull, and add it to a collection; or she might just bury it somewhere.
So, what IS Candeloro's eventual fate?
And the magical girls who chose to migrate to Gensokyo presumably have their grief seed needs met by magic right?
Candeloro depends on whether or not the Mansion residents find a use for her. On her own, she will be content to remain in her barrier, nabbing humans as needed - but her attitude and cares conflict with Gensokyo's principles (like Gensokyoans being protected) and she doesn't care enough to help with anything. So Eiki's recommendation will be that she isn't fit for Gensokyo, which means she will either be killed or ejected into the Outside World (where she will be perfectly content), unless someone in the Mansion is willing to put forth the effort into civilizing her and making her comply with Gensokyo's rules, which will probably only happen if someone wants something that she can do.

Yes, Kyouko and Homura's Grief levels are being managed by Patchouli and Deis.
Remilia made something that resembles a Jewel Seed that she gave to Nanoha during their duel that would allow her to use her full power safety for a few hours. What is the eventual fate of that Jewel Seed? Did Nanoha pass it to the TSAB research team for research to research it?
Oh, the Philosopher's Stone that Patchouli made. Nanoha still has it, although the Bureau knows about it. Once things have settled down a bit more they might try to get someone to study it, but for now she's keeping it in reserve.
Hey, there is one thing bothering me a little. My memory is a little foggy, but as I recall, the whole reason we awoke Mami was because Homura wanted to figure out how the Witches would be judged in death, which is why Eiki was called. So I'm wondering, what was Eiki's verdict, and what did Homura decide afterwards?
Hey, there is one thing bothering me a little. My memory is a little foggy, but as I recall, the whole reason we awoke Mami was because Homura wanted to figure out how the Witches would be judged in death, which is why Eiki was called. So I'm wondering, what was Eiki's verdict, and what did Homura decide afterwards?
So, the way Gensokyo afterlife works is that they're judged based on where they lived, with - obviously - Gensokyo characters living in Gensokyo. (PMiSS, Yama: "First, for the spirits who have been brought by shinigami via Higan, they will be taken to the court of the lesser judge who has jurisdiction over where the spirit formerly lived.") With Candeloro not wanting to leave her barrier and not really caring about where the Grief Seed ends up, an argument can be made that she (and other Witches) doesn't live in Gensokyo, but in a pocket dimension, of which the current access point is in Gensokyo - and, therefore, there are no judges suitable to preside over her trial. That would mean they couldn't be legally tried for their sins without sending them back to their home universe to be tried there. Which ... eternally lost soul, I guess?

That said, Eiki does actually care, and thinks that decision would be unfair and unjust, so if the Witches were released into Gensokyo - provided they could actually function sanely and follow Gensokyo's laws - she would attempt to have them assigned to Gensokyo. However - they would be judged as youkai, not as humans, complete with 'doing their job as youkai' requirements. There is a continuity between the human and the youkai, but she doesn't see them as any different from humans who became youkai through other means (who are judged as youkai and not as humans). Their human lives wouldn't matter for the sentencing.

Homura decided to send the rest of her Grief Seeds to Sayaka and Mami.
Hmm, I don't see Flan just giving up on Candeloro(as she said, she can be very stubborn and Candeloro is difficult, not impossible), so that'd be interesting. Yukari COULD probably do a thing or two to fuzz the line between Candeloro-That-Is and Mami-That-Was, but I don't see her being motivated to do so, while Candeloro's kidnapping tendencies I could see an easy sidewise solution of tossing a bunch of fairies in.
Since that scene is never happening anyway, I just wanna know what Nanoha side would have thought of Alice's doll magic had we visited her instead of Marisa.
Amazement at her multi-tasking capability, especially since she doesn't have a Device to off-load anything onto. She controls her dolls personally, and being able to direct a couple dozen dolls performing separate tasks while doing other unrelated work herself would (temporarily) floor several of them.
@Entropy Judge, what will be Satsuki plans for the future after she completed her terms with Flan? Will she decided to continue her contact with the mansion and work as a contracted maid with paid like with Kyoko and Homura? And how will Satsuki magical training will end up progress with? Will she be able to use magic naturally with her own abilities or will she need to use a focus like a devive to use magic?

And what will be Kyoko and Homura future with the mansion? Will Kyoko ends up with a higher position in the mansion while will Homura eventual end up as Flan personal maid?
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And what will be Kyoko and Homura future with the mansion? Will Kyoko ends up with a higher position in the mansion while will Homura eventual end up as Flan personal maid?
Homura will probably advance to Housemaid or Kitchen Maid (or Head position for either), directly beneath Sakuya in terms of duties and authority. Kyouko will probably either be Meiling's deputy or be Flan's personal maid if/when Satsuki leaves.

As far as the Satsuki questions go - I don't know. Too far in the future, too many variables, too many things that could happen that would change her opinion one way or another.
Satsuki sounds like she'd be pretty happy as Flan's personal maid indefinitely. She gets her main hangup of feeling useless/aimless addressed and a cute master who's been cute for centuries and likely to stay that way.
The thread will stay open, of course, and I'll try to answer questions - why I did bone-headed decision X, whether some particular part was an original plan or me going crazy or a result of thread shenanigans, under what circumstances Flan could beat Remi in a fight. I may possibly answer with 'I have no idea' or something like that, though.
Well, if you're open to what-if questions, there's one vote that was before I even found SufficientVelocity where I would have suggested a rather unusual write-in had I already been around:
"Mindok – Tinvaak – Dov!" Power explodes out as the dragon Shouts at you, and a deeply unsettling change settles in your mind. Even as you start to move, to attack, your mind unravels the meaning behind his words. Knowledge – Speech – Dragon. And before … before, it was greeting you as kin, as one with the blood of dragons running through you – a technical truth, the best kind – and then confusion and sorrow over your inability to communicate. "Do you now recall the ways of speech, cousin?" You nod shakily as information overwhelms you. It's not simply words, it is actual meaning being imparted. A simple language with an infinitely complex matrix of meaning, spoken slowly and with care.


"I am Flandre. Thank you, Vulthuryol." You answer without thinking, trying to work out the dragon's name, and you hold yourself still as it considers you.

"Ahh … too long, too long. Flandre … Fu- … Fu- … Fulaandreh." It nods, satisfied. Ful-Aan-Dreh – So-Idea-Does, you can feel the meaning behind its naming of you, one who does what comes to her, and you wonder if it's a coincidence.


[ ] Other?
Since at the time, we didn't know of the countdown to four personalities due to Headless' nature as a magic eater, I would have suggested to split off a draconic aspect (Ful-Aan-Dreh) to retain the knowledge granted by Vulthuryol since the Thu'um would allow Flandre to bypass her inability to do magic.

Would that have worked, and what consequences would it have had?
Since at the time, we didn't know of the countdown to four personalities due to Headless' nature as a magic eater, I would have suggested to split off a draconic aspect (Ful-Aan-Dreh) to retain the knowledge granted by Vulthuryol since the Thu'um would allow Flandre to bypass her inability to do magic.
Would that mean we could have absorbed the souls of the two guardian dragons we killed in the night demons incident?
I would have suggested to split off a draconic aspect (Ful-Aan-Dreh) to retain the knowledge granted by Vulthuryol since the Thu'um would allow Flandre to bypass her inability to do magic.

Would that have worked, and what consequences would it have had?
I probably would have blocked it; creating a sister to Giltless would have taken much too long without Remilia or Patchouli's (… or Daedric …) assistance, and that assumes that Headless would be willing to cooperate, since she was already busy helping Giltless get settled.

As for consequences … I don't know. Ful-Aan-Dreh would be bloodthirsty, egotistical, and prone to dominance games with everyone, though, so Flan would probably have some headaches if it had gone right.

Would that mean we could have absorbed the souls of the two guardian dragons we killed in the night demons incident?
Hmm … *checks*
No. Flan broke the first one, so its soul would be gone, and the second was teleported to space before being Arc-en-Ciel'd, so even if the guardian dragons had souls Flan could have nommed, it wouldn't have been accessible. Of course, TES dragons being somewhat different beasts than dragons elsewhere, the likelihood of them having compatible souls for nomming is low.